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Old 01-23-2017, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I didn't know who PBR was talking about at the beginning. At first I thought it was MDCPD, but then I realized it wasn't. Anyhow it was a poor attempt.
Nah Chi, MDCPD and RubiTHECon are two peas in a pod.

This is now the second thread RubiTHECon has started...whining about me.

He gets really, really, irritated when he stands on his soapbox, spews long-winded diatribes, lies, plagiarizes and denigrates with a broad-brush (all without a single link/citation)...and then gets called on it.

For whatever reason, he thinks that he should just be able to spout any lies (excuse me "alternative facts")...and people need to automatically believe him.

Sound like anyone else currently in the news?

Anyway, I just got tired of it so started proving his lies were actually lies and now his lips are quivering and he's doing the cyber equivalent of 4th grade schoolyard crying and sniveling, while saying to me... "and no one likes you either."

Rubi is massively insecure.

Old 01-23-2017, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
You know, as soon as I see a post that starts out by insulting people, I stop reading.
People say that we should have rational, intellectual discussions to compare ideas yet we have posts that start out by simply insulting people with whom they disagree.
Does anyone actually think that they will accomplish anything by doing this? Does anyone believe that we can make this a better country this way?
If making this a better country is a common goal, then why would anyone resort to this kind of nonsense?
Dr.Jr. I think you should have referenced post #6 as your basis to comment. You can now if you want.

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Old 01-23-2017, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by (unt
Nah Chi, MDCPD and RubiTHECon are two peas in a pod.

This is now the second thread RubiTHECon has started...whining about me.

He gets really, really, irritated when he stands on his soapbox, spews long-winded diatribes, lies, plagiarizes and denigrates with a broad-brush (all without a single link/citation)...and then gets called on it.

For whatever reason, he thinks that he should just be able to spout any lies (excuse me "alternative facts")...and people need to automatically believe him.

Sound like anyone else currently in the news?

Anyway, I just got tired of it so started proving his lies were actually lies and now his lips are quivering and he's doing the cyber equivalent of 4th grade schoolyard crying and sniveling, while saying to me... "and no one likes you either."

Rubi is massively insecure.

Well, well...

Looks like ol Don biatch slapped you, he is still standing on your neck and you have no defense...

It seems others on here are certainly growing weary of your hypocrisy and childish ways.

You describe your own actions and put Rubi's name on it. Your the person that spouts out opinion as though it is fact, and I surely do not remember you providing any data or links to support your claims.

I also do not recall any incident in which you proved anyone lied about anything. Sure you typed loudly...but offered only opinion, not proof.

You ask "if it sounds like anyone currently in the news lately?"...The woman that was removed from the airplane for verbally assaulting the Trump supporter. She reminds me of you! Crazy, delusional, combatant, insulting, and overwhelmed with hatred for a man that was elected president and anyone who voted for him.

Have you stopped anyone from bullying lately? I didn't think so, your nothing more than a bunch of hot air and hypocrisy...
Old 01-23-2017, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post
Nah Chi, MDCPD and RubiTHECon are two peas in a pod.

This is now the second thread RubiTHECon has started...whining about me.

He gets really, really, irritated when he stands on his soapbox, spews long-winded diatribes, lies, plagiarizes and denigrates with a broad-brush (all without a single link/citation)...and then gets called on it.

For whatever reason, he thinks that he should just be able to spout any lies (excuse me "alternative facts")...and people need to automatically believe him.

Sound like anyone else currently in the news?

Anyway, I just got tired of it so started proving his lies were actually lies and now his lips are quivering and he's doing the cyber equivalent of 4th grade schoolyard crying and sniveling, while saying to me... "and no one likes you either."

Rubi is massively insecure.

PBR'S first paragraph sounded like MDCPD:

"Dear Posters:

have you noticed we have one poster who seems to continually use up much of the oxygen in the room causing us to go elsewhere ."

Anyhow, I think he is being coached in those two threads. Now, who could be doing that?

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Old 01-24-2017, 04:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I didn't know who PBR was talking about at the beginning. At first I thought it was MDCPD, but then I realized it wasn't. Anyhow it was a poor attempt.

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Connie told me to tell you "shush."
Old 01-24-2017, 06:34 AM
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Default Admin, Is My Wish Your Command?

Originally Posted by Guest
Nah Chi, MDCPD and RubiTHECon are two peas in a pod.

This is now the second thread RubiTHECon has started...whining about me.

He gets really, really, irritated when he stands on his soapbox, spews long-winded diatribes, lies, plagiarizes and denigrates with a broad-brush (all without a single link/citation)...and then gets called on it.

For whatever reason, he thinks that he should just be able to spout any lies (excuse me "alternative facts")...and people need to automatically believe him.

Sound like anyone else currently in the news?

Anyway, I just got tired of it so started proving his lies were actually lies and now his lips are quivering and he's doing the cyber equivalent of 4th grade schoolyard crying and sniveling, while saying to me... "and no one likes you either."

Ri is massively insecure.


As some of you well tenured posters recall we once, before, had a political forum but a few destroyed it too and the offending posters were thrown off TOTV.

Is it any wonder why more members of TOTV will not participate?

And, given the above-stated quote is it any wonder why more people will not socialize beyond this Board?

These offending posters on Political Talk simply can't grasp the concept of civility. Indeed as one poster aptly stated to one of them. "It is a frightening thought that you may be my next door neighbor."

They cannot grasp that many posters are on TOTV for an exchange of information, sharing of ideas, the passing of time and that any and all of our opinions are like rain drops that disappear once they hit the Atlantic Ocean.

One wonders why they are so invested but it is painful to bear witness to their continual meltdowns . It is also annoying to see that they disrupt this Board with their adolescent prattle, disruption that may lead to the ending of Political Talk once again.

I pray Admin isolates these offending parties gives them warning that if they violate the rule of no personal attacks again they will be removed from TOTV permanently

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-24-2017, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As some of you well tenured posters recall we once, before, had a political forum but a few destroyed it too and the offending posters were thrown off TOTV.

Is it any wonder why more members of TOTV will not participate?

And, given the above-stated quote is it any wonder why more people will not socialize beyond this Board?

These offending posters on Political Talk simply can't grasp the concept of civility. Indeed as one poster aptly stated to one of them. "It is a frightening thought that you may be my next door neighbor."

They cannot grasp that many posters are on TOTV for an exchange of information, sharing of ideas, the passing of time and that any and all of our opinions are like rain drops that disappear once they hit the Atlantic Ocean.

One wonders why they are so invested but it is painful to bear witness to their continual meltdowns . It is also annoying to see that they disrupt this Board with their adolescent prattle, disruption that may lead to the ending of Political Talk once again.

I pray Admin isolates these offending parties gives them warning that if they violate the rule of no personal attacks again they will be removed from TOTV permanently

Personal Best Regards:
Civility is not a trait of TROLLS.
Old 01-24-2017, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As some of you well tenured posters recall we once, before, had a political forum but a few destroyed it too and the offending posters were thrown off TOTV.

Is it any wonder why more members of TOTV will not participate?

And, given the above-stated quote is it any wonder why more people will not socialize beyond this Board?

These offending posters on Political Talk simply can't grasp the concept of civility. Indeed as one poster aptly stated to one of them. "It is a frightening thought that you may be my next door neighbor."

They cannot grasp that many posters are on TOTV for an exchange of information, sharing of ideas, the passing of time and that any and all of our opinions are like rain drops that disappear once they hit the Atlantic Ocean.

One wonders why they are so invested but it is painful to bear witness to their continual meltdowns . It is also annoying to see that they disrupt this Board with their adolescent prattle, disruption that may lead to the ending of Political Talk once again.

I pray Admin isolates these offending parties gives them warning that if they violate the rule of no personal attacks again they will be removed from TOTV permanently

Personal Best Regards:
I'm praying with you on that one. There are some liberals who provide insight and food for thought In a reasonable and informative manner who refuse to post because of the nastiness and adolescent behavior on this forum, let alone the many from the other side of the aisle who refuse to come here. It is a shame. And even though sometimes the nastiness goes both ways, it is always provoked by one.......the same person always starts it. It's like a compulsion that they just can't contain. And then the others chime in with their one-liners, also adding nothing to the discussion. Sigh.......seems that in order for a constructive conversation to go both ways, it begs for a moderator intervention in order to occur.
Old 01-24-2017, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm praying with you on that one. There are some liberals who provide insight and food for thought In a reasonable and informative manner who refuse to post because of the nastiness and adolescent behavior on this forum, let alone the many from the other side of the aisle who refuse to come here. It is a shame. And even though sometimes the nastiness goes both ways, it is always provoked by one.......the same person always starts it. It's like a compulsion that they just can't contain. And then the others chime in with their one-liners, also adding nothing to the discussion. Sigh.......seems that in order for a constructive conversation to go both ways, it begs for a moderator intervention in order to occur.
I don't agree. If you have someone policing the forum, then you do not get honesty. The only way you get real civility is when face to face. But, do you get honesty?

There is nothing on here that says you have to reply or discuss issues with someone that is rude. If you do not like what I say, or think it rude, then don't answer. Sometimes, I get sucked into the TROLL's trap and I strike out defensively in defense. It happens. I am guilty of rude replies. I do not get rude because someone disagrees with me. I get rude when I say something and the poster that does not agree with me makes a rude reply. It takes two to keep a conversation going, so if I allow myself to be sucked into the trap then I can't complain about rude verbiage.
Old 01-24-2017, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm praying with you on that one. There are some liberals who provide insight and food for thought In a reasonable and informative manner who refuse to post because of the nastiness and adolescent behavior on this forum, let alone the many from the other side of the aisle who refuse to come here. It is a shame. And even though sometimes the nastiness goes both ways, it is always provoked by one.......the same person always starts it. It's like a compulsion that they just can't contain. And then the others chime in with their one-liners, also adding nothing to the discussion. Sigh.......seems that in order for a constructive conversation to go both ways, it begs for a moderator intervention in order to occur.
Stop being a whiny b!tch. You KNOW her style...just ignore it if it's the same old crap. I usually read a few words, get the gist of where it's going and just move on if it's another rag-fest. Do we REALLY need a monitor admonishing and censoring? This place is VERY unique in that pretty much anything can be said without being deleted. The truth really is squelched. The same lies have been going for 60 years now. Whole generations have never heard the truth. Whole generations have been deceived.

It's why we've gone from #1 to #25.
Old 01-24-2017, 10:07 AM
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Geez, Don, can't you ever respond in a nice tone?!? You are obviously a very intelligent man with a lot to say that provokes thought but your tone is what keeps most people from listening. If you really want to reach people with your message, you may want to consider a different approach. Anyway, I do see your point as well as the poster right before you. My point was not to monitor every word and every post that comes across as rude because we all fall prey to unkind words at times (for ex, "whiny bitch") but rather to censor repeat offenders whose sole purpose is to bully others on the forum. Yes, I do generally ignore them and just read on. However, we would have a lot more posters on here discussing issues if not for that, and that's the bottom line as far as what I was trying to convey.
Old 01-24-2017, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't agree. If you have someone policing the forum, then you do not get honesty. The only way you get real civility is when face to face. But, do you get honesty?

There is nothing on here that says you have to reply or discuss issues with someone that is rude. If you do not like what I say, or think it rude, then don't answer. Sometimes, I get sucked into the TROLL's trap and I strike out defensively in defense. It happens. I am guilty of rude replies. I do not get rude because someone disagrees with me. I get rude when I say something and the poster that does not agree with me makes a rude reply. It takes two to keep a conversation going, so if I allow myself to be sucked into the trap then I can't complain about rude verbiage.
I get what you're saying. It has happened to me too. I would not want anyone to be banned over a mishap or 3, that's not my point. My point was when this is all one does on here maybe they should be banned. In other words, the person who is only on here to instigate a reaction by being ignorant toward anyone he opposes. That type of behavior has turned off many from this forum including those of the same politics as his. It's just a shame that we have lost some good posters due to this behavior. I don't blame anyone who reacts to those kind of attacks - my frustration is directed toward the instigator and there is only one that i am alluding to at this point. Hope this makes what I was trying to say more clear and not less.
Old 01-24-2017, 10:32 AM
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The liberals ruin it for everybody, They have to prove they're smarter (?) than the average bear going so far as to tell us Our names as if We didn't know...If there was true anonymity more people would post and We could fk with and try to educate not indoctrinate a lot more people...
Old 01-24-2017, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Geez, Don, can't you ever respond in a nice tone?!? You are obviously a very intelligent man with a lot to say that provokes thought but your tone is what keeps most people from listening. If you really want to reach people with your message, you may want to consider a different approach. Anyway, I do see your point as well as the poster right before you. My point was not to monitor every word and every post that comes across as rude because we all fall prey to unkind words at times (for ex, "whiny bitch") but rather to censor repeat offenders whose sole purpose is to bully others on the forum. Yes, I do generally ignore them and just read on. However, we would have a lot more posters on here discussing issues if not for that, and that's the bottom line as far as what I was trying to convey.
If you don't like what you see...move on. NOBODY forces you to read every word. I just skip through all the bickering. It's not like I'll miss some gem if I skip too many.

Abby...unlike you don't care what people say about other people. To us, you sound like the adults in the Charlie Brown specials....muwah muwah muwah...when you start talking about what this person did and what someone said about it. We don't care. Here, we skip over those posts, in real life...we pray for a FF remote control for people. We think about what we care about...and to you it sounds like...muwah muwah muwah...or "sexist/racist" as the case may be.

Of course you're right...I shouldn't lower myself to their!t happens.
Old 01-24-2017, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The liberals ruin it for everybody, They have to prove they're smarter (?) than the average bear going so far as to tell us Our names as if We didn't know...If there was true anonymity more people would post and We could fk with and try to educate not indoctrinate a lot more people...
Yes they do ruin everything...they're doing a great job of ruining the country right now...from #1 to #25 in 50 short years!

If there was TRUTH we could educate people and actually FIX what ails us.

They've been beating the lies into your heads for going on 60 years now...we must break the cycle and take back our country. No more country destroying diversity and quotas. There is NOT ONE place that improved after diversifying. There is NOT ONE nice place that is 99% minority. There NOT ONE public school that is 99% minority that could be considered good. NOTHING the minorities touch ends up better. There are a LOT of great 99% white things/places. WHY? Why the difference? They're not us.

white, predict, difficult, past

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