Petraues is a better pick for Secretary of State than Romney

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Old 11-26-2016, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Villages Florida

No surprise.

Having someone who is level-headed and intelligent...goes against everything Trump supporters stand for.
Old 11-26-2016, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No surprise.

Having someone who is level-headed and intelligent...goes against everything Trump supporters stand for.
Romney is Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street.
Old 11-26-2016, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No surprise.

Having someone who is level-headed and intelligent...goes against everything Trump supporters stand for.
Remember one can go blind from excess self gratification!
Old 11-26-2016, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No actually what is amusing is how one can ignore what Clinton has done and be so specific about another's violations.

The only difference is Obama wanted Petraus gone and he continues to cover for least up to her losing that is.

The only one advocating for Petraeus to get a job in the Trump administration is Petraeus.
Old 11-26-2016, 11:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
To sh!tty places...Somalia, S Africa, Haiti...not to Switzerland, Germany, France, England, Tahiti, and all the other "nice" places.
Panama is a "sh***y place?" Ambassador Eaton was there in the early/mid 2000's. I remember him as the management officer in the American Embassy Ankara, Turkey. He is just one example. Just saying. It was just a suggestion as to finding decent people for the job, versus flawed political losers. After all, we saw what happened with Hillary as SecState.
Old 11-26-2016, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Oh women crack me naive. Trump is going to borrow/spend like a madman. Romney is Gordan Gekko from the movie Wall Street...a corrupt raider and destroyer of failing companies. He buys them cheap and sells off the pieces. A very few he's brought back...because it was profitable for him.

Meet the new boss...he's gonna spend like the old boss.
It wasn't THIS woman. I can spell anticipate.
Old 11-26-2016, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It wasn't THIS woman. I can spell anticipate.
Unfortunately, you're part of the only 10% of women who can think logically...anticipate future actions...act accordingly. Most just blindly...go with the flow...

I can understand the the whole "peace and love" thing, I can. In a perfect world it's what we'd have. We don't live in a perfect world and pretending it;s not there, ignoring it, silencing those who try to warn you...doesn't work. It works in YOUR home and social circle, but not in the "Real world". The real world is full of VERY mean and nasty people who would kill you for a few bucks. Luckily, they're still kept separated in their inner city slums. But they're spreading, encouraged by misguided liberals.

Talk to your "peers", try to get them to understand what liberal policies REALLY do. Trannies in bathrooms, diversity, quotas, lack of immigration's literally destroying our culture, society, and country.
Old 11-27-2016, 12:53 PM
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Default Roney

[QUOTE=Guest]Others in ooposition had their moment where they ran against or disagreed with Trump.

Romney made it a spectacle which of course the media went nuts over and gave wide distribution. He personally attcked Trump:

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud' -

Romney should be brought to the fore and then dumped for Petraeus, who is better suited for the job in
Regarding Romney. Well, I do not like to openly criticism anyone if I can avoid it. On Romney???
I was a token minority professor (NON MORMON) at a 100 per cent Mormon college. A bummer of an experience. The Mormons have this goal, take all the State or Fed funds and use them to promote Mormonism. Yes, not an exaggeration. If he Romney gets the gov job, he will build a huge following of Mormon employees, they will be on vacation 100 percent and around the world, promoting Mormonism.
Temple work and Building new Wards around the world. I have seen it folks, first hand. As their token Prof, I was required to develop all the new college courses, write the entire syllabus, write all the quizzes and tests and then TURN THAT INTO THE DEPT HEAD AND HE JUST GIVES IT all TO A NEW LAZY MORMON, ALL THE WORK IS DONE SO HE CAN NOW GET INTO HIS TEMPLE WORK. How about this one: A Mormon student is in the middle of his semester. He gets a surprise appointment to an overseas MISSION. So, for the rest of the school year, while he is on the MISSION, he gets A grades for all the subjects he is enrolled in, Honest folks, I saw it for three years in that sick religion. Have you seen the MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE movie on how the Mormons slaughtered settlers coming thru the Salt Lake area and then set it all up to blame the INDIANS??? Check it out. You will be amazed at what those people will and do and what they have done in the past. Do you know they do Temple work, they get lists of deceased persons then they yes,,,,,,,,,,,, WALK THEM THRU THE TEMPLE AND JOIN THE CHURCH AFTER THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD.
Old 11-27-2016, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Others in ooposition had their moment where they ran against or disagreed with Trump.

Romney made it a spectacle which of course the media went nuts over and gave wide distribution. He personally attcked Trump:

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud' -

Romney should be brought to the fore and then dumped for Petraeus, who is better suited for the job in
Regarding Romney. Well, I do not like to openly criticism anyone if I can avoid it. On Romney???
I was a token minority professor (NON MORMON) at a 100 per cent Mormon college. A bummer of an experience. The Mormons have this goal, take all the State or Fed funds and use them to promote Mormonism. Yes, not an exaggeration. If he Romney gets the gov job, he will build a huge following of Mormon employees, they will be on vacation 100 percent and around the world, promoting Mormonism.
Temple work and Building new Wards around the world. I have seen it folks, first hand. As their token Prof, I was required to develop all the new college courses, write the entire syllabus, write all the quizzes and tests and then TURN THAT INTO THE DEPT HEAD AND HE JUST GIVES IT all TO A NEW LAZY MORMON, ALL THE WORK IS DONE SO HE CAN NOW GET INTO HIS TEMPLE WORK. How about this one: A Mormon student is in the middle of his semester. He gets a surprise appointment to an overseas MISSION. So, for the rest of the school year, while he is on the MISSION, he gets A grades for all the subjects he is enrolled in, Honest folks, I saw it for three years in that sick religion. Have you seen the MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE movie on how the Mormons slaughtered settlers coming thru the Salt Lake area and then set it all up to blame the INDIANS??? Check it out. You will be amazed at what those people will and do and what they have done in the past. Do you know they do Temple work, they get lists of deceased persons then they yes,,,,,,,,,,,, WALK THEM THRU THE TEMPLE AND JOIN THE CHURCH AFTER THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD.

General Petraeus was fired from his CIA director's job for sharing classified information with his girlfriend/biographer. He was also demoted a few ranks. This is not something one would want or expect the Sec of State to engage in.

Next time keep your pants zipped, General Petraeus.
Old 11-28-2016, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

General Petraeus was fired from his CIA director's job for sharing classified information with his girlfriend/biographer. He was also demoted a few ranks. This is not something one would want or expect the Sec of State to engage in.

Next time keep your pants zipped, General Petraeus.'s ALWAYS the man's about you WOMEN start to keep your legs closed. NO self control?
Old 11-28-2016, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Others in ooposition had their moment where they ran against or disagreed with Trump.

Romney made it a spectacle which of course the media went nuts over and gave wide distribution. He personally attcked Trump:

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud' -

Romney should be brought to the fore and then dumped for Petraeus, who is better suited for the job in
Regarding Romney. Well, I do not like to openly criticism anyone if I can avoid it. On Romney???
I was a token minority professor (NON MORMON) at a 100 per cent Mormon college. A bummer of an experience. The Mormons have this goal, take all the State or Fed funds and use them to promote Mormonism. Yes, not an exaggeration. If he Romney gets the gov job, he will build a huge following of Mormon employees, they will be on vacation 100 percent and around the world, promoting Mormonism.
Temple work and Building new Wards around the world. I have seen it folks, first hand. As their token Prof, I was required to develop all the new college courses, write the entire syllabus, write all the quizzes and tests and then TURN THAT INTO THE DEPT HEAD AND HE JUST GIVES IT all TO A NEW LAZY MORMON, ALL THE WORK IS DONE SO HE CAN NOW GET INTO HIS TEMPLE WORK. How about this one: A Mormon student is in the middle of his semester. He gets a surprise appointment to an overseas MISSION. So, for the rest of the school year, while he is on the MISSION, he gets A grades for all the subjects he is enrolled in, Honest folks, I saw it for three years in that sick religion. Have you seen the MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE movie on how the Mormons slaughtered settlers coming thru the Salt Lake area and then set it all up to blame the INDIANS??? Check it out. You will be amazed at what those people will and do and what they have done in the past. Do you know they do Temple work, they get lists of deceased persons then they yes,,,,,,,,,,,, WALK THEM THRU THE TEMPLE AND JOIN THE CHURCH AFTER THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD.

I'll bet most of them know how to properly use the '[/QUOTE]' function though.

And they know who is making the post...without the poster putting their user name multiple times in the post.
Old 11-28-2016, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This is so amusing coming from the side that criticized Hillary Clinton for leaking classified material. What General Petraeus did with classified material was far worse and cost him his job.
What the general did was wrong, but it did not cost anyone their life as was the case with the hacked server in the basement. And we still do not know the full extent of the damage done from the reckless disregard for national security from the smartest woman in the world.
Old 11-28-2016, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What the general did was wrong, but it did not cost anyone their life as was the case with the hacked server in the basement. And we still do not know the full extent of the damage done from the reckless disregard for national security from the smartest woman in the world.

How do you know it did not cost anyone their life? Petraeus turned over books full of classified material to his lover.

Trump is meeting with him today regarding the sec of state job, which fits perfectly with my theory that Trump only hires people who were fired or lost elections.
Old 11-28-2016, 04:23 PM
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Romney = NO
Patraeus = NO

Find someone with less baggage and a bit of foreign policy knowledge. Perhaps a former Station Chief (CIA) that's been around a bit. They usually know more than the ambassadors.
Old 11-28-2016, 05:41 PM
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Petraeus is still serving his two year probation after pleading guilty. What he did was far worse than what Hillary Clinton was accused of doing, and yet she should go to jail while he becomes secretary of state. Go figure.

personally, state, romney, secretary, pick

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