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Old 02-18-2016, 08:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I doubt we will see that great an influx of young voters. Maybe I am wrong, but most young registered voters are very self-centered at that age and their world does not include politics. I am saying, most. The ones that might be interested are interested because Sanders is offering them FREE college. And those are not the totality of the young registered. I don't believe that this election will be like the Obama election, where you had a multitude of black voters turn out, just to elect a black president. Like the young voters, this election does not particularly seem to effect the black demographic in their eyes.

Many see Sanders as a rebel, even though he is part of the establishment He is a loony that didn't even have a job until he was about 40 years old. He wrote pornography and he lives in a dream world of communist Utopia.

Trump is also considered a rebel in the effect of an anti-D.C. establishment. He thinks that because he is not a politician, that he won't become one when he joins the membership. He will simply be a politician without the experience. We already have one of those in the White House. Is he capable because he says things that we want to hear? Well, Obama said things that many wanted to hear also. Did he achieve his goal? Some say he has an excuse because he had resistance from the other side, even when he had ALL the power in his first two years. That may be the situation with Trump also. Shouldn't we have a president that understands political diplomacy? Shouldn't he understand the dire situation that our economy is in, or the national security threat we face?

I believe that there is a difference between a candidate that is establishment and one that is a rebel without a clue.

Sanders says he realizes that on one in congress will follow his agenda of socialism so he fully intends on using E.O.'s like Obama, only more so.

Trump indicates that he will be a bull in a china shop, going about his business without a clue to how the system works. Just because he knows something of business, he does not have a clue as to how our political system operates.

I would not ask an Xray technician to replace my knee and I would not vote for a car salesman to run my government.
After 8 years of laid back, excuse making, coddle the enemies of America, taking crap from every pi$$ant country, taking no action and letting America grow weaker by the day.....for almost 8 long years......ANYBODY would look or sound like a bull in a china shop by comparison.

Obama stands pat, collects a paycheck, while weakening America while coddling our enemies.
Old 02-18-2016, 09:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
After 8 years of laid back, excuse making, coddle the enemies of America, taking crap from every pi$$ant country, taking no action and letting America grow weaker by the day.....for almost 8 long years......ANYBODY would look or sound like a bull in a china shop by comparison.

Obama stands pat, collects a paycheck, while weakening America while coddling our enemies.
Instead of George W who lied about WMDs and got America mired in the Middle East debacle which cost trillions of dollars not to mention 4500 lives and countless wounded mentally and physically. All for Bush LIES!
Old 02-18-2016, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Instead of George W who lied about WMDs and got America mired in the Middle East debacle which cost trillions of dollars not to mention 4500 lives and countless wounded mentally and physically. All for Bush LIES!
The tiresome story of the Bush lies is nothing more than loyalists to anybody or anything but Bush. Programmed with a string in the neck and when pulled repeats the same old BS over and over.

Sorta Ojay and those who say it was the glove that did it not Ojay!!!

SMoke and tiresome BS. When all gets said and done all you have for basis of your allegations is what you hear from your favorite media or party pupeteers

How about getting a little risque' and try some current events.

We understand the burden and frustration you have to bear while being confronted with choices like Clinton or Sanders......a felon and a socialist....very understandable....still unacceptable it matters!
Old 02-18-2016, 11:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Instead of George W who lied about WMDs and got America mired in the Middle East debacle which cost trillions of dollars not to mention 4500 lives and countless wounded mentally and physically. All for Bush LIES!
Your ignorance is showing. Want to explain those several hundred thousand bodies that were dug up out of mass graves? I believe the lies have been perpetrated by you ilk.

By the way, these young people that died in combat, volunteered and were not drafted. They go into the military and train to fight wars. They do NOT go into the military to build nations. I bet you were also one of those scumbags that protested the Vietnam war too. Get over it. Cowards are not required to serve and sacrifice for their country. They are allowed to stay back here being protected as they protest and root for socialists like Sanders that never had a job for his first 40 years of life.

If you think that 4500 deaths is too much, try 60K in Vietnam, or even 50K in the battle of Gettysburg. Not to mention the millions that died in WWI and WWII. People die in wars, but not in your libtard Utopia.

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