Pope continues to step out of line of his position

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Old 09-24-2015, 05:15 PM
Posts: n/a

In response to the first few posts ,do you think that is really why the last pope retired. I remember hearing this pope talk about bridging the gap of Christians and muslims. Where do you think we will go from here.
Old 09-24-2015, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
By Mike Garcia Monday, 31 Aug 2015

Pope Francis upset many conservatives when he released his encyclical on climate change this summer, but it's certainly not the first time he's raised eyebrows. The pontiff's past comments on homosexuality, capitalism, and international geopolitics have also ruffled those on the right.

Gathered below are 22 past statements by the pope that prove he's a consistent leftist.

1. He has called for centralized redistribution of wealth.

2. He has contradicted the teachings of past popes.

3. He has decried "inequality" as "the root of social ills."

4. He has rejected the most basic tenets of market-based capitalism.

5. He has rejected basic tenets of personal liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

6. He has praised a children's book promoting homosexual coupling.

7. He has spoken at length about the need to combat climate change.

8. He has defended homosexuality.

9. He has downplayed issues important to conservatives.

10. He has alienated many devout Catholics.

11. He has criticized the institution of the Catholic church.

12. He has criticized his fellow priests, and past Catholic leaders.

13. He has discouraged evangelism of the Christian faith.

14. He has criticized free-market capitalism.

15. He accepted a blasphemous crucifix from communist Bolivian President Evo Morales.

16. He has defended labor unions.

17. He has criticized fruitful Catholic families.

18. He has seemingly advocated for cultural relativism.

19. He has encouraged more liberal academic traditions supported by many Jesuits.

20. He has offered friendly visits to cruel dictators like Cuban President Raúl Castro.

21. He will deliver mass in Cuba under a communist Che Guevara portrait.

22. He has softened church rules regarding divorce and remarriage.

Personal Best Regards:
Very Obama-ish. As was said in several reports during his visit....."...the two seem to have similar agendas..."

This pope needs to stick to the business of the church or he will be the cause of more catholics leaving the fold.
While in criticism mode, I did not care for the fact he said his first mass here not in english. However he deliverd his speech to congress today in english.
So what does that signal?

He prides himself on speaking the language of the country he visits.
When in America he should have used english.
Old 09-24-2015, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
In response to the first few posts ,do you think that is really why the last pope retired. I remember hearing this pope talk about bridging the gap of Christians and muslims. Where do you think we will go from here.
The gap between Christians and Muslims, at the rate we're going, will be bridged when the Muslims behead the last Christian they can find and the rest are terrorized into following the religion of Muhammed.

Take a look at the Middle east today ... and also look up the history of the jihad in the 7th century AD

Americans are basically too insulated and too ignorant to know what they're up against long term ... plus the secularism and gay culture makes us more vulnerable.
Old 09-24-2015, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
He has desended from his position on high into the gutter of politics. And to make it even worse he has chosen to present himself as a liberal. And even double worse yet (if possible) to allow himself to be quoted by the Obama spin machine as having a similar agenda.

He could have easily stayed on the high ground and talked about each of the issues from a spiritual religious, all for mankind perspective.

Bad move pope. You lost me as a supporter and many others I suspect.

He should have been smart enough to leave the politics to the lawyers, the liars, the untrustworthy, unethical folks.
Sounds like you have nominated yourself as judge, jury and God.
Old 09-24-2015, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sounds like you have nominated yourself as judge, jury and God.
Sounds to me like a Regressive - and they always think of themselves as being equal to God and above humankind.
Old 09-24-2015, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
He may be the pope but he is not qualified to tell other governing bodies how to run their businesses. Hoe it affects the religious and moral aspects yes. But to come out ans take sides i.e. consrvatives vs democrats is totally and completely wrong.

The media pumping up how this pope aligns with the Obama agenda is a contrived plan attempting to validate Obama's agenda.

Shame on the pope for not sticking to his business and electing to play the political game. He has dropped several notches in my opinion of the man not the position of pope:

Francis takes Congress to task on immigration, abortion, gay marriage and the Syrian refugee crisis as he insists on 'Golden Rule' approach to politics in first-ever Capitol Hill address by a sitting pontiff | Daily Mail Online

Acting like just another politician!!
That is right! How dare the pope come before a joint session of congress, and talk politics. Who does he think he is, Netanyahu!
Old 09-24-2015, 11:27 PM
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The Catholic Church is dying and this Pope is trying to restore young people's faith in catholicism. Only 22% of the US is catholic, so I think he is attempting to reach a broader audience and attract new, younger people to the Catholic faith by being more open minded and accepting. It cost a lot of money to run a church, so you have to fill those pews...
Old 09-25-2015, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sounds to me like a Regressive - and they always think of themselves as being equal to God and above humankind.
When you say Regressive, you must be thinking of liberals because they are the ones that think themselves equal to God. Most of them don't believe in God anyway. And of course, they do believe they are the elite so I guess they believe they are above "humankind" also.

I noticed that one poster has read Huffington Post and has started parroting their demand that conservatives be called regressives. I would think that anyone working at a news organization would have a better command and understanding of verbiage, but apparently not.

Everyone knows that liberals want an old style socialist society, therefore they are the regressives. I quit associating liberals with Democrats long ago. There is no resemblance between the two.
Old 09-25-2015, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
That is right! How dare the pope come before a joint session of congress, and talk politics. Who does he think he is, Netanyahu!
I believe Netanyahu IS a political leader. The Pope is a religious leader. I wonder what you would say if Netanyahu were to speak to regarding your religious beliefs. If you have any, that is.
Old 09-25-2015, 05:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The Catholic Church is dying and this Pope is trying to restore young people's faith in catholicism. Only 22% of the US is catholic, so I think he is attempting to reach a broader audience and attract new, younger people to the Catholic faith by being more open minded and accepting. It cost a lot of money to run a church, so you have to fill those pews...
Old 09-25-2015, 05:10 AM
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The Pope is a major player so please don't dismiss his message. When a KY clerk speaks for God, the government is blamed for not taking her advice. Now when the Pope speaks for God, some of you are telling him to stay out of government business. Really. The Pope is advising us to pay more attention to the poor and not our purse.
Old 09-25-2015, 05:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Fraugoofy View Post
The Catholic Church is dying and this Pope is trying to restore young people's faith in catholicism. Only 22% of the US is catholic, so I think he is attempting to reach a broader audience and attract new, younger people to the Catholic faith by being more open minded and accepting. It cost a lot of money to run a church, so you have to fill those pews...
Dear Guest: I totally agree with you. However by the very nature of his agenda he is defeating that purpose. First men and women of the cloth seem to represent a naive view of the world. The sexual abuse scandal is prima facie proof. Clearly many other organizations had the exact same scandal and did not deal with it sensible.

However, we have my Church hiding pedophiles because they believed faith would cure them. This coming from a church that preaches that God pronounced "many are called but few are chosen". I do not believe God included pedophiles. And so the Pope's stance on homosexuality is confusing to say the least.

The Pope is misled by climate change and American capitalism and it all goes to the nature of religious teaching of going down to the lowest common denominator and so priest and nuns take the vow of poverty and poverty is a constant state of grace and materialism is simply and always bad. Hence the Catholic Church's dislike of the "Protestant Ethic"

I loathe speaking against my Church because overall it has done substantially more good for this world than not. However what we are witnessing in the Catholic Church is the same continuing battle being waged in America. It is traditionalist vis a vis progressives. Progressives seem to lean toward a sliding scale and while it works in some areas it is harmful to others. One of those harmful areas is morality. There are not in my belief vary shades of gray when it comes to morality. Another area deals with progressives wealth redistribution obsession which falls in line with the Pope's agenda

So a Pope who is trying to message a view that is pleasing to everyone so as not to offend anyone is on a fools errand and only reinforces people like me to react with a "say what you mean"or "mean what you say"

The Pope is a humble man and a good man and he does please me when he demonstrates his genuine humility and I will respect and love him for that fact

Personal Best Regards:
Old 09-25-2015, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest: I totally agree with you. However by the very nature of his agenda he is defeating that purpose. First men and women of the cloth seem to represent a naive view of the world. The sexual abuse scandal is prima facie proof. Clearly many other organizations had the exact same scandal and did not deal with it sensible.

However, we have my Church hiding pedophiles because they believed faith would cure them. This coming from a church that preaches that God pronounced "many are called but few are chosen". I do not believe God included pedophiles. And so the Pope's stance on homosexuality is confusing to say the least.

The Pope is misled by climate change and American capitalism and it all goes to the nature of religious teaching of going down to the lowest common denominator and so priest and nuns take the vow of poverty and poverty is a constant state of grace and materialism is simply and always bad. Hence the Catholic Church's dislike of the "Protestant

I loathe speaking against my Church because overall it has done substantially more good for this world than not. However what we are witnessing in the Catholic Church is the same continuing battle being waged in America. It is traditionalist vis a vis progressives. Progressives seem to lean toward a sliding scale and while it works in some areas it is harmful to others. One of those harmful areas is morality. There are not in my belief vary shades of gray when it comes to morality. Another area deals with progressives wealth redistribution obsession which falls in line with the Pope's agenda

So a Pope who is trying to message a view that is pleasing to everyone so as not to offend anyone is on a fools errand and only reinforces people like me to react with a "say what you mean"or "mean what you say"

The Pope is a humble man and a good man and he does please me when he demonstrates his genuine humility and I will respect and love him for that fact

Personal Best Regards:

Well stated.

pope, position, agenda, obamas, shame, electing, sticking, business, plan, obama, contrived, attempting, aligns, validate, acting, man, politician, opinion, game, political, dropped, notches, play, democrats, run

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