Bombings at Egyptian churches kill 36, injure 100+

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Old 04-09-2017, 07:47 AM
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Default Bombings at Egyptian churches kill 36, injure 100+

Bombings at Egyptian Coptic churches kill 36, injure more than 100

TANTA/CAIRO, April 9 (Reuters) - At least 36 people were killed and more than 100 injured in bomb attacks on two Coptic churches on Palm Sunday, in the latest assault on a religious minority increasingly targeted by Islamist militants.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Bombings at Egyptian Coptic churches kill 36, injure more than 100

TANTA/CAIRO, April 9 (Reuters) - At least 36 people were killed and more than 100 injured in bomb attacks on two Coptic churches on Palm Sunday, in the latest assault on a religious minority increasingly targeted by Islamist militants.
My first reaction to reading this today was to say to my fellow Americans.....wake up! You think we're being persecuted in this country, be it race, religion or whatever?? Take a look around the world - see what's really going on and wake up! If we don't stop the partisan bickering and crying over this group's rights vs that group's right, who can use which bathroom, etc, and continue to resist coming together as Americans, this too could be our destiny and unfortunate demise. Wake up!
Old 04-09-2017, 08:22 AM
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Christians in Egypt seem to have often had problems with violence against them. Christianity in Egypt - Wikipedia

How do we stop ISIL or ISIS? My guess is go after their leaders. Cut off the heads and hope three more do not grow back. Fight their propaganda with the truth about how these groups destroy lives and take the human rights away from so many. Give minorities opportunities in the cities-- like the Somalians in the Twin Cities-- so that they are not attracted to radical Islam zealots on the Internet.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My first reaction to reading this today was to say to my fellow Americans.....wake up! You think we're being persecuted in this country, be it race, religion or whatever?? Take a look around the world - see what's really going on and wake up! If we don't stop the partisan bickering and crying over this group's rights vs that group's right, who can use which bathroom, etc, and continue to resist coming together as Americans, this too could be our destiny and unfortunate demise. Wake up!
They won't wake up...I've been screaming at them for a while and they just call me names.

The planet is a MAJORITY poor, stupid, and brown...80-90% are black/brown and those numbers grow each year.

The MAJORITY in this country just became black/brown.

They DESTROY everywhere they become the majority...and we're letting them do it. It's the women. THEY are encouraging this takeover...and it will end badly for everyone.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:37 AM
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Default Prayer for the People if Egypt.

A prayer following today's #PalmSunday... - Church of England | Facebook

Palm Sunday good will.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Christians in Egypt seem to have often had problems with violence against them. Christianity in Egypt - Wikipedia

How do we stop ISIL or ISIS? My guess is go after their leaders. Cut off the heads and hope three more do not grow back. Fight their propaganda with the truth about how these groups destroy lives and take the human rights away from so many. Give minorities opportunities in the cities-- like the Somalians in the Twin Cities-- so that they are not attracted to radical Islam zealots on the Internet.
WHERE do the leaders come from? The people who follow them. To stop an must destroy the enemy completely. You don't "win their hearts and minds", they will hate you...their children will hate you...forever. Ask the Israeli's.

To stop the Islamic re-invasion of Europe...Europe needs to end Islam. Otherwise there will ALWAYS be new leaders...ALWAYS be new enemies.

Sorry ladies...we're not all going to live peacefully together.
Old 04-09-2017, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
WHERE do the leaders come from? The people who follow them. To stop an must destroy the enemy completely. You don't "win their hearts and minds", they will hate you...their children will hate you...forever. Ask the Israeli's.

To stop the Islamic re-invasion of Europe...Europe needs to end Islam. Otherwise there will ALWAYS be new leaders...ALWAYS be new enemies.

Sorry ladies...we're not all going to live peacefully together.
You cannot end Islam and it is not the problem anyway. Radicalized blood thirsty Muslims are the problem and these people can be white, red, orange, black, brown, yellow, etc. And either male or female and also just about any age.
Old 04-09-2017, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You cannot end Islam and it is not the problem anyway. Radicalized blood thirsty Muslims are the problem and these people can be white, red, orange, black, brown, yellow, etc. And either male or female and also just about any age.
Bullsh!t...they create inner city "no go" slums like all the rest of the brown minorities. The problem is...brown people. Islam is just a subset of the larger people. Too many of them. They are becoming unsupportable. White people carried them on their backs for too long, their numbers are that they are becoming the majority, it's too heavy a burden to bear.
Old 04-09-2017, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Bullsh!t...they create inner city "no go" slums like all the rest of the brown minorities. The problem is...brown people. Islam is just a subset of the larger people. Too many of them. They are becoming unsupportable. White people carried them on their backs for too long, their numbers are that they are becoming the majority, it's too heavy a burden to bear.
Do some research--

approximately 202.9 million
Indonesia also has a larger Muslim population than any other country in the world, with approximately 202.9 million identifying themselves as Muslim (87.2% of Indonesia's total population in 2011).
Islam in Indonesia - Wikipedia
Islam in Indonesia - Wikipedia

Native Indonesians - Wikipedia
Old 04-09-2017, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So? They're creating their OWN problems in Asia...ask Thailand about the Muslims.

I'm talking about OUR problems and Europe's problems with black/brown people.

Asians have their own problems within their own race...Northern smart ones...vs...stupid southern ones. The closer you get to the equator...the stupider the people get...
Old 04-09-2017, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So? They're creating their OWN problems in Asia...ask Thailand about the Muslims.

I'm talking about OUR problems and Europe's problems with black/brown people.

Asians have their own problems within their own race...Northern smart ones...vs...stupid southern ones. The closer you get to the equator...the stupider the people get...
You might want to look at this Don--

Cold Winters and the Evolution of Intelligence | Psychology Today
Old 04-09-2017, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Psychology Today? Really? The same people who say that WANTING another man to stick his pen!s in your a$s is NORMAL? After all...they agree that homosexuality doesn't deserve to be in the DSM.

They have NO credibility, they are PURELY political.

When you lounge around all day and food is fairly plentiful all year long...intelligence, problem solving, ambition, aren't exactly necessary.

Also...they fail to admit that the races ARE different species with enough differences that in ANY other mammal, we'd be classified as different species.

The "equality" meme and laws are ONLY to prevent them from being enslaved once again. They cannot as a people care for themselves, half receive some form of welfare. The rest barely scrape by.

They are NOT us...they didn't hybridize with the other Homo species as the non negroids did. Negriods are NOT us, genetically they are a different species.

Be honest and look through the 90% black part of town and honestly say...they're our equal. Can you?

I've read BOTH sides Tal...really...I didn't come to my realization lightly. Show me ANYWHERE they are successful as a large majority. ANYTHING that improved after they became a large majority. There is none.
Old 04-10-2017, 04:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Essentially evolution created three races. Evolution we are taught required as its most important component " adaptability". Early man had to hunt and forage irrespective of where they lived. They had to provide shelter, fight off their enemies, etc.

It would seem historical events played a larger role in development then climate.

It was said that when European were still tribal Romans welcomed strangers into their village instead of killing them or refusing them entry. Hence they learned new ways from these welcoming strangers.

So the coming together of people and the disappearance of tribes seems to have been of importance. So too it follows essentially good leaders.

As to intelligence race has no bearing there are probably as many geniuses in Asia as in Africa as in Europe......Its in the historical perspective, society type of governing, etc that permits creative people to be creative. etc. caste systems, corrupt governments ,etc

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-10-2017, 04:21 AM
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How to stop radical Islam.

Standford professor Ayaan Hirsi Ali ( Somalian by birth) has a greater chance of meeting with a violent death than Salman Rushdie because of her outspoken views on women's rights in Islam culture. She suggested in an article that the manner in which to defeat radical islam ( ISIS, etc)

Ali suggests that "dawa" which she describes as a ceaseless campaign waged by radical Muslim to encourage jihad . Dawa is radical propaganda recruiting young minds preventing assimilation of culture, invoking hatred of all that oppose them, etc. if it were 1930's Europe we would have said they were good little nazi

One wonders why so brave a woman is rejected as a speaker at many universities and is not embraced by the feminist?

I believe the word "hero"is too often applied in our society but with Ayaan Hirsi Ali it is well deserved

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-10-2017, 05:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Essentially evolution created three races. Evolution we are taught required as its most important component " adaptability". Early man had to hunt and forage irrespective of where they lived. They had to provide shelter, fight off their enemies, etc.

It would seem historical events played a larger role in development then climate.

It was said that when European were still tribal Romans welcomed strangers into their village instead of killing them or refusing them entry. Hence they learned new ways from these welcoming strangers.

So the coming together of people and the disappearance of tribes seems to have been of importance. So too it follows essentially good leaders.

As to intelligence race has no bearing there are probably as many geniuses in Asia as in Africa as in Europe......Its in the historical perspective, society type of governing, etc that permits creative people to be creative. etc. caste systems, corrupt governments ,etc

Personal Best Regards:
No...there aren't...if you think so...NAME them. Make a list of the black/hispanic geniuses and compare them with whites.

Why are "white" countries so much more successful than the black/hispanic ones?

WHY can "we", the whites, make such nice places to live and they apparently cannot?

They ARE...and HAVE BEEN treated like "second class" citizens...because they ARE second class citizens...they are NOT equal...they are NOT like us...we ARE different species. Would you treat dogs, cats, and other animals the same as "people"? Then WHY do you insist on treating those "animals" just like people? They have as much of a chance of making something better as putting a dog or cat in charge.

Why can't you accept the FACT that we are NOT the same...we are NOT equal in ANY sense.

churches, sunday, palm, latest, bomb

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