"The Progressive's Big Obvious Lie"

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Old 10-18-2017, 05:04 AM
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Default "The Progressive's Big Obvious Lie"

Defined: Implicit means being without doubt or reserve, unquestioning.

Implicit bias is what the left continues to push and with good reason. Implicit bias, as I stated on these pages earlier is too good a thing, a leverage, a device to let go because it continues the progressive agenda.

Implicit bias provides the opportunity to continue the spurious claims made under the theory of disparate impact that progressive claim affect banking lending, hiring, wages, college admissions, police shooting (NFL) incarcerations (NFL).

Disparate impact drives regulations, policies demanding equal outcomes. Disparate Impact essentially states that the end result has to be equal outcomes or something is amiss and that something must be racism. Nothing else can explain not meeting this preconceived mathematical figure. Its the ultimate shell game..but was the pea even under any shell ?

And non-believers to this spurious mathematical game are not met with serious debate but attacked as bigots, "bigots" being the left's one word argument.

Spurious claims indeed because one doubts that black men are shooting other black men because of color

Implicit bias fits nicely in the post-modernist package which progressive use to continue their move to re-write history and to turn this nation into a socialist state.

The social justice warriors hate America and they hate heterosexual white males and females who do not share their ideology. They do not want political and civil discourse. They demand you meet their demands or suffer the consequences.

Their public and designated whipping boy is Donald Trump. And directly and indirectly, what they are doing to him they are doing to us all.

The orange man to them represents everything they hate white, male, heterosexual, rich, successful.. and of course it is only because of white privilege no credit given to making good life choices and taking risk and advancing with opportunities that Trump prevailed

Radical groups like antifa would like nothing more than to ignite a civil war.

Those kow towing to Trump Derangement Syndrome, NFL, antifa, etc. are either willingly complicit or useful idiots to the progressive's game of destroying this nation's 200 year plus history, rules law Articles of Freedom.

We have the greatest nation ever created on this earth and we are letting it slip through our fingers by not speaking up against these ingrates in politics, Hollywood, on the field of play and in our corporations

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-18-2017, 06:30 AM
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Old 10-18-2017, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Defined: Implicit means being without doubt or reserve, unquestioning.

Implicit bias is what the left continues to push and with good reason. Implicit bias, as I stated on these pages earlier is too good a thing, a leverage, a device to let go because it continues the progressive agenda.

Implicit bias provides the opportunity to continue the spurious claims made under the theory of disparate impact that progressive claim affect banking lending, hiring, wages, college admissions, police shooting (NFL) incarcerations (NFL).

Disparate impact drives regulations, policies demanding equal outcomes. Disparate Impact essentially states that the end result has to be equal outcomes or something is amiss and that something must be racism. Nothing else can explain not meeting this preconceived mathematical figure. Its the ultimate shell game..but was the pea even under any shell ?

And non-believers to this spurious mathematical game are not met with serious debate but attacked as bigots, "bigots" being the left's one word argument.

Spurious claims indeed because one doubts that black men are shooting other black men because of color

Implicit bias fits nicely in the post-modernist package which progressive use to continue their move to re-write history and to turn this nation into a socialist state.

The social justice warriors hate America and they hate heterosexual white males and females who do not share their ideology. They do not want political and civil discourse. They demand you meet their demands or suffer the consequences.

Their public and designated whipping boy is Donald Trump. And directly and indirectly, what they are doing to him they are doing to us all.

The orange man to them represents everything they hate white, male, heterosexual, rich, successful.. and of course it is only because of white privilege no credit given to making good life choices and taking risk and advancing with opportunities that Trump prevailed

Radical groups like antifa would like nothing more than to ignite a civil war.

Those kow towing to Trump Derangement Syndrome, NFL, antifa, etc. are either willingly complicit or useful idiots to the progressive's game of destroying this nation's 200 year plus history, rules law Articles of Freedom.

We have the greatest nation ever created on this earth and we are letting it slip through our fingers by not speaking up against these ingrates in politics, Hollywood, on the field of play and in our corporations

Personal Best Regards:
They HATE those who are genetically superior to them.

They don't want discourse because they have NO argument other than "white privilege" which really means...whites are MUCH smarter and more capable.

"Privilege" is nothing more than our genes...our DNA...our species. We are leaps and bounds above them...and they HATE us for it. Go down to MLK Blvd and SEE just how much blacks hate whites. AND just how superior we are to them. Engage in a conversation with one of the 99% on MLK Blvd and you'll see how much different they are...you'll be convinced that they ARE a difference species AND too dangerous to be allowed to run around unrestrained.

AND destroying the white race...we'll be 20% of the population in 30 years...we ARE being bred out!

Yes we are...we are losing America to a bunch of 3rd world minorities...we MUST take it back.


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