A question for ex-military people.

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Old 07-28-2017, 11:32 PM
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Default Why does it matter to some people?

man or woman?.jpg

They put their lives on the line, they served, they did not get a deferment because of bone spurs in their foot while playing college baseball......
Old 07-29-2017, 04:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think you might need to educate yourself on the subject of pedophiles! The men who prey on young boys are pedophiles....quite often married with kids of their own. One only need look to the Catholic Church who ran the biggest pedophile ring worldwide. They just arrested a cardinal one step away from the pope!

Perhaps the military is worn out from the longest war in the history of the nation. That's no Hollywood distortion.

COPUFF...in the Mile High State!
my friend. do you suppose its military like if a soldier demanded the right to wear his red high heels while marching.

and because the military is worn out and because it is costing us so much more to recruit and retain and because I believe defending this nation is every man's obligation I believe Congress should reenact conscription. There are too many with no skin in the game and that is why a Kopernick (NFL) can and does defy the American flag.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-29-2017, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
my friend. do you suppose its military like if a soldier demanded the right to wear his red high heels while marching.

and because the military is worn out and because it is costing us so much more to recruit and retain and because I believe defending this nation is every man's obligation I believe Congress should reenact conscription. There are too many with no skin in the game and that is why a Kopernick (NFL) can and does defy the American flag.

Personal Best Regards:
Every MAN's obligation?
Old 07-29-2017, 06:40 AM
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The problem is not whether the person is gay, but that of a person that is gender confused. A person that cannot accept what GOD or fate or nature or whatever gave them in life. I short person cannot enlist and a too tall person cannot enlist. Once a person with flat feet could not enlist, or a person with other seemingly small ailments. There are also minimum scores required on the written enlistment test that eliminates some that are physically capable to fight. The gender confused should NOT be given the right to serve in the military, just because they WANT to. The military is not a democracy. The military has enough to handle with those that have REAL honorable ailments such as PTSD and other combat related injuries. If the gender confused can't accept that, then that is their mental debilitation. There are limitations in every career, whether physical or mental. Why enlist those with medical and mental requirements when we have an abundance of warrior material that's healthy and willing.
Old 07-29-2017, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The problem is not whether the person is gay, but that of a person that is gender confused. A person that cannot accept what GOD or fate or nature or whatever gave them in life. I short person cannot enlist and a too tall person cannot enlist. Once a person with flat feet could not enlist, or a person with other seemingly small ailments. There are also minimum scores required on the written enlistment test that eliminates some that are physically capable to fight. The gender confused should NOT be given the right to serve in the military, just because they WANT to. The military is not a democracy. The military has enough to handle with those that have REAL honorable ailments such as PTSD and other combat related injuries. If the gender confused can't accept that, then that is their mental debilitation. There are limitations in every career, whether physical or mental. Why enlist those with medical and mental requirements when we have an abundance of warrior material that's healthy and willing.
It's the same thing...a man thinking he's a woman is gender confused. Are you saying ONLY those who "aren't sure" are a problem? Once they make up their mind that they're really the opposite sex...fully insane...they're NOT a problem any more? THAT is when they ARE a problem. Completely insane. Same as claiming to be Napoleon or Jesus.

Trust me...those required scores are VERY low. So low a black can "pass". What do you think a black knows after "graduating" from a 90% black inner city school?

Not many any more...the standards have ALL been lowered...and lowered drastically...to allow women and minorities access. We have QUOTAS where those who didn't qualify get in over those who did and did better. The world isn't the place we grew up in. It's been dumbed down.

Who? White men? We're only 25% of the population now. We can't afford to send what's left off to be killed. Lower the standards again...ship off the inner city minorities. They don't contribute more than they take in anyway. Send the women...they want equality? They can live in a trench for a year like the men did. Women don't know what REAL work and hardship are.
Old 07-29-2017, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It's the same thing...a man thinking he's a woman is gender confused. Are you saying ONLY those who "aren't sure" are a problem? Once they make up their mind that they're really the opposite sex...fully insane...they're NOT a problem any more? THAT is when they ARE a problem. Completely insane. Same as claiming to be Napoleon or Jesus.

Trust me...those required scores are VERY low. So low a black can "pass". What do you think a black knows after "graduating" from a 90% black inner city school?

Not many any more...the standards have ALL been lowered...and lowered drastically...to allow women and minorities access. We have QUOTAS where those who didn't qualify get in over those who did and did better. The world isn't the place we grew up in. It's been dumbed down.

Who? White men? We're only 25% of the population now. We can't afford to send what's left off to be killed. Lower the standards again...ship off the inner city minorities. They don't contribute more than they take in anyway. Send the women...they want equality? They can live in a trench for a year like the men did. Women don't know what REAL work and hardship are.
Don, this is not a "race" issue. It's about the mental stability and the cost of catering to a select group. Yes, I guess you are right about the fact that the military has lowered it's standards, but that is also the point. WHY should they? They do not need to. There are plenty of healthy, normal citizens that are willing to serve their country.
Old 07-29-2017, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Check your source that is a 10 year estimate....the ones I used were annual estimates.

Annually 15 times higher than Obama’s numbers and it still is very conservative.
Old 07-29-2017, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by AL
Annually 15 times higher than Obama’s numbers and it still is very conservative.

We were talking about the cost of Viagra and other related drugs by retired military in comparison to the medical costs of transgender troops.

This topic has NOTHING to do with President Obama.

Old 07-29-2017, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
if one is in a foxhole facing a determined enemy would you really care about one gender, sexual orientation, hair color, race or anything else other than that person's commitment to the mission and to his or her fellow soldiers?
If the person is qualified to fight the answer would be mostly no while we are in the fox hole. The problem is we have a lot of interactions where our society segregates the sexes. Seems like the choice would be 4 bathrooms, 4 sleeping quarters etc or just one for all. If we had a society with one for all I would see no problem, but that is not our society.
Old 07-29-2017, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
my friend. do you suppose its military like if a soldier demanded the right to wear his red high heels while marching.

and because the military is worn out and because it is costing us so much more to recruit and retain and because I believe defending this nation is every man's obligation I believe Congress should reenact conscription. There are too many with no skin in the game and that is why a Kopernick (NFL) can and does defy the American flag.

Personal Best Regards:
Thanks for your opening statement I got a chuckle from that vision!

I totally agree with your view on the current state of the military. The National Guard has been stretched to and at times beyond its limits.

I quickly learned how your vision of the military changes when my nephew was deployed to Iraq. Having skin in the game changed everything! He and his brother were deployed 6 different times to the Middle East.

If we continue to be engaged in the Middle East it certainly maybe time to bring back the draft!

Have a great day!

Old 07-29-2017, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If the person is qualified to fight the answer would be mostly no while we are in the fox hole. The problem is we have a lot of interactions where our society segregates the sexes. Seems like the choice would be 4 bathrooms, 4 sleeping quarters etc or just one for all. If we had a society with one for all I would see no problem, but that is not our society.
IF they are qualified? By who's standard? The new lowered standards that literally even a chimp can pass? Or the OLD standards that were actually standards not EVERYONE could pass? When the Ranger or Navy Seal "standard" is so low that women can pass...it's too low...WAY too low.

How about ONE bathroom...when it's vacant, you can use it. Men can p!ss outside...it's sterile, 30,000 dogs do it each day in the villages, and the plants like it.

Originally Posted by Guest
Thanks for your opening statement I got a chuckle from that vision!

I totally agree with your view on the current state of the military. The National Guard has been stretched to and at times beyond its limits.

I quickly learned how your vision of the military changes when my nephew was deployed to Iraq. Having skin in the game changed everything! He and his brother were deployed 6 different times to the Middle East.

If we continue to be engaged in the Middle East it certainly maybe time to bring back the draft!

Have a great day!

Why? So EVERYONE gets the "privilege" to "fight" in a "war" we shouldn't be fighting? Do the girls get drafted too? And NOT just into the cushy office/nursing jobs? Have all women units so at least it's just them to die from their inabilities instead of endangering the men too.

Generals don't like conscripts...they don't fight well and they're always trying to get away.

Soldiers come back so mentally destroyed because we've turned them into targets...victims...they're no longer soldiers...allowed to do whatever it takes to win. Now they're sitting ducks...with more rules and regulations to follow while in battle than you would believe.

It started with the Korean war...the politicizing, the political correctness of war...all the insane rules of engagement. It got worse with Vietnam and today it's downright crazy. They suffer PTSD because they're sent out as targets...practically helpless to a first strike.


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