A question for the Liberals

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Old 06-16-2012, 12:41 PM
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Default A question for the Liberals

I have a question for the liberals in regards to this "new policy for young immigrants the the president has just unveiled".

Please explain to me how and why this new "policy" benefits the citizens of the United States of America.

You all seem to be really happy and excited about it, but I, for one, do not understand your glee....I am truly stumped.

Please...enlighten me.
Old 06-16-2012, 01:23 PM
Posts: n/a

I have asked similar questions in related threads only to be over whelmed by the silence. Should not be too hard to answer....... if they are so happy about it they should understand the benefits.

Old 06-16-2012, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by ceejay View Post
I have a question for the liberals in regards to this "new policy for young immigrants the the president has just unveiled".

Please explain to me how and why this new "policy" benefits the citizens of the United States of America.

You all seem to be really happy and excited about it, but I, for one, do not understand your glee....I am truly stumped.

Please...enlighten me.
Obama's immigration move good policy -- and good politics - CNN.com

With all the qualifications in the Executive Order Obama put out, it does sound like a good move politically. It does kind of smell though as far as constitutionality is concerned. Krauthammer: Obama's Immigration Policy Is "Out-And-Out Lawlessness" | RealClearPolitics
Old 06-16-2012, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
I have asked similar questions in related threads only to be over whelmed by the silence. Should not be too hard to answer....... if they are so happy about it they should understand the benefits.

I know you have, BTK...I asked the same question in another thread and they just skipped right over it.

I really wish they would respond...I truly am curious as to why they seem so elated about it!
Old 06-16-2012, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by ceejay View Post
I know you have, BTK...I asked the same question in another thread and they just skipped right over it.

I really wish they would respond...I truly am curious as to why they seem so elated about it!
It is a very neat political move. Still looks unconstitutional to me but it does put Obama's support clearly behind the Dream Act. Kind of takes the wind out of the sails of a Mark Rubio VP pick by Mitt Romney. Florida Republican Sen. Marc Rubio proposes alternative to Democrat's Dream Act
Old 06-16-2012, 01:49 PM
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According to today's Huffington Post, Senator Marco Rubio's office announced yesterday (Friday) that the senator is reconsidering a Dream Act-Style Bill. "He believes the politics are now more difficult".

The president said yesterday "both parties wrote this legislation".

Marco Rubio Reconsidering Dream Act-Style Bill
Old 06-16-2012, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
It is a very neat political move. Still looks unconstitutional to me but it does put Obama's support clearly behind the Dream Act. Kind of takes the wind out of the sails of a Mark Rubio VP pick by Mitt Romney. Florida Republican Sen. Marc Rubio proposes alternative to Democrat's Dream Act
Ummm...ok...but he hasn't been "officially" picked yet.

So...so far, to date, the only "citizen" benefitting from this unconstitutional policy is Mr. Obama...what about the rest of us?

How will we benefit from this "unconstitutional policy"?
Old 06-16-2012, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by janmcn View Post
According to today's Huffington Post, Senator Marco Rubio's office announced yesterday (Friday) that the senator is reconsidering a Dream Act-Style Bill. "He believes the politics are now more difficult".

The president said yesterday "both parties wrote this legislation".

Marco Rubio Reconsidering Dream Act-Style Bill
Ok...so let me ask you, Janmcn...why is this "policy" so important to you?

I get that you're happy about having knocked the "wind out of Rubio's and Romney's sails"...however...what makes YOU, personally, ecstatically happy about this new policy?

I just don't understand...I just want to know how and why this policy benefits we the people of the United States....
Old 06-16-2012, 02:35 PM
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It does not benefit We The People of the United States, it benefits illegal aliens and large corporations who benefit from cheap labor who legally be allowed to work and play; then draw benefits from the Federal Government, in way more than they will ever put in. We are NO longer a nation of laws. Kiss that old piece of paper good bye, you know the one called the Constitution. It is going to come down to who has the bullets will be making the law. We had better hope that the military are on our side when that happens.
Old 06-16-2012, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by ceejay View Post
I have a question for the liberals in regards to this "new policy for young immigrants the the president has just unveiled".

Please explain to me how and why this new "policy" benefits the citizens of the United States of America.

You all seem to be really happy and excited about it, but I, for one, do not understand your glee....I am truly stumped.

Please...enlighten me.
There are about a million young immigrants unknowingly brought here illegally by parents, who qualify under the rigorous standards in the Executive Order. So, by definition they tend to be productive, responsible contributors with good potential to contribute more in the future. The President has challenged them to do just that, with the possibility remaining here on two year renewals, but with no promise of eventual citizenship, Most congressmen understand the wisdom of suspending the priority of deporting them, while concentrating more on finding and deporting those who have willfully broken our laws. Of course Congress cannot agree on anything, so even Republicans, including Romney, cannot find substantial fault with the President's 'pre-emptive' action. What many people do not know is that more illegal immigrants have already been deported during the incomplete Obama administration than during any previous Presidency.

To me, this is just the sensible, 'right' thing to do. And it's the kind of thing this President is repeatedly doing, despite endless criticism from vocal minorities.
Old 06-16-2012, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by ceejay View Post
Ok...so let me ask you, Janmcn...why is this "policy" so important to you?

I get that you're happy about having knocked the "wind out of Rubio's and Romney's sails"...however...what makes YOU, personally, ecstatically happy about this new policy?

I just don't understand...I just want to know how and why this policy benefits we the people of the United States....
How does this policy help me personally? It probably doesn't, but it makes me feel good that these young people, who through no fault of their own do not have to live in constant fear of being deported to a country they have no connection to and may not even speak the language.

If I were Gary Morse, it would help me a great deal. I wouldn't have to worry about losing my entire concrete pouring crew on any given day. If I were Mitt Romney, I wouldn't have to worry about losing my lawn crew. Read this letter Romney wrote to his lawn crew as soon as he got the good news.

Watch the president's speech again. He lays out the benefits much more eloquently than I can.
Old 06-16-2012, 04:07 PM
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Default Sick!

I'm a lot less exorcised by Obama's executive order than I am the absolute ineptitude of both the White House and the Congress to negotiate and pass some comprehensive immigration legislation. As I understand it, the provisions of the executive order will go away in two years, but "we the people" will still be left with a rudderless immigration policy because of the political bickering and stalemating of our political parties in Congress.

I happened to hear Canada's Prime Minister interviewed and a part of what he discussed was their immigration policy, particularly as regards trying to attract the kinds of people who are properly educated and have the skills to contribute and grow the Canadian economy. The interview was a part of Fareed Zakaria's GPS program entitled "Roadmap for Making Immigration Work" and how immigration laws affect the economies of various countries. If the program is ever re-run, I'd recommend it highly.

Canada was held out as having the best immigration laws in the world, having a very positive effect on their economy and their ability to attract investment and create new jobs. Canada apparently reviews their needs for workers quite frequently, yearly I believe, and adjusts their immigration policy to specifically target immigrants who have the skills and education needed by Canadian employers. The program used as examples how effective loosened immigration policies have been in attracting doctors and medical personnel to serve both their people as well as their healthcare industry. Another aggravating example was discussed as they were showing pictures of major new plants in British Columbia which had been built in the last couple of years by Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Intel and AMD.

These plants are staffed in large part by immigrant engineers and scientists recruited to work in Canada, who were easily granted either visas or full citizenship based specifically on their level of advanced education and/or technical skills. They also interviewed employers and employees in the medical device and other manufacturing businesses who were enthusiastic about the opportunities provided to them to live and work in Canada. All were well-educated immigrants.

So while our politicians are doing stuff like issuing executive orders to permit mostly young Mexicans who are kids of illegal immigrants to stay here for another two years, and then arguing back and forth about the Constitutionality of the order, the Canadians are quietly and effectively managing their immigration policies to attract the kinds of skilled and educated workers they need to attract investment, grow their economy and create jobs.

It's no big secret. Many of the top technical companies have testified before various Congressional hearings that they simply cannot get the quality of employees needed to staff their factories here in the U.S. They have been appealing to Congress to legislate better education policies as well as immigration policies, which would result in an increased pool of talented, well-educated workers.

Of course, the Republicans and the Democrats can't agree on anything that they think should pass into law on either of those subjects. In the meantime, they're arguing about inconsequential issues that get their base political constituencies arguing with one another, always working hard to gain enough votes for re-election. In the meantime, few jobs are being created and the big employers are building plants outside the U.S.

Old 06-16-2012, 04:29 PM
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I find it unbelievable that the leftists on this forum, in traitorous disregard for our Constitution, are lauding the power grab of our “Imperial” Presidency in proclaiming what laws it deems worthy of actionable law enforcement in total contempt of any real power granted him by our Constitution.

Comparing this unconstitutional action by our Imperial President to the lawful presenting of a Bill to Congress by a U.S. Congressman is one of the most duplicitous and fraudulent hypotheses’ ever presented by the clueless leftists on this forum I’ve yet witnessed.
Old 06-16-2012, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
I find it unbelievable that the leftists on this forum, in traitorous disregard for our Constitution, are lauding the power grab of our “Imperial” Presidency in proclaiming what laws it deems worthy of actionable law enforcement in total contempt of any real power granted him by our Constitution.

Comparing this unconstitutional action by our Imperial President to the lawful presenting of a Bill to Congress by a U.S. Congressman is one of the most duplicitous and fraudulent hypotheses’ ever presented by the clueless leftists on this forum I’ve yet witnessed.
wish this forum had a LIKE button 'cause this is one of your posts that i REALLY LIKE! thanx for posting it!
Old 06-16-2012, 04:42 PM
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According to today's New York Times, "It is well within President Obama's authority to do so because the federal government can decide how to enforce immigration law". This action is not an executive order, but rather a cabinet-level directive.

Just guessing that the White House and The New York Times have better research resources than posters on this forum.


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