Reasoning by Conservatives

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Old 03-25-2017, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And again a progressive deflects...res ipsa loquitur

Personal Best Regards:
Wow, you speak another language, I didn't think your bigotry would allow it. It still doesn't mean your intelligent or have any common sense.
Old 03-25-2017, 05:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Wow, you speak another language, I didn't think your bigotry would allow it. It still doesn't mean your intelligent or have any common sense.
Again a progressive doesn't disappoint and remains predictable showing him/herself to be a hateful vengeful and uncivil person only capable of negative one word descriptors and personal attacks. Graciousness isn't included in progressive lexicon. Do you progressives really eat your own children?

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Old 03-25-2017, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm a republican and I like your post. Does that make me a libtard?
No, it makes you open minded.
Old 03-25-2017, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
1. Corporations are people with free speech rights under the US Constitution and are legally allowed to spend as much money as they choose to influence the electoral process. (Citizens United)

2. The main objective of Republicans in Congress during a Democratic Presidency is to make sure the Democrat is a one term President, rather than to work together to do something good for the country and it's citizens. (Sen Mitch McConnell)

3. Obamacare must be repealed and replaced because it is a popular Democrat idea and not a Republican one. (Speaker Paul Ryan)

4. We want to start wars at the same time we decrease taxes and then complain about the budget deficit. (President George W. Bush)

5. It's important to elect an immoral, inarticulate, greedy, Russian controlled, compulsive liar to become POTUS, and then defend all of his ridiculous actions simply because he is a Republican. (Donald J. Trump)

6. We only care about our rich donors, so let's give them huge tax cuts that they don't need. Don't worry the middle class sheep will pay the bill because they can be controlled and convinced that the real problems in America are with moronic social issues like which bathroom we are allowed to pee in. (George W. Bush and the American Health Care Act)

7. Anyone who is poor in America is lazy and a drain on society. Cut them off, regardless of their lives, health, children, or future. (Speaker Paul Ryan)

8. If we give money to the rich, they will create jobs and the money will trickle down to the unwashed masses. This shall be known as Trickle Down Economics and we will espouse it regardless of how many decades it has failed. We also think if we have two dogs and give one a weenie, we can count on that dog sharing with the other. (President Ronald Reagan)

9. Continual war is the only way to keep the economy growing. (History)

10. Greed is good! (Gordon Gekko and American Fatcats)
The sad thing is, we've tried these things time and time again, and they don't work. The "trickle down effect" for example, especially coupled with huge tax cuts, just increases the deficit. Then the Democrats have to go in and clean up the mess. When will people get it through their heads? Probably never, because the same politicians that espouse huge tax breaks for corporations, are being lobbied by said corporations and the corporations are subsidizing their campaigns. #5 is the real winner. How anyone can justify the actions and rhetoric of Trump is beyond logical reasoning.
Old 03-25-2017, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"I will fundamentally transform the United States" - Obama

Oh...he certainly did!
For once, something I can agree with you on.
Old 03-25-2017, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
8. If we give money to the rich, they will create jobs and the money will trickle down to the unwashed masses. This shall be known as Trickle Down Economics and we will espouse it regardless of how many decades it has failed. We also think if we have two dogs and give one a weenie, we can count on that dog sharing with the other. (President Ronald Reagan)
I don't know why I try to bother, but here's another:
There is No Such Thing as Trickle-Down Economics - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world
Old 03-26-2017, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And again a progressive deflects...res ipsa loquitur

Personal Best Regards:
"It speaks for itself" is the ultimate deflection, a non answer masquerading as an answer.


...but thanks for the:

Old 03-26-2017, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Of course! Everyone knows that leftwing socialism is what made us the most prosperous country in the world that everyone wants to copy, not capitalism.

I'm sorry if I let statistics get in the way of rhetoric and propaganda.
Old 03-26-2017, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Of course! Everyone knows that leftwing socialism is what made us the most prosperous country in the world that everyone wants to copy, not capitalism.

I'm sorry if I let statistics get in the way of rhetoric and propaganda.
It was left wing socialism that made America the country that everyone in the world wanted to come to. All the 3rd worlders flocked here...and now THEY are becoming the majority. It's working out real well isn't it? From #1 to #25.

give, president, conservatives, reasoning

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