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Old 11-17-2016, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Yes, the elite do get worked up. He word "worked." Something that Trump understands, and the elite left with all their supposed education cannot. Too bad you on the left can't accept that sometimes you have to lose. Funny how you did not learn a lesson from the right on how to handle a loss. Petulant children seem to be more mature than you losers. I am not gloating, just using the term to punctuate the fact that you really DID lose and now you have to learn how to live through at least four years of the knowledge that your socialist criminal was chosen to run against the one that you look down on, and she LOST. Isn't that a bit*h? And she is one too, I might add.

You remind me of that bratty little kid with red hair that no one ever liked or played with and that made you feel angry and bitter. You kissed up to the street bully and you think now you're a big man. Just wait, he'll turn on you too.
Old 11-17-2016, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm looking at my hands right now. Calloused and cracked, the hands of a working man, not an elitist. I'll bet your hands are as soft as a baby's butt. I'll send you a pic if you send yours.
Sure and I bet mine is bigger than yours.....
Old 11-17-2016, 10:32 AM
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Default Riots

Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Sure and I bet mine is bigger than yours.....

Seriously, show me your hands. You never worked a day in your life. Small man with a big mouth.
Old 11-17-2016, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You remind me of that bratty little kid with red hair that no one ever liked or played with and that made you feel angry and bitter. You kissed up to the street bully and you think now you're a big man. Just wait, he'll turn on you too.
Of course you prefer to envision it that way. It makes you feel superior, elite. Sorry but I just couldn't force myself to pull the lever for the criminal felon that you wished would have won. If you care to check her record, you will find that the real "bully" is the Clinton clan. It is you that are the petulant children that are crying and striking out because you didn't get your way. I would like to be able to respond to you with my vision of what you remind me of, but the plain fact is that you don't even tweak a memory of anyone in my past. You see, I never allowed temper tantrums when we raised our children. We taught our children to win or accept a loss gracefully. I always told my kids that the only way I would accept their complaint is if they had a viable and better solution. Something that an old senior enlisted man once told me. If you don't have a solution for your problem, don't bother me with your complaint. And these miscreants are petulant children with naive complaints and no solutions. They are having their little childish tantrums and need to be shown the error of their ways. If they want change, then they should have voted for the change they wished for. They wanted Bernie, but he was cheated out of his nomination. They were instructed by Bernie to support Hillary and they did not. So they got Trump, legitimately. They should go back to school and try to learn something for all that money that is being spent on them. The police should gather them all up and have them clean up the streets to teach them some respect and self-discipline.

But, get it out of your system and get on with your life. We thought that America was doomed when Obama was elected, but we survived. You will survive Trump, I'm sure. No use getting an ulcer over his win. I voted for him because I figured he was the better of the two. There is NO perfect politician. All we can do is choose from what is available in America. The only perfect man died over two thousand years ago.
Old 11-17-2016, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Seriously, show me your hands. You never worked a day in your life. Small man with a big mouth.
Oh really? I don't think you really want to do a comparison on who is more manly. I really don't care if you are angry and wish to strike out with anonymous wording to suggest your puffing out your chest like big bird. That's up to you. Most adults just discuss politics and do not feel the need for petulant anger. Although, I did feel pretty let down by America when Obama was elected, especially the second time. It did not make me want to agitate anyone though.

By the way, my hands are no longer real rough, like they used to be when I was in construction. As a matter of fact, I found myself wearing gloves for two days last week while I was working on a project outside with 20lbs stones, after digging and leveling a foundation for them. I still find projects to do, so I still use my hands. I do some carpentry, some painting, some gunsmithing (amateur of course), some mechanical work on my car and Harley, as well as our golf carts. I still work with my hands but they are no longer as rough as they used to be. And yes, I was also pretty proficient in handling law breaking cretins when I was in law enforcement. And, I did have an occasion from time to time to use a desk some in my later years working overseas, before I retired.

So, I guess it is not fair to compare one's hands to their ability to reason. Your hands may be more calloused. Who knows? Is that indicative of good reasoning?

I do not question your ability to work, although I do question your mental stability and choice for this past election that TRUMP WON.
Old 11-17-2016, 01:16 PM
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Default Riots

Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Oh really? I don't think you really want to do a comparison on who is more manly. I really don't care if you are angry and wish to strike out with anonymous wording to suggest your puffing out your chest like big bird. That's up to you. Most adults just discuss politics and do not feel the need for petulant anger. Although, I did feel pretty let down by America when Obama was elected, especially the second time. It did not make me want to agitate anyone though.

By the way, my hands are no longer real rough, like they used to be when I was in construction. As a matter of fact, I found myself wearing gloves for two days last week while I was working on a project outside with 20lbs stones, after digging and leveling a foundation for them. I still find projects to do, so I still use my hands. I do some carpentry, some painting, some gunsmithing (amateur of course), some mechanical work on my car and Harley, as well as our golf carts. I still work with my hands but they are no longer as rough as they used to be. And yes, I was also pretty proficient in handling law breaking cretins when I was in law enforcement. And, I did have an occasion from time to time to use a desk some in my later years working overseas, before I retired.

So, I guess it is not fair to compare one's hands to their ability to reason. Your hands may be more calloused. Who knows? Is that indicative of good reasoning?

I do not question your ability to work, although I do question your mental stability and choice for this past election that TRUMP WON.

I see you're a man of few words. So am I. Being task oriented I prefer working with men as a form of socializing. You and I would get along just fine. Because ultimately, I don't give a **** about your political leanings only if you know your **** will I judge you.
Old 11-17-2016, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I see you're a man of few words. So am I. Being task oriented I prefer working with men as a form of socializing. You and I would get along just fine. Because ultimately, I don't give a **** about your political leanings only if you know your **** will I judge you.
You're right, because I really don't give a rats @ss about politics when I am working with someone. I value a man's competency, not his views. Politics is just conversation. Work is a man's legacy. I think that we would get along fine.

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