Rubio Misses Votes

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Old 01-01-2016, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So you are saying that Senators shouldn't vote if they are sure the president is going to veto. That's absurd. The guy should quit.
Dear Guest: WHOA! What a major jump you make regarding my aforementioned comments. Again I said the criticism of Rubio's voting record is simply a political ploy to stop Rubio's rise as he is becoming the Establishment candidate. Secondly an alert member was kind enough to factcheck and found Obama missed 64% of the vote in 2008 while Kerry lost 90% in 2004 to Rubio's hold your breath 34%. Thirdly I said Rubio logically stated that given Washington is broken and/or Obama is going to ignore Congress anyway and veto every bill he felt more productive doing the thing that needs fixing and that's electing a president that will abide by the US Constitution, work with congress and conduct the peoples business.

Suppose you work for a Fortune 500. The President & CEO says Guest if you want that promotion to Senior Vice President, a stepping stone to this office then you need to get on a plane right now and fly to London for that meeting in the morning. However your other CEO says honey, its my birthday you always take me out on my birthday and you know how displeased and disagreeable I can become if you miss my birthday.

What are you going do Guest ?

You answer and then I'll give you my take on what is the wisest and most sensible decision.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-01-2016, 06:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Dear guest: when I originally wrote this for some reason it all got erased so I had to begin again.

anyway in the first attempt I said that the point to my second point was that since Obama (64%) Kerry (90%) were higher than Rubio's (34%) it clearly pointed out that the issue is pure unadulerated bupkus

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-01-2016, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear guest: when I originally wrote this for some reason it all got erased so I had to begin again.

anyway in the first attempt I said that the point to my second point was that since Obama (64%) Kerry (90%) were higher than Rubio's (34%) it clearly pointed out that the issue is pure unadulerated bupkus

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-01-2016, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

"Obama missed more than 64 percent of votes in 2008, and Kerry missed even more — nearly 90 percent — in 2004."
Kind of tough to be in two places at once, D.C. and the campaign trail. No one faulted Obie one or scary Kerry about their missed votes. Why the sudden interest in Rubio? Scared that he is the next possible president? Apparently, the news media are saying that Rubio has the BEST chance to beat Chillary. That must be scaring a lot of Demarels (Dem-Liberal)
I don't know if you just didn't read the article in, or if you are trying to be dishonest, but what said, is that the numbers Rubio cited for Obama and Kerry were for an election year, while right now Rubio's votes missed are for an off-election year. in order to make apples to apples comparison, calculated the percentage of missed votes through the first nine months of the year before the general election year for the senators. By this measure, Rubio missed a higher percentage of votes than Obama, but not higher than Kerry. Rubio missed 30% while Obama missed 25%.

What is interesting to me is that in this year, of the five senators currently seeking the presidency, Rubio at 33.7 percent, has missed the most votes this year, and Sanders at 3.4 percent, has missed the fewest.
Old 01-01-2016, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I don't know if you just didn't read the article in, or if you are trying to be dishonest, but what said, is that the numbers Rubio cited for Obama and Kerry were for an election year, while right now Rubio's votes missed are for an off-election year. in order to make apples to apples comparison, calculated the percentage of missed votes through the first nine months of the year before the general election year for the senators. By this measure, Rubio missed a higher percentage of votes than Obama, but not higher than Kerry. Rubio missed 30% while Obama missed 25%.

What is interesting to me is that in this year, of the five senators currently seeking the presidency, Rubio at 33.7 percent, has missed the most votes this year, and Sanders at 3.4 percent, has missed the fewest.
So, what's your point? You must have one. Rubio missed some votes. Obama missed votes and Kerry missed votes. Do you really want to delve into how Obama voted or didn't vote when he was there? Do you want to compare Obama's present but not voted? You are just attempting to keep a redundant thread open, that is already totally moot. The issue of Rubio's votes is a non-issue to anyone that understands the requirements of campaigning. Now, if Rubio was to resign so that he could campaign, you would have issue with that also. You would be saying that Rubio, like Palin is a quitter. This is the same exact thing that Palin when through when she was required to be in court for a long period of time because of liberal attacks that turned out to be false. She was totally exonerated but because of the time off required to be in court, she resigned from her governor position. And yet you liberals had a field day on it, yelling like petulant children that she was a quitter.

So, Rubio missed votes. So do other candidates when they are campaigning. He made a good response to that when he said Obama just vetos anything that comes from the Republican majority anyway. It's true, Obama is childish and has his tantrums and refuses to work with Republicans, calling them "the enemy."

So, get over it and move on. This is a non-issue for everyone but liberals attempting to slur Rubio because they know he is an easy win over Chillery. You might as well get used to seeing Rubio, because he is likely to be your next president.
Old 01-01-2016, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

"Obama missed more than 64 percent of votes in 2008, and Kerry missed even more — nearly 90 percent — in 2004."
Kind of tough to be in two places at once, D.C. and the campaign trail. No one faulted Obie one or scary Kerry about their missed votes. Why the sudden interest in Rubio? Scared that he is the next possible president? Apparently, the news media are saying that Rubio has the BEST chance to beat Chillary. That must be scaring a lot of Demarels (Dem-Liberal)
Dear guest: Here is what I read...and no I am not a dishonest person and can and have admitted when I am wrong. But the whole point to this is that it is very clear, on the missed voting issue, for it to be one of pure and desperate action meant to detract from the real fact that Rubio is climbing in the polls and is quickly becoming the Establishment candidate.

Its all noise and informed voters know the difference. This nonsense also applies to the credit card issue. Rubio explained it and those running scared keep bringing it up. Its like the traffic violation issue, most of which were his wife's ticket.

If that's the best Rubio's detractors have then it will be clear sailing for him because shortly this race is going to be about substance and that is this guy's balliwick and where grown ups participate .

Finally if I was addressing one of your posts I would have never said you are either dishonest or.... No, I would have simply said you may be misinformed
because I am only interested in discovering the truth about content and not attacking people. Progressives as you know attack people . Its why I dislike Trump being considered the Republican standard bearer because he also attacks people.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-01-2016, 08:00 AM
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"From Jan 2005 to Oct 2008, Obama missed 314 of 1,300 roll call votes, which is 24.2%. This is much worse than the median of 2.2% among the lifetime records of senators serving in Oct 2008." Tracking the U.S. Congress
Old 01-01-2016, 08:03 AM
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From Jan 1985 to Jan 2013, Kerry missed 727 of 9,457 roll call votes, which is 7.7%. This is much worse than the median of 2.1% among the lifetime records of senators serving in Jan 2013.
Old 01-01-2016, 08:06 AM
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From Jan 2011 to Dec 2015, Rubio missed 197 of 1,482 roll call votes, which is 13.3%. This is much worse than the median of 1.7% among the lifetime records of senators currently serving.

NOW, can we ditch this thread and move on? Or, does someone else want to beat a dead horse?
Old 01-01-2016, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So, what's your point? You must have one. Rubio missed some votes. Obama missed votes and Kerry missed votes. Do you really want to delve into how Obama voted or didn't vote when he was there? Do you want to compare Obama's present but not voted? You are just attempting to keep a redundant thread open, that is already totally moot. The issue of Rubio's votes is a non-issue to anyone that understands the requirements of campaigning. Now, if Rubio was to resign so that he could campaign, you would have issue with that also. You would be saying that Rubio, like Palin is a quitter. This is the same exact thing that Palin when through when she was required to be in court for a long period of time because of liberal attacks that turned out to be false. She was totally exonerated but because of the time off required to be in court, she resigned from her governor position. And yet you liberals had a field day on it, yelling like petulant children that she was a quitter.

So, Rubio missed votes. So do other candidates when they are campaigning. He made a good response to that when he said Obama just vetos anything that comes from the Republican majority anyway. It's true, Obama is childish and has his tantrums and refuses to work with Republicans, calling them "the enemy."

So, get over it and move on. This is a non-issue for everyone but liberals attempting to slur Rubio because they know he is an easy win over Chillery. You might as well get used to seeing Rubio, because he is likely to be your next president.
And speaking of slurs, your continual slurs against Hillary are boringly childish. Enjoy your Koolaid. I'm afraid reality will sink in when the Democrats win another presidency.
Old 01-01-2016, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So, what's your point? You must have one. Rubio missed some votes. Obama missed votes and Kerry missed votes. Do you really want to delve into how Obama voted or didn't vote when he was there? Do you want to compare Obama's present but not voted? You are just attempting to keep a redundant thread open, that is already totally moot. The issue of Rubio's votes is a non-issue to anyone that understands the requirements of campaigning. Now, if Rubio was to resign so that he could campaign, you would have issue with that also. You would be saying that Rubio, like Palin is a quitter. This is the same exact thing that Palin when through when she was required to be in court for a long period of time because of liberal attacks that turned out to be false. She was totally exonerated but because of the time off required to be in court, she resigned from her governor position. And yet you liberals had a field day on it, yelling like petulant children that she was a quitter.

So, Rubio missed votes. So do other candidates when they are campaigning. He made a good response to that when he said Obama just vetos anything that comes from the Republican majority anyway. It's true, Obama is childish and has his tantrums and refuses to work with Republicans, calling them "the enemy."

So, get over it and move on. This is a non-issue for everyone but liberals attempting to slur Rubio because they know he is an easy win over Chillery. You might as well get used to seeing Rubio, because he is likely to be your next president.
And speaking of slurs, your continual slurs against Hillary are boringly childish. Enjoy your Koolaid. I'm afraid reality will sink in when the Democrats win another presidency.
Old 01-01-2016, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And speaking of slurs, your continual slurs against Hillary are boringly childish. Enjoy your Koolaid. I'm afraid reality will sink in when the Democrats win another presidency.
If you say so. Actually, slurs against Chillery are pretty easy. She is so corrupt and ugly inside that only an ignorant idiot, knowing these facts on her would still vote for her. Act all indignant if you wish, but at least I am not too lazy to produce facts to back up my statements. Unlike certain liberals on here. Give me a holler if you need some more research done for you. I realize that some folks have difficulty figuring out how to use a search engine.
Old 01-01-2016, 09:22 AM
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I hope my opinion that the dividend nature of our people is the result of Obamination having hitched his existence to all that is negative. In ten months, good riddens, we will be rid of Obama. We will howver be left with his 9 TRILLION DOLLAR addition to the national debt. Will the next president be able to get all Americans pulling in the same direction. A tug of war, is a lot of wasted effort AND GETS NO WHERE.
Old 01-01-2016, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I don't know if you just didn't read the article in, or if you are trying to be dishonest, but what said, is that the numbers Rubio cited for Obama and Kerry were for an election year, while right now Rubio's votes missed are for an off-election year. in order to make apples to apples comparison, calculated the percentage of missed votes through the first nine months of the year before the general election year for the senators. By this measure, Rubio missed a higher percentage of votes than Obama, but not higher than Kerry. Rubio missed 30% while Obama missed 25%.

What is interesting to me is that in this year, of the five senators currently seeking the presidency, Rubio at 33.7 percent, has missed the most votes this year, and Sanders at 3.4 percent, has missed the fewest.
What seems interesting to you is really not that interesting at all. You read the numbers the way you wish to perceive them. Others look at the totality of the information in order to make their judgement calls. Since you have no intention on voting Republican or for Rubio, it's "interesting" that you appear to be fearful that Rubio will beat Hillary if he gets the GOP nomination. And from all reports, he can beat her very easily. That must scare liberals to death. I am sure that they would hate to see that gov teat dry up.
Old 01-01-2016, 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I hope my opinion that the dividend nature of our people is the result of Obamination having hitched his existence to all that is negative. In ten months, good riddens, we will be rid of Obama. We will howver be left with his 9 TRILLION DOLLAR addition to the national debt. Will the next president be able to get all Americans pulling in the same direction. A tug of war, is a lot of wasted effort AND GETS NO WHERE.
I think the amount of his additional debt will be more closer to TEN TRILLION by the time he leaves. Remember, like Bush he gets credit for ALL deficits until Nov 2017. If the additional debt is not over 10 trillion, it will be a miracle. And I don't believe in liberal miracles any more than I believe that Hillary will get elected. I am sure that this year 2016 will be the last year that we will have to be concerned with her.

Yes, there is no doubt now that this administration will be given credit for DOUBLING the national debt.

florida, talk, votes, misses, rubio

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