Rubio Misses Votes

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Old 01-01-2016, 09:33 AM
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RE: Racism and Obama
The facts are: Obama hitched his wagon to you owe me gimmmeeeee section of America.
The numbers show just like that Obamacare will not cost anything and sooooo many other lies form his mouth.
The black vote 98% went to Obama-blacks are roughtly 13% of the population. The Jewish vote 86% went to Obama-the Jews are roughly 5% of the population. Had the non-black non-Jewish vote been as RACIALLY PREJUDICED, Obama would have received roughly 28% of the total vote-he received 53%
The HYPNOTIZED democratic voting people parrot the party platform and believe the Republicans are a bunch of racists. They even tried to BAIT Carson into THEIR belief.
His reply, I AM A SURGEON. A great way to say, YOU ARE A DAMN FOOL. Obama got elected on his skin color. For the Republicans IT WAS SIMPLY A NON-ISSUE. That made me proud of America.
Old 01-01-2016, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
RE: Racism and Obama
The facts are: Obama hitched his wagon to you owe me gimmmeeeee section of America.
The numbers show just like that Obamacare will not cost anything and sooooo many other lies form his mouth.
The black vote 98% went to Obama-blacks are roughtly 13% of the population. The Jewish vote 86% went to Obama-the Jews are roughly 5% of the population. Had the non-black non-Jewish vote been as RACIALLY PREJUDICED, Obama would have received roughly 28% of the total vote-he received 53%
The HYPNOTIZED democratic voting people parrot the party platform and believe the Republicans are a bunch of racists. They even tried to BAIT Carson into THEIR belief.
His reply, I AM A SURGEON. A great way to say, YOU ARE A DAMN FOOL. Obama got elected on his skin color. For the Republicans IT WAS SIMPLY A NON-ISSUE. That made me proud of America.
Makes me proud of being a Republican. I can't say much for the ignorant that voted for him for a second term. The first term mistake, I can forgive. But, most intelligent people learn from their mistakes, not repeat them.
Old 01-01-2016, 11:47 AM
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Rubio is deemed the most viable candidate to win against Hillary, so the liberal media is attacking him fiercely. Not that he can't handle it, but it shows the desperation on the left. I think they are discounting Trump and Cruz as self destructive and a non-threat. I believe that once the heavy rhetoric settles down and the dust and smoke clears, many conservative voters will feel the same way. Rubio will bring in the Independent vote because they are mostly moderates. He will also appeal to many women, especially the ones that can't stand Hillary. He will definitely draw the Latino vote.

The issue with his voting record was brought up by a drowning Bush in desperation. Bush wants the Florida vote in the primary.

The voting record was brought up on Obama when he was campaigning for president and became a non-issue real fast. This issue is normal for a senator or governor when they are campaigning for office.
Old 01-01-2016, 12:05 PM
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From my recollection, the only ones bringing up Rubio's voting record are the other Republican candidates! Same for the credit card issues.

Republicans don't need Democrats to disparage their candidates. Republicans are killing themselves and their chances of winning the WH in 2016.

I'm a life long Republican and have never seen the party in such shambles IMHO, Rubio is the only candidate with half a chance at winning the general election.
Old 01-01-2016, 12:08 PM
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It's so easy to blame the "liberal" media forgetting that Trump attacked his voting record and Rand Paul called for him to quit over it.
Old 01-01-2016, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It's so easy to blame the "liberal" media forgetting that Trump attacked his voting record and Rand Paul called for him to quit over it.
I believe it was Bush that originally brought up Rubio's voting record during the debate.

It is the "liberal media" that is keeping it alive.
Old 01-01-2016, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It's so easy to blame the "liberal" media forgetting that Trump attacked his voting record and Rand Paul called for him to quit over it.
In my comment, I did NOT say that it was the "liberal media" that brought up Rubio's voting record. I said they are attacking him in the media. I believe I mentioned that Bush was the one that accused him of missing votes.
Old 01-01-2016, 12:28 PM
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However, you know that the Gang of Three (plus 1 cohort) just will attacks those they consider liberal - even though the statement of missing votes was raised by Trump, Cruz, and Bush.

It does not matter the topic. Just attack liberal viewpoints.

Then there is the racist poster (although he would say he is only stating facts - BS).

Just read that post on this thread and see if it makes you proud to be associated with this person as a Villager.
Old 01-01-2016, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
However, you know that the Gang of Three (plus 1 cohort) just will attacks those they consider liberal - even though the statement of missing votes was raised by Trump, Cruz, and Bush.

It does not matter the topic. Just attack liberal viewpoints.

Then there is the racist poster (although he would say he is only stating facts - BS).

Just read that post on this thread and see if it makes you proud to be associated with this person as a Villager.
Give it a break. A liberal brought up this issue(started the thread) on here in an attempt to discredit Rubio. Quit trying to act like liberals are the victims. It's not the conservatives on here calling names toward the other posters. It's almost ALWAYS the liberal poster or two that likes to troll the political section. So quit with the indignant victim posing.

It was also proven on here that the voting record is not an issue. Sure Bush used it in the debate to try to regain some poll numbers for not being a wimp. No one cares about his voting record any more than they cared about Obama's when Hillary brought it up when he was campaigning for pres.
Old 01-01-2016, 01:04 PM
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Well, since this thread has mentioned Rubio, Cruz, Trump, and Bush let's see what "W" has to say......
Old 01-01-2016, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well, since this thread has mentioned Rubio, Cruz, Trump, and Bush let's see what "W" has to say......
Will Farrrell, left of liberal, is not a very good "W" impersonator. He can be a bit funny at times, but not so often.
Old 01-01-2016, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Will Farrrell, left of liberal, is not a very good "W" impersonator. He can be a bit funny at times, but not so often.
You're right, nobody does W like W.
Old 01-01-2016, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You're right, nobody does W like W.
On the other hand, I did not think that SNL did a very good job of portraying Hillary either. The impersonator(s) had her mannerisms down but the look and the voice was way off. But, it is supposed to be humor and it did achieve that to a certain extent. They kind of kid gloves her impersonation, perhaps out of fear? She can be scary....
Old 01-01-2016, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
On the other hand, I did not think that SNL did a very good job of portraying Hillary either. The impersonator(s) had her mannerisms down but the look and the voice was way off. But, it is supposed to be humor and it did achieve that to a certain extent. They kind of kid gloves her impersonation, perhaps out of fear? She can be scary....
You have to admit - no matter your affiliation - that SNL's Tina Fey was at her very best doing the comedy bits impersonating Sarah Palin.
Old 01-02-2016, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You have to admit - no matter your affiliation - that SNL's Tina Fey was at her very best doing the comedy bits impersonating Sarah Palin.
Yep, she did do Palin well. But Palin was/is easy to impersonate. All you have to do is run all your sentences together. And Palin is easy to look at also, and anyone looking like her is also easy to look at. Hillary on the other hand.....not so much.

florida, talk, votes, misses, rubio

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