Russian Hackers Target Senate

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Old 01-12-2018, 07:29 PM
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Default Russian Hackers Target Senate

Maybe we will finally get some action from the Republicans now that the Russians are going after them, too.

Cybersecurity Firm: US Senate in Russian Hackers' Crosshairs - The New York Times
Old 01-12-2018, 08:45 PM
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Senator John McCain turned his attention to an even more worrisome possibility: “Quietly, the Kremlin has been trying to map the United States telecommunications infrastructure,” he said, describing a series of steps hackers have taken to develop “a cyber weapon that can disrupt the United States power grids and telecommunications infrastructure.” When McCain asked Sessions if the administration had a plan to deal with such an eventuality, Sessions admitted that it did not.
Old 01-12-2018, 10:11 PM
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And the Russians are in "our" crosshairs. That's how the game is played.

ANYTHING connected to a public network (the internet) is potentially hackable...some say EVERYTHING connected is's finding the flaw to get you in.

Guess someone found the "back door" in pretty much ALL the CPUs.

The next generations will have one too. Government probably demands it.

We "lost" the top secret satellite too! So relax Russia...we can't spy on you now...just go about your business.

russians, republicans, senate, target, hackers

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