A Sampling of The True Nature Of Things

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Old 07-11-2017, 09:24 AM
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Default A Sampling of The True Nature Of Things

While the main street media tries to keep us all glued to the specious claims made against Trump they intentionally ignore and create an diversion away from the issues that really matter and have a profound and lasting affect on this nation

There is a struggle going on in Belle Plaine,MN wherein approval has been granted for a Satanic Temple
( Baphometic Bowl of Wisdom)

The newly erected 10 Commandment Granite Structure was intentionally damaged by a driver less than 24 hours after its placement in front of the Arkansas Supreme court Building as an assault by the Freedom From Religion contingent.

A black man in Mississippi has filed a lawsuit claiming that its state flag is a representation of a slave state and demands it be replaced.

Countless lawsuits abound demanding that confederate Statutes, flags, Confederate War leaders names all be stricken. In addition any person of stature, who has been accused of being a slave owner and whose name appears on a building in a university, public building, etc be removed.

Same sex laws have been forced upon the public including a demand that every person acknowledge such relationships as normal. Yet a person of faith is brought to bear with heavy consequence his/her disagreement in accepting such a relationship.

Planned Parenthood denies but is in fact receiving federal monies and is the largest clinic nationally to perform abortions and claims but conservatives to defund Planned Parenthood held in contempt by progressives

Conservatives are criticized for demanding the defunding
National Endowment of Arts & Humanities welfare for cultural elite), an organization that is provided with billions of taxpayers monies . NEA sponored an enterprise that celebrating of a Japanese-American artist who has declared Osama bin Laden as one of the most adirmed people. NEA supports to sanctuary cities. NEA supports people like with the same interests and vision as Robert Mapplethorpe nd Karen Finley. Essentially the NEA holds the government hostage to exactly he sort of corruption our founders warned us about.

The radical left is making a concerted effort to re-write American History, push us into total secularism, remove the binary sex equation.....and the beat goes on

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-11-2017, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
While the main street media tries to keep us all glued to the specious claims made against Trump they intentionally ignore and create an diversion away from the issues that really matter and have a profound and lasting affect on this nation

There is a struggle going on in Belle Plaine,MN wherein approval has been granted for a Satanic Temple
( Baphometic Bowl of Wisdom)

The newly erected 10 Commandment Granite Structure was intentionally damaged by a driver less than 24 hours after its placement in front of the Arkansas Supreme court Building as an assault by the Freedom From Religion contingent.

A black man in Mississippi has filed a lawsuit claiming that its state flag is a representation of a slave state and demands it be replaced.

Countless lawsuits abound demanding that confederate Statutes, flags, Confederate War leaders names all be stricken. In addition any person of stature, who has been accused of being a slave owner and whose name appears on a building in a university, public building, etc be removed.

Same sex laws have been forced upon the public including a demand that every person acknowledge such relationships as normal. Yet a person of faith is brought to bear with heavy consequence his/her disagreement in accepting such a relationship.

Planned Parenthood denies but is in fact receiving federal monies and is the largest clinic nationally to perform abortions and claims but conservatives to defund Planned Parenthood held in contempt by progressives

Conservatives are criticized for demanding the defunding
National Endowment of Arts & Humanities welfare for cultural elite), an organization that is provided with billions of taxpayers monies . NEA sponored an enterprise that celebrating of a Japanese-American artist who has declared Osama bin Laden as one of the most adirmed people. NEA supports to sanctuary cities. NEA supports people like with the same interests and vision as Robert Mapplethorpe nd Karen Finley. Essentially the NEA holds the government hostage to exactly he sort of corruption our founders warned us about.

The radical left is making a concerted effort to re-write American History, push us into total secularism, remove the binary sex equation.....and the beat goes on

Personal Best Regards:
And NONE of it will matter in 30 years because America will have become 3rd world along with most of Europe.

Western Civilization is dead...you destroyed it when you LET them breed us out of our own countries...when you ENCOURAGED them to take control.

You hated white men in charge...you're REALLY going to hate black/brown men in charge.

Take a walk down MLK Blvd...see America's future. See what diversity brings.
Old 07-11-2017, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by RubiTHECon
While the main street media tries to keep us all glued to the specious claims made against Trump they intentionally ignore and create an diversion away from the issues that really matter and have a profound and lasting affect on this nation

There is a struggle going on in Belle Plaine,MN wherein approval has been granted for a Satanic Temple
( Baphometic Bowl of Wisdom)

The newly erected 10 Commandment Granite Structure was intentionally damaged by a driver less than 24 hours after its placement in front of the Arkansas Supreme court Building as an assault by the Freedom From Religion contingent.

A black man in Mississippi has filed a lawsuit claiming that its state flag is a representation of a slave state and demands it be replaced.

Countless lawsuits abound demanding that confederate Statutes, flags, Confederate War leaders names all be stricken. In addition any person of stature, who has been accused of being a slave owner and whose name appears on a building in a university, public building, etc be removed.

Same sex laws have been forced upon the public including a demand that every person acknowledge such relationships as normal. Yet a person of faith is brought to bear with heavy consequence his/her disagreement in accepting such a relationship.

Planned Parenthood denies but is in fact receiving federal monies and is the largest clinic nationally to perform abortions and claims but conservatives to defund Planned Parenthood held in contempt by progressives

Conservatives are criticized for demanding the defunding
National Endowment of Arts & Humanities welfare for cultural elite), an organization that is provided with billions of taxpayers monies . NEA sponored an enterprise that celebrating of a Japanese-American artist who has declared Osama bin Laden as one of the most adirmed people. NEA supports to sanctuary cities. NEA supports people like with the same interests and vision as Robert Mapplethorpe nd Karen Finley. Essentially the NEA holds the government hostage to exactly he sort of corruption our founders warned us about.

The radical left is making a concerted effort to re-write American History, push us into total secularism, remove the binary sex equation.....and the beat goes on

Personal Best Regards:

"Specious claims"

MORON JR. is supplying the rope to (figuratively) hang his own dad and you are so scared, all you can do is to is to try and divert by yelling... "oh look, a shiny thing?"

You're supposed "nothing burger" is looking more like steak and lobster...so tough $hit for you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 07-11-2017, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

"Specious claims"

MORON JR. is supplying the rope to (figuratively) hang his own dad and you are so scared, all you can do is to is to try and divert by yelling... "oh look, a shiny thing?"

You're supposed "nothing burger" is looking more like steak and lobster...so tough $hit for you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

I am totally befuddled that there continues to be ANY partisan conversation in this forum or anywhere after the events of the last few days.

Months now we have heard one after another associates of, and Trump himself say nobody ever associated with that campaign ever...ever met with anyone from Russia at any time.

We now know that not only was that a huge lie, but the lies change daily. Today the President actually praised his sons transparency, as we hear the only reason he released these emails was the Times gave him a heads up. He just keeps lying, and now we have the family business in OUR White House.

How can any American citizen care about anything right now except our country. This family has betrayed the country, and not speaking up is absolutely supporting that action.

Yes, we have other things that need discussion, but first address what appears to be anti American behavior by everyone in the Presidents circle.

Are we so damn polarized that we can't even see this ?
Old 07-11-2017, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And NONE of it will matter in 30 years because America will have become 3rd world along with most of Europe.

Western Civilization is dead...you destroyed it when you LET them breed us out of our own countries...when you ENCOURAGED them to take control.

You hated white men in charge...you're REALLY going to hate black/brown men in charge.

Take a walk down MLK Blvd...see America's future. See what diversity brings.

I trust when you say "you LET them" you are not personally blaming me, because I personally did not let anyone do anything.

You may want to place most of the blame of the decline of our national values on Presidents Johnson, Carter, Clinton, the liberal Supreme Court, NAACP, ACLU.

I do agree with you that as Europe continues its MULTI-CULTURAL SUICIDE, SAME SEX FASCINATIONS, etc we follow closely behind.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-11-2017, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I trust when you say "you LET them" you are not personally blaming me, because I personally did not let anyone do anything.

You may want to place most of the blame of the decline of our national values on Presidents Johnson, Carter, Clinton, the liberal Supreme Court, NAACP, ACLU.

I do agree with you that as Europe continues its MULTI-CULTURAL SUICIDE, SAME SEX FASCINATIONS, etc we follow closely behind.

Personal Best Regards:

So the two of you....DonBaldwin and Rubicon......feel the only leaders alive worth anything are WHITE MALES, and nobody else.

Do you include the morally corrupt, lying White male currently in the White House ? He is a white male. Is this your ideal leader of people ? Do you not want truth before skin color ?
Old 07-11-2017, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I trust when you say "you LET them" you are not personally blaming me, because I personally did not let anyone do anything.

You may want to place most of the blame of the decline of our national values on Presidents Johnson, Carter, Clinton, the liberal Supreme Court, NAACP, ACLU.

I do agree with you that as Europef continues its MULTI-CULTURAL SUICIDE, SAME SEX FASCINATIONS, etc we follow closely behind.

Personal Best Regards:

For someone who lived in Minnesota, you really are a bigot! Go live in a compound in Idaho with your fellow bigot, Don Baldwin, and his KKK friends.
Old 07-11-2017, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
For someone who lived in Minnesota, you really are a bigot! Go live in a compound in Idaho with your fellow bigot, Don Baldwin, and his KKK friends.
I am astonished at the view points of these two and a few others.

Rubicon demeans ALL progressives, ALL democrats, now ALL non whites and I assume as Baldwin, since he did not exclude them, ALL women.

He mentioned only Democrat presidents as if they and they alone are simply evil, which I do not understand.....they were all WHITE and all MEN.

The current president is WHITE and MALE and has our nation in such a tail spin, which Rubicon daily blames on progressives. Colluding with Russia does not count as a bad thing I suppose.

That is the first time I have ever typed that word "colluding" and after the weekend, it is obvious it fits. Whether it fits into the narrow band of prosecution is al that is left.

But the point is, these two are so arrogant, and so full of THEMSELVES to blame anything at all on the color of skin, birthplace or sex. In simple terms, NOTHING can be laid at the feet of their political ideology, their color of skin or their sex. It is simply the other guy who is at fault.

Hate simply plays on you and makes you feel so damn superior.
Old 07-11-2017, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
While the main street media tries to keep us all glued to the specious claims made against Trump they intentionally ignore and create an diversion away from the issues that really matter and have a profound and lasting affect on this nation

There is a struggle going on in Belle Plaine,MN wherein approval has been granted for a Satanic Temple
( Baphometic Bowl of Wisdom)

The newly erected 10 Commandment Granite Structure was intentionally damaged by a driver less than 24 hours after its placement in front of the Arkansas Supreme court Building as an assault by the Freedom From Religion contingent.

A black man in Mississippi has filed a lawsuit claiming that its state flag is a representation of a slave state and demands it be replaced.

Countless lawsuits abound demanding that confederate Statutes, flags, Confederate War leaders names all be stricken. In addition any person of stature, who has been accused of being a slave owner and whose name appears on a building in a university, public building, etc be removed.

Same sex laws have been forced upon the public including a demand that every person acknowledge such relationships as normal. Yet a person of faith is brought to bear with heavy consequence his/her disagreement in accepting such a relationship.

Planned Parenthood denies but is in fact receiving federal monies and is the largest clinic nationally to perform abortions and claims but conservatives to defund Planned Parenthood held in contempt by progressives

Conservatives are criticized for demanding the defunding
National Endowment of Arts & Humanities welfare for cultural elite), an organization that is provided with billions of taxpayers monies . NEA sponored an enterprise that celebrating of a Japanese-American artist who has declared Osama bin Laden as one of the most adirmed people. NEA supports to sanctuary cities. NEA supports people like with the same interests and vision as Robert Mapplethorpe nd Karen Finley. Essentially the NEA holds the government hostage to exactly he sort of corruption our founders warned us about.

The radical left is making a concerted effort to re-write American History, push us into total secularism, remove the binary sex equation.....and the beat goes on

Personal Best Regards:
When you speak of "specious" claims against Trump...keep this little bit in mind....

"The email from Trump associate Rob Goldstone bears the subject line, “Russia-Clinton — private and confidential.” It says that the “Crown prosecutor of Russia” was offering to provide the Trump campaign “some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.” He explains this is “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The emails describe Veselnitskaya as a “Russian government attorney.”

Trump Jr.’s response to this offer: “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” — in other words, closer to the date of the election. He proceeded to set up the meeting, and told Goldstone that Kushner and Manafort would also attend."

Donald Trump Jr.’s emails are far more damning than anyone could have imagined - The Washington Post

At minimum, Don Jr. was "collusion curious"

Even if the foreign power involved were the Brits and not the Russians, meeting with another government to get opposition dirt for a U.S. presidential election is wrong.

We may not be there quite yet, however we are extremely close to asking THAT question.....

What did the President know and when did he know it ?
Old 07-11-2017, 07:58 PM
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Thus far, contributing to those "specious" claims, the following are people who stated they never met any Russians and failed to report any such meeting as required,

All members of the campaign.

All of these, and the list grows daily, have now admitted to meetings with Russia...ALL BECAUSE THE MEDIA HAD THE INFO AND WERE GOING PUBLIC......

Michael Flynn
Jeff Sessions
Jared Kushner
Paul Manafort
Donald Trump, Jr
Carter Page
J D Gordon

Very "specious"
Old 07-11-2017, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When you speak of "specious" claims against Trump...keep this little bit in mind....

"The email from Trump associate Rob Goldstone bears the subject line, “Russia-Clinton — private and confidential.” It says that the “Crown prosecutor of Russia” was offering to provide the Trump campaign “some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.” He explains this is “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The emails describe Veselnitskaya as a “Russian government attorney.”

Trump Jr.’s response to this offer: “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” — in other words, closer to the date of the election. He proceeded to set up the meeting, and told Goldstone that Kushner and Manafort would also attend."

Donald Trump Jr.’s emails are far more damning than anyone could have imagined - The Washington Post

At minimum, Don Jr. was "collusion curious"

We may not be there quite yet, however we are extremely close to asking THAT question.....

What did the President know and when did he know it ?
Ill bet Mueller gets there...sooner rather than later.

Moron Jr. has been known to have been dominated by Moron Sr. all of his life and if anyone believes that Chump didn't know about the meeting beforehand, much less was (or wasn't) said at the meeting (not even counting Kushner/Manaforte being there too)...is either beyond a Trump Cultist or a moron also.

Thank goodness Moron Jr. and Sr. have both now publicly stated that Chump just learned about this..because THAT is what will force him out of office.

If his megolamaniacal ego wasn't so YUGE and Trump had just admitted to knowing about the meeting...he might have actually weathered the storm.

NOW, he is on record in the media as having lied and I just hope that he testifies to such (and he WILL now have to testify)...before the proof that he lied under oath comes out.
Old 07-11-2017, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thus far, contributing to those "specious" claims, the following are people who stated they never met any Russians and failed to report any such meeting as required,

All members of the campaign.

All of these, and the list grows daily, have now admitted to meetings with Russia...ALL BECAUSE THE MEDIA HAD THE INFO AND WERE GOING PUBLIC......

Michael Flynn
Jeff Sessions
Jared Kushner
Paul Manafort
Donald Trump, Jr
Carter Page
J D Gordon

Very "specious"
Given Trump's demand for absolute control, who really believes that all these people met with Russian's...and Trump was oblivious to it?

For those that actually believe that, raise your hand, make a fist...then punch yourself hard right in the ear.
Old 07-11-2017, 08:32 PM
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Default Continue to watch for a Republican attempt at diversion

Already, Republicans have started to make a foundation of innuendo that will imply that it is actually a fault of the Clinton campaign.....or Obama......or the DNC......or the fat guy in the basement of his parent's house......
Old 07-11-2017, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Already, Republicans have started to make a foundation of innuendo that will imply that it is actually a fault of the Clinton campaign.....or Obama......or the DNC......or the fat guy in the basement of his parent's house......

I can also see Putin telling Chump "don't forget you're my bitch and you better fix this, or I'll spill the beans on what I have on you...which is so much more damaging."
Old 07-12-2017, 04:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Already, Republicans have started to make a foundation of innuendo that will imply that it is actually a fault of the Clinton campaign.....or Obama......or the DNC......or the fat guy in the basement of his parent's house......
I'll make book that you got this information from CNN.

Personal Best Regards:


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