A Sampling of The True Nature Of Things

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Old 07-12-2017, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post
We were there a few years ago on a side trip and even though my wife is a gourmet cook and a foodie...she didn't realize they were having this while we were there.

The Villages Florida

In spite of the $30 parking...it was pretty amazing. [emoji106]
On my whole life I have never been so crowded as I was at the Taste. You had to sidle to move. But it was a fun day, and everybody was enjoying the food and entertainment.
As far as parking goes I had to snap this photo.The Villages Florida

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Old 07-13-2017, 05:08 AM
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continuing with the subject mater, "A sampling of the true nature of things " may i ask how some of you view the end results of the following social changes forced on our society?

Affirmative action
the redefinition of marriage
the social lab experiment conducted by the Obama Administration on our military

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Old 07-13-2017, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
While the main street media tries to keep us all glued to the specious claims made against Trump they intentionally ignore and create an diversion away from the issues that really matter and have a profound and lasting affect on this nation

There is a struggle going on in Belle Plaine,MN wherein approval has been granted for a Satanic Temple
( Baphometic Bowl of Wisdom)

The newly erected 10 Commandment Granite Structure was intentionally damaged by a driver less than 24 hours after its placement in front of the Arkansas Supreme court Building as an assault by the Freedom From Religion contingent.

A black man in Mississippi has filed a lawsuit claiming that its state flag is a representation of a slave state and demands it be replaced.

Countless lawsuits abound demanding that confederate Statutes, flags, Confederate War leaders names all be stricken. In addition any person of stature, who has been accused of being a slave owner and whose name appears on a building in a university, public building, etc be removed.

Same sex laws have been forced upon the public including a demand that every person acknowledge such relationships as normal. Yet a person of faith is brought to bear with heavy consequence his/her disagreement in accepting such a relationship.

Planned Parenthood denies but is in fact receiving federal monies and is the largest clinic nationally to perform abortions and claims but conservatives to defund Planned Parenthood held in contempt by progressives

Conservatives are criticized for demanding the defunding
National Endowment of Arts & Humanities welfare for cultural elite), an organization that is provided with billions of taxpayers monies . NEA sponored an enterprise that celebrating of a Japanese-American artist who has declared Osama bin Laden as one of the most adirmed people. NEA supports to sanctuary cities. NEA supports people like with the same interests and vision as Robert Mapplethorpe nd Karen Finley. Essentially the NEA holds the government hostage to exactly he sort of corruption our founders warned us about.

The radical left is making a concerted effort to re-write American History, push us into total secularism, remove the binary sex equation.....and the beat goes on

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I just wanted to thank you for using the word "specious" . I had to use a dictionary!
Old 07-13-2017, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I just wanted to thank you for using the word "specious" . I had to use a dictionary!
You mean like racial and gender equality claims are specious?
Old 07-13-2017, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
continuing with the subject mater, "A sampling of the true nature of things " may i ask how some of you view the end results of the following social changes forced on our society?

Affirmative action
the redefinition of marriage
the social lab experiment conducted by the Obama Administration on our military

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Affirmative action - Abject failure. What has it accomplished other than lowering the standards in just about everything so they could "qualify". Forcing the hiring of incompetents who wouldn't be working without a quota bumping someone more qualified.

Abortion - that along with birth control is responsible for the declining white population. White people have kids they can afford...unlike the minorities who profit from each additional kid they have. Welfare encourages non-marriage. Non-families. With a $60,000 a year entitlement.

Feminism - Rule by emotion. Doesn't matter how true something is...if it doesn't "feel right", it's wrong. Feminism led to the rise of the minorities. The enemy of my enemy is my friend twisted thinking added the minorities and gays to the feminist bandwagon. All united to end white male rule. The same rule that brought you western civilization, the technology you enjoy...and MOST importantly...the FREEDOM you enjoy today. What do you think the world of women will become WHEN the minority men are the majority...a controlling majority? Watch BET, Univision to see what women's roles will become. Servitude...

Marriage - marriage will end not too long from now. It's become the enslavement of men. During the marriage and after as he is forced to continue to pay getting nothing in return.

Military - Our "military" is becoming push button killing from afar. Why do you think they started allowing women in? They're worthless in conventional battle, remote warfare is the only way to let them "play". The military is feminizing like everything else. Drive and ambition are all by dead. There's no reward as feminism wants everything shared equally. Feminism isn't much different than letting blacks run things. It's doomed to failure.
Old 07-13-2017, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Affirmative action - Abject failure. What has it accomplished other than lowering the standards in just about everything so they could "qualify". Forcing the hiring of incompetents who wouldn't be working without a quota bumping someone more qualified.

Abortion - that along with birth control is responsible for the declining white population. White people have kids they can afford...unlike the minorities who profit from each additional kid they have. Welfare encourages non-marriage. Non-families. With a $60,000 a year entitlement.

Feminism - Rule by emotion. Doesn't matter how true something is...if it doesn't "feel right", it's wrong. Feminism led to the rise of the minorities. The enemy of my enemy is my friend twisted thinking added the minorities and gays to the feminist bandwagon. All united to end white male rule. The same rule that brought you western civilization, the technology you enjoy...and MOST importantly...the FREEDOM you enjoy today. What do you think the world of women will become WHEN the minority men are the majority...a controlling majority? Watch BET, Univision to see what women's roles will become. Servitude...

Marriage - marriage will end not too long from now. It's become the enslavement of men. During the marriage and after as he is forced to continue to pay getting nothing in return.

Military - Our "military" is becoming push button killing from afar. Why do you think they started allowing women in? They're worthless in conventional battle, remote warfare is the only way to let them "play". The military is feminizing like everything else. Drive and ambition are all by dead. There's no reward as feminism wants everything shared equally. Feminism isn't much different than letting blacks run things. It's doomed to failure.

Again, I ask for your solutions.

All immigrants leave, all women stay at home by law, turn on the ovens for blacks ?

You just bitch and moan to make yourself feel good.
Old 07-14-2017, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
continuing with the subject mater, "A sampling of the true nature of things " may i ask how some of you view the end results of the following social changes forced on our society?

Affirmative action
the redefinition of marriage
the social lab experiment conducted by the Obama Administration on our military

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It's all UN-American, Anti-American cr@p! It just proves how weak America has become to let a minority group of liberals dictate how the moral majority should treat them.

And if you criticize this, the little group of whiners will reply with accusations and no substantive argument. They will call you a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. And the right has been getting weaker and have allowed them to get away with it.
Old 07-15-2017, 04:48 AM
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Affirmative action
the redefinition of marriage
the social lab experiment conducted by the Obama Administration on our military

Poster in some respects you are right that these policies are un-american. In my view the problem with all of the above mentioned liberal policies is their over reach.
Liberals have this fixation that they have the high moral ground in all mattters and hence any policy, rules etc they lay down must be followed without question.

Affirmative Action and forced integration essentially left too many people behind. In fact in many places blacks are worse off now.

For those blacks entering college or the work force affirmative action created the "tokenism" imagery. Blacks quite qualified an who actually earned their place were unfortunately looked upon as being a token choice.

Abortion is viewed by liberals as a "woman's right/choice". Yet all it does is provide a legal right to kill their young. And as the Nazi's did with their final solution for Jews abortionists are pushing the envelope and extended the cut off dates for abortion. The Federal government is forcing taxpayers to fund abortions. The state of Oregon just passed a bill forcing insurance companies to included abortion as a benefit on all their policies. the state also added millions to their budget to help fund this new benefit.

the main concern I have with feminism are twofold. first the more ardent defenders are women who hate men. the second is the devastating affect it had on a good portion of the male population

Since the beginning of time the definition of marriage has been between a man and a woman as nature intended. The progressive left desire is to remove the sex binary because if we are all just people then how can their be homosexuality............

I have always believed that men and women compliment one another and so my tendency was always to have a mixed staff of people. However women in battlefield positions goes against my male nature. Its bad enough to witness men being killed etc but women savagely mishandled......

Gays in the military have always been a problem. Gays make it difficult for maintaining a cohesive group. Don't Ask, Don't Tell provided a wall of secrecy and one gays dared not pass. Now.........................

The defense bill is being held up because the Trump Administration does not want to be for transgender surgery. Who would argue with that one?

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Old 07-15-2017, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thus far, contributing to those "specious" claims, the following are people who stated they never met any Russians and failed to report any such meeting as required,

All members of the campaign.

All of these, and the list grows daily, have now admitted to meetings with Russia...ALL BECAUSE THE MEDIA HAD THE INFO AND WERE GOING PUBLIC......

Michael Flynn
Jeff Sessions
Jared Kushner
Paul Manafort
Donald Trump, Jr
Carter Page
J D Gordon

Very "specious"
I'm guessing that this will fizzle out just like every out ridiculous charge made by the Democrats.

They all go up like a rocket on the fourth of July then they don't explode and simply fall back to earth.

Donald Jr did not meet with any representatives of the Russian government. He was simply doing research on his opponent.

What do know now is that they lawyer that he met with has strong connections to the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign.

Does anyone else smell a setup?
Old 07-15-2017, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Get ready for more poopy pants. Midterms make you nervous. Lol. The Villages Florida
If I 'm not mistaken, 25 Democratic senators are up for re-election and many of them are in danger of losing their seats. Only seven Republicans are up and most are solid.

If anything, the Senate should have a larger Republican majority after the mid-terms.
Old 07-15-2017, 03:42 PM
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Let the Demos keep making up crazy @ss accusations instead of attempting to solidify their positions with the voters. They will be crying about "collusion" when they lose the rest of their seats in congress.
Old 07-16-2017, 05:25 AM
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Why is it that the so called social justice warriors of American politics are so unjust, hateful, spiteful, radical, illogical, absolute in their thinking and in some cases actually violent? Seriously think about what is happening in this nation today and who is creating the great divide and why?

How can anyone feel confident voting for a progressive who has all the markings of a child having a tantrum...Baby Huey comes to mind or perhaps Al Franken's famous skit.

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Old 07-16-2017, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by RubiTHECon
Why is it that the so called social justice warriors of American politics are so unjust, hateful, spiteful, radical, illogical, absolute in their thinking and in some cases actually violent? Seriously think about what is happening in this nation today and who is creating the great divide and why?

How can anyone feel confident voting for a progressive who has all the markings of a child having a tantrum...Baby Huey comes to mind or perhaps Al Franken's famous skit.

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Why is it that those who are afflicted with the real Trump Derangement Syndrome (the inability to admit that the POTUS is a lying, bigoted, misogynistic, egomaniacal gutter scumbag)...refuse to acknowledge actual facts?

Trump's ever-shrinking base, is primarily composed of those who would have also easily rallied behind...history's most despicable dictators/despots.

That they aren't smart enough to admit their mistake or accept actual facts, pretty much says it all about how their loyalty belongs to an egotistical real estate developer...and not to the interests of this great nation.

Chump's idol worship of Putin, is based on the fact that Putin has absolute control over Russia and Trump only wishes that he had the same over America/American's...as he did in his small real estate business.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 07-16-2017, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post
Why is it that those who are afflicted with the real Trump Derangement Syndrome (the inability to admit that the POTUS is a lying, bigoted, misogynistic, egomaniacal gutter scumbag)...refuse to acknowledge actual facts?

Trump's ever-shrinking base, is primarily composed of those who would have also easily rallied behind...history's most despicable dictators/despots.

That they aren't smart enough to admit their mistake or accept actual facts, pretty much says it all about how their loyalty belongs to an egotistical real estate developer...and not to the interests of this great nation.

Chump's idol worship of Putin, is based on the fact that Putin has absolute control over Russia and Trump only wishes that he had the same over America/American's...as he did in his small real estate business.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

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