Noticable absense of some liberals

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Old 10-17-2009, 08:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Noticable absense of some liberals

that normally would post here. I guess that it might be because Chels and others have migrated to ********** that Chels is the Administrator of?
Old 10-17-2009, 09:14 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Relative to addressing issues they are always absent....anyway.

They will bash Bush/Cheney/Palin/et al.......they will tell you Obama is their guy...why he is great and good for America/the world(?)......but ask about their opinion in support of ANY absence!!!

Old 10-17-2009, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
that normally would post here. I guess that it might be because Chels and others have migrated to ********** that Chels is the Administrator of?
OK....I'll bite....what's a ********** ????????

Really, I just got back to TV from our summer hiatus.
Old 10-17-2009, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
OK....I'll bite....what's a ********** ????????

Really, I just got back to TV from our summer hiatus.
Out of respect for TOTV's administration I intentionally used the Asterisks rather than name the forum. Don't want to be stripping people away from this forum. To those that do know, is that were everyone went?
Old 10-17-2009, 02:25 PM
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I went, got bored, came back.

Old 10-22-2009, 07:57 PM
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It would seem to me that since the left was very active here during the campaign, but mostly discussing Palin's family, McCains wife and flying record.....and have not returned since the election for the most part that,,,

Either, as many said here (and Pelosi said more than once.."we lost") OR they stop watching what is going on after the election since the party is not telling them as much as they were iniitially OR they find nothing to support which may be the case since most of those who post totally and completely ignore the issues and only want to talk in those grandiose terms that we all are getting tired of coming out of the WH !!
Old 10-22-2009, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
It would seem to me that since the left was very active here during the campaign, but mostly discussing Palin's family, McCains wife and flying record.....and have not returned since the election for the most part that,,,

Either, as many said here (and Pelosi said more than once.."we lost") OR they stop watching what is going on after the election since the party is not telling them as much as they were iniitially OR they find nothing to support which may be the case since most of those who post totally and completely ignore the issues and only want to talk in those grandiose terms that we all are getting tired of coming out of the WH !!
Maybe when there will be an honest bi-partisan discussion site started here both sides will have a place to actually have a helpful discussion on all items that concern everyone, and the hateful right wing bashers will start acting like grownups.
Old 10-22-2009, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Topper1 View Post
Maybe when there will be an honest bi-partisan discussion site started here both sides will have a place to actually have a helpful discussion on all items that concern everyone, and the hateful right wing bashers will start acting like grownups.
I for one will hereby promise to discuss ISSUES...I dont think I have ever posted hate and if you have an issue to discuss, lets have a go.

I will stop at this point and see what happens and promise even to come to your defense if someone gets "hateful"

I never saw hateful posts toward other posters but going to go way out of my way if you will discuss ISSUES...not personalities !

PS: I must add one caveat....I have been called nasty names both here and in PMs for simply criticizing the President. I do not think crticism of policy is hateful ! If you consider any criticism of the administration hateful, well then there is a problem and has been for many many years !
Old 10-23-2009, 08:26 AM
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Default We behave no differently than the

non "right wing bashers" (would that be the left wing bashers?)from the pre election era.
Do I sense a double standard? No, just the Pelosi standard.

Old 10-23-2009, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
non "right wing bashers" (would that be the left wing bashers?)from the pre election era.
Do I sense a double standard? No, just the Pelosi standard.

I recently heard from a Liberal poster to TOTV and was told that they were opting out of Political because of of the personal tenor of the posts. If we continue to drive away all the Liberals who are we going to debate? Singing to the choir isn't very much of an accomplishment as to an exchange of views.
Old 10-23-2009, 01:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default They will be back. They no doubt lurk now cause they can't stand

the homogeniety of their all singing all dancing to the beat of the party drum.
I personally do not believe it has anything to do with personal attacks and has EVERYTHING to do with being embarrassed at not having the ability or the courage to respond to challenging questions on issues their party benevolents espouse.

And as far as the ongoing whining about not supporting their I said is more issue based than the trashing some of them did during the election campaign (and some still do.....regularly).

No struggle no progress.

They will be back in 2010 and they sure as heck will be back for 2012 or sooner if they tired talking to each other.

Old 10-23-2009, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
I recently heard from a Liberal poster to TOTV and was told that they were opting out of Political because of of the personal tenor of the posts. If we continue to drive away all the Liberals who are we going to debate? Singing to the choir isn't very much of an accomplishment as to an exchange of views.
Well, at the risk of being corrected in some way, I dont see the personal attacks and never did.

I think in responding to someones post there can be sarcasm and biting comments, but are we not all adults ? Nobody, to my knowledge ever accelerated anything beyond what I consider adult, mature behavior.

I post on a few others and if I had an attitude like that, the Iraq situation alone would have done me in

I know I mention this a lot but is a huge part of this forum...that is the very very personal attacks on the Palin family...some were just plain vile and had absolutely nothing to do with politics !

"Sara Palin again" still the 10th most active thread ever on this forum...and if you read through that thread you will see her motherhood and her daughter taken to task more than her political views !
Old 10-24-2009, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
Noticable absense of some liberals that normally would post here. I guess that it might be because Chels and others have migrated to ********** that Chels is the Administrator of?
Not just the far-left pinko liberals, but the far-right conservative wackos too. It really appears that the overall posting in Political has dropped off. The same 6 or 7 members post. Control the topics. Same stuff. Mutual admiration. Shut down any other view point. Going to save the world by posting their same-old, same-old here. Do we see a pattern developing? Just not a good use of time. Not even fun anymore.
Old 10-24-2009, 07:46 AM
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Default Want the Truth


When Liberals agree with you they cannot speak.
Old 10-24-2009, 09:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Any exit, instead of the usual stone throwing

is there an issue you would like to discuss? Some of us find these to be the kryptonite of the opposition.....they will NOT even express their position on issues of the administration they support.

Two more: Any of the current participants in this forum are doing no more and far less abusive verbiage than that used by the opposition during the pre election 2008 time period.

Lastly repeating what I posted earlier, it is easier to stand quiet or go away or make noises like boring and casting accusations.....anything except the real issue.

Many have taken Truman's invite to heart and gotten outta da kitchen!!!!!


PS and where ever they go to do they not listen to just what they want to hear from each school yard-ish!!

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