Saving Medicare

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Old 01-04-2017, 11:14 AM
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Post Saving Medicare

Seniors have a champion willing to help save Medicare, Senator Bernie Sanders. He announced last night on the Rachel Maddow Show that he is organizing rallies in every city, town, and hamlet across the country the week-end before the inauguration to support the single-payer socialized medicine.

Residents of the Villages might want to 'feel the Bern'. Seniors must decide what they like best Trump or Medicare.
Old 01-04-2017, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Seniors have a champion willing to help save Medicare, Senator Bernie Sanders. He announced last night on the Rachel Maddow Show that he is organizing rallies in every city, town, and hamlet across the country the week-end before the inauguration to support the single-payer socialized medicine.

Residents of the Villages might want to 'feel the Bern'. Seniors must decide what they like best Trump or Medicare.
Get rid of it. If you need health care that bad, then you probably qualify for Medicaid, which provides much more at less cost. Medicare is crap.

But, liberals are a needy bunch of losers so they are even too lazy to apply for Medicaid. Probably have to make it automated like Medicare so that they won't get lost trying to figure it out.

Rachel Madcow is a cretin with no brain and Bernie is a chump loser that let Hillary play him like the demented old commie he is. He can't die fast enough. He is a drain on resources.

To summarize, I hope they really do consider getting rid of Medicare. It's just a slush fund for congress. For the money that the gov deducted from payroll, you can get real health insurance that really provides services.
Old 01-04-2017, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Get rid of it. If you need health care that bad, then you probably qualify for Medicaid, which provides much more at less cost. Medicare is crap.

But, liberals are a needy bunch of losers so they are even too lazy to apply for Medicaid. Probably have to make it automated like Medicare so that they won't get lost trying to figure it out.

Rachel Madcow is a cretin with no brain and Bernie is a chump loser that let Hillary play him like the demented old commie he is. He can't die fast enough. He is a drain on resources.

To summarize, I hope they really do consider getting rid of Medicare. It's just a slush fund for congress. For the money that the gov deducted from payroll, you can get real health insurance that really provides services.
talk about cretinous losers. everyone who gets medicare is evaluated fot medicaid.
Old 01-04-2017, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
talk about cretinous losers. everyone who gets medicare is evaluated fot medicaid.

Medicaid is based on financial ability to pay. Medicare is open to all seniors 65 and over and the disabled.
Old 01-04-2017, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Medicaid is based on financial ability to pay. Medicare is open to all seniors 65 and over and the disabled.
Medicare only provides hospitalization for the money that was deducted from you for your whole working life. Medicaid is as good as high quality private insurance, but unfortunately run by the government. Like I said, get rid of Medicare. It's crap!
Old 01-04-2017, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Get rid of it. If you need health care that bad, then you probably qualify for Medicaid, which provides much more at less cost. Medicare is crap.

But, liberals are a needy bunch of losers so they are even too lazy to apply for Medicaid. Probably have to make it automated like Medicare so that they won't get lost trying to figure it out.

Rachel Madcow is a cretin with no brain and Bernie is a chump loser that let Hillary play him like the demented old commie he is. He can't die fast enough. He is a drain on resources.

To summarize, I hope they really do consider getting rid of Medicare. It's just a slush fund for congress. For the money that the gov deducted from payroll, you can get real health insurance that really provides services.

Sounds simple enough, 'get real health insurance that really provides services'. The only problem is real insurance companies won't take anyone with a pre-existing condition, once the ACA is repealed (in about three weeks). These same insurance companies will be able to drop anyone who gets sick. These same companies don't have a life-time cap, one illness can cause bankruptcy.
Old 01-04-2017, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sounds simple enough, 'get real health insurance that really provides services'. The only problem is real insurance companies won't take anyone with a pre-existing condition, once the ACA is repealed (in about three weeks). These same insurance companies will be able to drop anyone who gets sick. These same companies don't have a life-time cap, one illness can cause bankruptcy.
ALL insurance works on a risk system...the more a risk you are...the more you pay. Why shouldn't that apply to medical ins too? Those who WILL use the most...need to pay the most.

With SOME preexisting conditions you're GUARANTEED to cost the ins company MORE then they'll EVER get from you in premiums. THAT is why they don't cover preexisting conditions.

It would be like an insurance company covering someone with 50 accidents all from drunk driving and speeding at the same rate as an old lady living in the villages, who drives a mile to the grocery store once a week.

So...WE end up subsidizing people with preexisting conditions with higher rates.

What we NEED to do is let these preemie babies with all kinds of health conditions pass on naturally, as nature intended. Let some of these elderly people with multiple problems, pass on naturally.

The MAJORITY of medical expenses are spent on the preemie babies and the elderly trying to hang on as long as possible.

Single payer system WILL have "death panels", we'll need them or go broke. Someone has to say...enough already...we tried, let nature take it's course.
Old 01-04-2017, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sounds simple enough, 'get real health insurance that really provides services'. The only problem is real insurance companies won't take anyone with a pre-existing condition, once the ACA is repealed (in about three weeks). These same insurance companies will be able to drop anyone who gets sick. These same companies don't have a life-time cap, one illness can cause bankruptcy.
Let me make this real simple for you, Jan. I have been told that I have been too hard on you. Personally, I do not think you are as simple as you act. But, I may be wrong for once.

Yes, they wish to repeal ObieCare. But, if you would read or listen and keep up to date, you would know that they plan to keep certain parts, after they amend them. No, they are not keeping ObieCare. We would not be going through all this mess if the left would have included the right in their constructing of this piece of crap. The idea is to make it easier and cheaper for citizens to have health insurance, but not to make it mandatory. Almost everyone, or at least the majority had better and cheaper insurance prior to Obamacare.
Old 01-04-2017, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
ALL insurance works on a risk system...the more a risk you are...the more you pay. Why shouldn't that apply to medical ins too? Those who WILL use the most...need to pay the most.

With SOME preexisting conditions you're GUARANTEED to cost the ins company MORE then they'll EVER get from you in premiums. THAT is why they don't cover preexisting conditions.

It would be like an insurance company covering someone with 50 accidents all from drunk driving and speeding at the same rate as an old lady living in the villages, who drives a mile to the grocery store once a week.

So...WE end up subsidizing people with preexisting conditions with higher rates.

What we NEED to do is let these preemie babies with all kinds of health conditions pass on naturally, as nature intended. Let some of these elderly people with multiple problems, pass on naturally.

The MAJORITY of medical expenses are spent on the preemie babies and the elderly trying to hang on as long as possible.

Single payer system WILL have "death panels", we'll need them or go broke. Someone has to say...enough already...we tried, let nature take it's course.
Then why bother at all? Let the insurance companies determine if they wish to cover you or not. If they wish to charge you more than me, so be it. If they wish to turn you down because you are a tobacco user or drunk, so be it. Why does the gov have to get involved in every aspect of your life? If you wish to pay tons of money to keep someone alive, fine.

A single payer system sucks. The countries that have it, everyone ends up with supplemental insurance like Medicare Advantage or whatnot. Socialism is a failure and only works for the poor, to keep the poor in poverty.
Old 01-04-2017, 02:36 PM
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The return of Crazy Bernie!
How come he is not marching for free school for life anymore...geeze what a couple of months does to people's attention span. LOSERS!

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Old 01-04-2017, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Medicare only provides hospitalization for the money that was deducted from you for your whole working life. Medicaid is as good as high quality private insurance, but unfortunately run by the government. Like I said, get rid of Medicare. It's crap!
Once you have qualified for Medicare, you are also eligible to get one of several supplemental plans which provide excellent coverage and little or no cost to the patient.

Medicare on it's own is really only catastrophic coverage, but the supplementals are great.

As far as Bernie and his single payer scheme goes, it won't work. Stating that Medicare has to be saved is a scam in order to make us believe that it needs to be saved in order to get his single payer system in. The fact is that now with President Trump in the White House and both houses of
Congress with Republican majorities, Bernie has become even less significant then he ever was. Any type of socialist scheme that he thinks he is going to get done has even less chance now than it did when the democrats had some power.
Old 01-05-2017, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Once you have qualified for Medicare, you are also eligible to get one of several supplemental plans which provide excellent coverage and little or no cost to the patient.

Medicare on it's own is really only catastrophic coverage, but the supplementals are great.

As far as Bernie and his single payer scheme goes, it won't work. Stating that Medicare has to be saved is a scam in order to make us believe that it needs to be saved in order to get his single payer system in. The fact is that now with President Trump in the White House and both houses of
Congress with Republican majorities, Bernie has become even less significant then he ever was. Any type of socialist scheme that he thinks he is going to get done has even less chance now than it did when the democrats had some power.
My brother pays more for medicare supplements than I do for full coverage BC/BS. I pay NO deductibles, only co-payment. Medicare supplements are just another form of private insurance. It is a pity that one pays all their career for medicare, only to find out that it only pays for hospitalization once you are 65. This is nothing more than a slush fund for congress.
Old 01-05-2017, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My brother pays more for medicare supplements than I do for full coverage BC/BS. I pay NO deductibles, only co-payment. Medicare supplements are just another form of private insurance. It is a pity that one pays all their career for medicare, only to find out that it only pays for hospitalization once you are 65. This is nothing more than a slush fund for congress.
I also am paying for my own BC/BS and I'll be dammed if you are paying less than Medicare supplemental for your insurance unless someone else is paying the lion's share of it. Please tell us the rest of story.

medicare, medicine, seniors, saving

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