Short Flick from 1943.

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Old 08-20-2017, 08:41 AM
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Exclamation Short Flick from 1943.

NowThis - The government made an anti-fascism film in 1943...

Those who do not study history and damned to repeat it.
Old 08-22-2017, 04:53 PM
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They made a LOT of propaganda films.
Old 08-23-2017, 10:19 AM
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Default For my view

Originally Posted by Guest
NowThis - The government made an anti-fascism film in 1943...

Those who do not study history and damned to repeat it.
When, you have a mass of people-A MOB-the intelligence is not additive but subtractive. Most people, if they dare see the reality want to join a group and want to be told what to think.

In high school, my best friends parents were both concentration camp survivors complete with serial number tatoos, Only once did his father ever talk about it.

He told us of having gone to a Hitler Speech and himself being caught up it that mindless, mass. He too was SCREAMING seig heil. It wasn't until he was almost home when he came out of that trance, THAT HYPNOSIS, and thought it is ME that he HATES.

MY VIEW-Obama had a unique opportunity in our history to put a major dent in what divides our people. Sadly, he chose to fan the flames of the worst that is our people.

TODAY-we are left with MINDLESS MASSES screaming, not my president. We had some congress BITCH say publicly Trump should be shot. We've had a congressman shot while practicing for a CHARITABLE baseball game. We've had mindless MOBS destroying property at HARVARD. We've had mindless MOBS destroying historical statues. We've had mindless MOBS calling others Nazis-WHILE THEMSELVES PRACTICING THE TACTICS OF NAZIS.

Perhaps, it is too late. Trump does not seem to be making any effort to see the elephant in the room. We have the democratic party led by people like Pilousey and Shummer who say publicly there only plan is to prevent anything that Trump-OUR PRESIDENT wants. Obama divided this nation to get himself elected an unlikely outcome based on my thoughts. Trump was elected due to the EXCESSES of former Democratic control of the presidency and both houses of congress. Obama had a unique opportunity AND HE FAILED-HE ACTUALLY MADE IT WORSE. Trump has a unique opportunity in that this country has not had a president who is a businessman since Truman and he was very small time. TO DATE-TRUMP HAS NOT EVEN DISCUSSED THE PROBLEM LET ALON TRIED TO ADDRESS WHAT SEEMS TO ME, AT THIS POINT TO BE A CANCER KILLING OUR NATION.


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