The slide into oblivian continues

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Old 04-21-2016, 03:52 AM
Posts: n/a

I think they should've put a picture of a Edsel on the front and a picture of a pet rock in front of Wall st. on the back of the $20.A picture of Billy Mays on the 10 and reduced it's worth to $9.99
Old 04-21-2016, 04:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And before today who ever heard of Tubman?

All one can conclude is why is this person being chosen over all the known heros that made America great!

The majority is going to take another one in the chops.

And who in their right (or left) mind would challenge the choice and start another race debate of national proportion.

These are the kinds of actions that should be reviewed with the fat fat congress that SUPPOSEDLY represent us.

Does somebody in the treasury owe the black movement a favor or what?

If and when they ever make the change every American should refuse to accept them and hope the bill goes the way of the Susan B. Anthony a bag on the shelf at the treasury.
Ah it must be just splendid in your ignorant world.
Old 04-21-2016, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I would wager a month's pension check that you could ask ten blacks who Harriet Tubman was and they wouldn't even know. Heck, most folks don't even know who Booker T Washington was.

"No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life regardless of his own merits or efforts". Booker T. Washington
Yes, there are many stupid black people whom I compare to the stupid white people who support Trump. But darn there are just so many more stupid white people!
Old 04-21-2016, 04:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
My biggest complaint is the cost of doing this. Artist, engraving etc.
yeah, it is comparable to building boats that don't float and planes that don't fly.
Old 04-21-2016, 04:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The biggest problem was the Susan B. Anthony dollar looked and felt too much like a quarter. People didn’t want them and didn’t want to use them. So within three years the U-S Treasury stopped making them.

Read More: The Most Disliked Coin In U-S History | The Most Disliked Coin In U-S History

It was not because the coin featured a woman.

Kids have been studying Harriet Tubman since at least the 80's. First she was going to go on the $10 dollar bill but the Broadway musical Hamilton made him popular again so they put Tubman on the $20 instead.

Stonewall Jackson made his fortune with slaves and was well known for fighting American Indians. So he is not too popular in some circles. When they asked the treasury why Jackson was first put on the bill they did not have an answer. That seems hard to believe, doesn't it?

Don't shoot the messenger.

Good Luck boycotting twenties.
Damn you and your posts that make sense. We can't have any of that, this is a place where stupid ignorant mostly old white people get together and complain that their whiteness is being stolen from them, along with their country, their religion and their bibles.

Please check your common sense postings at the door when you enter this establishment. Racists white people are trying to work here.
Old 04-21-2016, 05:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday will announce plans to both keep Alexander Hamilton on the front of the $10 bill and to knock Andrew Jackson off the front of the $20 in favor of Harriet Tubman, sources tell POLITICO.

Lew is expected to roll out a set of changes that also include putting leaders of the women’s suffrage movement on the back of the $10 bill, and incorporating civil rights era leaders and other important moments in American history into the $5 bill.

Hamilton to stay on $10; Tubman replacing Jackson - POLITICO

More than half of new public school enrollees are minorities. We've gone over the edge of the slippery slope. The nation will never be the same. Our history will slowly be replace by their history. Hope you enjoyed the good times.
A black person's image is being placed on a bill and you think the nation is going over the edge? Are you whacko?? So what if we have minorities in schools. How is that any different than the Italians and Irish immigrants of years gone by? Simply their skin color? And now you infer that the coming times will not be good times, but will be bad times, thanks to these dark skinned immigrants. I suppose you don't consider yourself racist either. And let me guess, you're an old white male who will be voting for Trump.
Old 04-21-2016, 05:41 AM
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I passed Harriet Tubman's little white house many a time over the years as it sits not too far from the lake and down the road from St. Joseph's cemetery . Also drove by William H. Seward's mansion often which sits in downtown .

Harriet Tubman was an important component of the Underground Railroad but not the leading component. And William H. Seward Secretary of State, purchaser of Alaska and founder of the Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln help guide us through the civil war.

The fact is that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the beginning of "Black Lives Matter" only movement and has since then been fueled by misguided white guilt. I say this because people of all colors, creeds, national origins have dealt with the same issues of mistreatment since the beginning of time.

Its not fair but its the human experience and eventually decent living people say enough is enough and equilibrium takes hold. But should we go beyond that? Should balance be turned on its head? Should emotional over reach overtake logic? Should those once offended now be allowed to offend with impunity? Should only Black Lives Matter matter?

The original plan was to place a woman on the $10 bill. Alexander Hamilton is placed in higher regard than Andrew Jackson, a slave owner. And since it became a crime to display the Confederate flag and all things southern fell out of vogue, except their warm weather and lower taxes who better to display than Harriet Tubman. Consider by the way that confederate soldiers were legally American war veterans

Is it coincidence by the way that the $20 bill is the most circulated bill in America will now display a woman of color. Is it wrong?

I felt an affection for that little white house every time I passed it . A sense of pride that America and Americans would always right the wrongs, always do what was right and just in the long run.

However because of the over reach by the left on this issue of race betrays Harriet Tubman because many of us won't know if she really is on the $20 bill for her accomplishments or if its some type of atonement ? I say this because i wonder why given his great accomplishment during those civil war years Willaim H Seward was not considered or countless other American men or women who have served this nation with distinction.

In fact I wonder why not place "the unknown soldier" on this most circulated bill?
Old 04-21-2016, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Ah it must be just splendid in your ignorant world.
Take a flying you know what on a rolling donut while amusing and playing with yourself!
Old 04-21-2016, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
In fact I wonder why not place "the unknown soldier" on this most circulated bill?
For starters, if we knew who the unknown soldier was, we could put his face on the bill.
Old 04-21-2016, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
For starters, if we knew who the unknown soldier was, we could put his face on the bill.
Would he be unknown?

They want to put Harriet on the bill, just to pander for the votes. You would think that they could at least find someone a bit more appealing and less scary looking. Just saying.
Old 04-21-2016, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who cares? I hardly ever use currency anyway. I normally use plastic for just about any purchase. If having that woman on the money makes liberals feel all warm and fuzzy, just give them a bone. They will have a tantrum and accuse conservatives of racism, sexism and all kinds of other nasty traits if they don't get their way. Gotta give the spoiled kids a bone once in a while for they will destroy the house.
But they KEEP asking and we keep giving. How about we throw them out next time they start to vandalize the house? Just a thought...

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I would wager a month's pension check that you could ask ten blacks who Harriet Tubman was and they wouldn't even know. Heck, most folks don't even know who Booker T Washington was.

"No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life regardless of his own merits or efforts". Booker T. Washington
They're incapable of performing at "our" level, hence their station in life...EVERYWHERE. Without the "extra help", they'd amount to nothing.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Damn you and your posts that make sense. We can't have any of that, this is a place where stupid ignorant mostly old white people get together and complain that their whiteness is being stolen from them, along with their country, their religion and their bibles.

Please check your common sense postings at the door when you enter this establishment. Racists white people are trying to work here.
It IS being "stolen" from us. Actually, there are racist black people actively working to take away "whiteness". They're also sending us to the bottom, where they are, in every measurement that is good. Every measure of "good things" is going down and every measure of the "bad things" is going up as we become darker and darker.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
A black person's image is being placed on a bill and you think the nation is going over the edge? Are you whacko?? So what if we have minorities in schools. How is that any different than the Italians and Irish immigrants of years gone by? Simply their skin color? And now you infer that the coming times will not be good times, but will be bad times, thanks to these dark skinned immigrants. I suppose you don't consider yourself racist either. And let me guess, you're an old white male who will be voting for Trump.
Skin color is just the outside, the important differences are inside. Blacks are genetically of a different line. As their numbers increase, crime, poverty, violence ALL increase. Show me ONE case where it hasn't. Show me one case where a majority of blacks community is better than a majority of white community. Show me ONE instance where having lots of minorities made anywhere better. Show me the black school that's the BEST school in the nation.

Diversity destroys...

What world do you live in where you don't see their effect on a culture?
Old 04-21-2016, 07:01 AM
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"In other words, ''white people'' do not share a common genetic heritage; instead, they come from different lineages that migrated from Africa and Asia. Such mixing is true for every race. ''All living humans go back to one common ancestor in Africa,'' explains Paabo. ''But if you look at any history subsequent to that,'' then every group is a blend of shallower pedigrees. So, he says, ''I might be closer in my DNA to an African than to another European in the street.'' Genetics, he concludes, ''should be the last nail in the coffin for racism.''

What DNA Says About Human Ancestry—and Bigotry
Part 3,

RaceSci: History of Race in Science: In Media: What DNA Says About Human Ancestry - and Bigotry

We're all from Africa.
Old 04-21-2016, 07:15 AM
Posts: n/a

"We're all from Africa" - given your, we are not. I suppose if you want to over analyze things..."plate tectonics" never happened. We are still under glaciers and I am typing this from Constantinople...

There are many diseases for instance that one race will get (either at all or predominantly) by one race over another is far more common than anyone is allowed to talk about (with out being deemed as racist).
Old 04-21-2016, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"We're all from Africa" - given your, we are not. I suppose if you want to over analyze things..."plate tectonics" never happened. We are still under glaciers and I am typing this from Constantinople...

There are many diseases for instance that one race will get (either at all or predominantly) by one race over another is far more common than anyone is allowed to talk about (with out being deemed as racist).

While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago.

Now, after studying ancient rocks in southern West Greenland, one team of researchers says that modern plate tectonics, with its subduction zones, spreading centers, earthquakes and all the other features we're familiar with, probably started about 3.2 billion years ago (the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old). Before that, a much different set of processes shaped the Earth's surface, the researchers say.
When Did Plate Tectonics Begin? | Theory of Plate Tectonics

Svante Paabo can explain it to you. He is quoted in my previous post.
Old 04-21-2016, 08:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"In other words, ''white people'' do not share a common genetic heritage; instead, they come from different lineages that migrated from Africa and Asia. Such mixing is true for every race. ''All living humans go back to one common ancestor in Africa,'' explains Paabo. ''But if you look at any history subsequent to that,'' then every group is a blend of shallower pedigrees. So, he says, ''I might be closer in my DNA to an African than to another European in the street.'' Genetics, he concludes, ''should be the last nail in the coffin for racism.''

What DNA Says About Human Ancestry—and Bigotry
Part 3,

RaceSci: History of Race in Science: In Media: What DNA Says About Human Ancestry - and Bigotry

We're all from Africa.
They came from Africa, but not central and south negroid africa. We are two distinct species, we separated long ago from a common african ancestor. There was a common hominid, there was a split, negroid, "us". We spread out, conquered the world, they stayed and stagnated. A common ancestor is all that we share in common.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"We're all from Africa" - given your, we are not. I suppose if you want to over analyze things..."plate tectonics" never happened. We are still under glaciers and I am typing this from Constantinople...

There are many diseases for instance that one race will get (either at all or predominantly) by one race over another is far more common than anyone is allowed to talk about (with out being deemed as racist).
We ARE different. Skin color one of hundreds, maybe thousands. Genetically, we a different. Physiologically, we are different. Psychologically, we are different. Lincoln was right when he lamented we'd never live together peacefully, we're too different.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago.

Now, after studying ancient rocks in southern West Greenland, one team of researchers says that modern plate tectonics, with its subduction zones, spreading centers, earthquakes and all the other features we're familiar with, probably started about 3.2 billion years ago (the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old). Before that, a much different set of processes shaped the Earth's surface, the researchers say.
When Did Plate Tectonics Begin? | Theory of Plate Tectonics

Svante Paabo can explain it to you. He is quoted in my previous post.
And 50,000 years ago, things REALLY changed for one group, the group that left africa, and they went on to rule the planet. Everything you see around you, came from the "white westerners". Go into central africa, it still looks the same. They don't have the ambition to better things that "we" have. It's not racism, it's facts.

I'm still waiting for anyone to give me the "black villages". You'll never find it because as a group, they're incapable of creating it. They're still 50,000 years of evolution behind. In my personal opinion, they're just one of millions of evolutionary dead ends.

I'm just telling you what the facts state. What happens in the real world. So it doesn't happen here to our wonderful country.

bill, history, front, $10, lew, leaders, public, enrollees, half, school, era, rights, important, moments, minorities, american, slope, replace, hope, times, good, enjoyed, slowly, edge, slippery

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