So predictable

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Old 04-26-2017, 03:17 PM
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Default So predictable

Aren't we all getting tired of the same old mantras from politicians?

Today, the White House announced the outline of their tax plan.

Shortly thereafter, Senate Minority Schumer leader comes out with a statement saying that they'll listen to what the republicans have to say, but if it's a plan that gives huge breaks to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, they'll oppose it.

We pretty should all know by now that whatever the plan is, the democrats will claim that it's tax breaks for the wealthy and the evil big corporations. They have no interest in what best for the American public, they only repeat their mantra hoping that the lemmings will listen and follow along. The only way that they can win anything is to create the big bad bogie man and convince some people that they are fighting against the big corporations and the wealthy. They make the ridiculous case that if the wealthy pay less, the poor and middle class will pay more.

One of the first things that I heard about this new plan is that the standard deduction for a married couple goes from $12,000 to $24,000 and I'd be in the 10% tax bracket.

That would mean that I'd pay a lot less in taxes. If big corporations and wealthy people pay less, it doesn't affect me. As long as I pay less.

Then of course some people look at the economy as a zero sum game and that if we pay a lower percentage of our income and corporate profits to the government, the government will get less money.

These people have the idea that the only way to provide government services is for the government to take a bigger piece of the pie. The conservative idea is to make the pie bigger and have the government take a smaller piece which would be larger then the big piece of the small pie that they were taking.

I really hope that the administration can get this through and I think they will because they are talking about reconciliation which would mean that Schumer and his won't be needed.
Old 04-26-2017, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Aren't we all getting tired of the same old mantras from politicians?

Today, the White House announced the outline of their tax plan.

Shortly thereafter, Senate Minority Schumer leader comes out with a statement saying that they'll listen to what the republicans have to say, but if it's a plan that gives huge breaks to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, they'll oppose it.

We pretty should all know by now that whatever the plan is, the democrats will claim that it's tax breaks for the wealthy and the evil big corporations. They have no interest in what best for the American public, they only repeat their mantra hoping that the lemmings will listen and follow along. The only way that they can win anything is to create the big bad bogie man and convince some people that they are fighting against the big corporations and the wealthy. They make the ridiculous case that if the wealthy pay less, the poor and middle class will pay more.

One of the first things that I heard about this new plan is that the standard deduction for a married couple goes from $12,000 to $24,000 and I'd be in the 10% tax bracket.

That would mean that I'd pay a lot less in taxes. If big corporations and wealthy people pay less, it doesn't affect me. As long as I pay less.

Then of course some people look at the economy as a zero sum game and that if we pay a lower percentage of our income and corporate profits to the government, the government will get less money.

These people have the idea that the only way to provide government services is for the government to take a bigger piece of the pie. The conservative idea is to make the pie bigger and have the government take a smaller piece which would be larger then the big piece of the small pie that they were taking.

I really hope that the administration can get this through and I think they will because they are talking about reconciliation which would mean that Schumer and his won't be needed.
Why would you support a massive tax cut, without spending reductions when we have a 20 trillion dollars debt and unfunded promises that make that 20 trillion look like chump change. It is disheartens that this generation, collectively, has no problem screwing the next generation even is it includes their children and grandchildren. For christ sakes can't we pay for what we spend?
Old 04-26-2017, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Aren't we all getting tired of the same old mantras from politicians?

Today, the White House announced the outline of their tax plan.

Shortly thereafter, Senate Minority Schumer leader comes out with a statement saying that they'll listen to what the republicans have to say, but if it's a plan that gives huge breaks to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, they'll oppose it.

We pretty should all know by now that whatever the plan is, the democrats will claim that it's tax breaks for the wealthy and the evil big corporations. They have no interest in what best for the American public, they only repeat their mantra hoping that the lemmings will listen and follow along. The only way that they can win anything is to create the big bad bogie man and convince some people that they are fighting against the big corporations and the wealthy. They make the ridiculous case that if the wealthy pay less, the poor and middle class will pay more.

One of the first things that I heard about this new plan is that the standard deduction for a married couple goes from $12,000 to $24,000 and I'd be in the 10% tax bracket.

That would mean that I'd pay a lot less in taxes. If big corporations and wealthy people pay less, it doesn't affect me. As long as I pay less.

Then of course some people look at the economy as a zero sum game and that if we pay a lower percentage of our income and corporate profits to the government, the government will get less money.

These people have the idea that the only way to provide government services is for the government to take a bigger piece of the pie. The conservative idea is to make the pie bigger and have the government take a smaller piece which would be larger then the big piece of the small pie that they were taking.

I really hope that the administration can get this through and I think they will because they are talking about reconciliation which would mean that Schumer and his won't be needed.
This, today was not close to a plan.

This was rushed out to satisfy his own party who has been waiting for something to satisfy supporters. I think, but not sure, it was like 3 pages, and frankly, in general, sounded like the me, this will pay for itself based on growth. Deficits we do not need to increase.
Old 04-26-2017, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why would you support a massive tax cut, without spending reductions when we have a 20 trillion dollars debt and unfunded promises that make that 20 trillion look like chump change. It is disheartens that this generation, collectively, has no problem screwing the next generation even is it includes their children and grandchildren. For christ sakes can't we pay for what we spend?
You are one of the ones that doesn't get it. We cut taxes, people have more money to spend. Businesses do better. We lower corporate taxes and businesses can compete on a global basis and keep operations here in the US and hire more people. More people working spend more money, pay more taxes and demand more services and products. Businesses have to produce more and hire more people.

The more people working the more people are paying taxes. The more profits companies make, including the small Mom and Pop operations, the more taxes they pay.

In every instance where taxes were lowered from Warren Harding to Jon F Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, when taxes were lowered, revenues to the government increased.

The pie gets bigger. The government gets a smaller percentage of a bigger pie equating to more revenue. It's not a zero sum game.

The democrats strategy has always been to divide and conquer. They blame the wealthy for everything and try to convince the working people that if only the rich weren't so rich, we'd all be better off. That strategy is finally beginning to fail which is why we have president Donald Trump, a republican majority in both houses of congress and 33 republican and one independent governors.

The poor and middle class are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been taken advantage of by the people who were claiming to help them.
Old 04-26-2017, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are one of the ones that doesn't get it. We cut taxes, people have more money to spend. Businesses do better. We lower corporate taxes and businesses can compete on a global basis and keep operations here in the US and hire more people. More people working spend more money, pay more taxes and demand more services and products. Businesses have to produce more and hire more people.

The more people working the more people are paying taxes. The more profits companies make, including the small Mom and Pop operations, the more taxes they pay.

In every instance where taxes were lowered from Warren Harding to Jon F Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, when taxes were lowered, revenues to the government increased.

The pie gets bigger. The government gets a smaller percentage of a bigger pie equating to more revenue. It's not a zero sum game.

The democrats strategy has always been to divide and conquer. They blame the wealthy for everything and try to convince the working people that if only the rich weren't so rich, we'd all be better off. That strategy is finally beginning to fail which is why we have president Donald Trump, a republican majority in both houses of congress and 33 republican and one independent governors.

The poor and middle class are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been taken advantage of by the people who were claiming to help them.'s NOT a zero sum game...they get to borrow and print over a $ trillion a year to keep their insanity going.

The government gets nearly half of everything sold because taxes are added to taxes that are added to even more taxes. Every step of it's production is taxed.
Old 04-26-2017, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are one of the ones that doesn't get it. We cut taxes, people have more money to spend. Businesses do better. We lower corporate taxes and businesses can compete on a global basis and keep operations here in the US and hire more people. More people working spend more money, pay more taxes and demand more services and products. Businesses have to produce more and hire more people.

The more people working the more people are paying taxes. The more profits companies make, including the small Mom and Pop operations, the more taxes they pay.

In every instance where taxes were lowered from Warren Harding to Jon F Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, when taxes were lowered, revenues to the government increased.

The pie gets bigger. The government gets a smaller percentage of a bigger pie equating to more revenue. It's not a zero sum game.

The democrats strategy has always been to divide and conquer. They blame the wealthy for everything and try to convince the working people that if only the rich weren't so rich, we'd all be better off. That strategy is finally beginning to fail which is why we have president Donald Trump, a republican majority in both houses of congress and 33 republican and one independent governors.

The poor and middle class are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been taken advantage of by the people who were claiming to help them.
That was the argument for the Bush tax cuts, and look what happened next.....
Old 04-26-2017, 11:32 PM
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Republicans seem to think that by decreasing corporate taxes there will be an increase in employment, but the Bush Administration tax cuts showed that to be a pipe dream.

Trump's tax proposal increases the debt substantially unless there is a 3% INCREASE in GDP and, if you believe that tax decreases will increase employment you are fine with his proposals.

Let's look at two States, that differed in their approaches to taxes:
Kansas did exactly what Trump proposes to do, and they are in fiscal chaos.
Minnesota increased taxes on the rich, and their State is fiscally in better shape than at any time......

Which test State do you feel did the right thing?

If you believe Kansas did, please move there....if you believe Minnesota did, you are one of the few intelligent people who read the Villages Political blogs.
Old 04-27-2017, 04:23 AM
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History shows that there are two ways to get the same result when it comes to tax revenues.

You can increase taxes.
Or, you can decrease taxes.

Sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Increasing taxes does increase tax revenues, but stagnates the economy. It will show with a reduced GDP growth.
Reducing taxes properly, increases investment and spending which increase profit and thus increases tax revenues. This increases the GDP growth which in turn makes for a better standard of living.

I realize that this is simply put and not the details and figures that the so-called "experts" want to hear, but if you look at history you will see it works out like that. If you need figures to support what I said, you can get them from the gov. websites such as

Both sides of the argument are right. Raising taxes really does increase tax revenues, and lowering taxes also raises tax revenues. The second takes longer to realize because the increased tax revenues are more of a delayed gratification in that the investments, hiring and profits from sales have to increase before the actual increase in tax revenues are realized. The difference is that the economy is stronger with the second, as well as the standard of living increase.

Like someone else stated, the gov can either have a large piece of a small pie, or it can have an equal sized piece of a LARGE pie. The large pie satisfies the gov belly as well as satisfying the bellies of more of it's citizens.
Old 04-27-2017, 05:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Republicans seem to think that by decreasing corporate taxes there will be an increase in employment, but the Bush Administration tax cuts showed that to be a pipe dream.

Trump's tax proposal increases the debt substantially unless there is a 3% INCREASE in GDP and, if you believe that tax decreases will increase employment you are fine with his proposals.

Let's look at two States, that differed in their approaches to taxes:
Kansas did exactly what Trump proposes to do, and they are in fiscal chaos.
Minnesota increased taxes on the rich, and their State is fiscally in better shape than at any time......

Which test State do you feel did the right thing?

If you believe Kansas did, please move there....if you believe Minnesota did, you are one of the few intelligent people who read the Villages Political blogs.
I moved down from Minnesota. My taxes were extremely high then and since I left governor Dayton ( family owned Target) increase taxes to such an extent Minnesota became the 6th highest state for taxes. The Governor for Connecticut out did Dayton and residents are actually finding relief in Massachusetts. why do you think so many retirees leave such states? Taxes Taxes Taxes

My view concerning taxes in general is the more you are tax the more politicians will spend. Simply stated money that flows into the private sector stimulates productive growth . Tell me how government makes us richer? You can't count income redistribution. The degree of abuse, fraud and misguided spending by government is just astonishing.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-27-2017, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
History shows that there are two ways to get the same result when it comes to tax revenues.

You can increase taxes.
Or, you can decrease taxes.

Sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Increasing taxes does increase tax revenues, but stagnates the economy. It will show with a reduced GDP growth.
Reducing taxes properly, increases investment and spending which increase profit and thus increases tax revenues. This increases the GDP growth which in turn makes for a better standard of living.

I realize that this is simply put and not the details and figures that the so-called "experts" want to hear, but if you look at history you will see it works out like that. If you need figures to support what I said, you can get them from the gov. websites such as

Both sides of the argument are right. Raising taxes really does increase tax revenues, and lowering taxes also raises tax revenues. The second takes longer to realize because the increased tax revenues are more of a delayed gratification in that the investments, hiring and profits from sales have to increase before the actual increase in tax revenues are realized. The difference is that the economy is stronger with the second, as well as the standard of living increase.

Like someone else stated, the gov can either have a large piece of a small pie, or it can have an equal sized piece of a LARGE pie. The large pie satisfies the gov belly as well as satisfying the bellies of more of it's citizens.
You know what else STAGNATES the economy? Having so many needy minorities that HALF the country receives something from the government. It's unsustainable.

Nobody wants to hear it...but an ever increasing minority population, an ever increasing POOR population...ALWAYS results in the destruction of the native culture and the country.

"if you look at history you will see it works out like that" Always.

Originally Posted by Guest
I moved down from Minnesota. My taxes were extremely high then and since I left governor Dayton ( family owned Target) increase taxes to such an extent Minnesota became the 6th highest state for taxes. The Governor for Connecticut out did Dayton and residents are actually finding relief in Massachusetts. why do you think so many retirees leave such states? Taxes Taxes Taxes

My view concerning taxes in general is the more you are tax the more politicians will spend. Simply stated money that flows into the private sector stimulates productive growth . Tell me how government makes us richer? You can't count income redistribution. The degree of abuse, fraud and misguided spending by government is just astonishing.

Personal Best Regards:
They spend WITHOUT the tax income to pay for it...over $1 trillion a year is borrowed.

Government TAKES and eventually it ALL ends up in the hands of the already wealthy.

Yes...the degree of fraud IS astounding...they should ALL be tried and hung...EVERY ONE of them is a crook...they just haven't been caught yet.
Old 04-28-2017, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are one of the ones that doesn't get it. We cut taxes, people have more money to spend. Businesses do better. We lower corporate taxes and businesses can compete on a global basis and keep operations here in the US and hire more people. More people working spend more money, pay more taxes and demand more services and products. Businesses have to produce more and hire more people.

The more people working the more people are paying taxes. The more profits companies make, including the small Mom and Pop operations, the more taxes they pay.

In every instance where taxes were lowered from Warren Harding to Jon F Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, when taxes were lowered, revenues to the government increased.

The pie gets bigger. The government gets a smaller percentage of a bigger pie equating to more revenue. It's not a zero sum game.

The democrats strategy has always been to divide and conquer. They blame the wealthy for everything and try to convince the working people that if only the rich weren't so rich, we'd all be better off. That strategy is finally beginning to fail which is why we have president Donald Trump, a republican majority in both houses of congress and 33 republican and one independent governors.

The poor and middle class are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been taken advantage of by the people who were claiming to help them.
The worn out Republican mantra of trickle down economy. If history is any indicator, trickle down economy doesn't work, and never has.
Old 04-28-2017, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The worn out Republican mantra of trickle down economy. If history is any indicator, trickle down economy doesn't work, and never has.
You are wrong. Even a child can see the logic in it. Go to any gov website that deals with your "history" of economics and you will see the figures.
Old 04-28-2017, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The worn out Republican mantra of trickle down economy. If history is any indicator, trickle down economy doesn't work, and never has.
It works very well and has every time it's been tried. The problem has been that when the government got more money, they spent more than they got.

The biggest problem that we have in Washington is our representatives trying to impress voters by bringing money back to their districts and in an effort to get re-elected.

Old 04-28-2017, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The worn out Republican mantra of trickle down economy. If history is any indicator, trickle down economy doesn't work, and never has.
So let's look at the opposite scenario. Our big corporations, companies, big and small get taxed to the point where they go out of business or love operations over seas. They hire fewer people and pay lower wages. How does this help anyone?
Old 04-28-2017, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
So let's look at the opposite scenario. Our big corporations, companies, big and small get taxed to the point where they go out of business or love operations over seas. They hire fewer people and pay lower wages. How does this help anyone?

Not very original, try again.

big, pay, people, predictable

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