So where is the news this morning about the sailors captured by Iranians?

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Old 01-14-2016, 07:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have to believe there is more to this than we are being given. Even the pentagon is keeping it a secret. Probably a covert mission of some sort, that uncleared citizens do not have a need to know.
So if one boat REALLY was having engine trouble why did they not hook up and run for it? Not a shot being fired?

Very difficult to defend one's self with hands in the air!!!
Old 01-14-2016, 07:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So if one boat REALLY was having engine trouble why did they not hook up and run for it? Not a shot being fired?

Very difficult to defend one's self with hands in the air!!!
We don't know what their orders were, and we may never get the full or correct story. You do realize that we still do have some secrets in the gov, besides the ones that Hillary may have jeopardized? Covert missions are called "covert" for a reason. And I am using supposition when I am supplying a probable scenario that it might have been a secret mission.
Old 01-14-2016, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Under Obama's rules of engagement when US armed forces are confronted by any Islamic military, the US military are to put their hands up and state they are sorry.

Does anybody but me wonder how 10 US military armed to the teeth on 40-50 mile per hour attack boats were captured without so much as a shot being fired?
And your theory is.........
Old 01-15-2016, 08:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Theory? We don't need no stinkin' theory when there is obvious messing with the truth by top ranking officials.

Secretary of defense stating the problem was a navigational error.
Highly trained, heavily armed, high speed pursuit and escape speed boats BOTH have a navigational problem?

I don't think so.

Imagine two cars in the family going to the same place using their respective GPS in each car. One starts to leave the lane and exit the highway while the other shows continuing on the current road. What do you think the immediate reaction of one or the other will be?

The secretary of defense should have a guy like Obama has Josh to tell tall tales and act as though they were true. Allows the top guy deniability when or if needed.

Two boats....navigational error?
Old 01-15-2016, 08:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you serious? That's it? That's Obama's claim to fame, that he give the Seals permission to conduct the raid?
What did Bush us in to 2 wars, one against a country that had not attacked us a first for the United States. Stood on a ship to declare major combat operations were complete and we had prevailed. Seriously, tell that to my nephew who did 5 tours in the Middle East a earned a Purple Heart after he said that.

And we are still there.

Bush didn't get even try to bring him to justice.

Republicans = Chicken Hawks
Old 01-15-2016, 08:47 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What did Bush us in to 2 wars, one against a country that had not attacked us a first for the United States. Stood on a ship to declare major combat operations were complete and we had prevailed. Seriously, tell that to my nephew who did 5 tours in the Middle East a earned a Purple Heart after he said that.

And we are still there.

Bush didn't get even try to bring him to justice.

Republicans = Chicken Hawks
If there was even a thread of possible truth above it is suspect when one continues to flaunt the "mission accomplished" wrong story ......just to fit their agenda.
Results in just so much
Old 01-15-2016, 09:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What did Bush us in to 2 wars, one against a country that had not attacked us a first for the United States. Stood on a ship to declare major combat operations were complete and we had prevailed. Seriously, tell that to my nephew who did 5 tours in the Middle East a earned a Purple Heart after he said that.

And we are still there.

Bush didn't get even try to bring him to justice.

Republicans = Chicken Hawks
Your nephew?? What about you?

Bush got us into two wars? Obama is so chicken sh// that we now have the whole middle East exploding, terrorism running rampant and Iran with a nuclear weapon. I would rather we fight overseas, than here in the U.S. When you are running for your life here, I bet you will feel that way too. Then you can brag about someone ELSE that you know fighting for your liberty. In the meantime, your messiah in D.C. can continue to bow to the enemy and abandon our people serving overseas when they are in need of, Benghazi. While Americans worry about terrorism in the U.S. Obama will attempt to eliminate our guns so that we can't protect ourselves. So, while you live in the past and depend on your "nephew" to protect your lifestyle, the rest of us will be thinking of the future and how WE can protect our families. Your attempt to blame Bush for Obama's failures is not only old and weak, but pathetic. I 'm not going to ask you what you did for your country, because I know that it is easy for you to make something up off the cuff. Everyone knows someone that has sacrificed for their country. We also know a lot of you that have enjoyed the fruits of their sacrifice. Remember, Bush led a coalition, and Obama leads from behind, also known as a follower. Where I come from, following is not leading. Losers follow leaders. Obama followed Bush, so therefore Obama is a loser. But, he gets a trophy for participation....the Nobel peace prize....
Bet most Americans will tell you that they felt safer with Bush leading than this coward we have bowing to the enemy. Bet you wouldn't take that bet.

morning, captured, sailors, iranians, news

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