Socialists ban school books that question climate change

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Old 05-26-2016, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
wow--you used the phrase "Readers Guide to Periodical literature" which brought me back 50 years to doing research in an actual library--thanks
I know. In high school I had to take a bus to the big city library.

You would find a half dozen articles to support your argument, write them on a slip of paper, hand it to the research assistant who gathered the ones they had. Then some of the time the story you wanted was torn out because that was before copiers and sometimes the article had nothing to do with your thesis statement. Now the world is at everyone's fingertips. And for all you know I could be a twelve year old living in Qatar.

all that in our lifetime
Old 05-26-2016, 09:30 AM
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When we start comparing ourselves with other countries instead of their attempting to emulate us, then we know we are changing too much into just another socialist system. I have lived in other countries and spent a major portion of my life overseas and have never lived in a better country than America and have never wanted anything from another country other than those that had less crime because they had ENFORCEMENT. I do not CARE about lists when it comes to other countries. These lists are submitted by liberal statisticians that are always looking on the "other side of the fence." We don't receive Foreign aid from any other country, they receive it from us. We don't try to break into their countries, they want to live in ours. But ,this won't last long....thanks to Anti-American liberals.
Old 05-26-2016, 09:43 AM
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The World Factbook

Another Anti-American Book of Comparisons worth looking into.
Old 05-26-2016, 11:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The World Factbook

Another Anti-American Book of Comparisons worth looking into.
I think that the point is, who cares what other countries do, rate, or how they compare? Why should we be like them, when we are the best according to OUR criteria? Some other country has socialized health care, and we don't. Great for them, but we have less waiting times, cleaner facilities, more doctors, better technology, etc. Our education may not be as highly rated, but that is our choice. It is not as if we don't have the material available. It has to do with our discipline. If you believe that social issues are more important than morals, laws, safety, ethics, etc. then other countries are going to have better education. Don't blame the kids, blame the parents and the liberals for giving a free pass to anyone rather than holding them accountable.

This is our country and we should NOT compare ourselves to others. Why lower ourselves to their level?
Old 05-26-2016, 11:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Don't blame the kids, blame the parents and the liberals for giving a free pass to anyone rather than holding them accountable.
I agree, blame the parents. Half of the parents are conservative, is that true? Most teachers are liberal minded. Being open minded, looking out for others and a willingness to serve the community is part of their makeup. Lowering the bar makes teaching easier with far less interference from parents or administrators but it's not right or healthy for students over the long run.
Old 05-26-2016, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree, blame the parents. Half of the parents are conservative, is that true? Most teachers are liberal minded. Being open minded, looking out for others and a willingness to serve the community is part of their makeup. Lowering the bar makes teaching easier with far less interference from parents or administrators but it's not right or healthy for students over the long run.
Kind of difficult to blame conservatives on a bad education. You liberals like to equate a "free mind" to being open minded and the ability to see the "big picture." Conservatives know that a so-called "free mind" for children is the same as being simple minded. Teachers are not allowed to discipline or maintain order in the classroom because of the liberal mentality, not because of anything that conservatives have done. Parents allow the teachers to make their choices for them, but in many cases have no say in how their kids are taught. Liberals are getting their way and when they fail, they blame it on conservatives. Just like the Obamacare failure. They blame it on conservatives for not supporting them, not sharing the responsibility for the health care disaster.
Old 05-26-2016, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Kind of difficult to blame conservatives on a bad education.
I was agreeing with the person who also blames the parents.

He didn't say he blames only the liberal parents, did he?
Old 05-26-2016, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Kind of difficult to blame conservatives on a bad education. You liberals like to equate a "free mind" to being open minded and the ability to see the "big picture." Conservatives know that a so-called "free mind" for children is the same as being simple minded. Teachers are not allowed to discipline or maintain order in the classroom because of the liberal mentality, not because of anything that conservatives have done. Parents allow the teachers to make their choices for them, but in many cases have no say in how their kids are taught. Liberals are getting their way and when they fail, they blame it on conservatives. Just like the Obamacare failure. They blame it on conservatives for not supporting them, not sharing the responsibility for the health care disaster.
What a crock. How would you like your kids to be disciplined? Stop blaming teachers for your kids failures. You are the problem. Free public schooling. Largest social program in the country. There are school boards made up of liberal and conservatives alike. Blame them. How many of you conservatives blame your liberal kids on yourself? How many of you use school as free day care? There are plenty of military schools to send your kids. I blame parents for not making their schools better.
Old 05-26-2016, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What a crock. How would you like your kids to be disciplined? Stop blaming teachers for your kids failures. You are the problem. Free public schooling. Largest social program in the country. There are school boards made up of liberal and conservatives alike. Blame them. How many of you conservatives blame your liberal kids on yourself? How many of you use school as free day care? There are plenty of military schools to send your kids. I blame parents for not making their schools better.
I sent three of my four children to private schools, so that they WOULD have discipline and that it would be required of others so that my children would receive a better education. They did. My youngest graduated second in her class at age 16 and graduated with honors at age 20 from the university. Her daughter is 15 years old and will have a two year college degree when she graduates from high school, because she is piggybacking college classes along with her high school schedule. On top of that, she is active in school and national sports.

It's not the conservatives that are ruining the education system. It's liberals, liberal ideals, unions and the lack of authority that teachers have to lead their classes. Parents have little to do with that, but they have a responsibility to discipline their children. Liberals do not believe in discipline and won't. Conservatives will but have their hands tied behind their backs by liberal laws.

So, don't try to share the blame on the conservatives. You liberals OWN it. The decline in education is totally the left's fault.
Old 05-26-2016, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What a crock. How would you like your kids to be disciplined? Stop blaming teachers for your kids failures. You are the problem. Free public schooling. Largest social program in the country. There are school boards made up of liberal and conservatives alike. Blame them. How many of you conservatives blame your liberal kids on yourself? How many of you use school as free day care? There are plenty of military schools to send your kids. I blame parents for not making their schools better.
And just how do you think the kids became liberals? From years of indoctrination in public schools and the real brain washing comes in college. your liberal Union knows they have friend in the democrat, so there political interests (money) greased the dirty politician for unionized votes in the districts.

Three fold front, union to get Union matters passed ( raises, 100% unfunded retirement, free health care ECT.) teach the kids to be good little liberals to vote democrat to support the program, and for higher education grants and studies.

This system been in place for at least 40 years and now paying off big. Along with the uncontrolled illegals and lax voting identification and rules the table has turned all for entitlements. I blame the public school system and college all ran by liberals to keep the agenda going. Parents don't have clue what's going on.

I also have to laugh when you say conservatives are on school boards. Anybody knows that republician or conservative teacher will never advance and will probably be systematically rooted out.
Old 05-26-2016, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And just how do you think the kids became liberals? From years of indoctrination in public schools and the real brain washing comes in college. your liberal Union knows they have friend in the democrat, so there political interests (money) greased the dirty politician for unionized votes in the districts.

Three fold front, union to get Union matters passed ( raises, 100% unfunded retirement, free health care ECT.) teach the kids to be good little liberals to vote democrat to support the program, and for higher education grants and studies.

This system been in place for at least 40 years and now paying off big. Along with the uncontrolled illegals and lax voting identification and rules the table has turned all for entitlements. I blame the public school system and college all ran by liberals to keep the agenda going. Parents don't have clue what's going on.

I also have to laugh when you say conservatives are on school boards. Anybody knows that republician or conservative teacher will never advance and will probably be systematically rooted out.
Old 05-26-2016, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

This system been in place for at least 40 years and now paying off big.
"The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is an American labor union that primarily represents teachers. The union was founded in Chicago in 1916, with Margaret Haley credited as its founder and first leader.[3][4] A precursor to the group, the American Federation of Teachers and Students, was founded in 1900."

The teacher unions have been around for 100 years. If what you say is true, the kids have all been brainwashed, how would you account for all the conservatives that are less than 110 years old?

When your other remarks can be backed up with real sources besides "everybody knows", let us know.
Old 05-26-2016, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Did you notice all the socialist countries on the list? Did you read how countries were evaluated, in particular best overall?
Do you think we are becoming a third world country based on these lists?
I noticed all the "white" countries on the list.

I think these lists show the effect of the rise in minority population and influence. The 3rd worlding shows up in these lists. The diversification shows up in these lists.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When we start comparing ourselves with other countries instead of their attempting to emulate us, then we know we are changing too much into just another socialist system. I have lived in other countries and spent a major portion of my life overseas and have never lived in a better country than America and have never wanted anything from another country other than those that had less crime because they had ENFORCEMENT. I do not CARE about lists when it comes to other countries. These lists are submitted by liberal statisticians that are always looking on the "other side of the fence." We don't receive Foreign aid from any other country, they receive it from us. We don't try to break into their countries, they want to live in ours. But ,this won't last long....thanks to Anti-American liberals.
The lists show the decline.

We "print" the foreign aid we send. It's made up 0s and 1s on a computer, nothing more. Like your crazy uncle with no money writing checks to everyone. We're the BROKEST country in the world, we owe $20 trillion.

No, it won't last long, when they become the majority, the country will be as bad off as where they came from.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I think that the point is, who cares what other countries do, rate, or how they compare? Why should we be like them, when we are the best according to OUR criteria? Some other country has socialized health care, and we don't. Great for them, but we have less waiting times, cleaner facilities, more doctors, better technology, etc. Our education may not be as highly rated, but that is our choice. It is not as if we don't have the material available. It has to do with our discipline. If you believe that social issues are more important than morals, laws, safety, ethics, etc. then other countries are going to have better education. Don't blame the kids, blame the parents and the liberals for giving a free pass to anyone rather than holding them accountable.

This is our country and we should NOT compare ourselves to others. Why lower ourselves to their level?
Who's criteria? I think we're turning into a 3rd world minority filled dump. Look outside the bubble, it's nasty out there.

It has to do with minorities not being able to pass with higher standards.

Blame diversification. It's our ruin.

We ARE lowering ourselves to their level so minorities can "compete".

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree, blame the parents. Half of the parents are conservative, is that true? Most teachers are liberal minded. Being open minded, looking out for others and a willingness to serve the community is part of their makeup. Lowering the bar makes teaching easier with far less interference from parents or administrators but it's not right or healthy for students over the long run.
Lowering the bar is necessary for minorities to have any chance at passing.

It's not healthy for the country.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What a crock. How would you like your kids to be disciplined? Stop blaming teachers for your kids failures. You are the problem. Free public schooling. Largest social program in the country. There are school boards made up of liberal and conservatives alike. Blame them. How many of you conservatives blame your liberal kids on yourself? How many of you use school as free day care? There are plenty of military schools to send your kids. I blame parents for not making their schools better.
How can they when they are diversified by the government? How do you make a school better when the quality of the students goes down?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is an American labor union that primarily represents teachers. The union was founded in Chicago in 1916, with Margaret Haley credited as its founder and first leader.[3][4] A precursor to the group, the American Federation of Teachers and Students, was founded in 1900."

The teacher unions have been around for 100 years. If what you say is true, the kids have all been brainwashed, how would you account for all the conservatives that are less than 110 years old?

When your other remarks can be backed up with real sources besides "everybody knows", let us know.
Schools are propaganda mills...
Old 05-27-2016, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And just how do you think the kids became liberals? From years of indoctrination in public schools and the real brain washing comes in college. your liberal Union knows they have friend in the democrat, so there political interests (money) greased the dirty politician for unionized votes in the districts.

Three fold front, union to get Union matters passed ( raises, 100% unfunded retirement, free health care ECT.) teach the kids to be good little liberals to vote democrat to support the program, and for higher education grants and studies.

This system been in place for at least 40 years and now paying off big. Along with the uncontrolled illegals and lax voting identification and rules the table has turned all for entitlements. I blame the public school system and college all ran by liberals to keep the agenda going. Parents don't have clue what's going on.

I also have to laugh when you say conservatives are on school boards. Anybody knows that republician or conservative teacher will never advance and will probably be systematically rooted out.
There you go again. Complaining instead of doing something. You are the problem. Send your kids to private school. That will fix it. That way you get to pick the teachers that agree with your philosophy. You could offer your time to change the system or complain. Obviously you like complaining better.
Old 05-27-2016, 05:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Actually, what American needs is another civil war. But, that won't happen. Instead, we will continue to get attacked by little Middle Eastern gnats that will continue to show how weak our country has become. The more they hit us, the more PC we will become, in hopes to ward off the big meanie terrorists. Hoping to make them happy with us so that they will leave us alone. We will have to pay "protection/extortion fees" of course. Eventually, the conservative will shake their heads in disgust and leave the liberals to their fate instead of attempting to protect them from themselves.
Trump is the gunslinger that comes to town and the liberals are afraid he might stir up the wrath of the bad guys. Liberals would rather cower in their homes than face up to a bad guy, and they do not want the bad guys to get mad at them when the gunslinger starts cleaning out the infestation.
Sorry liberals, but eventually you will have to wake up and realize that you can NOT talk peace with evil fanatics. They only respect power. They laugh at liberal weakness.

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