sooo, update me on your support for Trump!

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Old 01-30-2017, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It is WHAT he is doing that is so offensive, repugnant, mean spirited and wrong that is the problem.

PS....and I might add....totally UN American....lying from the oval is not a basic virtue we extoll....calling for the heads of anyone who disagrees is not a virtue.....being the least transparent is not a virtue.
Let's be honest, no matter what Trump does it would not be accepted by the likes of you!
And please, don't bring up lack of transparency, no one can match the lack of honesty and transparency of the last 8 years!
Old 01-30-2017, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let's be honest, no matter what Trump does it would not be accepted by the likes of you!
And please, don't bring up lack of transparency, no one can match the lack of honesty and transparency of the last 8 years!
It is really funny to hear a Trump supporter even utter the word "honest" !

Up until a day or so, IF you wanted honesty which I seriously doubt, you would have found most of my posts preceded by my being repulsed by his language, but saying I can agree with him on many things.

No more however, when he fired NI director and Joint Chief, and appointed Bannon to be one of the authors of our foreign policy, he lost me forever.

Trump is a non character, non moral, lying pig of a man. He is the single most mean spirited man ever. He told us where he was going with certainty with the addition of Bannon. That means we will be holding hands with a thug nation who simply kills.

Why....we don't know but we can guess.

This is becoming a shallow and most un American tenure.
Old 01-30-2017, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It is really funny to hear a Trump supporter even utter the word "honest" !

Up until a day or so, IF you wanted honesty which I seriously doubt, you would have found most of my posts preceded by my being repulsed by his language, but saying I can agree with him on many things.

No more however, when he fired NI director and Joint Chief, and appointed Bannon to be one of the authors of our foreign policy, he lost me forever.

Trump is a non character, non moral, lying pig of a man. He is the single most mean spirited man ever. He told us where he was going with certainty with the addition of Bannon. That means we will be holding hands with a thug nation who simply kills.

Why....we don't know but we can guess.

This is becoming a shallow and most un American tenure.
Your speculation and guessing is contaminated by
your anger and hate! Plus your response is probably
the most mean spirited of the day!
Old 01-30-2017, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
EVERY ONE in the world hates us except Russia, is this where we want to be?????
So, you still can't get over the results of the election, can you?
Old 01-31-2017, 05:39 AM
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I am still amazed at what a great job Trump is doing. He is far exceeding my expectations. No wonder crybaby Obama is trying to get back into the spotlight. He has become a footnote in history, as one of the least pertinent holder of the office on record. The more Trump accomplishes, the less relevant Obama becomes and the more desperately he needs recognition. Jimmy the peanut Carter is so happy that he will go to his grave shortly knowing that he is no longer going to be known as the least noteworthy president in American history.

Thank you PRESIDENT TRUMP for being the guy that America has needed for a couple decades. keep up the great work and ignore the Soros puppets.
Old 01-31-2017, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It is WHAT he is doing that is so offensive, repugnant, mean spirited and wrong that is the problem.

PS....and I might add....totally UN American....lying from the oval is not a basic virtue we extoll....calling for the heads of anyone who disagrees is not a virtue.....being the least transparent is not a virtue.

Guess you forgot all about oboyo doing and being all those things for 8 years.....
Old 01-31-2017, 08:27 AM
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Tell you wacko"s what you go to Chicago and walk to streets, stay out there and see how long you can last with out getting shot. I'll go to Minnesota to walk the streets of an refugee neighborhood and we'll see who live longer!. Frankly I'd be more comfortable if we spent more time looking at the gun problem in this country. What would kill you in Chicago? A GUN. NOT ONE OF THESE REFUGEES!!!! If he wants to help Americans WHY isn"t he cleaning up CHICAGO???????? WHAT THE HELL DOES HE HAVE TO LOOSE?
Old 01-31-2017, 08:29 AM
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At want point in the current presidency do we admit that Donald isn't about US? We are seeing the consequences of that early on. He is not filtering his actions through a system of checks and balances that this government was based on. AKA the Constitution.
Lets hope that the Republicans in congress realize he is taking power from them.
Old 01-31-2017, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My personal problems thus far.......

1. Since he has been in office, he has told the country at least one lie, almost daily.

2. He has issued an executive order in the most complex and confusing manner possible, and used fear of terrorism as an excuse. I have no problem with "extreme vetting" but done in a manner befitting even a poorly run business. Note this is not a building company but the entire US government. Not contacting all agencies before issuing is inexcusable. YET our President continues to be blatantly non transparent to the citizens of the country.

3. At the same time, he moves closer both with words and actions to a blood thirsty regime in Russia who has been lying to the world and their citizens for years. Remember they said they were going after ISIS and then bombed, on purpose, hospitals in Aleppo (FOR revenge in their words). This is who we ally ourselves with suddenly.

4. This President, since swearing in, calls for investigations into voter fraud, although many studies AND investigations have been done with NO evidence whatsoever. This is done while the new President wants the country to "move on" and NOT investigate whether a foreign country tried to interfere with internal elections in his country.

5. This is the President who said he would bring us "together" which was also a campaign promise which obviously is not as important to him.

6. The response from this administration to having their lies pointed out to them for anyone who opposed Trump in the election to be fired (From Kellyanne Conway)...appoint an avowed leninist who has been on a number of payrolls and political campaigns in Russia to the Security Council and "fire" the head of National Security and the Joint Chief of Staff.....publicy announce (at least in Russia) that our country looks forward to a sit down asap with Russia....blame an airline for the hiccups in airports, which is serious simply because of the continued lie.

7. Openly and publicly say that Christians get favorable treatment which is what he is against, having religion be the guide. It also alienates the very folks we need help from....Muslim nations.

8. While continuing to hide his business dealings in this area, he blatantly allows no ban on Turkey, Pakistan or Afghanastan.....Turkey and Pakistan are in his business dealings.

IT does not promote warm and fuzzy feelings since it does give more for the extreme terror folks to cheer about and use.
Well said. I think we all see where this is headed. It is no longer a question of "if" he will be impeached, but when.
Old 01-31-2017, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Tell you wacko"s what you go to Chicago and walk to streets, stay out there and see how long you can last with out getting shot. I'll go to Minnesota to walk the streets of an refugee neighborhood and we'll see who live longer!. Frankly I'd be more comfortable if we spent more time looking at the gun problem in this country. What would kill you in Chicago? A GUN. NOT ONE OF THESE REFUGEES!!!! If he wants to help Americans WHY isn"t he cleaning up CHICAGO???????? WHAT THE HELL DOES HE HAVE TO LOOSE?
There ARE refugees in's part of WHY it's so dangerous.

If you went into a "refugee" neighborhood in'd be just as endangered as in Chicago.

The "gun" problem you speak of is the inner city blacks in Chicago. Chicago already pretty much bans guns. And a refugee with a gun in Chicago certainly can kill you. If he didn't have a gun, he'd use a knife, and if you banned knives he'd use a bat...or a rock. It's THEM it's THEY who are violent...guns are just their weapon of choice.

I'm ALL FOR "cleaning up Chicago"...remove ALL the minorities and make Chicago great again! It should be the cities new motto IF they REALLY want to improve it. It's the large minority populations that destroy and make dangerous our inner cities.

Old 01-31-2017, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well said. I think we all see where this is headed. It is no longer a question of "if" he will be impeached, but when.
Where do you suppose you will get enough Republicans to impeach him? Because at the rate you are losing Democrats, it won't be long before they are put on the endangers species list. Then again, I guess one cannot expect the left to understand or know the Constitution.
Old 01-31-2017, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
At want point in the current presidency do we admit that Donald isn't about US? We are seeing the consequences of that early on. He is not filtering his actions through a system of checks and balances that this government was based on. AKA the Constitution.
Lets hope that the Republicans in congress realize he is taking power from them.
Yes, he should not be undoing what Obama did when he circumvented congress or as you said "filtering his actions through checks and balances" for whatever that means. You probably do not know, yourself.

Funny how you expect more of him than you did Obama. Was it because you felt that Obama was not responsible for his ignorance? Or, like most liberals do you feel that his being multi-racial makes him less qualified and can not be held responsible for his actions? Maybe you are a racist? After all, Obama created most of this stuff that Trump is undoing, by using his pen instead of congress.
Old 01-31-2017, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Tell you wacko"s what you go to Chicago and walk to streets, stay out there and see how long you can last with out getting shot. I'll go to Minnesota to walk the streets of an refugee neighborhood and we'll see who live longer!. Frankly I'd be more comfortable if we spent more time looking at the gun problem in this country. What would kill you in Chicago? A GUN. NOT ONE OF THESE REFUGEES!!!! If he wants to help Americans WHY isn"t he cleaning up CHICAGO???????? WHAT THE HELL DOES HE HAVE TO LOOSE?
Let Obama clean it up and keep his mouth shut about President Trump (he had his chance and blew it). After all, he's always bragging about "Chicago's his adopted hometown".
Old 01-31-2017, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well said. I think we all see where this is headed. It is no longer a question of "if" he will be impeached, but when.
Hey Love, when are you going to get back to me with your answer?

Where are you going to get enough Republicans to impeach Trump?
Old 01-31-2017, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hey Love, when are you going to get back to me with your answer?

Where are you going to get enough Republicans to impeach Trump?
stay tuned!

update, world, support, trump, sooo

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