Sublimation soverignty v collectives

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Old 10-08-2017, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Friend... Mr. Feelgood?


Yes -- all the references to "feelings" notes. LOL!

Old 10-08-2017, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Now, this is just too funny, you are calling women Femo-Fascists and you propose to undo an amendment of the Consitution! That is just too funny!!!!

But that being said I can understand why you and your party would like to do so. The 17th amendment was added in 1913 by why would and, most likely, your party want to remove this one amendment? No not the 19th amendment which, if removed, would strip women's voting rights. The latter would seem more logical given your hatred of the fairer sex.

No, this one is about taking advantage of all those gains made by the Republicans after redistricting! If you could get rid of this 1 tweety weeny constitutional amendment then your advantage in the state legislatures would allow you to hand pick the winners for Senator bypassing a statewide vote.
It really doesn't matter say in Alabama but in Colorado and North Carolina or any other Purple state, it does matter.

When you don't like the rules just change em! Well, give that a try should we quite a circus to watch!

I was educated and worked all my life no time for soap opera's and game shows.

I don't like you <cheap shot personal identifier removed and complained about> because called a friend of mine a nasty name!


Old 10-08-2017, 05:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Happy doesn't sell newspapers...
Happy doesn't sell newspapers nor does telling the objective truth. Again there is that word "sublimation"
Journalist one aspired to be the voice of the people impartial to any one person or group intent on thorough and honest investigations utilizing the who ,what, where , when and how to produce accurate and honest information. The loss of our ability to trust what news agencies say in soundbites, digital or printed form is a major blow to this Republic.

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Old 10-08-2017, 05:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You do know that you’re talking like an old man, right ?
Things were better in the good ole’ days ?
Human morality reached it’s peak during your coming of age ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You know what I say, "there is no sense of being an old man if you can't act like one".

Essentially what you are alleging is that sublimation in our society was not more prevalent in earlier times than it is now. I believe it was.

It was expressed in so many ways back then music, dress, movies patriotism .

Schools with metal detectors didn't exist. Drugs were not a major concern. Single mothers were not the greater percentage of births. People were more respectable. People talked respectively to one another and debate was civil and encouraged

The good ole days were in fact the better days in America.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-08-2017, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know what I say, "there is no sense of being an old man if you can't act like one".

Essentially what you are alleging is that sublimation in our society was not more prevalent in earlier times than it is now. I believe it was.

It was expressed in so many ways back then music, dress, movies patriotism .

Schools with metal detectors didn't exist. Drugs were not a major concern. Single mothers were not the greater percentage of births. People were more respectable. People talked respectively to one another and debate was civil and encouraged

The good ole days were in fact the better days in America.

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Sublimation is a key tool of the current White House.

Our President learned his lessons well in reality TV shows and his ramblings around the NYC and Hollywood scene.

He uses this effectively

And he defies the "good old days". As a youngster, I recall truth and honor to be something we should aspire to
Old 10-08-2017, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know what I say, "there is no sense of being an old man if you can't act like one".

Essentially what you are alleging is that sublimation in our society was not more prevalent in earlier times than it is now. I believe it was.

It was expressed in so many ways back then music, dress, movies patriotism .

Schools with metal detectors didn't exist. Drugs were not a major concern. Single mothers were not the greater percentage of births. People were more respectable. People talked respectively to one another and debate was civil and encouraged

The good ole days were in fact the better days in America.

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Because we were a WHITE country...and the blacks/minorities stayed in their slum. Now they've been forced into EVERYTHING...and EVERYTHING is falling...everything is failing.
Old 10-08-2017, 12:21 PM
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The same word may have a slightly different meaning for each of us given the "our frames of reference". so it is understandable that when speaking of the good old days people have different perceptions.

So in an attempt to be more specified by sublimation I mean Freud's psychological understanding "" as being a renunciation of primal/basic instincts in favor of higher values such as art, religion and ethics".

We have made great technological advances but the human component continues to be going in the opposite direction. Look at our standings among other nations. Look at our arts, entertainment, sports,educational standings, manners, communication abilities, divorce rate, out of wedlock mothers, the abortion of million babies by Planned parenthood alone.

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Old 10-08-2017, 12:46 PM
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A Letter to the Editor in The NY Times......makes you think

"To the Editor:

Re “The Day the Real Patriots Took a Knee” (editorial, Sept. 25):

I am reminded of a poignant observation by the 19th-century French political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Is there anything “good” about insulting foreign leaders and football players? I yearn for a campaign with the slogan “Make America Good Again.”

Trump’s Insults for Foreign Leaders and Athletes - The New York Times
Old 10-08-2017, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A Letter to the Editor in The NY Times......makes you think

"To the Editor:

Re “The Day the Real Patriots Took a Knee” (editorial, Sept. 25):

I am reminded of a poignant observation by the 19th-century French political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Is there anything “good” about insulting foreign leaders and football players? I yearn for a campaign with the slogan “Make America Good Again.”

Trump’s Insults for Foreign Leaders and Athletes - The New York Times
Every single response you post comes to the same conclusion everything and anything Trump does is wrong vile ,? etc

Has it ever occurred to you that you are stuck in your circular thinking and obsession with Trump?

Has it occurred that the observation by the 19th-century French political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” has application to NFL players , owners , sportscasters that insult the very men and women of this nation that have given blood and treasure so that you, me and NFL players, et al can spout off the way we do?

Has it occurred to you that Trump's comments, while direct, speak the minds of many Americans?

Has it occurred to you that in this day of political correctness, directness, is refreshing ?

Has it occurred to you that we actually have people in this nation that believe, that speech that offends, should be subject to punishment or at least forbidden?

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Old 10-08-2017, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Every single response you post comes to the same conclusion everything and anything Trump does is wrong vile ,? etc

Has it ever occurred to you that you are stuck in your circular thinking and obsession with Trump?

Has it occurred that the observation by the 19th-century French political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” as application to NFL players , owners , sportscasters that insult the very men and women of this nation that have given blood and treasure so that you, me and NFL players, et al can spout off the way we do?

Has it occurred to you that Trump's comments, while direct, speak the minds of many Americans?

Has it occurred to you that in this day of political correctness, directness, is refreshing ?

Has it occurred to you that we actually have people in this nation that believe, that speech that offends, should be subject to punishment or at least forbidden?

Personal Best Regards:
Very good comment, Rubi...
Old 10-08-2017, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The same word may have a slightly different meaning for each of us given the "our frames of reference". so it is understandable that when speaking of the good old days people have different perceptions.

So in an attempt to be more specified by sublimation I mean Freud's psychological understanding "" as being a renunciation of primal/basic instincts in favor of higher values such as art, religion and ethics".

We have made great technological advances but the human component continues to be going in the opposite direction. Look at our standings among other nations. Look at our arts, entertainment, sports,educational standings, manners, communication abilities, divorce rate, out of wedlock mothers, the abortion of million babies by Planned parenthood alone.

Personal Best Regards:
You mean WHITE MEN have made great technological advances?

Because the "human component" has gone from 90% white to 49% white.. The minority component has gone from 10% to 51%. We import a million "refugees" from 3rd world sh!tholes each year. We've FILLED with 3rd worlders who ARE dragging us down. HOW MANY can we support?

Yes...look...we've gone from #1...90% #25 and 49% white. It's direct causation.

As we BECOME a nation of 3rd world minorities...we ACT like 3rd world minorities.

There are NO successful minority majority countries.
Old 10-09-2017, 04:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You mean WHITE MEN have made great technological advances?

Because the "human component" has gone from 90% white to 49% white.. The minority component has gone from 10% to 51%. We import a million "refugees" from 3rd world sh!tholes each year. We've FILLED with 3rd worlders who ARE dragging us down. HOW MANY can we support?

Yes...look...we've gone from #1...90% #25 and 49% white. It's direct causation.

As we BECOME a nation of 3rd world minorities...we ACT like 3rd world minorities.

There are NO successful minority majority countries.
Honestly my comments are not meant to be argumentative but your answer to every problem facing this nation comes down to a racial issue.

The white liberal intelligentsia elites orchestrate much of what is being discussed here. They are placed at strategic levels in government, news media , educational institutes and entertainment and sports industries and hence control what we read and hear.

Once again these are the "entitled" who want total control /power and/or are people who want to side with those who want control ( ie sycophants) . This is in my view of greater concern.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-09-2017, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Every single response you post comes to the same conclusion everything and anything Trump does is wrong vile ,? etc

Has it ever occurred to you that you are stuck in your circular thinking and obsession with Trump?

Has it occurred that the observation by the 19th-century French political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” has application to NFL players , owners , sportscasters that insult the very men and women of this nation that have given blood and treasure so that you, me and NFL players, et al can spout off the way we do?

Has it occurred to you that Trump's comments, while direct, speak the minds of many Americans?

Has it occurred to you that in this day of political correctness, directness, is refreshing ?

Has it occurred to you that we actually have people in this nation that believe, that speech that offends, should be subject to punishment or at least forbidden?

Personal Best Regards:
Have younoticed in our country each day, week, month is more anguish stemming from one single person. It might be his comments or threats to our own people as individuals or to a foreign country ?

Have you noticed that what you call representing the majority is coming from a man with the single lowest approval rating in history ?

Have younoticed that there has be ZERO legislation passed in his almost one year in office, and also that he very seldom speaks to policy, except as relates to himself or race ?

Have you noticed that our allies and enemies are all on edge due to one man ?

Have you noticed that our President criticizes only one thing....AMERICAN principles, whether he is accusing an ex president of wiretapping him, firing anyone who might even hint that he may have done something wrong ?

I might suggest that YOU are the one stuck in circular thinking. America in general seems to be waking up.

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll | TheHill

Nearly 70 percent of Americans say Trump isn't level-headed, and majorities say he's not honest or a strong leader. More than 60 percent disapprove of how he is handling race relations, foreign policy and immigration, among other issues.

Overall, 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in office, including about one-third of Republicans.

As this President keeps the entire country on edge with his immature actions and words, and I might add inches us closer to a very violent future, both at home and in foreign relations

I have been around awhile and watching our President engage in a war of words with the chairman of Foreign Relations to the point the chairmen simply walks away and refers to the WH as a nursery....that is simply a scary thought.

Even our Presidents friends and advisors cannot explain what our foreign policy is.

As I have said a number of times....he has not grown up..he does not know that his words and actions actually have an impact all over the globe. He does not care.

I am pushing 80 and never been so worried about our country and whatever future it may have.

YOU are the minority, not me
Old 10-09-2017, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Honestly my comments are not meant to be argumentative but your answer to every problem facing this nation comes down to a racial issue.

The white liberal intelligentsia elites orchestrate much of what is being discussed here. They are placed at strategic levels in government, news media , educational institutes and entertainment and sports industries and hence control what we read and hear.

Once again these are the "entitled" who want total control /power and/or are people who want to side with those who want control ( ie sycophants) . This is in my view of greater concern.

Personal Best Regards:
You ARE being argumentative because you refuse to see the facts for what they are. HAVE you gone down to MLK Blvd to see the 99% yet? Or are you STILL arguing based on what you see on TV? What you "think" is a typical a made for TV facade. You MUST go to MLK EVERY large city to SEE exactly WHAT the 99% of blacks really are. Have you GONE into a majority black school yet? Or do you STILL think it's what you see on TV?

The TV LIES to's a propaganda's there to SELL you things...products AND ideas.

Because WE are being BRED OUT...and we're being replaced by 3rd world "subhumans". WHITE people DID make western civilization...WHITE people DID create the technology we all enjoy. It WASN'T WASN'T was WHITE people. And now we're being REPLACED. THAT is America's BIGGEST problem.

Originally Posted by Guest
Have younoticed in our country each day, week, month is more anguish stemming from one single person. It might be his comments or threats to our own people as individuals or to a foreign country ?

Have you noticed that what you call representing the majority is coming from a man with the single lowest approval rating in history ?

Have younoticed that there has be ZERO legislation passed in his almost one year in office, and also that he very seldom speaks to policy, except as relates to himself or race ?

Have you noticed that our allies and enemies are all on edge due to one man ?

Have you noticed that our President criticizes only one thing....AMERICAN principles, whether he is accusing an ex president of wiretapping him, firing anyone who might even hint that he may have done something wrong ?

I might suggest that YOU are the one stuck in circular thinking. America in general seems to be waking up.

Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll | TheHill

Nearly 70 percent of Americans say Trump isn't level-headed, and majorities say he's not honest or a strong leader. More than 60 percent disapprove of how he is handling race relations, foreign policy and immigration, among other issues.

Overall, 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in office, including about one-third of Republicans.

As this President keeps the entire country on edge with his immature actions and words, and I might add inches us closer to a very violent future, both at home and in foreign relations

I have been around awhile and watching our President engage in a war of words with the chairman of Foreign Relations to the point the chairmen simply walks away and refers to the WH as a nursery....that is simply a scary thought.

Even our Presidents friends and advisors cannot explain what our foreign policy is.

As I have said a number of times....he has not grown up..he does not know that his words and actions actually have an impact all over the globe. He does not care.

I am pushing 80 and never been so worried about our country and whatever future it may have.

YOU are the minority, not me
STOP watching the "news"...turn OFF the TV...there is nothing redeeming, nothing worth your time there. The TV lies, it misdirects.

The REAL problem...the ONLY important problem is the country becoming a minority majority. Mexico II will be a really sh!tty place to live...especially for your great granddaughters.

You people are frogs being slowly boiled to don't realize what is happening. Whites are being bred out...we are losing western civilization. The worlds population is 80% poor...80% make less than $10 a day. THESE are the people who's numbers are growing. They are overrunning America...they are overrunning Europe. There are too many hungry mouths to feed and it IS bringing us down.

It's time to see reality for what it is... It's time we turned off the TV and went to MLK Blvd to SEE what is really going on out there. Laissez-faire must's time to do what MUST be done to KEEP KEEP Western Civilization! When whites drop to 20% of the population in 30's over. "America" will cease to exist.
Old 10-09-2017, 10:45 AM
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Just hoping that all of you realize that TOTV is not reality.

That, actually, almost anything outside the MSM which you all criticize and lie about, (speaking of news, not commentary) is not reality.

Hoping you all know that our government is not part of an elaborate game show. Actions and words do have consequences.

What you read here and on the far right and far left websites are not even close to reality.

Tweets from Donald Trump are not reality.

politics, today

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