Syria missle attack

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Old 04-07-2017, 08:14 AM
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Originally Posted by dirtbanker View Post
I guess you prefer BIG penius?

I doubt the decision was based on his detractors...he could care less about the whining losers.

I applaud the decision as it was a vast improvement over the failed rhetoric of the prior administration.

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Personally I do think a man should have a large penius. Such men don't need to prove to other men how much of a man they are, which they aren't. Hitting an air base was a safe move for this paper tiger.
Old 04-07-2017, 08:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Pap View Post
Cruise missles are about $1,000,000 a pop. A great investment for a country who is borrowing money to pay for medicare and social security.
So you think we wasted money? Do you believe we should have made more threats? Maybe another failed threat would have frightened Assad into being a decent guy...

Or, are you saying we should not care if some leader of a country gases women and children? I know Don - they are not equal...

I also wonder if NATO would be sharing the cost of those missles deployed in response to a condemned action?

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Old 04-07-2017, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Personally I do think a man should have a large penius. Such men don't need to prove to other men how much of a man they are, which they aren't. Hitting an air base was a safe move for this paper tiger.
Except that unless you are gay you seldom see....while you get the idea.

And look at what actually happened with Obama and Syria before making snap judgments. Things are a lot easier in hindsight. And what was Trump's position on Syria and Assad just last week?
Old 04-07-2017, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by PrickeyD View Post
Personally I do think a man should have a large penius. Such men don't need to prove to other men how much of a man they are, which they aren't. Hitting an air base was a safe move for this paper tiger.
You must be a lady, or a feminine man, to have that opinion.

Nobody feared Obamma, he was a pussy. He would have ****ed his pants rather than respond with force.

Hitting an air base cost Assad a few things; number one is MONEY will be needed to repair the air base, and number two is the reduced ability to fly aircraft. If you don't believe either of those are important your foolish.

It also lessened the chance of innocent lives being lost. Sure everyone would like to bomb Assad's home while he eats breakfast, but that would highten the innocent lives lost (as he surely is not living in a remote area by himself).

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Old 04-07-2017, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by wackadoodle View Post
Except that unless you are gay you seldom see....while you get the idea.

And look at what actually happened with Obama and Syria before making snap judgments. Things are a lot easier in hindsight. And what was Trump's position on Syria and Assad just last week?
Is there a decoder ring that I am supposed to use to decifer your post?

Is there something of substance you are trying to say??

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Old 04-07-2017, 09:53 AM
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Live Coverage from CBS News
Old 04-07-2017, 10:56 AM
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NEXT STEP, in my humble opinion....

Come to congress and advise them of what your long range plan is for Syria as best you can.

Ask them to clearly define the authorization for war as they see it and get it all clarified.

Trump himself decried in a tweet in 2013 after the last gas attack,""The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!"

Right now there are few if any critiques of this action, but keep it going and get them on your side. This is not going to be easy, lets just say his past record for dishonestly and truth will not help him but you need to begin to establish trust.
Old 04-07-2017, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So you think we wasted money? Do you believe we should have made more threats? Maybe another failed threat would have frightened Assad into being a decent guy...

Or, are you saying we should not care if some leader of a country gases women and children? I know Don - they are not equal...

I also wonder if NATO would be sharing the cost of those missles deployed in response to a condemned action?

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I'm not Don but yes I personally believe we wasted money as we have for the last 16 years. If we were paying real time with a big tax increase a lot of the chicken hawks would turn into doves. IMO
Old 04-07-2017, 03:02 PM
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Ambassador Haley is on it.....

"Russia is supposed to be a guarantor of the removal of chemical weapons in Syria," Amb. Nikki Haley says. "Think about that."

""The world is waiting for the Russian government to act responsibly in Syria," Amb. Nikki Haley says at UN:
Old 04-07-2017, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
NEXT STEP, in my humble opinion....

Come to congress and advise them of what your long range plan is for Syria as best you can.

Ask them to clearly define the authorization for war as they see it and get it all clarified.

Trump himself decried in a tweet in 2013 after the last gas attack,""The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!"

Right now there are few if any critiques of this action, but keep it going and get them on your side. This is not going to be easy, lets just say his past record for dishonestly and truth will not help him but you need to begin to establish trust.
Just to re emphasize my earlier......

This move was right, but solves not the real problem.

Gotta come up with a long range plan NOW and get congress on your side.
Old 04-07-2017, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I agree with much of what you say.

I recall vividly the resistance Obama got at that time, the warnings issued actually from congress to not react. I felt striping enough then to say forget it.

I DO think Trump makes a serious mistake if he does not openly and loud beginning talks with both sides of congress. I believe in our government and how it works best when both sides are engaged and have a voice.

I have always said I do not trust Trump, to the point people on here enjoy their little name calling, but two things....

1. Just a week since he "embraced" Assad, I do believe he got educated in the real world by the chemical attack, and I am glad he "changed his mind"

2. Getting the hard right, actually alt right radical Bannon out of his ear is a good and positive sign.

Trump has not "SOLD ME" but when I agree....I agree.
As to your second point, it looks like the combination of Syria (and I'm sure Bannon being kicked off the NSC)...has the alt-right up in arms.

Some of President Trump’s most ardent campaign supporters were among his most vocal opponents on Thursday after he ordered the missile strike against Syria, charging him with breaking his promise to keep the United States out of another conflict in the Middle East.

Prominent writers and bloggers on the far right attacked Mr. Trump. They accused him of turning against his voters by waging an attack that he had for years said would be a terrible idea. They also criticized him for launching the strike without first seeking congressional approval — something he said on Twitter in 2013 would be a “big mistake.”

The most vocal in their outrage were leaders from the small but influential white nationalist movement.

... For some on the far right, particularly those who are pro-Russia, Mr. Trump’s strike crossed a line.
As for me, until Bannon and his band of white-nationalist fake news purveyor's are totally purged from this administration (and Trump quits reading their trash )...I'm not holding any hope that Trump will get any better.

With or without them, he's spent his whole life having absolute power, spewing lies with impunity, bullying anyone who pricks his thin-skin, all without consequences...and I don't see that changing.
Old 04-07-2017, 07:37 PM
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Get congress on his side?

You mean the same congress that was supportive of Gorsuch?

The divide is so wide and so polarized the current congress would be debating and positioning for weeks/months.

It will, I am afraid, take a national incident of some sort to get the attention of Washington establishment to focus on the country and the safety of it's citizens......instead of their individual status or party.
Old 04-07-2017, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Get congress on his side?

You mean the same congress that was supportive of Gorsuch?

The divide is so wide and so polarized the current congress would be debating and positioning for weeks/months.

It will, I am afraid, take a national incident of some sort to get the attention of Washington establishment to focus on the country and the safety of it's citizens......instead of their individual status or party.
C'mon man, you're seriously not that dumb...are you?

"Getting Congress on his side" doesn't, nor will EVER...mean 100%.

The Repub's currently have majorities in both what's the problem?

As for the "safety of it's citizens"...exactly what are you saying/implying?

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