Taltarzac725 told by sherrifs Office "No crime" yet his nonsense continues.

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Old 01-12-2018, 10:40 PM
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Default Taltarzac725 told by sherrifs Office "No crime" yet his nonsense continues.

Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
I have a number of people on my IGNORE list primarily because of long term harassment of me by these people which is very well documented.

So, if you see that I am not answering people's seemingly reasonable questions their past behavior on here is why.

Allegiance is one of the worst of this criminal harassers. I say criminal as it violates the law of Florida. Whether or not he will pay for these many false and misleading posts against me is another matter. Use your common sense with respect to evaluating what is on here. And talk to my neighbors and friends if you have to about my mental health and the like. Do not depend on what Snopes did 15 years or so with some stupid e-mails I sent them.

I did have a nervous breakdown 18 years ago but was fine after a few hours around late March early April of 2000 but I did have to talk to a battery of psychiatrists and the like. Or my parents actually talked to them. I was too much pumped up on the drugs they gave me. I was better after I was released from the outpatient place a few days after that. I started volunteering at Palm Harbor Library directed by Gene Coppola and told him that I had been under the care of the psychiatrist, etc. He never had a problem with me except for a very sharp disagreement over the link to the Florida Victim Services Directory and its removal in 2004. I also volunteered at East Lake Community Library. This was also under the ultimate control of Gene Coppola.

Do not let the ill will of Allegiance and company ruin the 224 613 project I have worked on so hard with the help of many other people.

And I did report what is mentioned by the Snopes Tin Foil Hat people to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office in September 18, 2002 and got the impression that they believed me about it but the Criminal Intelligence Detective said that it was not a crime to do that even if they would have had the resources to look into it. I can give you those names if you need them. There weer two Detectives in the Criminal Intelligence (Homicide) Department I dealt with in 2002.

And if you think for one instance that I believe I have a persecution complex look at what has been thrown at me on here for nine months or so by Allegiance and company. It is one of the worst examples of cyber bullying that I have seen online. And it continues. It is even worse to harass someone you think is mentally ill. And Allegiance continues with this criminal harassment.
snopes.com: When tinfoil hats aren't enough

Please read several of Taltarzac725's emails in the snopes link.
Old 01-12-2018, 10:49 PM
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"Sold off the better part but not all of my gun collection"

Old 01-14-2018, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
"Sold off the better part but not all of my gun collection"

Tal, buddy, how is the gun collection?

allegiance, people

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