Tea party accomplishments

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Old 03-28-2015, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'd love to hear exactly what the tea party has accomplished in its tenure. I want the good and the bad! What is the perception of the tea party within our community?
They have succeeded in dividing the republican party into a non-functioning body.
Old 03-28-2015, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
They have succeeded in dividing the republican party into a non-functioning body.
...and The Canadian Anchor Baby has proved just fact.
Old 03-28-2015, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
They have succeeded in dividing the republican party into a non-functioning body.
The chairman of the republican party, Reince Preibus, said on the day he was re-elected for the third time, that the republican party will not exist in its current form, if the GOP loses the presidential race in 2016.

Just guessing that he meant there would be a tea-party faction and a more moderate faction, but no strong umbrella organization.

A loss in 2016 would be the sixth loss out of seven contests, in the popular vote.
Old 03-28-2015, 08:43 PM
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Doesn't everyone see that the gang of five, and their beloved tea party have absolutely nothing to contribute only detract and dismiss. It's about the black guy in the White House and how to make sure he has no success, no matter what the price to our country. They are racist hypocrites, period!
Old 03-28-2015, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Doesn't everyone see that the gang of five, and their beloved tea party have absolutely nothing to contribute only detract and dismiss. It's about the black guy in the White House and how to make sure he has no success, no matter what the price to our country. They are racist hypocrites, period!
You continue to be the best example available of a broken record
Old 03-28-2015, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The chairman of the republican party, Reince Preibus, said on the day he was re-elected for the third time, that the republican party will not exist in its current form, if the GOP loses the presidential race in 2016.

Just guessing that he meant there would be a tea-party faction and a more moderate faction, but no strong umbrella organization.

A loss in 2016 would be the sixth loss out of seven contests, in the popular vote.
I am a registered Republican but would have not voted for Republican President since Bush senior. I am afraid that the current Grand Old Party is totally dysfunctional and embarrassing.
Old 03-28-2015, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am a registered Republican but would have not voted for Republican President since Bush senior. I am afraid that the current Grand Old Party is totally dysfunctional and embarrassing.
I'm a registered Democrat and I have not voted for a Democrat for President since JFK. The party has moved too far to the left and we are now living in a country where the general feeling among the majority seems to be "Ask what your country can do for you not what you can do for your country".
Old 03-29-2015, 05:54 AM
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Default Exactly

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You continue to be the best example available of a broken record
And I'll never stop telling it like it is. You and your cronies are through politically and morally!
Old 03-29-2015, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Doesn't everyone see that the gang of five, and their beloved tea party have absolutely nothing to contribute only detract and dismiss. It's about the black guy in the White House and how to make sure he has no success, no matter what the price to our country. They are racist hypocrites, period!
Dear Guest: In case you haven't notice Obama doesn't need the help of anyone to assist him in not succeeding. He is doing well all by himself.
Obama has proven unfortunately that anyone can be president and I am afraid he has lowered the bar for the most critical position in the world.

Secondly, calling someone a racist is not an argument, its an accusation and one meant to deflect the true debate, a debate liberals can't win no matter how much they try. Jason Riley or Thomas Sowell are two black men that I would vote for in a New york second because they are honorable and honest men highly intelligent and have proven their ability to do the people's will

Obama is a divider, spiteful and small man who has placed this country both domestic and foreign in great peril...and that my friend has nothing to do about his color of his skin but the rather the content of his character.

You would be wise to reassess your thinking because people like you are complicit by acceptance in the unconstitutional dealings of this man and his Administration

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-29-2015, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And I'll never stop telling it like it is. You and your cronies are through politically and morally!
You're slipping ... you didn't include any obnoxious name calling
Old 03-29-2015, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am a registered Republican but would have not voted for Republican President since Bush senior. I am afraid that the current Grand Old Party is totally dysfunctional and embarrassing.
Dear Guest: Following the JFK election I had changed parties. My father a loyal Democrat disappointed ask how I could leave the Democrat Party and my reply was I did not leave them they left me. Today I can't imagine my father, a blue dog Democrat would associate with this far left fringe group. I suspect he would vote Independent.

As a registered Republican I was disappointed that more Republicans did not support Mitt Romney and if they had he would have won. Most of what e spoke of has come true.

Ask yourself in an objective and fair manner do you really believe we are better off with the likes of Obama than we would have been with Romney?

The 2016 campaign is underway. I am not inured with Jeb Bush and wish he had not entered the race. While I am undecided and will be until the day I cast my vote in the primary, if Jeb Bush gets the candidacy I would vote for him as president because the democratic option is going to be another disaster.

My belief is that Obama pulled so far left that we need a push hard right to eventually get back to center

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-29-2015, 07:15 AM
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For the very SHORT time Obama was a senator for Illinois he earned the reputation for being the most liberal democrat there!!
So he was left of the far left when he took office.

You can rearrange the spots on a leopard......but when you get all done you STILL have a leopard!
Old 03-29-2015, 10:46 AM
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And still he wins, by a large margin, twice. Don't you understand it is you that are the MINORITY!
Old 03-29-2015, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And still he wins, by a large margin, twice. Don't you understand it is you that are the MINORITY!
Ever heard of the silent majority? Stay tuned, you may soon hear from them.
Old 03-29-2015, 01:41 PM
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The democratic party has Obama's past 8 years going against them for 2016.
The cry to take back America (make what ever floats your boat about what that infers) will definately motivate enough of the silent majority to make sure the current trend in America gets stopped and reversed.

And backing Clinton is another motivation for a lot of people who do not want more of the same with another candidate who cannot be trusted by track record.

It is extremely doubful the same number of we the people can be fooled again.
And even more doubtfull that all who did not vote in 2008 and 2012 will let that happen again.

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