Tea party accomplishments

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Old 03-30-2015, 03:03 PM
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You may want to check the state of affairs in deep red Kansas to see how the low tax experiment is progressing.
Old 03-30-2015, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The Tea Party offers another option
As do Communism, Nazism, ISIS, and Satanism.
Old 03-30-2015, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Don't know what this has to do with the OP, but I'll roll with it. Perhaps you can splain to us lesser minds how lowering the rates on the wealthy, and increasing the tax burden on the middle class helps the economy, or more specifically, the middle class to which most of us belong. The top marginal rate in the 50's was more than 90%, a decade in which the middle class enjoyed the greatest prosperity in history, with low unemployment, low inflation, and high productivity. The top marginal rate today is 39.6%, an era in which the middle class is losing prosperity at an alarming rate. Some of you seem to have bought into the Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, et al propaganda that the wealthy will take good care of the economy if they only get to keep more of what they acquire and get rid of those pesky regulations on their businesses. They have bought you with religious scare tactics and out and out lies to promote their agenda, which in no way benefits you or your kids and grandkids (unless you are a Walton or a Ford etc.)
The bought and paid for mentality of the greedy old tea partiers. I agree wholeheartedly with you. The "trickle down" economy,didnt work then and no matter how he spins it , it doesn't work now. Without a viable middle class they are doomed in the long run, but of course the other poster doesnt give a rats ass about the long term. More of the let them eat cake mentality. As the French said," Off with their heads!".
Old 03-30-2015, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Perhaps you can splain to us lesser minds how lowering the rates on the wealthy, and increasing the tax burden on the middle class helps the economy, or more specifically, the middle class to which most of us belong.
The top 20% of income earners pay >70% of the nation's tax bill. Lowering their rate is just plain FAIR!

The top 20% can do whatever they wish with their money, but I'd venture to say they'd use it to: expand their businesses, purchase more equipment, hire more employees, invest it in other companies so they could use the capital to expand, purchase real estate/second homes/vacation homes, SAVE, go on vacation(s), purchase toys (boats, cars, motorcycles, RV's, snow machines)...

The middle class continues to shrink and become wealthier...just a fact. The so-called "wealthy's" share of the total pie has hardly budged in decades. The truth is that a rising tide IS lifting all boats. Hyperbole is one thing, but facts are facts.
Old 03-30-2015, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The top 20% of income earners pay >70% of the nation's tax bill. Lowering their rate is just plain FAIR!

The top 20% can do whatever they wish with their money, but I'd venture to say they'd use it to: expand their businesses, purchase more equipment, hire more employees, invest it in other companies so they could use the capital to expand, purchase real estate/second homes/vacation homes, SAVE, go on vacation(s), purchase toys (boats, cars, motorcycles, RV's, snow machines)...

The middle class continues to shrink and become wealthier...just a fact. The so-called "wealthy's" share of the total pie has hardly budged in decades. The truth is that a rising tide IS lifting all boats. Hyperbole is one thing, but facts are facts.
Are living in dreamland. The middle class is definitely shrinking, it's getting poorer. The disparity and wealth gap are terrible. You are in the job creator role, pay your fair taxes. You do not need a further tax break, nor does Bloomburg!
Old 03-30-2015, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are living in dreamland. The middle class is definitely shrinking, it's getting poorer. The disparity and wealth gap are terrible. You are in the job creator role, pay your fair taxes. You do not need a further tax break, nor does Bloomburg!
Here you go tiger! It's kind of like pointing out something to a 4 yr-old!

"Bottom Line: In other words, America’s “middle class” did start largely disappearing in the 1970s, but it was because they were moving up to a higher-income category, not down into a lower-income category. And that movement was so significant that between 1967 and 2009, the share of American families earning incomes above $75,000 more than doubled, from 16.3% to 39.1%. On the previous CD post, Ken commented that although “Many prominent people like Paul Krugman claim that the middle class has been in decline since the 1970s, that assertion is incredibly and verifiably wrong.

Yes, the middle class has been disappearing, but they haven't fallen into the lower class, they've risen into the upper class - AEI | Carpe Diem Blog » AEIdeas
Old 03-30-2015, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Here you go tiger! It's kind of like pointing out something to a 4 yr-old!

"Bottom Line: In other words, America’s “middle class” did start largely disappearing in the 1970s, but it was because they were moving up to a higher-income category, not down into a lower-income category. And that movement was so significant that between 1967 and 2009, the share of American families earning incomes above $75,000 more than doubled, from 16.3% to 39.1%. On the previous CD post, Ken commented that although “Many prominent people like Paul Krugman claim that the middle class has been in decline since the 1970s, that assertion is incredibly and verifiably wrong.

Yes, the middle class has been disappearing, but they haven't fallen into the lower class, they've risen into the upper class - AEI | Carpe Diem Blog » AEIdeas
I can hardly wait to see how the counterpoint will twist this around to where it is not recognizeable.
Old 03-30-2015, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I can hardly wait to see how the counterpoint will twist this around to where it is not recognizeable.
One has to twist this. It is an outright lie! And incredibly stupid!
Old 03-31-2015, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The bought and paid for mentality of the greedy old tea partiers. I agree wholeheartedly with you. The "trickle down" economy,didnt work then and no matter how he spins it , it doesn't work now. Without a viable middle class they are doomed in the long run, but of course the other poster doesnt give a rats ass about the long term. More of the let them eat cake mentality. As the French said," Off with their heads!".
It's so nice to see you finally be able to express your inner totalitarian and tendency to use violence ... as you just intimated

You are now the TOTV poster boy for why the founders set up, among other things, restraints on mob rule.
Old 03-31-2015, 11:45 AM
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A morbid obsession about anything is not a good thing because it has the effect of distorting truths and producing myths. It would serve such individuals then to first acknowledge what is good about someone or something in order to place them in an objective frame of mind.

I am not a member of the Tea Party but I believe they have made progress in restoring people's belief in our grass roots beginnings. The importance of our constitution the separation of powers, our freedoms, taxation without representation, the positive effect religion has had on all of these freedoms taken root ( i e God giving rights to)

I am very concerned for people who discount such attributes. Compare the goings on in communist or socialist countries and you seen that God is replaced with government. People in this country who lead attacks against religion do so for a reason, because they recognize that a government run country cannot take root or survive if religion lives because as Jesus said "render to cesar what is cesar's and to God what is God's" Governments dominate because they make all decision for people and create a dependency on their "kindness"(ie someone can kill you with kindness).

Our welfare system is a prime example where generation after generation have relied on this dependence. I cannot think of a crueler thing to do to a human being .

So for those that show contempt for the Tea Party you may want to reassess your thinking unless of course you have gotten use to being on the dole.

Personal Best Regards:

I am now done with this thread newer acres need to be plowed
Old 03-31-2015, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It's so nice to see you finally be able to express your inner totalitarian and tendency to use violence ... as you just intimated

You are now the TOTV poster boy for why the founders set up, among other things, restraints on mob rule.
Are the mob. A card carrying member of the "gang of six"!
Old 03-31-2015, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are the mob. A card carrying member of the "gang of six"!
I assume this is meanigful (or maybe not) to someone.
Old 03-31-2015, 04:16 PM
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Yea, right
Old 03-31-2015, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I assume this is meanigful (or maybe not) to someone.
No, it's just another quasi-coherent name calling episode from the verbally clueless Mr Spittle
Old 03-31-2015, 06:55 PM
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The Gang of 6 or The 6 Pack was on the original political forum and were just bullies.

If you did not agree with their right wing nut ideas, you were ganged up on and beat up. Fortunately, one has moved away, one does not post anymore, and the others are on here.

Makes not difference. They all know the Tea Party has no accomplishments except to further divide the republicans and to try and hide bigotry with flying flags on their golf carts.

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