Thank God For Old Westerns

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Old 08-04-2017, 06:16 AM
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Default Thank God For Old Westerns

Perhaps its just me but honestly I am so disheartened by the behavior of our politicians, the news media and many people in general concerning day's politics that day by day I shrink more and more away from the negativity.

We have a few posters on here with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that one recognized it is a waste of time to join in the discussion because well there will be no discussion but rather a continuation of rants.

Thank God for old westerns

Personal best Regards:
Old 08-04-2017, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Perhaps its just me but honestly I am so disheartened by the behavior of our politicians, the news media and many people in general concerning day's politics that day by day I shrink more and more away from the negativity.

We have a few posters on here with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that one recognized it is a waste of time to join in the discussion because well there will be no discussion but rather a continuation of rants.

Thank God for old westerns

Personal best Regards:
So CHANGE it...NEXT election...STOP voting for ANY D or R candidate because they ARE ALL corrupt...the two parties are completely corrupt.

Vote's the ONLY way to "fix things".

Voting for another D or R only perpetuates the lies and corruption.
Old 08-04-2017, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So CHANGE it...NEXT election...STOP voting for ANY D or R candidate because they ARE ALL corrupt...the two parties are completely corrupt.

Vote's the ONLY way to "fix things".

Voting for another D or R only perpetuates the lies and corruption.
I'm not the OP, but just wanted to say I tried that once. Only thing it got me was someone elected who I didn't want. What you say sounds good, but unless you get enough people to buy into the idea it's a losing battle. So although I'm in agreement with what you say, I don't see that happening anytime soon. A lot more cages need to be rattled first before more people will view that as a viable option.
Old 08-04-2017, 07:05 AM
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Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Do some digging on Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Old 08-04-2017, 08:15 AM
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This may sound like veering off the subject but is not the intent.

There is too much emphasis on who is POTUS....good/bad/indifferent.

It is the congress that is the so far incurable diseased link in the chain.

With 8 years of nothing accomplished under Obama except for a rammed through piece of garbage called ObamaScare. Now more than half a year with Trump with republicans in control of the total congress.....still nothing gets done. Those who sit in the chairs of the congress no longer do the work of we the people. They have their own party.....the fear of job loss (no matter how old or incompetent). Party first....then me first...
A party majority currently in Washington locked in paralysis by personal politics while the country deteriorates and rapidly goes to hell........but wait.....all must be OK they did nothing and are still going on vacation with a full plate of work.

Any one of us behaved or conducted our jobs like a US congressman and we would have been fired.

The congress is the cancer to focus on....not the WH puppet set.
Old 08-04-2017, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This may sound like veering off the subject but is not the intent.

There is too much emphasis on who is POTUS....good/bad/indifferent.

It is the congress that is the so far incurable diseased link in the chain.

With 8 years of nothing accomplished under Obama except for a rammed through piece of garbage called ObamaScare. Now more than half a year with Trump with republicans in control of the total congress.....still nothing gets done. Those who sit in the chairs of the congress no longer do the work of we the people. They have their own party.....the fear of job loss (no matter how old or incompetent). Party first....then me first...
A party majority currently in Washington locked in paralysis by personal politics while the country deteriorates and rapidly goes to hell........but wait.....all must be OK they did nothing and are still going on vacation with a full plate of work.

Any one of us behaved or conducted our jobs like a US congressman and we would have been fired.

The congress is the cancer to focus on....not the WH puppet set.
Couldn't agree more. Never thought I would say this, but term limits are sounding better and better all the time. Unfortunately, I don't ever see it happening, but it would certainly help to change Washington back to a government of servants, working for the people instead of themselves.
Old 08-04-2017, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm not the OP, but just wanted to say I tried that once. Only thing it got me was someone elected who I didn't want. What you say sounds good, but unless you get enough people to buy into the idea it's a losing battle. So although I'm in agreement with what you say, I don't see that happening anytime soon. A lot more cages need to be rattled first before more people will view that as a viable option.
Keep doing it and KEEP telling people that BOTH sides are corrupt.

The problem is...the D party is FULL of stupid ignorant minorities...they vote how they're TOLD to vote. The rest of the D party is women who ignorantly...feel sorry for the minorities...and welcome them.

The R party is also full of ignorant people who also vote how they're told to vote.

We're brainwashed into thinking that ONLY the two completely corrupt candidates that THEY place on the ballot...CAN win.

WE MAKE THE WINNER...when we cast our vote for them. Stop allowing the crooks to be the winners.

Most people vote like it's a horse race...they vote for whom they THINK is GOING to win...instead of voting for whom they WANT to win. OUR VOTES are what makes one win and the other make the one win you WANT to win...not some "lesser of two evils" crook.

Our vote wasn't "wasted"...THEIR votes were "wasted" because they voted for continued corruption in government. NOTHING will get better as long as crooks are "leading" us.
Old 08-04-2017, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Couldn't agree more. Never thought I would say this, but term limits are sounding better and better all the time. Unfortunately, I don't ever see it happening, but it would certainly help to change Washington back to a government of servants, working for the people instead of themselves.
They ARE servants...only they DON'T work for us...they work for the wealthy and the corporations who paid over a $ billion last presidential election.
Old 08-04-2017, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This may sound like veering off the subject but is not the intent.

There is too much emphasis on who is POTUS....good/bad/indifferent.

It is the congress that is the so far incurable diseased link in the chain.

With 8 years of nothing accomplished under Obama except for a rammed through piece of garbage called ObamaScare. Now more than half a year with Trump with republicans in control of the total congress.....still nothing gets done. Those who sit in the chairs of the congress no longer do the work of we the people. They have their own party.....the fear of job loss (no matter how old or incompetent). Party first....then me first...
A party majority currently in Washington locked in paralysis by personal politics while the country deteriorates and rapidly goes to hell........but wait.....all must be OK they did nothing and are still going on vacation with a full plate of work.

Any one of us behaved or conducted our jobs like a US congressman and we would have been fired.

The congress is the cancer to focus on....not the WH puppet set.
The "president" is mostly a talking head...presidents ARE told what to do those above them.

Why is that? Because they're all Ds and's the two party SYSTEM that is corrupt and broken. The names change, the social policies change...but in the end, the money keeps flowing where it NEEDS to flow...into the pockets of the wealthy.

STOP voting for ANY Ds or Rs...or NOTHING will change.
Old 08-04-2017, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Couldn't agree more. Never thought I would say this, but term limits are sounding better and better all the time. Unfortunately, I don't ever see it happening, but it would certainly help to change Washington back to a government of servants, working for the people instead of themselves.
Would like to see some kind of term limits for Members of Congress. Some of the people I wrote in 1991 about problems I believe which were connected to the Law Librarian of Congress as well as probably with the Librarian of Congress are still in office. This was M. Kathleen Price who was then Law Librarian of Congress. I had been working under her as she was Director of the U of MN Law Library some of the time I worked there while doing the WESTLAW cataloging project. I had heard that I was losing my employment contract and wanted to be honest with potential employers about my interest in a niche in information for survivors/victims of crimes I had found in LAW LIBRARIES as well as public libraries while trying to help my fellow Earl Wooster High School students cope with the 2-24-1976 murder of Michelle Mitchell near the University of Nevada, Reno. Instead of meeting my concerns on their merits, the U of MN library administration subtly and then not so subtly put my mental health in question. Probably on the advice of M. Kathleen Price as the same approach showed up used against a troublesome employee at the Library of Congress according to a CBS National News report of around July 6, 1996. This report said that this was a favorite tactic of the Soviets.

102nd United States Congress - Wikipedia

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