Thanks to President Trump.

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Old 08-27-2017, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockface View Post
There are changes afoot.....

Today, the Secretary of State of our country said definitively and shockingly, that the President of the United States does NOT speak for the country on moral values...only himself.

Those are his exact words, or what you read from some "opinion reporting" column??

"We express America's values from the state department" = definitively and ball less DRAMA QUEEN!

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Old 08-27-2017, 02:18 PM
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You and stupid bitch (jebartle) should get together, you two can be emotional basket cases over a pimple on one of your a$$es.

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Old 08-27-2017, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Those are his exact words, or what you read from some "opinion reporting" column??

"We express America's values from the state department" = definitively and ball less DRAMA QUEEN!

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Sad when we cannot look to our President for moral leadership. Nothing new..he is simply immoral by nature, but to have the Secy of State need to claim this....

"Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declined to say if President Trump embodied American values when asked Sunday about the implications of his rhetoric following the recent violence in Charlottesville, Va.
"We express America's values from the State Department. We represent the American people, America's values, our commitment to freedom, our commitment to equal treatment of people the world over and that message has never changed," Tillerson said during an interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace.

Tillerson insisted that was not the case. "I don't believe anyone doubts the American people's values or the commitment of the government and government agencies to advancing those values and defending those values." Tillerson said.
But Tillerson changed his tune when he was asked about Trump’s values and the president’s reaction to Charlottesville following his repeated decision to blame “both sides” for the violence and equate white supremacists with leftist protesters.
"The president speaks for himself, Chris," Tillerson replied."

Trump: Rex Tillerson on Charlottesville Response |
Old 08-27-2017, 02:30 PM
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As I said just more of your drama queen crap...totally sad.

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Old 08-27-2017, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post

Sad when we cannot look to our President for moral leadership. Nothing new..he is simply immoral by nature, but to have the Secy of State need to claim this....

"Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declined to say if President Trump embodied American values when asked Sunday about the implications of his rhetoric following the recent violence in Charlottesville, Va.
"We express America's values from the State Department. We represent the American people, America's values, our commitment to freedom, our commitment to equal treatment of people the world over and that message has never changed," Tillerson said during an interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace.

Tillerson insisted that was not the case. "I don't believe anyone doubts the American people's values or the commitment of the government and government agencies to advancing those values and defending those values." Tillerson said.
But Tillerson changed his tune when he was asked about Trump’s values and the president’s reaction to Charlottesville following his repeated decision to blame “both sides” for the violence and equate white supremacists with leftist protesters.
"The president speaks for himself, Chris," Tillerson replied."

Trump: Rex Tillerson on Charlottesville Response |
Very immoral, no drinking or drugs, like barry.
Old 08-27-2017, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I will have to respectfully disagree with the majority of posts on this thread. I want both the Republican Party and the Democratic party to grow and succeed.

What I want is a two party system intent on hammering out the most productive and effective policies for the benefit and preservation of this nation and its status

What I do not want are representatives or their supporters to engage in counter-productive activities that only serve self interests (identity politics).

What I do not want is to have representative or their supporters engage in anti-American propaganda and hate speech and to deny every American citizens their inalienable rights to pursue their freedoms of lawful expression

Personal Best Regards:
They must stop the Hispanic invasion, the looming Hispanic absolute majority.
Old 08-28-2017, 12:08 AM
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Thumbs down Moral Leadeship?

Originally Posted by Guest

Sad when we cannot look to our President for moral leadership.
In that case we have been sad often.

Just a few examples:

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) --- Decades long affair with his wife's secretary, Lucy Mercer, who was with him in his Hot Springs, Georgia, "Little White House" when he died.

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) --- During WWII when he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, he was believed to have had an affair with his British chauffeur and personal secretary, Kay Summersby. She confirmed a romance in her autobiography, Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower.

3. John F. Kennedy (Democrat) --- While in the White House he was known to take daily "naps," during which time he regularly called for one of two staff secretaries (nicknamed by the Secret Service "Fiddle" and "Faddle." Sexual encounters with various movie stars, including Marilyn Monroe and Angie Dickenson, were well known "secrets." Then there was Judith Exner, who was a girl friend of a Mafia Don at the time she was having sex with Kennedy.

4. Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) --- Reputedly arrogant and disrespectful towards women, often "hitting on" wives of members of his staff. On November 5, 1982, Madeline Brown spoke at a news conference held at the Dallas Press Club, alleging that she had an extramarital relationship with Johnson for almost twenty years

5. Ronald Reagan (Republican) --- Although he became a loyal and trustworthy husband after his marriage to Nancy Davis, he had a reputation for numerous sexual encounters in Hollywood after his divorce from his first wife, Jane Wyman. He had the distinction of being the first divorced man to be President of the United States.

6. William J. Clinton (Democrat) --- Impeached by the House of Representatives for lying under oath, Bill Clinton has been accused of being a serial rapist by various women, and has made payments to settle at least one case. His sexual encounters in the Oval Office at the White House were verified by testimony and forensic evidence.

I have listed only a few of the Presidents who served in my lifetime. Looking back further would greatly lengthen the list.

I find it endearing that the poster of the quote above should be so naive as to think that our country has had a succession of Presidents who we could look to for moral leadership.

Carl in Tampa

Old 08-28-2017, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In that case we have been sad often.

Just a few examples:

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) --- Decades long affair with his wife's secretary, Lucy Mercer, who was with him in his Hot Springs, Georgia, "Little White House" when he died.

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) --- During WWII when he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, he was believed to have had an affair with his British chauffeur and personal secretary, Kay Summersby. She confirmed a romance in her autobiography, Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower.

3. John F. Kennedy (Democrat) --- While in the White House he was known to take daily "naps," during which time he regularly called for one of two staff secretaries (nicknamed by the Secret Service "Fiddle" and "Faddle." Sexual encounters with various movie stars, including Marilyn Monroe and Angie Dickenson, were well known "secrets." Then there was Judith Exner, who was a girl friend of a Mafia Don at the time she was having sex with Kennedy.

4. Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) --- Reputedly arrogant and disrespectful towards women, often "hitting on" wives of members of his staff. On November 5, 1982, Madeline Brown spoke at a news conference held at the Dallas Press Club, alleging that she had an extramarital relationship with Johnson for almost twenty years

5. Ronald Reagan (Republican) --- Although he became a loyal and trustworthy husband after his marriage to Nancy Davis, he had a reputation for numerous sexual encounters in Hollywood after his divorce from his first wife, Jane Wyman. He had the distinction of being the first divorced man to be President of the United States.

6. William J. Clinton (Democrat) --- Impeached by the House of Representatives for lying under oath, Bill Clinton has been accused of being a serial rapist by various women, and has made payments to settle at least one case. His sexual encounters in the Oval Office at the White House were verified by testimony and forensic evidence.

I have listed only a few of the Presidents who served in my lifetime. Looking back further would greatly lengthen the list.

I find it endearing that the poster of the quote above should be so naive as to think that our country has had a succession of Presidents who we could look to for moral leadership.

Carl in Tampa

I think it is "endearing" that the Secy of State of our country is forced to say that the President speaks for himself, and seoerate himself from the White House.

Very "endearing"

Also "endearing" is your equating morals strictly with sexual behavior.

Yes, "endearing"
Old 08-28-2017, 07:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockface the drama queen View Post
I think it is "endearing" that the Secy of State of our country is forced to say that the President speaks for himself, and seoerate himself from the White House.

Very "endearing"

Also "endearing" is your equating morals strictly with sexual behavior.

Yes, "endearing"
Oh, that's right, you liberals don't believe it is immoral to fu@k around on your spouse...of course the lies to cover it up don't count either...

Go ahead Carl, waste your time posting all the examples of when various staff or an administration member's message was different than the president they served under...this drama queen will whine about stupid crap till he dies!

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Old 08-28-2017, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In that case we have been sad often.

Just a few examples:

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) --- Decades long affair with his wife's secretary, Lucy Mercer, who was with him in his Hot Springs, Georgia, "Little White House" when he died.

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) --- During WWII when he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, he was believed to have had an affair with his British chauffeur and personal secretary, Kay Summersby. She confirmed a romance in her autobiography, Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower.........

I have listed only a few of the Presidents who served in my lifetime. Looking back further would greatly lengthen the list.

I find it endearing that the poster of the quote above should be so naive as to think that our country has had a succession of Presidents who we could look to for moral leadership.

Carl in Tampa

You are comparing apples and organges. Your examples of past presidents are essentially guys who screwed around on their wives, and lied about it. Morally wrong – yes. But at the same level of moral ineptitude as Trump? Not by a long shot.

Trump rountinely lies about everything under the sun, every day, and in public, to the press. His behavior in the Charlottesville episode was horrendous. Any normal President would have stepped in immediately and condemmed the neo-Nazis and KKK members. Not Trump. In another instance he tweets a computer image of himself punching a news person in the head, a news person that is wearing a CNN logo. He tries to silence the press because they are reporting the truth of what he does and says. He has enacted policies that discriminate against gays and people of other religions. He attacked the muslim American father of a fallen soldier. He fat shamed a Miss Universe contestant. He routinely has called women fat pigs and pussies. For years he lied and kept saying President Obama wasn't born in this country. He has absolutely no moral compass. Its frightening to have a man like that with his hands on the nuclear codes. Who knows what happens if he has a fit of pique. Will he authorize a nuclear attack on Afghanistand or Korea? And will he tell the American people the truth, or lie about it, like he lies about everything else.

One of the jobs of the President is to lead, and to be a President for everyone. Not just the white men on the right who voted for him, but the American Jews and Muslims, the members of the LGBT community, the African Americans and people of color, and the women. The President is supposed to be a force for good. He is supposed to show that he cares about and will promote the equality and safey of all. That is moral leadership, and that is something Trump, as opposed to the Presidents of the past, has failed miserably at.
Old 08-28-2017, 07:43 AM
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Even Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has suggested that Trump does not speak for American values, but just speaks for himself.
Old 08-28-2017, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Throughout my career in law enforcement, Sheriff Joe has been my hero. All he ever did was work at enforcing the law. His charges were fabrications created by misguided individuals.

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How can the charges be "fabrications" if he demonstrated his contempt for law by refusing to obey the court order to stop charging people for "driving while Mexican"? I suppose you think the Judge was "liberal" and "appointed by Obama" or some such nonsense? The Phoenix New-Times had begun calling out Joe Arpaio’s “parade of corpses,” with “endless” numbers of court cases over “needless deaths and injuries in the jails.” Arpaio refused to disclose the number of deaths in his facility, despite evidence that inmates were committing suicide at a rate that dwarfed other county jails. He fed inmates meals that cost as little as 15 cents each, and was proud of the fact that the food was rotten and contaminated, It even took a federal court order to ensure “functional and sanitary toilets and sinks, with toilet paper and soap.”
Old 08-28-2017, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How can the charges be "fabrications" if he demonstrated his contempt for law by refusing to obey the court order to stop charging people for "driving while Mexican"? I suppose you think the Judge was "liberal" and "appointed by Obama" or some such nonsense? The Phoenix New-Times had begun calling out Joe Arpaio’s “parade of corpses,” with “endless” numbers of court cases over “needless deaths and injuries in the jails.” Arpaio refused to disclose the number of deaths in his facility, despite evidence that inmates were committing suicide at a rate that dwarfed other county jails. He fed inmates meals that cost as little as 15 cents each, and was proud of the fact that the food was rotten and contaminated, It even took a federal court order to ensure “functional and sanitary toilets and sinks, with toilet paper and soap.”
Joe Arpaio is a poor excuse for a law enforcement officer and a wet dream for the ACLU.
Old 08-28-2017, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl in Tampa View Post
In that case we have been sad often.

Just a few examples:

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) --- Decades long affair with his wife's secretary, Lucy Mercer, who was with him in his Hot Springs, Georgia, "Little White House" when he died.

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) --- During WWII when he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, he was believed to have had an affair with his British chauffeur and personal secretary, Kay Summersby. She confirmed a romance in her autobiography, Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower.

3. John F. Kennedy (Democrat) --- While in the White House he was known to take daily "naps," during which time he regularly called for one of two staff secretaries (nicknamed by the Secret Service "Fiddle" and "Faddle." Sexual encounters with various movie stars, including Marilyn Monroe and Angie Dickenson, were well known "secrets." Then there was Judith Exner, who was a girl friend of a Mafia Don at the time she was having sex with Kennedy.

4. Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) --- Reputedly arrogant and disrespectful towards women, often "hitting on" wives of members of his staff. On November 5, 1982, Madeline Brown spoke at a news conference held at the Dallas Press Club, alleging that she had an extramarital relationship with Johnson for almost twenty years

5. Ronald Reagan (Republican) --- Although he became a loyal and trustworthy husband after his marriage to Nancy Davis, he had a reputation for numerous sexual encounters in Hollywood after his divorce from his first wife, Jane Wyman. He had the distinction of being the first divorced man to be President of the United States.

6. William J. Clinton (Democrat) --- Impeached by the House of Representatives for lying under oath, Bill Clinton has been accused of being a serial rapist by various women, and has made payments to settle at least one case. His sexual encounters in the Oval Office at the White House were verified by testimony and forensic evidence.

I have listed only a few of the Presidents who served in my lifetime. Looking back further would greatly lengthen the list.

I find it endearing that the poster of the quote above should be so naive as to think that our country has had a succession of Presidents who we could look to for moral leadership.

Carl in Tampa


Sexual escapades have been routine for powerful men since the beginning of civilization. What makes DT different from all other presidents is his SOCIOPATHIC personality.

High-functioning Sociopaths and the Damage They Cause - Sociopath - Personality Disorders | HealthyPlace
Old 08-28-2017, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In that case we have been sad often.

Just a few examples:

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) --- Decades long affair with his wife's secretary, Lucy Mercer, who was with him in his Hot Springs, Georgia, "Little White House" when he died.

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) --- During WWII when he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, he was believed to have had an affair with his British chauffeur and personal secretary, Kay Summersby. She confirmed a romance in her autobiography, Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower.........

I have listed only a few of the Presidents who served in my lifetime. Looking back further would greatly lengthen the list.

I find it endearing that the poster of the quote above should be so naive as to think that our country has had a succession of Presidents who we could look to for moral leadership.

Carl in Tampa

You are comparing apples and organges. Your examples of past presidents are essentially guys who screwed around on their wives, and lied about it. Morally wrong – yes. But at the same level of moral ineptitude as Trump? Not by a long shot.

Trump rountinely lies about everything under the sun, every day, and in public, to the press. His behavior in the Charlottesville episode was horrendous. Any normal President would have stepped in immediately and condemmed the neo-Nazis and KKK members. Not Trump. In another instance he tweets a computer image of himself punching a news person in the head, a news person that is wearing a CNN logo. He tries to silence the press because they are reporting the truth of what he does and says. He has enacted policies that discriminate against gays and people of other religions. He attacked the muslim American father of a fallen soldier. He fat shamed a Miss Universe contestant. He routinely has called women fat pigs and pussies. For years he lied and kept saying President Obama wasn't born in this country. He has absolutely no moral compass. Its frightening to have a man like that with his hands on the nuclear codes. Who knows what happens if he has a fit of pique. Will he authorize a nuclear attack on Afghanistand or Korea? And will he tell the American people the truth, or lie about it, like he lies about everything else.

One of the jobs of the President is to lead, and to be a President for everyone. Not just the white men on the right who voted for him, but the American Jews and Muslims, the members of the LGBT community, the African Americans and people of color, and the women. The President is supposed to be a force for good. He is supposed to show that he cares about and will promote the equality and safey of all. That is moral leadership, and that is something Trump, as opposed to the Presidents of the past, has failed miserably at.

I really hate to be a but Bush balloon buster but what about that nidger boy that lived in the White House for 8 LONG years? I guess you forgot that he pulled chevy and Jeep Chrysler franchises from long time White dealers because they were Republican,Fired the White president of Bank of America for doing things he forced Him to do and installed a chicagoan as boss man, Spent 8 years telling White folks they were worthless MFers ,creating isis, trading camel humping sand nidger terrorist ashholes for a fuching traitoriius piece of schit that didn't have the brains to know whether to squat or stand to ****! I could go on for hours but with your head so deeply planted in your as$hole it would be a monumental waste of My time...


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