think we all can agree that we are fortunate to live in America.

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Old 02-28-2017, 01:26 PM
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Default How we got here

Originally Posted by Guest
As long as you continue to post these bs threads there is no middle ground!

It will only be achieved, when the vast majority are willing to stand up for simple law and order.

If you don't like the present laws, change them peacefully.

The USA laws are the best in the world, maybe a few tweeks are needed, like the 14th ammendment. Of course our medical system that allows pharmaceuticals and others to make monopolistic profits. Our tort system that allows Lawyers to rape needs changes. The lobbyists that control both parties won't allow these changes. Bartle et al need to admit Trump is the only hope.

Mainly the country suffers from non enforcement of the law!!

Thank you Obama, worst president ever, encouraged lawlessness.
I did not vote for Obama because with a bit of investigation, while he is truly great at spinning and hiding the facts, I saw what he has always associated with.

Obama hitched his wagon to the divisiveness that we now live with. Look at these third grade hostile posts.

We are doing exactly what Obama and the PROGRESSIVE, SOCIALIST, LIBERALS want us to do. Fighting among ourselves SO THAT WE DO NOT SEE THAT THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

After eight years of OBAMA see where we are. Embers of racial conflict have been fanned by OBAMA and his followers into forest fires. Hard work and success has become evil. We have been fooled into supporting the TAX THE RICH baloney without exploring the FACTS. TAX THE TOP 1% IS SCREAMED. I guess if you scream it loud enough often enough the people will believe it as fact.
Gerring, Hitlers propaganda minister called this THE BIG LIE-say it loud enough, say it often enough and the people will believe it is fact. The REAL FACT is if you did not increase taxes on the top 1% but simply TOOK everything they have IT WOULD NOT PAY THE TEN TRILLION DOLLARS THAT OBAMA ADDED TO THE NATIONAL DEBT.

As to high cost of medical care. Our medical care costs are prime for inflation. I've read that 80% of medical payments comes from either government or insurance we do not have any reason to check costs or to consider alternatives. For that matter, YOU have no way to gauge your doctor. He/she has a nice personality or your friend uses them or they take your insurance plan. We do not deny medical care for anyone whether they have acted RESPONSIBLY and have insurance or savings to pay the bill.
Your bill includes the cost for all those who do not pay. Solution-I do not have one. DO YOU? Some scream, "Let the Government pay for it." People, WE are the government. We will pay for it in either more taxes or inflation.

THIS IS NOT OBAMALAND. In the real world life is tough
Old 02-28-2017, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Mr. JE Bartle

Who are you kidding?? You post as GUEST over and over, daily, bashing our President, and now you propose this question?? Give us a break, please........
Everyone on here posts as GUEST because it is the way the administrators have it set up. If you would like for the actual names to be shown, then contact them instead of bashing others for posting as GUEST.

Please note that your post shows up as GUEST.
Old 02-28-2017, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The trouble is...YOU have been taking YOUR meds...the meds that keep you sedated while everything falls apart around you.

GO into the black park, the mexican part of ANY town...THAT is what you get with those "people"...every time. Name me a place that is black/mexican that is JUST like the villages. They DESTROY...they don't build. They may work in construction, but it's always for some white guy. They ALWAYS destroy the school, business, neighborhood, town, city, and country. There is not ONE successful black place. NOT WHY in Gods name would ANYONE not heavily medicated want MORE of them ANYWHERE?

Mexicans ARE 1/3 the population...they ARE 100 million. Their numbers ARE growing while whites numbers fall. The country WILL BE a hispanic majority within 30 years. The country WILL BE a Mexico II because they have no desire to keep "white" culture and rules. They hate us. Blacks hate us. Your granddaughters WILL curse your names as harassment by minority men becomes the norm.

Take your granddaughter to the minority part of town NOW...for a "sneak peek" of America's future...go there Friday night...walk around, mingle with the locals, do some window shopping. Stay close to MLK Blvd for the COMPLETE black experience.

You come back and you tell me with a straight face...they're the same as us.

It's THEM, it's their CHARACTER, it's their VIOLENCE.

Villages news had 3 stories about violent blacks today. Killing people, trying to run them down, they're violent...they're NOT us.

So Ms Bartle...explain to me why you think I need meds when the day to day facts staring you right in the face makes me believe that YOUR meds are preventing you from comprehending the reality of REAL life.

Do you frequent MLK Blvd and therefore you have an inimate knowledge and understanding that I'm missing? Or are you the typical hypocrite liberal woman, talking sh!t, and living in a 99% white paradise? You love them so much...go live with them...DON'T bring them here.
Sure would be nice if you would back up your numbers with actual facts. You are the very epitome of racist and obviously proud of it. You are simply to be pitied instead of scorned. Sad.
Old 02-28-2017, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The trouble is...YOU have been taking YOUR meds...the meds that keep you sedated while everything falls apart around you.

GO into the black park, the mexican part of ANY town...THAT is what you get with those "people"...every time. Name me a place that is black/mexican that is JUST like the villages. They DESTROY...they don't build. They may work in construction, but it's always for some white guy. They ALWAYS destroy the school, business, neighborhood, town, city, and country. There is not ONE successful black place. NOT WHY in Gods name would ANYONE not heavily medicated want MORE of them ANYWHERE?

Mexicans ARE 1/3 the population...they ARE 100 million. Their numbers ARE growing while whites numbers fall. The country WILL BE a hispanic majority within 30 years. The country WILL BE a Mexico II because they have no desire to keep "white" culture and rules. They hate us. Blacks hate us. Your granddaughters WILL curse your names as harassment by minority men becomes the norm.

Take your granddaughter to the minority part of town NOW...for a "sneak peek" of America's future...go there Friday night...walk around, mingle with the locals, do some window shopping. Stay close to MLK Blvd for the COMPLETE black experience.

You come back and you tell me with a straight face...they're the same as us.

It's THEM, it's their CHARACTER, it's their VIOLENCE.

Villages news had 3 stories about violent blacks today. Killing people, trying to run them down, they're violent...they're NOT us.

So Ms Bartle...explain to me why you think I need meds when the day to day facts staring you right in the face makes me believe that YOUR meds are preventing you from comprehending the reality of REAL life.

Do you frequent MLK Blvd and therefore you have an inimate knowledge and understanding that I'm missing? Or are you the typical hypocrite liberal woman, talking sh!t, and living in a 99% white paradise? You love them so much...go live with them...DON'T bring them here.

white noise, blah, blah, blah.!
Old 02-28-2017, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sure would be nice if you would back up your numbers with actual facts. You are the very epitome of racist and obviously proud of it. You are simply to be pitied instead of scorned. Sad.
How many time do I have to do your work for you? Google is really easy to use...

I'm not PROUD of anything...I'm trying to save you from yourself.

minority majority school children - Google Search

U.S. School Enrollment Hits Majority-Minority Milestone - Education Week

Babies Of Color Are Now The Majority, Census Says : NPR Ed : NPR


The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities - Bloomberg

And Joe Biden...whites are 49%, no longer a majority.

The country IS's turning's fallen from #1 to will continue to fall.

Originally Posted by Guest
white noise, blah, blah, blah.!
No...the noise is that incessant BOOM BOOM BOOM from their "music". Be glad you live here and don't have to hear that crap all day long.

You're a fool...and you may not live long enough to realize just how foolish you are being.
Old 03-01-2017, 05:31 AM
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Middle Ground....

Once not too long ago the bell curve presented a more diverse division between republicans and democrats. We had liberal republicans and conservative democrats. but as the years passed the division simplified to left and right. and with the advent of Obama a radical shift left. these radical lefties have under Obama made great headway with more entitlements, regulations , labor laws redefintion of DOMA, repeal of don't ask don't tell ,etc. They wrongly assume under Trump that they will lose ground.

People like George soros are funding organization to create chaos paying agitators who organized the disenfranchised. they do not want Trump to succeed because Trump has promised to return this nation back to the people. the radical left wants big government control. It is the reason behind their fight to stop ACA repeal, to stop fed regulations, etc.

Think about it the left doesn't rally against Trump policies because they know if people really looked at what he wants they would agree. so they keep their focus on Trump the man and his fortunate and his family because they can make a caricature of it all but not his policies. Just look at the policies and you will see for yourself.

Persona Best Regards:
Old 03-01-2017, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Middle Ground....

Once not too long ago the bell curve presented a more diverse division between republicans and democrats. We had liberal republicans and conservative democrats. but as the years passed the division simplified to left and right. and with the advent of Obama a radical shift left. these radical lefties have under Obama made great headway with more entitlements, regulations , labor laws redefintion of DOMA, repeal of don't ask don't tell ,etc. They wrongly assume under Trump that they will lose ground.

People like George soros are funding organization to create chaos paying agitators who organized the disenfranchised. they do not want Trump to succeed because Trump has promised to return this nation back to the people. the radical left wants big government control. It is the reason behind their fight to stop ACA repeal, to stop fed regulations, etc.

Think about it the left doesn't rally against Trump policies because they know if people really looked at what he wants they would agree. so they keep their focus on Trump the man and his fortunate and his family because they can make a caricature of it all but not his policies. Just look at the policies and you will see for yourself.

Persona Best Regards:
I do no disagree with you.

HOWEVER, I have spoken often of this same thing right here on this very forum, and you totally and completely ignore the radical extreme movement to the RIGHT.

Ignoring that extremist group and pretending "its all THEIR fault" will solve nothing. The divide becomes greater and harder to bridge.

If you really believe that "their" side is all the problem, then you are a large part of the problem.

Extremism on both sides, better represented on this forum by the right is the problem.

Obviously, not unexpectedly, you feel superior.

For me, the problem is when either the right or the left sees the other as THE PROBLEM. Never is one side or the other on protected ground...never is one side or the other 100% right or wrong.

My posts normally revolve around one side or the other claiming some sort of superiority.

You always say you want to talk issues, but avoid those discussions and want to lecture. Your feeling of superiority, and many on the left, are THE problem. Trust me, there is middle ground. Preaching at each other does not get you there.
Old 03-01-2017, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I do no disagree with you.

HOWEVER, I have spoken often of this same thing right here on this very forum, and you totally and completely ignore the radical extreme movement to the RIGHT.

Ignoring that extremist group and pretending "its all THEIR fault" will solve nothing. The divide becomes greater and harder to bridge.

If you really believe that "you" side is all the problem, then you are a large part of the problem.

Extremism on both sides, better represented on this forum by the right is the problem.

Obviously, not unexpectedly, you feel superior.
The PROBLEM is minorities are becoming the majority and EVERYTHING will change because of it.

When do you act? Whites are ALREADY 49%...will you act when we're 40%? 30%? 20%? EVER?

It's literally white genocide and YOU are helping them.
Old 03-01-2017, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I do no disagree with you.

HOWEVER, I have spoken often of this same thing right here on this very forum, and you totally and completely ignore the radical extreme movement to the RIGHT.

Ignoring that extremist group and pretending "its all THEIR fault" will solve nothing. The divide becomes greater and harder to bridge.

If you really believe that "their" side is all the problem, then you are a large part of the problem.

Extremism on both sides, better represented on this forum by the right is the problem.

Obviously, not unexpectedly, you feel superior.

For me, the problem is when either the right or the left sees the other as THE PROBLEM. Never is one side or the other on protected ground...never is one side or the other 100% right or wrong.

My posts normally revolve around one side or the other claiming some sort of superiority.

You always say you want to talk issues, but avoid those discussions and want to lecture. Your feeling of superiority, and many on the left, are THE problem. Trust me, there is middle ground. Preaching at each other does not get you there.
How long have you had this issue of feeling that anyone that speaks more articulate than you is in fact superior to you? Does someone else's higher intelligence make you feel inferior? Perhaps it is not their fault, but your problem. If Rubi is civil, he gets attacked. Does his calm demeanor irritate the left? Because it doesn't bother me. For some reason, you seem to side with the troll on here (cnm) knowing that she is nasty and divisive. That shows that it is YOU that has the problem, not Rubi.
Old 03-01-2017, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How long have you had this issue of feeling that anyone that speaks more articulate than you is in fact superior to you? Does someone else's higher intelligence make you feel inferior? Perhaps it is not their fault, but your problem. If Rubi is civil, he gets attacked. Does his calm demeanor irritate the left? Because it doesn't bother me. For some reason, you seem to side with the troll on here (cnm) knowing that she is nasty and divisive. That shows that it is YOU that has the problem, not Rubi.
I was going to ignore this post as I do with all of your responses since you have a real problem understanding.

I object to being preached to as if "your" opinion is the ONLY opinion.

I believe in compromise and getting to solutions. Rubicon is a smart man but has become extreme based on his posts in that he believes there is only what he believes and no other opinions can possibly be acceptable.

THAT is what causes division in this country and on this forum THAT is what prevents any discussion of any issues facing the country. It is fine to be either left of right but to be so far in one direction you cannot even see the other side is simply self serving and offers no viable solutions.

I have no problem except to be preached at as if one side or another has all the answers.

As I have said many many many times.....I am a conservative....i actually support many, but not all of Trumps seeming proposals. I do not honor Trump, however as most on here do. I know quite a bit about him and thus my trust with him is very thin.

If you go back and read my responses to Rubicon (and you brought up his posts) you will find my objection is the self righteous tone which I would object to if it were a liberal poster and I have for many years on this very forum.

To find one side of the all to be the cause of ALL problems is not only wrong but evidence of being mis informed (thus my strong opinions on some of the whacky sites used to back up stupid statements) is also condescending to anyone else....and just on the face of it impossible,

Rubicon and your self do not talk preach ideology and thus I object.

I, as I listed for you previously have begun many threads on issues, with no preaching, and simply a link to begin discussions. Neither you nor Rubicon have participated, yet you some on here and ask people to discuss issues. Not sure what the game is, but I will continue to do so and if you guys want to preach...that is your choice but I suggest if you believe your own BS then you might look around at both sides of an issue instead of the pontification of only your side.
Old 03-01-2017, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I was going to ignore this post as I do with all of your responses since you have a real problem understanding.

I object to being preached to as if "your" opinion is the ONLY opinion.

I believe in compromise and getting to solutions. Rubicon is a smart man but has become extreme based on his posts in that he believes there is only what he believes and no other opinions can possibly be acceptable.

THAT is what causes division in this country and on this forum THAT is what prevents any discussion of any issues facing the country. It is fine to be either left of right but to be so far in one direction you cannot even see the other side is simply self serving and offers no viable solutions.

I have no problem except to be preached at as if one side or another has all the answers.

As I have said many many many times.....I am a conservative....i actually support many, but not all of Trumps seeming proposals. I do not honor Trump, however as most on here do. I know quite a bit about him and thus my trust with him is very thin.

If you go back and read my responses to Rubicon (and you brought up his posts) you will find my objection is the self righteous tone which I would object to if it were a liberal poster and I have for many years on this very forum.

To find one side of the all to be the cause of ALL problems is not only wrong but evidence of being mis informed (thus my strong opinions on some of the whacky sites used to back up stupid statements) is also condescending to anyone else....and just on the face of it impossible,

Rubicon and your self do not talk preach ideology and thus I object.

I, as I listed for you previously have begun many threads on issues, with no preaching, and simply a link to begin discussions. Neither you nor Rubicon have participated, yet you some on here and ask people to discuss issues. Not sure what the game is, but I will continue to do so and if you guys want to preach...that is your choice but I suggest if you believe your own BS then you might look around at both sides of an issue instead of the pontification of only your side.
You DON'T get SOLUTIONS to problems with get compromise and the problem is still there. The side that SHOULD have lost..."wins" something. There ARE right and wrong. There IS good and bad. There IS beneficial and destructive.

The solution for America is preventing their attaining a true majority. When IS the time to act? When whites are 40%? 30%? 20%? Gone? We're already 49%.

Joe Biden: "Whites will be a Minority in US by 2017 - and that's a good Thing" - YouTube

WHEN do we act?
Old 03-01-2017, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by jebartle View Post
Why can't we try to meet in the middle on how to put aside our racial tones on this website and be more understanding of each other. Is that even possible?
Please take all of your stock market gains since election day and donate it towards building the wall. Is that even possible?

put, website, live, america, fortunate

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