Those who look like they are down and out...

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Old 01-08-2017, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

Please don't hold back! Geeezzzz . You breach TOTV rules by making a direct attack on another poster.

Personal Best Regards:
Dear RubiTheCon:

You amaze me more every day.

The Political Forum is unmoderated and rife with daily personal attacks...mostly from your fellow scumbags on the right.

Yet you are mute when that occurs...why is that?

That was a rhetorical question of course, because most everyone knows...that you're nothing but a flaming hypocrite.

Personal Best Regards And May You Receive What You Deserve.
Old 01-08-2017, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear RubiTheCon:

You amaze me more every day.

The Political Forum is unmoderated and rife with daily personal attacks...mostly from your fellow scumbags on the right.

Yet you are mute when that occurs...why is that?

That was a rhetorical question of course, because most everyone knows...that you're nothing but a flaming hypocrite.

Personal Best Regards And May You Receive What You Deserve.
You know I probably would not agree with you on much politically. We DO fearvTrump equally, however,

To have these two threaten anyone is ludicrious. Speaking for me I have been called names, called a liar, and these two support each and everyone of these folks who demean, who mock me because I am not an hypocrit, and because I think their idol is absolutely a serious danger to our country.

Because I feel that way, and have had been the target, I join you in your comments. Just recently found how to Id the posters and was shocked to see people who in the past said one thing to me, and now post the exact opposite....who made fun of others in the past, and then come on here like children and say things like "we won, you lost" and for the life of me I don't know what that means.

So, speaking to anyone on here about rules, or even human decency is a bit beyond the pale.

The hypocrisy...the ability to look down your nose like that simply is something to behold.
Old 01-08-2017, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know I probably would not agree with you on much politically. We DO fearvTrump equally, however,

To have these two threaten anyone is ludicrious. Speaking for me I have been called names, called a liar, and these two support each and everyone of these folks who demean, who mock me because I am not an hypocrit, and because I think their idol is absolutely a serious danger to our country.

Because I feel that way, and have had been the target, I join you in your comments. Just recently found how to Id the posters and was shocked to see people who in the past said one thing to me, and now post the exact opposite....who made fun of others in the past, and then come on here like children and say things like "we won, you lost" and for the life of me I don't know what that means.

So, speaking to anyone on here about rules, or even human decency is a bit beyond the pale.

The hypocrisy...the ability to look down your nose like that simply is something to behold.
Well stated.
Old 01-08-2017, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Just recently found how to Id the posters and was shocked to see people who in the past said one thing to me, and now post the exact opposite....who made fun of others in the past, and then come on here like children and say things like "we won, you lost" and for the life of me I don't know what that means.
Welcome to the political forum wackadoodle. I am happy to hear you have looked at some older threads to see I am not the only one that has poked a harsh word your way.

Of course name calling and slander is all good when it is coming from you (laughed quite a bit when you called me an a$$hole), but you feel you deserve special treatment from others or else you will have to pout, whine, post links to baby fart songs, and just get plain weird.

You got some support from a few of the most flagrant name callers on here, that has to feel good for a man-child. Oh and you just don't know what the 52%er comment is all about, I guess your reading comprehension is not all that good as I have explained it a few times, and I believe it was in my post just prior to you calling me an a$$hole.

As for your comment about people kicking when someone is down, I have found there are a lot more people that will help someone when they fall down, but when that person continues to keep falling down no matter how much help they get...the help from others generally dwindles.

I know your a drama queen and just want to drag this episode out for all you can. You enjoy attention and need an opportunity to tell us all your life story again...well a story anyways.
Old 01-08-2017, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Welcome to the political forum wackadoodle. I am happy to hear you have looked at some older threads to see I am not the only one that has poked a harsh word your way.

Of course name calling and slander is all good when it is coming from you (laughed quite a bit when you called me an a$$hole), but you feel you deserve special treatment from others or else you will have to pout, whine, post links to baby fart songs, and just get plain weird.

You got some support from a few of the most flagrant name callers on here, that has to feel good for a man-child. Oh and you just don't know what the 52%er comment is all about, I guess your reading comprehension is not all that good as I have explained it a few times, and I believe it was in my post just prior to you calling me an a$$hole.

As for your comment about people kicking when someone is down, I have found there are a lot more people that will help someone when they fall down, but when that person continues to keep falling down no matter how much help they get...the help from others generally dwindles.

I know your a drama queen and just want to drag this episode out for all you can. You enjoy attention and need an opportunity to tell us all your life story again...well a story anyways.
Drama I am not...give me issues and not this crap and I am happy.....since you agree, let's pick one...

....Syria, how Russia has lied to us about their intent.

"While Washington tries to relitigate Russia’s role in the 2016 election (see nearby), serious people should be watching Vladimir Putin’s double game in Syria."

Russia’s Syria Doublespeak - WSJ

....What might happen to Medicaire during 2017 ? Lots of questions and rumors.

......After watching the 2 hours or so of hearings on Russian hacking, in addition to the hacking itself, Trump wants to reduce sanctions; his colleagues increase.

....Where is our national debt going ? So many plans but they seem to all increase the debt a lot. does Obama care get handled ? A big prelude of the next years will be HOW this is handled. .

Lots of issues to talk about, but all I read is about Clinton and Obama...guess what..they have no say in our future from 1/20 on.

Oh, thanks for the welcome, but I was an original member of the political forum back in 2007, I think...started as a separate area to discuss a proposed horse track. Not many insults, lots of Original ideas shared, links swapped for reading and staying informed.

But thanks for welcoming me
Old 01-08-2017, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

Indeed it gets annoying, and without question unfortunate and unnecessary when a poster paints a target on your back...but disgruntled posters exist on forums such as this and thems the facts.

In the years that we all have been on this forum you have made a positive and informative contribution. You have shown yourself to be an honest and open-minded person with compassion for people and a wide and broad repertoire.

Clearly the problem doesn't rest with you but with this individual. Based on his comments on this forum he is a person who is filled with self loathing and hate. My suggestion is in whatever way you express your spirituality extend forgiveness. I have learned that it does not pay to get mad, or to get even, but rather to get ahead. In this case it means making this individual a non factor as concerns this forum.

People posting on here are quite savvy and know who you are and they clearly know what this individual is not.

If you feel a need to respond to this individual then do what you normally do and meet this individual's comments with logic, reason and calm.

Personal Best Regards:
Once again, the voice of reason and sanity, and may I add compassion and kindness. Although I have been a long time member of TOTV, I have not been as active a poster as many of you. But I am a people person and a people watcher, and as a result I feel as if I have come to know many of you by your posts over the years. One thing I have observed about the quoted poster is his consistent pattern of just as he states, "logic, reason and calm" - a true gentleman, always.

To the OP, I hope you heed this wise one's advice. Don't let others on here draw you into their confrontations. I can be quilty of that myself - letting others "rent space in my head" as they say, and then regretting my own reaction to it as much as I detest their initial attack on me.

It would be nice if we could just stick to the issues on here and not get so personal. And by personal I'm referring to the nastiness, not the sharing of one's personal experiences or opinions which often add to the discussion. Unfortunately, I think some are on here just to inflame others, offering no wisdom in their posts or stimulation of thought to further discussion. It really is a shame that there isn't some form of moderation on this forum in an effort to keep it more civil. I think everyone would benefit from that, no matter what side of the fence you are on.
Old 01-08-2017, 06:47 PM
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Lets discuss eliminating the government support of the lazy in our nation.

Currently 52% of the citizens are on a government assistance program. That means 48% are paying everyone else's way. Could you imagine what it is like to get up early, go to work and work hard, and then give a big part of your paycheck to a bunch of other people that did not get up early, and did not go to work and work hard? It really bums me out...I am sure some of them are really nice people, but that does not make me feel good about working to pay their bills: Obammaphones (up to 5 each!), link cards (they can get cash back for cigarettes and lottery tickets!), health insurance (obese, smoke, booze, drugs!)and housing (HUD- never move out!).

Included in the 52% is Social Security Disability. I can't believe how fast the numbers on this program is growing. I suspect there is a lot of fraudulent recipients. It just does not seem to be much being done to root these thieves out.

Not all of the 52% are lazy, about 14% of the amount is social security. I am not a big fan of cutting the benefits of the very people that pay into a government retirement program. I mean they take out that tax from my paycheck, after I worked so hard, and then to suggest they would end social security for me, so the lazy can continue to live without working, just does not seem right.

So what are you thoughts to eliminate the financial support of the lazy in this country?
Old 01-08-2017, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Lets discuss eliminating the government support of the lazy in our nation.

Currently 52% of the citizens are on a government assistance program. That means 48% are paying everyone else's way. Could you imagine what it is like to get up early, go to work and work hard, and then give a big part of your paycheck to a bunch of other people that did not get up early, and did not go to work and work hard? It really bums me out...I am sure some of them are really nice people, but that does not make me feel good about working to pay their bills: Obammaphones (up to 5 each!), link cards (they can get cash back for cigarettes and lottery tickets!), health insurance (obese, smoke, booze, drugs!)and housing (HUD- never move out!).

Included in the 52% is Social Security Disability. I can't believe how fast the numbers on this program is growing. I suspect there is a lot of fraudulent recipients. It just does not seem to be much being done to root these thieves out.

Not all of the 52% are lazy, about 14% of the amount is social security. I am not a big fan of cutting the benefits of the very people that pay into a government retirement program. I mean they take out that tax from my paycheck, after I worked so hard, and then to suggest they would end social security for me, so the lazy can continue to live without working, just does not seem right.

So what are you thoughts to eliminate the financial support of the lazy in this country?
I hear your frustration and agree that there is a lot of fraud in the system as it is currently run. As you state, not all are lazy and just don't want to work. It is a needed system for those who have hit hard times through no fault of their own. It should require responsibilities on the part of the recipients and should be for a temporary period of time, not a way of life. Because of my line of work and what I know and see, I think drug testing should be required. Besides that, the recipient should also have to do some type of labor/service (picking up litter, sidewalk sweeping, for example), besides looking for a job and/or participating in some form of job training. If more was required, maybe people would find it to be a less attractive way of life. This, of course, does not include those who are truly incapable of providing for themselves such as the disabled, but for those who have just hit hard times and need a hand up to get their feet back on the ground. There must be some payback on the part of the recipient that will hopefully in turn help them to eventually help themselves.

There are so many aspects one could go on about regarding the welfare program. Should they be limited food-wise as to what they can purchase, for example? My job is halfway between my home and probably one of the poorest cities in the country. In that city is a ministry that has probably done more, and been more successful than any government program, to help people get back on their feet. They feed, house, and clothe the people they take in. But there are also conditions and responsibilities that those who are taken in must meet in order to stay. I have seen some very productive people come out of that program and go on to lead the best life they have ever known. It's all about giving a hand-up, not a handout.
Old 01-09-2017, 05:08 AM
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Wow, I leave for a while and Can't No Mo goes off on a tangent or tantrum, you choose. Obviously an unstable person that can't see that she has attacked more posters on here than anyone and has agitated average posters that just wish to discuss issues to the point that they are also retaliating with venom. Me included. Oh well, it is a free country. And for those that are weak and take offense at something an anonymous poster says about them, perhaps you should abstain from contributing as a constant victim. You paint a target on yourself that says, "Kick me."
Old 01-09-2017, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear RubiTheCon:

You amaze me more every day.

The Political Forum is unmoderated and rife with daily personal attacks...mostly from your fellow scumbags on the right.

Yet you are mute when that occurs...why is that?

That was a rhetorical question of course, because most everyone knows...that you're nothing but a flaming hypocrite.

Personal Best Regards And May You Receive What You Deserve.

Dear Guest:

You end your post with "and may you receive what you deserve"
Thank you because I have received many blessings from God.

The most loving and caring parents, a loving wife and children who have shown me only respect., a decent career that provided for me and my family, reasonably good health, the nicest neighbors in TV., a balanced approach to life, one that espouses live and let live. Actually I am humbled and greatly appreciative that God has sought to be so kind to this undeserving man.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-09-2017, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

You end your post with "and may you receive what you deserve"
Thank you because I have received many blessings from God.

The most loving and caring parents, a loving wife and children who have shown me only respect., a decent career that provided for me and my family, reasonably good health, the nicest neighbors in TV., a balanced approach to life, one that espouses live and let live. Actually I am humbled and greatly appreciative that God has sought to be so kind to this undeserving man.

Personal Best Regards:
Amen brother.

But, be careful because now you have made CNM jealous of your happiness. She is unable to achieve that same contentment and satisfaction, so she strikes out at you. You are the most civil person on here and she consistently attacks you, rather than posting any credible points.

You do appear to be blessed.
Old 01-09-2017, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Once again, the voice of reason and sanity, and may I add compassion and kindness. Although I have been a long time member of TOTV, I have not been as active a poster as many of you. But I am a people person and a people watcher, and as a result I feel as if I have come to know many of you by your posts over the years. One thing I have observed about the quoted poster is his consistent pattern of just as he states, "logic, reason and calm" - a true gentleman, always.

To the OP, I hope you heed this wise one's advice. Don't let others on here draw you into their confrontations. I can be quilty of that myself - letting others "rent space in my head" as they say, and then regretting my own reaction to it as much as I detest their initial attack on me.

It would be nice if we could just stick to the issues on here and not get so personal. And by personal I'm referring to the nastiness, not the sharing of one's personal experiences or opinions which often add to the discussion. Unfortunately, I think some are on here just to inflame others, offering no wisdom in their posts or stimulation of thought to further discussion. It really is a shame that there isn't some form of moderation on this forum in an effort to keep it more civil. I think everyone would benefit from that, no matter what side of the fence you are on.
Dear Guest:

Indeed words to live by. And while I thank you personally for your kind words it is my belief that they apply to 99.999999% of the people on TOTV.

Of late we have a few join us that carry us to places none of us care to go. One of them told me after I pointed out that he broken the TOTV rule of no personal attacks that the political forum was not moderated. Can you imagine this poster never gave a thought to self moderating. This poster presumably believes political forum is a no man's land?

Again thank you

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-09-2017, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by RubiTheCon
Dear Guest:

Indeed words to live by. And while I thank you personally for your kind words it is my belief that they apply to 99.999999% of the people on TOTV.

Of late we have a few join us that carry us to places none of us care to go. One of them told me after I pointed out that he broken the TOTV rule of no personal attacks that the political forum was not moderated. Can you imagine this poster never gave a thought to self moderating. This poster presumably believes political forum is a no man's land?

Again thank you

Personal Best Regards:

Why are you lying by omission again?

I also said that most of nastiness, name calling, racism, mocking the mentally ill, etc. were by your own ilk...yet you never say a word about them.

So take some of your own advice...flaming hypocrite.
Old 01-09-2017, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

You end your post with "and may you receive what you deserve"
Thank you because I have received many blessings from God.

The most loving and caring parents, a loving wife and children who have shown me only respect., a decent career that provided for me and my family, reasonably good health, the nicest neighbors in TV., a balanced approach to life, one that espouses live and let live. Actually I am humbled and greatly appreciative that God has sought to be so kind to this undeserving man.

Personal Best Regards:
And as avoided my question.

I too have a life well beyond what I ever expected, but I also take the time to stand up for those who don't...and am not afraid to speak out against those who bully others not as fortunate.

This thread was started (by someone other than me) for that express purpose, but you're so self-centered, narcissistic and oblivious you prefer to get on your soapbox and blather endlessly about yourself...instead of actually supporting the OP and doing what is right.

No wonder you worship Trump.
Old 01-09-2017, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And as avoided my question.

I too have a life well beyond what I ever expected, but I also take the time to stand up for those who don't...and am not afraid to speak out against those who bully others not as fortunate.

This thread was started (by someone other than me) for that express purpose, but you're so self-centered, narcissistic and oblivious you prefer to get on your soapbox and blather endlessly about yourself...instead of actually supporting the OP and doing what is right.

No wonder you worship Trump.
Good showing some empathy. Many others' lives are a lot more complicated than some make out on here. Trump has made stereotyping and over-generalizations a good thing. Something to be admired in going for the lowest common denominator as far as describing the complexity of life is concerned for his followers who want live to just be black-and-white, sometimes literally. One thing good about Trump he too had experienced the stupidity you find from many bureaucrats and how they often also resort to thinking by just checking a box about someone rather than actually getting to know a person.

We will see what Trump actually does though. It is seldom what he said he would do. And Trump does have many good qualities. He is not a racist, marries immigrants (twice), helps those down-and-out on occasion, does give to charities sometimes, and does try to fix problems caused by shallow thinking by those obsessed with red tape and simplifying life. He is a very smart man in other words.

information, people, start

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