Three punch knock out. Hillary done

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Old 10-22-2016, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You proved my point again. Of course, you ONLY respond to those that attack you, right? Are you claiming multiple personalities on here? I was responding to someone else and I said that I was wrong about my opinion of him. Why don't you get with the discussion and quit being such a pr*ck?
You were caught lying and being a flaming at least be honest enough to admit it.

Being a rabid Trump supporter, I of course realize that my request of just rhetorical.
Old 10-22-2016, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Once Democrats comprehend the system is fixed, they will understand the people that back Hillarys economic plans are crooked as well.

Who calculated the cost of open borders and social welfare benefits to all of those illegals here and coming?

No one dares calculate the real cost of it. It's not politicallycorrect.

One must add not only the cost of the benefits but the associated costs to the court systems, child welfare, investigatory agencies, police, fire, schools, health care, etc etc etc

The subject is so taboo at high levels you would not believe.

Just take one tiny cost... the fbi, ice, etc investigating and keeping track of Syrian refugees.

Now consider when all these funds are now not available to other causes...

Incredibly higher taxes, all taxes, property etc etc

Result America becomes third world.
Excuse me.

Every single economist in the entire world, except any paid by Trump believes his plans are a recipe for disaster. That can be is not idle talk.

Again, that is 100% of all economists in the world.
Old 10-22-2016, 10:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Excuse me.

Every single economist in the entire world, except any paid by Trump believes his plans are a recipe for disaster. That can be is not idle talk.

Again, that is 100% of all economists in the world.
The two highlighted statements above are testimony to lack of credibility.

Think about it!!!

How can ANYONE make such an all inclusive statement about any group "in the world".
Old 10-22-2016, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Excuse me.

Every single economist in the entire world, except any paid by Trump believes his plans are a recipe for disaster. That can be is not idle talk.

Again, that is 100% of all economists in the world.
OK sure
Old 10-22-2016, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You were caught lying and being a flaming at least be honest enough to admit it.

Being a rabid Trump supporter, I of course realize that my request of just rhetorical.
You keep proving my point. You can go now. No one cares what you think of my comment. Believe it or not. That's your prerogative. Or, continue to be immature and refuse to discuss the subject. Attack the posters instead of the contents of the comments. It's all up to you, in your little world, friend. Have a great day.
Old 10-22-2016, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Excuse me.

Every single economist in the entire world, except any paid by Trump believes his plans are a recipe for disaster. That can be is not idle talk.

Again, that is 100% of all economists in the world.
I wonder what all those 100% economists said about Obama's plans? They sure did get it wrong when it came to ObamaCare, didn't they?

Since the last eight years of Obama, the GDP has never achieved a 3% growth average for even one year. That is a pretty bad record to hold, considering he is the only administration in history to have such a bad showing. Below a 3% GDP is considered near recession. If his plan is so good and Hillary wants to continue with it, then I guess we should expect a recession next year. Of course, I am sure that we can blame the next 100 years on Bush, right?
Obama spent a trillion bucks on his stimulus and achieved NO shovel ready jobs. Hilary says she wants to double down on it. That's a great way to increase the national debt. Hmm, the economists are not saying anything about that, right?
Old 10-22-2016, 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The two highlighted statements above are testimony to lack of credibility.

Think about it!!!

How can ANYONE make such an all inclusive statement about any group "in the world".
Clinton and her rocky supporters have no logical thought process.

Peter Morici - Wikipedia

None, they are non thinkers.
Old 10-22-2016, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
New emails... open borders, screws sanders, in bed with wall Street, admits two face, Obama involved in cover up

International.... world is unsafe , Russia shows everything Hillary did was a disaster.

Economy.... horrible new figures, despite Obama spin

Bye bye hillary
A vote for Trump is a vote wasted !! He is a loser !!
Old 10-22-2016, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You keep proving my point. You can go now. No one cares what you think of my comment. Believe it or not. That's your prerogative. Or, continue to be immature and refuse to discuss the subject. Attack the posters instead of the contents of the comments. It's all up to you, in your little world, friend. Have a great day.
Keep dodging, weaving, obfuscating and showing your simply proves my point even more.

Thanks for that.

Now it's about time for some of the other posse members to show up...and start the dog pile..
Old 10-22-2016, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The two highlighted statements above are testimony to lack of credibility.

Think about it!!!

How can ANYONE make such an all inclusive statement about any group "in the world".
"WASHINGTON (Project Syndicate) — Donald Trump has finally put out a detailed economic plan. Authored by Peter Navarro (an economist at the University of California-Irvine) and Wilbur Ross (an investor), the plan claims that a President Trump would boost growth and reduce the national debt.

But its projections are based on assumptions so unrealistic that they seem to have come from a different planet. If the United States really did adopt Trump’s plan, the result would be an immediate and unmitigated disaster.

At the heart of the plan is a very large tax cut. The authors claim this would boost economic growth, despite the fact that similar cuts in the past (for example, under President George W. Bush) had no such effect. There is a lot of sensible evidence available on precisely this point, all of which is completely ignored."

Donald Trump’s economics are an unmitigated disaster - MarketWatch

"Donald Trump’s tax cuts would result in $6 trillion in lost revenue over the next decade, according to several independent analyses. His advisers disagree. They claim Mr. Trump’s entire program, including trade, regulation and energy, not just taxes, would generate so much growth there would be almost no increase in the deficit.

Their math doesn’t add up.

It rests on aggressive, tenuous or flawed assumptions: that deficits caused by tax cuts don’t raise interest rates; that removing regulations adds directly to gross domestic product; that oil and gas companies will rush to drill on newly opened federal land regardless of energy prices; and that protectionism expands the economy even if U.S. companies and workers are already working flat out."

Donald Trump’s Economic Plan, Up Close, Doesn’t Add Up - Real Time Economics - WSJ

"Economists think Hillary Clinton in the White House would be far better for U.S. businesses than Donald Trump.
In fact, economists pick Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson as their second choice, according to a new survey from the National Association for Business Economics of over 400 experts. Trump comes in third.
"A majority (55%) choose Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, followed distantly by Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson (15%) and Republican nominee Donald Trump (14%)," says LaVaughn Henry of the NABE. "The remaining 15% said they 'don't know.'"

Clinton far better for economy than Trump, say business economists - Aug. 22, 2016

I stand corrected...

"Two economists who are supporting Trump are Lawrence Kudlow and Stephen Moore.

These guys are not the A-team among economists, but Moore seems moderately reputable. (Kudlow does not seem well-regarded.)"

Do any respected economists support Donald Trump? I cannot find a single one? How is this possible? - Quora

"The reason that one can’t find any respected economists that support Donald Trump’s economic proposals is because he is wrong.

Free trade is generally considered a good thing, but Donald has proposed raising tariffs on imported goods from certain countries — not so good. Higher tariffs will not create new jobs in the USA.

Trump’s tax plan is wrong.
Old 10-22-2016, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Warren Kiefer View Post
A vote for Trump is a vote wasted !! He is a loser !!
Who was the loser when she ran against Obama? Seems to me that all it took was Michelle to beat Hillary for Barry while he was out having a smoke.

It ain't over until Hillary sings. And, do you really want to hear a person with that mouth sing? Hillary has a filthy, nasty and vulgar mouth on her, as well as a screech that will break a coke bottle.
Old 10-22-2016, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"WASHINGTON (Project Syndicate) — Donald Trump has finally put out a detailed economic plan. Authored by Peter Navarro (an economist at the University of California-Irvine) and Wilbur Ross (an investor), the plan claims that a President Trump would boost growth and reduce the national debt.

But its projections are based on assumptions so unrealistic that they seem to have come from a different planet. If the United States really did adopt Trump’s plan, the result would be an immediate and unmitigated disaster.

At the heart of the plan is a very large tax cut. The authors claim this would boost economic growth, despite the fact that similar cuts in the past (for example, under President George W. Bush) had no such effect. There is a lot of sensible evidence available on precisely this point, all of which is completely ignored."

Donald Trump’s economics are an unmitigated disaster - MarketWatch

"Donald Trump’s tax cuts would result in $6 trillion in lost revenue over the next decade, according to several independent analyses. His advisers disagree. They claim Mr. Trump’s entire program, including trade, regulation and energy, not just taxes, would generate so much growth there would be almost no increase in the deficit.

Their math doesn’t add up.

It rests on aggressive, tenuous or flawed assumptions: that deficits caused by tax cuts don’t raise interest rates; that removing regulations adds directly to gross domestic product; that oil and gas companies will rush to drill on newly opened federal land regardless of energy prices; and that protectionism expands the economy even if U.S. companies and workers are already working flat out."

Donald Trump’s Economic Plan, Up Close, Doesn’t Add Up - Real Time Economics - WSJ

"Economists think Hillary Clinton in the White House would be far better for U.S. businesses than Donald Trump.
In fact, economists pick Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson as their second choice, according to a new survey from the National Association for Business Economics of over 400 experts. Trump comes in third.
"A majority (55%) choose Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, followed distantly by Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson (15%) and Republican nominee Donald Trump (14%)," says LaVaughn Henry of the NABE. "The remaining 15% said they 'don't know.'"

Clinton far better for economy than Trump, say business economists - Aug. 22, 2016

I stand corrected...

"Two economists who are supporting Trump are Lawrence Kudlow and Stephen Moore.

These guys are not the A-team among economists, but Moore seems moderately reputable. (Kudlow does not seem well-regarded.)"

Do any respected economists support Donald Trump? I cannot find a single one? How is this possible? - Quora

"The reason that one can’t find any respected economists that support Donald Trump’s economic proposals is because he is wrong.

Free trade is generally considered a good thing, but Donald has proposed raising tariffs on imported goods from certain countries — not so good. Higher tariffs will not create new jobs in the USA.

Trump’s tax plan is wrong.
Hmm, they sure got Obama's plan wrong, didn't they?

We have a choice between Obama's plan which Hillary want's to double down on. A plan that has failed.


We can try Trump's plan which I would suggest is more apt to create real private sector jobs. Since Trump has created thousands of private sectors jobs and Hillary has created NONE, I would put more credence on Trump's ideas than Hillary's. You liberals seem to think that experience is the way to go and want to vote for Hillary, even though her experience is bad and failed. Well, when it comes to creating jobs, I reckon that Trump has the experience and has done it successfully.

Your vote is your choice. But, at least be honest about it. You are voting for her because she will be the first female in the office. And you are voting for her because she is in the Democrat party. Otherwise, you have no valid or justifiable reason to vote for her. I get it. But, do you?

shows, hillary, knock, punch

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