TIME 2016 Person of the Year

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Old 12-08-2016, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Humiliation is a two-way street, for instance when Trump questioned the president's birthplace for five years and finally after five years says oh never mind, "the president was born in the US period".

Now Trump says he loves Barack Obama. Why? Because Obama is taking his calls and trying to influence his thinking on so many levels.
Why is it so easy for you all to forget that it was Obama himself that has made the Kenya birthplace an issue? He is the one that allowed his bio to show that he was born in Kenya. Then Hillary pushed it during her campaign against him. Yes, Trump pushed it until Obama finally released his supposed birth certificate. And yet I still see the left complaining about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Even after he has been elected. And what do they say about his taxes? They say he has not paid any taxes, or that he is a tax cheat, etc. So, it is a bit hypocritical for ANYONE to suggest that one party or the other is the issue. Obama was the president at the time he humiliated Trump at a public dinner. The president has the responsibility of being above that kind of childish, prissy, girly behavior.

Now, you want to suggest that Trump "loves" Obama? Trump has also had Romney, Gore, Cruz, Nicky Haley and many others that opposed him, into his Tower for conversations and consideration. Either Trump is a very forgiving person, not taking their past history of adversity personal, or he is smart like a fox.
Old 12-08-2016, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why is it so easy for you all to forget that it was Obama himself that has made the Kenya birthplace an issue? He is the one that allowed his bio to show that he was born in Kenya. Then Hillary pushed it during her campaign against him. Yes, Trump pushed it until Obama finally released his supposed birth certificate. And yet I still see the left complaining about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Even after he has been elected. And what do they say about his taxes? They say he has not paid any taxes, or that he is a tax cheat, etc. So, it is a bit hypocritical for ANYONE to suggest that one party or the other is the issue. Obama was the president at the time he humiliated Trump at a public dinner. The president has the responsibility of being above that kind of childish, prissy, girly behavior.

Now, you want to suggest that Trump "loves" Obama? Trump has also had Romney, Gore, Cruz, Nicky Haley and many others that opposed him, into his Tower for conversations and consideration. Either Trump is a very forgiving person, not taking their past history of adversity personal, or he is smart like a fox.

Here we go with the fake news again. Why would President Obama allow his bio to show something that is totally untrue? We know that Trump did it to marginalize the president, but why would Obama say that he (Obama) is not qualified to be president?

Was Obama the one calling for his college transcripts to be released?

As president, Trump is subject to the Emolument Clause of the Constitution, and as such, his every business move will be scrutinized like never before. Any violation is an impeachable offense.

Trump told Matt Lauer that he 'loves the president'.
Old 12-08-2016, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Here we go with the fake news again. Why would President Obama allow his bio to show something that is totally untrue? We know that Trump did it to marginalize the president, but why would Obama say that he (Obama) is not qualified to be president?

Was Obama the one calling for his college transcripts to be released?

As president, Trump is subject to the Emolument Clause of the Constitution, and as such, his every business move will be scrutinized like never before. Any violation is an impeachable offense.

Trump told Matt Lauer that he 'loves the president'.
Trump has nothing, N-O-T-H-I-N-G to fear. The precedents for impeachable offenses ignored has been set by Obama several times over.
Old 12-08-2016, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Why is it so easy for you all to forget that it was Obama himself that has made the Kenya birthplace an issue? He is the one that allowed his bio to show that he was born in Kenya. Then Hillary pushed it during her campaign against him. Yes, Trump pushed it until Obama finally released his supposed birth certificate. And yet I still see the left complaining about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Even after he has been elected. And what do they say about his taxes? They say he has not paid any taxes, or that he is a tax cheat, etc. So, it is a bit hypocritical for ANYONE to suggest that one party or the other is the issue. Obama was the president at the time he humiliated Trump at a public dinner. The president has the responsibility of being above that kind of childish, prissy, girly behavior.

Now, you want to suggest that Trump "loves" Obama? Trump has also had Romney, Gore, Cruz, Nicky Haley and many others that opposed him, into his Tower for conversations and consideration. Either Trump is a very forgiving person, not taking their past history of adversity personal, or he is smart like a fox.
MD, nice try. A 1991 literary promotional booklet erroneously identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya. Breitbart picked up on this in 2012 and tried to make it a fact. Old fake news

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Old 12-08-2016, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
MD, nice try. A 1991 literary promotional booklet erroneously . identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya. Breitbart picked up on this in 2012 and tried to make it a fact. Old fake news

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"Fake" is a relative position taken or denied to enhance ones agenda.
Old 12-08-2016, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump totally surprises the masses. No matter what adversity stands in the way, it seems that he just knuckle downs and digs in; and he wins. He has got to be the hardest working elected in history, at least in my lifetime. I just hope that he can continue with this pace without burning out. He works rings around people of younger age.

Before the left continues with the disparaging, I would suggest that they set back and think about what they are going to say next. Trump loves a challenge. Obama humiliated him in public at that dinner, and I doubt that Trump has forgotten it. No one deserves to be humiliated like that, especially from one that is supposed to be a leader of ALL THE PEOPLE. Obama was wrong then and he was wrong on late night TV where he joked about Trump never becoming president. Trump does not need this job and is proving it by not taking a salary. Regardless of what he says, he has proven to be the better person than many politicians, and he has not even been sworn in yet.

Do not ever tell Trump that he can't do something, or he will prove you wrong.

Trump had better work rings around younger people. He has so much on his plate: privatize social security, privatize Medicare, privatize the VA, repeal Dodd/Frank, repeal Obamacare. He has so many lives to ruin and so little time.

Originally Posted by Guest
Trump has nothing, N-O-T-H-I-N-G to fear. The precedents for impeachable offenses ignored has been set by Obama several times over.

Has President Obama ever been accused of accepting gifts from a foreign government?

Not all gifts come gift-wrapped. Trump could violate the Emolument Clause by accepting a reduction in his garbage fee for his hotel in Istanbul, Turkey. That would be considered a gift from a foreign country.

Of course the constitution loving, flag-waving party we all know and love would know this.
Old 12-08-2016, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump had better work rings around younger people. He has so much on his plate: privatize social security, privatize Medicare, privatize the VA, repeal Dodd/Frank, repeal Obamacare. He has so many lives to ruin and so little time.
No, it doesn't take time. After all, Obama did a pretty good job of hosing up people's lives in two years, and then had six more years to finish the damage. Thank goodness Hillary won't be able to continue his destruction of America.

If Trump doesn't do well, he will be replaced in four years. Sit back and enjoy the ride, because it is going to be an exciting one. Good or bad, it will be interesting. A positive attitude will predict a decent if not good four years.
Old 12-08-2016, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No, it doesn't take time. After all, Obama did a pretty good job of hosing up people's lives in two years, and then had six more years to finish the damage. Thank goodness Hillary won't be able to continue his destruction of America.

If Trump doesn't do well, he will be replaced in four years. Sit back and enjoy the ride, because it is going to be an exciting one. Good or bad, it will be interesting. A positive attitude will predict a decent if not good four years.

Are you talking about the way Obama pulled the economy back from the brink of destruction, saved the auto industry, got 22 million people healthcare, tripled the stock market? What a hosing.

Obama is leaving Trump with too good of an economy.
Old 12-08-2016, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you talking about the way Obama pulled the economy back from the brink of destruction, saved the auto industry, got 22 million people healthcare, tripled the stock market? What a hosing.

Obama is leaving Trump with too good of an economy.
I'm sorry, I haven't seen that movie yet. Is it playing at Sumter landing or Spanish Springs? Or, did you see that on Syfy channel?

If you are speaking of reality, then you might start out by pulling some actual facts from the BoLS, such as how many people have left the job force and are still not working, how many folks are on food stamps and how many people are at poverty level. You might also check on the GDP which has not achieved a 3% growth average year during the whole 8 years of Obama, a historical record that is not considered a positive factor in labeling Obama a success. Once you do all of that, come on back and start again.

So Jan, you must be speaking of a scifi movie, because reality is nothing what you are claiming.
Old 12-08-2016, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm sorry, I haven't seen that movie yet. Is it playing at Sumter landing or Spanish Springs? Or, did you see that on Syfy channel?

If you are speaking of reality, then you might start out by pulling some actual facts from the BoLS, such as how many people have left the job force and are still not working, how many folks are on food stamps and how many people are at poverty level. You might also check on the GDP which has not achieved a 3% growth average year during the whole 8 years of Obama, a historical record that is not considered a positive factor in labeling Obama a success. Once you do all of that, come on back and start again.

So Jan, you must be speaking of a scifi movie, because reality is nothing what you are claiming.

Yeah and there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

We Villagers need to organize a parade to the polo grounds to show our support for Trump's plan to get rid of Medicare. We could march along CR466, cross under to the polo grounds and then have a big bonfire and burn our Medicare cards. Any takers?
Old 12-08-2016, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you talking about the way Obama pulled the economy back from the brink of destruction, saved the auto industry, got 22 million people healthcare, tripled the stock market? What a hosing.

Obama is leaving Trump with too good of an economy.
Old 12-08-2016, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yeah and there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

We Villagers need to organize a parade to the polo grounds to show our support for Trump's plan to get rid of Medicare. We could march along CR466, cross under to the polo grounds and then have a big bonfire and burn our Medicare cards. Any takers?
Fine with me. I don't use medicare. I pay for private insurance that covers what I need. Medicare sure doesn't.
Old 12-08-2016, 08:25 PM
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Default TIME 2016 Person of the Year

Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Fine with me. I don't use medicare. I pay for private insurance that covers what I need. Medicare sure doesn't.

Curious. What kind of insurance is this?
Old 12-08-2016, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by janmcn View Post
Are you talking about the way Obama pulled the economy back from the brink of destruction, saved the auto industry, got 22 million people healthcare, tripled the stock market? What a hosing.

Obama is leaving Trump with too good of an economy.
History is going to be very kind to President Obama.

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Old 12-08-2016, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
History is going to be very kind to President Obama.

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