Times Square Billboards Calling to Impeach Trump.

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Old 11-20-2017, 10:24 PM
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Default Times Square Billboards Calling to Impeach Trump.

There are now giant billboards calling for Trump's impeachment in Times Square

Probably not enough material-- yet-- to get an impeachment of Donald John Trump going.

Trump Impeachment Threat Grows as Obstruction of Justice Investigation Deepens

Trump impeachment chances: Tom Steyer billboard edition.

Tom Steyer - Wikipedia

Jim Steyer - Wikipedia
Old 11-21-2017, 07:54 AM
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You're ALL guilty of sedition.

You've been on a witch hunt ever since he was elected...24/7/365...ALL you do is look for things to "get him".

We all had to put up with your f@cking n!@@er...talk about idiots...liberals elected a f@cking n!@@er.

Are there ANY successful black run countries? ANY successful black run cities? So WHY the f@ck would you elect one to be f@cking president? You liberals are so f@cking stupid...liberalism IS a mental disorder. It's the result of the idiot minds of the women and minorities!
Old 11-21-2017, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You're ALL guilty of sedition.

You've been on a witch hunt ever since he was elected...24/7/365...ALL you do is look for things to "get him".

We all had to put up with your f@cking n!@@er...
Is Mueller guilty of sedition? Pretty much every news outlet except for FOX news? And even they stand up to our would be dictator at time. Why Is Ty Cobb So Optimistic About the Mueller Probe? - The Atlantic

President Barack Obama was a pretty good President when compared with the mess that is the Trump Administration.
Old 11-21-2017, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Is Mueller guilty of sedition? Pretty much every news outlet except for FOX news? And even they stand up to our would be dictator at time.
I'm NOT a fan of ANY politician...but he won...following the rules...he won. So you MUST "back off" and let him do his job. At LEAST until he f@cks up his JOB.

I've NEVER seen this much personal hate for a sitting president...outward, blatant, "illegal", HATE.

YOU dumb asses elected a f@cking n!@@er...and "WE" didn't go crazy...we SHOULD have because Obama really DID f@ck up America. ONLY an idiot would think electing a n!@@er would be good for the country...

You were too quick replying...I added this:

Are there ANY successful black run countries? ANY successful black run cities? So WHY the f@ck would you elect one to be f@cking president? You liberals are so f@cking stupid...liberalism IS a mental disorder. It's the result of the idiot minds of the women and minorities!
Old 11-21-2017, 05:32 PM
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One can accept reality and have it work for them or ignore it and have it work against them.

Some progressives have and perhaps will never accept the reality that Hillary Clinton was such a bad candidate her campaign cheated Bernie was fed answers to the questions that would be ask in the debates and till managed to lost the election.

She lost. Trump won. Trumps' performance so far has been good despite saboteurs from both parties.

He has been called every possible bad name and has been accused of being a pervert , white supremacist, etc and yet he hasn't even blinked.

Most importantly his enemies focus on these false narratives owing to confirmation bias and so are ignorant to the many of Trump's successes both in domestic and foreign policy.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-21-2017, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
One can accept reality and have it work for them or ignore it and have it work against them.

Some progressives have and perhaps will never accept the reality that Hillary Clinton was such a bad candidate her campaign cheated Bernie was fed answers to the questions that would be ask in the debates and till managed to lost the election.

She lost. Trump won. Trumps' performance so far has been good despite saboteurs from both parties.

He has been called every possible bad name and has been accused of being a pervert , white supremacist, etc and yet he hasn't even blinked.

Most importantly his enemies focus on these false narratives owing to confirmation bias and so are ignorant to the many of Trump's successes both in domestic and foreign policy.

Personal Best Regards:
You don't get it rubi...the women and minorities are doing what they ALWAYS do...they're cheating. They "cheat" in the real world with affirmative action and quotas...they knock out the WINNERS all the time to place the #15 finisher in their slot because they WANT a woman or a black in that spot. They're doing it here too...Trump won...fair and square...but they don't like it and they want him replaced by THEIR guy...their woman. So they're doing EVERYTHING they can to sabotage him and get him out.

Women are being their usual emotional douchiness. If I can't have MY way...nobody is!
Old 11-21-2017, 06:19 PM
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This is probably the work of that insane billionaire for California. I think his name is Steinly or something like that. He's also running television ads asking people to write their congressmen and tell them not to do what's politically correct, but do "what's right".

Of course he doesn't say that it's only right in his opinion.

He also claims that the president is mentally unstable and shouldn't access to our nuclear arsenal.

The guy is simply off the wall, bat sh*t crazy. I can't believe that he was able to make a billion dollars.
Old 11-21-2017, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
One can accept reality and have it work for them or ignore it and have it work against them.

Some progressives have and perhaps will never accept the reality that Hillary Clinton was such a bad candidate her campaign cheated Bernie was fed answers to the questions that would be ask in the debates and till managed to lost the election.

She lost. Trump won. Trumps' performance so far has been good despite saboteurs from both parties.

He has been called every possible bad name and has been accused of being a pervert , white supremacist, etc and yet he hasn't even blinked.

Most importantly his enemies focus on these false narratives owing to confirmation bias and so are ignorant to the many of Trump's successes both in domestic and foreign policy.

Personal Best Regards:
Someday, I hope you will actually address Trump's actions and words and actually speak TO what he says and does. Someday, I hope you will actually speak to his lies and a character that would allow his deceitful manner and his lies.

You simply speak in generalities about Clinton, or progressives.

You tout exactly what is being said on all the alt right sites, blaming the media for reporting EXACTLY what the man says and does. Even if on tape, you folks deny it and blame everyone BUT Trump.

Someday, you will actually step up and talk to what is posted on here about him, instead of your constant on going liturgy about Clinton or progressives, or the election if a year agO.

Be a man..step up....you love him....defend him with facts, not simply pretty words.
Old 11-21-2017, 07:28 PM
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Trump has now declared Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and Roy Moore to be innocent of dozens of allegations of sexual harassment/sexual assault/pedophilia. Himself, too, of course.
Old 11-21-2017, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump has now declared Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and Roy Moore to be innocent of dozens of allegations of sexual harassment/sexual assault/pedophilia. Himself, too, of course.
But, but, but, it's all a big conspiracy by the MSM...to lie about and try to get Trump.

How dare they record...what he actually says.

That's just not fair!
Old 11-21-2017, 08:03 PM
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Your President of the United States...

Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by 16 different women, said on Twitter of a picture of Franken appearing to grope a sleeping Tweeden: “The Al Frankenstien [sic] picture is really bad, speaks a thousand words. Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps?”

The president then followed up by referencing a joke about rape by Franken when he was writing for Saturday Night Live in 1995. Franken suggested a skit in which he would give the CBS News reporter Lesley Stahl pills, and “take her to the closet and rape her”.

Trump tweeted: “And to think that just last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. Lesley Stahl tape?”

Donald Trump tweets about Al Franken sexual harassment: 'Where do his hands go?' | World news | The Guardian
Old 11-21-2017, 08:19 PM
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Now that Trump defends Roy Moore, I am reminded of what the President's daughter said within the context of the Moore situation....

"Washington (CNN)Ivanka Trump spoke out for the first time against embattled Alabama Senate Republican candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused of pursuing sexual relationships with teenagers when he was in his early thirties. Her father, President Donald Trump, meanwhile, has largely stayed mum on the issue.

"There's a special place in hell for people who prey on children," Trump told The Associated Press in an interview otherwise focused on tax reform published Wednesday.
"I've yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts," the first daughter and presidential adviser said."

Ivanka Trump slams Roy Moore over allegations - CNNPolitics
Old 11-21-2017, 08:31 PM
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"Remember these words: “We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat.”

They mark a moment of immorality from which the Republican Party may not return."

Trump's sickening decision to stand by Roy Moore - Chicago Tribune

"They were spoken, of course, by President Donald Trump, a man who long ago surrendered his own morality to make room for more ego. He was leaving the White House for a Thanksgiving vacation and was asked about Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alabama, a man who has now been repeatedly accused of hitting on, flirting with, attempting to date and sexually assaulting teenage girls when he was in his 30s.

But Trump says this: “Roy Moore denies it. That's all I can say. He denies it. And by the way, he totally denies it.”

But that’s not what’s impacting Trump’s decision to maintain his support for Moore. The president all but admitted it. Speaking of the Senate seat Moore is running to fill, Trump said those words: “We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat.”

That’s all that matters apparently. Trump is just fine with an alleged pervert filling that seat, as long as Moore votes for tax cuts and aligns with Trump’s agenda."
Old 11-21-2017, 11:37 PM
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You're a bunch of emotional girls...going on and on about how you hate him.

This is why you shouldn't be voting. You're too emotional to make rational decisions.

The MAN may be a real douchebag...but he may also be the VERY best at running things. You need to be able to compartmentalize.

Compartmentalization is a subconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves."
Old 11-22-2017, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You don't get it rubi...the women and minorities are doing what they ALWAYS do...they're cheating. They "cheat" in the real world with affirmative action and quotas...they knock out the WINNERS all the time to place the #15 finisher in their slot because they WANT a woman or a black in that spot. They're doing it here too...Trump won...fair and square...but they don't like it and they want him replaced by THEIR guy...their woman. So they're doing EVERYTHING they can to sabotage him and get him out.

Women are being their usual emotional douchiness. If I can't have MY way...nobody is!
my friend, I do get it and I am aware of the radical left's modus operandi. However the subject matter of the post was concerning the push to impeach Trump.

I responded to that claim. The politicians and organizations pushing that agenda either are ignorant of the fact that there is not a legal basis for their claim and/or are allowing the hateful, illogical and emotional feelings to get the better of them. Trump represents everything the radical left hates, and they recognized he would not subordinate himself to the status quo.

Personal Best Regards:


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