Eye for an eye

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Old 05-23-2017, 06:08 PM
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Default Eye for an eye

The Manchester bombing aimed at the children needs to be handled. I am okay with boots on the ground and I will go back if needed. I am so glad President Donald Trump is in charge instead of the left. When he gets home all hell is going to come. And I welcome it. One nuke, sort it out later. Sorry, the vision of the 16 year old girl with her arms around the singer 2 years prior, and now dead, or the 8 year old who probably knew all the singers words with a nail through her brain... too much. I get chills. Time to stop and act. We are lucky to be living in The Villages but we shouldn't take it for granted.
Old 05-23-2017, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Manchester bombing aimed at the children needs to be handled. I am okay with boots on the ground and I will go back if needed. I am so glad President Donald Trump is in charge instead of the left. When he gets home all hell is going to come. And I welcome it. One nuke, sort it out later. Sorry, the vision of the 16 year old girl with her arms around the singer 2 years prior, and now dead, or the 8 year old who probably knew all the singers words with a nail through her brain... too much. I get chills. Time to stop and act. We are lucky to be living in The Villages but we shouldn't take it for granted.
Exactly who do you think should be "nuked?"

Surely you're not suggesting it be the country that Trump just curtsied to and received a Mr. T sized medal from...do you?

And while this act of terrorism is about as sick, heinous and low as a group could go, you're still thousands of times more likely to be killed by a drunk driver...than by a terrorist.

Heck, you're even more likely to be thrown from your golf cart and die...than be killed by a terrorist.
Old 05-23-2017, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Exactly who do you think should be "nuked?"

Surely you're not suggesting it be the country that Trump just curtsied to and received a Mr. T sized medal from...do you?

And while this act of terrorism is about as sick, heinous and low as a group could go, you're still thousands of times more likely to be killed by a drunk driver...than by a terrorist.

Heck, you're even more likely to be thrown from your golf cart and die...than be killed by a terrorist.
A terrorist does something against someone on purpose. Drunk driver is an idiot screwup, Golf cart happens just pay attention.

You go to the home of the 8 year old's family and tell them,"well, she had a greater chance of being hit by a drunk driver; it happens"

I couldn't do that.

So, yes, aim a little away from the people visited and nuke Iranish, set the tone. China will then put North Korea in order and Isis will know we are playing on there level. Woman, children, I really don't care anymore. Let God sort them out. Look what happened to Japan, we did something horrible to them, and then we built them up and they are a great country IMHO. It may take 40 years to fix, but nuke away. And yes, who will nuke back?
Old 05-23-2017, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Manchester bombing aimed at the children needs to be handled. I am okay with boots on the ground and I will go back if needed. I am so glad President Donald Trump is in charge instead of the left. When he gets home all hell is going to come. And I welcome it. One nuke, sort it out later. Sorry, the vision of the 16 year old girl with her arms around the singer 2 years prior, and now dead, or the 8 year old who probably knew all the singers words with a nail through her brain... too much. I get chills. Time to stop and act. We are lucky to be living in The Villages but we shouldn't take it for granted.
You are insane...totally.

The bombing in Syria has been worse than this, and we have and continue to ignore the use of gas.

You are oblivious to the ramifications of any knind of nukes.

The bombings and use of gas in Iraq was worse.

ALL terrorism...domestic or international is horrendous. Nuclear weapons are NO answer.
Old 05-23-2017, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Exactly who do you think should be "nuked?"

Surely you're not suggesting it be the country that Trump just curtsied to and received a Mr. T sized medal from...do you?

And while this act of terrorism is about as sick, heinous and low as a group could go, you're still thousands of times more likely to be killed by a drunk driver...than by a terrorist.

Heck, you're even more likely to be thrown from your golf cart and die...than be killed by a terrorist.
No comparison, CNM. A drunk driver or even a group of drunk drivers are unlikely to take over the world with their madness. Now a terrorist, or group thereof, is a whole different matter. That is exactly what they hope to do. Comparing the two, and the overall destruction that they can cause to mankind, is not even close. And the likelihood of being killed by a terrorist appears to be growing each day. We can't just sit back and cite statistics, and the idea that we can "talk" to these lunatics and work things out is just insane. Although I don't necessarily agree with nuking anything, I do believe the OP is sincere in his passion to take some kind of action. I applaud him for caring so deeply. Obviously from his post, he is former military. Thank you, OP, for your service.
Old 05-23-2017, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No comparison, CNM. A drunk driver or even a group of drunk drivers are unlikely to take over the world with their madness. Now a terrorist, or group thereof, is a whole different matter. That is exactly what they hope to do. Comparing the two, and the overall destruction that they can cause to mankind, is not even close. And the likelihood of being killed by a terrorist appears to be growing each day. We can't just sit back and cite statistics, and the idea that we can "talk" to these lunatics and work things out is just insane. Although I don't necessarily agree with nuking anything, I do believe the OP is sincere in his passion to take some kind of action. I applaud him for caring so deeply. Obviously from his post, he is former military. Thank you, OP, for your service.
Your conclusion about drunks vs terrorists is not well thought out. I agree with the British Mom who said on a news report camera (I am paraphrasing)..."They will not change the way we live, no matter what they do, we must not give into their wish of fear..."

In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. Of the 1,070 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2014, 209 (19%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Deaths caused by alcohol this year:
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Terrorism - number of fatalities worldwide-2015: 28,328 • Terrorism: number of deaths worldwide 2006-2015 | Statistic

Yes, terrorist attacks need our attention, we need to educate our civilization regarding the need for love, compassion, and understanding.....not revenge....because an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
Old 05-23-2017, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So, yes, aim a little away from the people visited and nuke Iranish, set the tone. China will then put North Korea in order and Isis will know we are playing on there level. Woman, children, I really don't care anymore. It may take 40 years to fix, but nuke away. And yes, who will nuke back?
Well, before nuking Iran you might want to learn something about Islam. I know, waste of time. But ISIS is a Sunni organization. And the Sunni sect of Islam is headed by, wait for it, Saudi Arabia and its especially virulent version of Wahhabism [there are some mild differences between these two doctrines]. On the OTHER side are the Shia or Shiites lead by Iran. For a millennia there has been strife between Shia and Sunni. So if you want to fight the Sunnis, ISIS, you don't attack Iran which is their fiercest enemy. But you knew that didn't you?

There were no Iranians involved in 9-11, it was almost all Saudis. And Saddam was Sunni, and Al Qaeda is Sunni. So you are attacking the wrong people with your nuke. You've got to hit a Sunni target as almost all attacks against the west have been by Sunni adherents.

The media sources you get your information from have failed in their job of giving you useful, critically useful, knowledge to understand what is happening. Change the channel.

Who will nuke back? Maybe the Russians have a security pact with Iran, their ally. Maybe Pakistan which is a mostly Sunni country and has nuclear weapons. Maybe ISIS which could have a dirty bomb or a biologic weapon. No sane leader would consider using nuclear weapons as a response to Manchester.
Old 05-23-2017, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your conclusion about drunks vs terrorists is not well thought out. I agree with the British Mom who said on a news report camera (I am paraphrasing)..."They will not change the way we live, no matter what they do, we must not give into their wish of fear..."

In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. Of the 1,070 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2014, 209 (19%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Deaths caused by alcohol this year:
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Terrorism - number of fatalities worldwide-2015: 28,328 • Terrorism: number of deaths worldwide 2006-2015 | Statistic

Yes, terrorist attacks need our attention, we need to educate our civilization regarding the need for love, compassion, and understanding.....not revenge....because an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

Holding our leaders responsible for truth and their language is or would be a great start.

I have been posting about the children in Syria for years. End is we allowed Russia to get involved, children are being gassed and dying daily, and we shut them out of our country. But we don't seem to care.

We seek to blame, not solutions.

These attacks are terrible, but the reason is hate, talk of hate, etc.

These "terrorists" are winning. The world, and if people would look around, they might hear and read in our own country. Our very democratic agencies are under attack by Americans...truth is under attack in our country as well as the world. Listen up....Russia and all terrorists are winning.
Old 05-23-2017, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by TheDude View Post
The Manchester bombing aimed at the children needs to be handled. I am okay with boots on the ground and I will go back if needed. I am so glad President Donald Trump is in charge instead of the left. When he gets home all hell is going to come. And I welcome it. One nuke, sort it out later. Sorry, the vision of the 16 year old girl with her arms around the singer 2 years prior, and now dead, or the 8 year old who probably knew all the singers words with a nail through her brain... too much. I get chills. Time to stop and act. We are lucky to be living in The Villages but we shouldn't take it for granted.
And Dude, thanks for your service. You are one of the good guys!

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Old 05-23-2017, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your conclusion about drunks vs terrorists is not well thought out. I agree with the British Mom who said on a news report camera (I am paraphrasing)..."They will not change the way we live, no matter what they do, we must not give into their wish of fear..."

In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. Of the 1,070 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2014, 209 (19%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Deaths caused by alcohol this year:
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Terrorism - number of fatalities worldwide-2015: 28,328 • Terrorism: number of deaths worldwide 2006-2015 | Statistic

Yes, terrorist attacks need our attention, we need to educate our civilization regarding the need for love, compassion, and understanding.....not revenge....because an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
Well, thank you for your assessment of what you considered to be my not so well thought out conclusion. Considering your response to it, apparently you have no idea what I was trying to convey.
Old 05-23-2017, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, thank you for your assessment of what you considered to be my not so well thought out conclusion. Considering your response to it, apparently you have no idea what I was trying to convey.
Most people's discussions will start with a central idea, and yours discounted the use of statistics regarding the chances of death due to drunken driving vs terrorism. Your second sentence was a stretch of a conclusion that terrorists wish to take over the world.

Terrorism has been historically used by fringe groups to disrupt the status quo. Lately, the threat of terrorism has caused a huge reaction by the US and many other western civilizations to enhance "security" by means of instituting screenings at airports, increased militarization of police, political rhetoric to justify the restrictions of freedom, once enjoyed by all, in the name of security. That has sprouted a newly emerging technology of CTV cameras and other surveillance again limiting the freedoms of the citizens of those countries that were once enjoyed.

By comparing the actual statistical facts regarding deaths and injuries of terrorism, with other things, like alcohol abuse (including drunk driving), car crashes, gun violence,drug overdoses, and other accidents, terrorism is not as deadly as many of those other situations, yet terrorism has blossomed huge amounts of resources in order to combat it.

Not saying that the anguish and heartbreak of this latest event in Manchester is not an event that needs attention, but the massacres of children in schools(Sandy Hook & Columbine are examples), in Oklahoma City, and the gassing of Syrian children has not resulted in the kind of action that "terrorism" has.

I was a first responder, a paramedic/firefighter, who witnessed first hand many tragedies, and my heart has been broken because of the innocent loss of life, both adult and child. I do not diminish the loss that the families and the city of Manchester are now experiencing, I just want us to put things into perspective with the rest of the world's experiences in loss of life.

Perhaps I misjudged your intention, and if I did, I do apologize. Please look at this at my explanation of my thought process.
learn and change.jpg
Old 05-24-2017, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Most people's discussions will start with a central idea, and yours discounted the use of statistics regarding the chances of death due to drunken driving vs terrorism. Your second sentence was a stretch of a conclusion that terrorists wish to take over the world.

Terrorism has been historically used by fringe groups to disrupt the status quo. Lately, the threat of terrorism has caused a huge reaction by the US and many other western civilizations to enhance "security" by means of instituting screenings at airports, increased militarization of police, political rhetoric to justify the restrictions of freedom, once enjoyed by all, in the name of security. That has sprouted a newly emerging technology of CTV cameras and other surveillance again limiting the freedoms of the citizens of those countries that were once enjoyed.

By comparing the actual statistical facts regarding deaths and injuries of terrorism, with other things, like alcohol abuse (including drunk driving), car crashes, gun violence,drug overdoses, and other accidents, terrorism is not as deadly as many of those other situations, yet terrorism has blossomed huge amounts of resources in order to combat it.

Not saying that the anguish and heartbreak of this latest event in Manchester is not an event that needs attention, but the massacres of children in schools(Sandy Hook & Columbine are examples), in Oklahoma City, and the gassing of Syrian children has not resulted in the kind of action that "terrorism" has.

I was a first responder, a paramedic/firefighter, who witnessed first hand many tragedies, and my heart has been broken because of the innocent loss of life, both adult and child. I do not diminish the loss that the families and the city of Manchester are now experiencing, I just want us to put things into perspective with the rest of the world's experiences in loss of life.

Perhaps I misjudged your intention, and if I did, I do apologize. Please look at this at my explanation of my thought process.
Attachment 68792
This time I sincerely thank you for taking the time to explain your thought processes. It helps me to understand that our differences lie, not so much in the details you discuss, but in how we view today's terrorism. Although I know this radical fringe has been active on and off for many centuries, I do take them seriously that their goal is to take over the world and force their brand of "religion" on the rest of us. The fact that it is getting closer and closer to home as we speak makes me believe that it will become the ultimate threat to our society if not contained. I respect that your viewpoint may be different than mine and appreciate that you took the time to share it.
Old 05-24-2017, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10
No comparison, CNM. A drunk driver or even a group of drunk drivers are unlikely to take over the world with their madness. Now a terrorist, or group thereof, is a whole different matter. That is exactly what they hope to do. Comparing the two, and the overall destruction that they can cause to mankind, is not even close.
Actually, taking emotion out of the equation and only applying logic...the comparison is very valid.

What it really comes down to, is that bigoted hatred is driving the fear of being killed by a terrorist...not common sense.

And as far as "taking over the world," that is simply an attempt (and a poor one at that)...at justifying that bigotry and hatred.

At least be honest and ask yourself, "why am I so much more afraid of being killed by a Muslim terrorist, than by that which is thousands of times more likely to kill me or my family/friends?"

When you (and others) answer that honestly...you'll see the real issue.

And since there is absolutely no chance of 'taking over the world,' the primary goal of these terrorists is to scare people and to make them see their despicable actions in a manner...that is far beyond the actual threat.

Toward that goal, they are succeeding beyond even their own wildest dreams.

I, for one, refuse to run scared and instead will continue to support fighting them with every available legal means...but will continue to concentrate on those things that are actually most likely to harm me or my family.

Originally Posted by Abby10
And the likelihood of being killed by a terrorist appears to be growing each day. We can't just sit back and cite statistics, and the idea that we can "talk" to these lunatics and work things out is just insane. Although I don't necessarily agree with nuking anything, I do believe the OP is sincere in his passion to take some kind of action. I applaud him for caring so deeply. Obviously from his post, he is former military. Thank you, OP, for your service.
I agree that for the extremists, no amount of trying to "talk to them" will succeed.

Therein is the definition of 'extremists/fanatics.'

What we have to do however, is to show the other 1.5 BILLION Muslims that we will not hold them accountable for the actions of a few of their most extreme and despicable members...and will not let hate & bigotry consume the rest of us.

Hopefully, there are still enough of us who have the intelligence, ethics and integrity...to do that.

Which sometimes...seems to be a struggle.
Old 05-24-2017, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This time I sincerely thank you for taking the time to explain your thought processes. It helps me to understand that our differences lie, not so much in the details you discuss, but in how we view today's terrorism. Although I know this radical fringe has been active on and off for many centuries, I do take them seriously that their goal is to take over the world and force their brand of "religion" on the rest of us. The fact that it is getting closer and closer to home as we speak makes me believe that it will become the ultimate threat to our society if not contained. I respect that your viewpoint may be different than mine and appreciate that you took the time to share it.
The ULTIMATE threat to our society...is the Hispanic INVASION. They number 1/3 the population right now. They are THE majority of children born right now, they are the majority of children registering for school right now, they ARE the MAJORITY below the age of 7 right now. "Press 2 for English" isn't a threat? Becoming Mexico II isn't a threat?

It's like worrying about a plane crash when driving a car is hundreds of times more dangerous.

Go to the border towns...THAT IS America's future!
Old 05-24-2017, 06:24 AM
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Manchester bombing: three arrested in south Manchester – live updates | UK news | The Guardian

I would hope people would wait to find out who is actually responsible for this Manchester bombing before going after anyone. Donald Trump often talks out of his ass about who is responsible for various evil deeds and his has access to the CIA and through them to other foreign intelligence services.

eye, year, dead, knew, years

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