Trump Golf Cart Parade 10/22

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Old 10-24-2016, 05:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Speaking of 'illogical,' your entire repetitive spoutings...are based on that premise.

Obama took over at a time where we were on the precipice of entering another Great Depression and all most of your side can say is... "he didn't save us fast enough."

And you are dead wrong (again)...about me being against religious freedom.

You have every right to worship any way you choose and that should/will...never change in this great country.

HOWEVER, your right to worship STOPS at my door and the law, when you try to cram your particular brand down my throat...or use it as a political spear.

When that happens, ANY religion/church should then be treated like any other PAC...and taxed accordingly.

So quit trying to throw out non sequiturs as if you believe no one is smart see what you're doing.

Because a whole lot of us do.

Now go outside, step away from your computer for a change and take deep breaths to assuage that's a nice day. .
How much do you think you will be selling your home for in the Villages? Since you socialists are looking forward to the next recession and your portfolio will be crashing and burning next year, I may wish to purchase some investment property from your type. Better sell early because I will get some good deals next year after your Hillary is elected. And she won't be able to blame Bush, like this inept poser we have now.
Old 10-24-2016, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by gadaboutgal View Post
Congrats to all those who participated in the Parade. It's not often that people are willing to display their loyalty--even if they are totally out of step with the rest of the country.
Old 10-24-2016, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How much do you think you will be selling your home for in the Villages? Since you socialists are looking forward to the next recession and your portfolio will be crashing and burning next year, I may wish to purchase some investment property from your type. Better sell early because I will get some good deals next year after your Hillary is elected. And she won't be able to blame Bush, like this inept poser we have now.
Sounds like you've already admitted Trumpster will lose. Nice that people can see the writing on the wall.
Old 10-24-2016, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by mickey100 View Post
Sounds like you've already admitted Trumpster will lose. Nice that people can see the writing on the wall.
Just following CNM's premise that Hillary is going to win, and taking advantage of it. I'm not voting for any of the left's ilk. It won't be my doing. But, I will sit back and say "I told you so" next year, just like I did after ObamaCare started failing. We'll see the end of Obamacare next year also, unless someone convinces congress to put trillions more into it, borrowing from our grandchildren some more. I TOLD YOU SO. I didn't vote for Obama either time. The Republicans did not vote for Obamacare because they knew it was a failure from the start. The Dems voted for it KNOWING it was a failure, wanting it to fail. And the naive liberal voters voted for them NOT knowing or wanting to believe that their representatives were moving them closer to gov controlled dependency/slavery. Oh well, you folks may win the election, but your country will be the loser.
Old 10-24-2016, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Just following CNM's premise that Hillary is going to win, and taking advantage of it. I'm not voting for any of the left's ilk. It won't be my doing. But, I will sit back and say "I told you so" next year, just like I did after ObamaCare started failing. We'll see the end of Obamacare next year also, unless someone convinces congress to put trillions more into it, borrowing from our grandchildren some more. I TOLD YOU SO. I didn't vote for Obama either time. The Republicans did not vote for Obamacare because they knew it was a failure from the start. The Dems voted for it KNOWING it was a failure, wanting it to fail. And the naive liberal voters voted for them NOT knowing or wanting to believe that their representatives were moving them closer to gov controlled dependency/slavery. Oh well, you folks may win the election, but your country will be the loser.
Funny how Obama care was given birth through voter fraud. That should have been given a late term abortion that cnm and the liberals adore.

Fox News- Voter Fraud responsible for Obamacare - YouTube
Old 10-24-2016, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Funny how Obama care was given birth through voter fraud. That should have been given a late term abortion that cnm and the liberals adore.

Fox News- Voter Fraud responsible for Obamacare - YouTube
Do any of you folks actually listen or fact check what you post with videos ? Do you ever check out the source ?

I suspect, Briebart or some other extreme website passes on every time they think they have a soundbite that people like you can post, and you just blindly do it.

Would not a discussion of the specifics of what went into the vote or the bill be in line ? Or is that so much harder than simply posting a video ?

When will you people discuss issues....when do you tell us why you support Trump.

OR,,have you simply in the words of Trump's actual biographer entered your own reality (Breitbart world).....

"Donald makes up things he creates his own reality," Johnston said on CNBC's "Power Lunch" on Wednesday. "And in his mind, there's nothing wrong with that."

golf, 10/22, parade, cart, trump

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