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Old 02-21-2017, 10:09 AM
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Another thread succumbs to the school yard tit for tat personal pi$$ing contest.
Old 02-21-2017, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Another thread succumbs to the school yard tit for tat personal pi$$ing contest.
Sad you didn't make the cut? Out in the first round?


Got something to add other than..."you're wrong just because"?
Old 02-21-2017, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sad you didn't make the cut? Out in the first round?


Got something to add other than..."you're wrong just because"?
Another example of the personal, nonsensical commentary VS the subject at hand.
Old 02-21-2017, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Another example of the personal, nonsensical commentary VS the subject at hand.
YOU were invited to post something to ADD to the CHOSE to say what you did.

You keep getting knocked out in the first round. When asked a question, you stand there stunned, like a deer in the headlights...unable to perform.

Again... Got something to add other than..."you're wrong just because"?
Old 02-21-2017, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why don't they say anything? What CAN they say? EVERYTHING I post is true...the raw numbers...the real outcome of diversity.

It's stupidity on their part...they're backing the wrong horse. I'm right. The country IS being overrun and right now, there is nothing to stop it.

They say nothing because they know they've already "won", the buzzer just hasn't sounded yet. But...they're in for a SHOCK when they see just how bad it becomes.

Mexico II will be NO FUN, especially if you're white...

No...the minorities, the cause of our social problems...come out at night. Have you gone down to MLK Blvd yet at midnight?
"No...the minorities, the cause of our social problems...come out at night. Have you gone down to MLK Blvd yet at midnight?"

No, have you? Have you ever thought you may be the problem?
Old 02-21-2017, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I see you have your pointed hood on, nice. People like you come out only at night.
Another stupid post from the ignorant. If you knew me, you would be laughing at your own joke. And the joke IS on you. In case you do not know how to tell the difference in who is who on here, you should refrain from posting ignorant posts. Show me one post where I said ANYTHING racist on here, indicating that I was even sympathetic to the Klan. You can't. Your wishful thinking makes ALL conservatives into racists. Yes, I am calling you IGNORANT. You are so stupid you don't even know which poster you are replying to. WOW!
Old 02-21-2017, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"No...the minorities, the cause of our social problems...come out at night. Have you gone down to MLK Blvd yet at midnight?"

No, have you? Have you ever thought you may be the problem?
I'm the reason that half the black population lives in poverty?

I'm the reason blacks are 10X more violent?

I'm the reason blacks are less intelligent?

I'm the reason blacks need quotas?

I'm the reason there is not one successful black majority...anything...besides sports? And even there...white men OWN the teams.

No...I think it's them with a "problem". My "problem" is them.
Old 02-22-2017, 11:56 AM
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Default Your hate of trump is obvious

Originally Posted by Guest
It's good to believe that Donald is here for the US. So far I'm seeing a love fest for true believers being paid for by taxpayers. Pray that Pence has some intention to rein in our new President. Unlike Trump Inc. the US can't file for bankruptcy to cover incompetence. Just print more money.
As to the US filing for bankruptcy-IT CAN. The result would of course be major.

Are you selectively blind so that you do not see that Obama who you surely voted for added TEN TRILLION DOLLARS TO THE NATIONAL DEBT.

First of all if, you are not aware, social security holds 42% of the national debt. We did not agree to this. The deal we got is there is no agreed to payment date and no rate of interest. YOU would need to be insane to make such a loan.

As to printing more money. The result of that is that your money looses value. The result is THEFT FROM SAVERS

Printing more money. The result is famously illustrated by Germany before WWII. Even the German government will not redeem this currency. While we are all aware of the German hyper inflation, Spain among others did the same printing of money and also ended in essentially bankruptcy.

FIAT currency is the concocted name for this. You put a fancy name on a pig ear and it sometimes has a greater value than the trash that it is.

Read your money. It says the full faith and credit of the United States. Read these posts. Clearly people, democrat or republican, have lost faith in our government.
Old 02-22-2017, 02:36 PM
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Default Re: Obama phone

Originally Posted by Guest
Obama phones ! Remember that Rhodes Scholar from Cleveland who bragged on National TV that she was supporting
Obummie because he got her an " Obama Phone ".

She said : " I gots me a Obama Phone . It`s all good child " .

My favorite of all time was an " Affirmative Action " eligible woman from Philly who said on national tv right after OB was elected : " I be so happy cause I don`t has to worry bout makin my rent payment or car payment no mo ".

I was always hoping that someone in the media might look her up during OB`s second campaign and update us on how his first term worked out for her .
From your post you did not vote for Obama. Not related to what I want to say but I did not vote for Obama either.

As to her Obamaphone, Obama did not pay for her phone YOU DID. Look at the bottom of your cell phone bill about 1/3 of the bill is taxes and yes you pay for welfare phones.

A story on Nightly Business Report the other night. A tomato farmer in Texas can only pick about half his crop picked due to a labor shortage. He pays $150 a day and he cannot get Americans to do this hard work. Where to get the labor if Trump closes the boarder? CUT WELFARE ENOUGH SO THAT IT IS THEN MORE LUCRATIVE TO WORK THEN TO SIT HOME ON THE DOLE.
Old 02-22-2017, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
From your post you did not vote for Obama. Not related to what I want to say but I did not vote for Obama either.

As to her Obamaphone, Obama did not pay for her phone YOU DID. Look at the bottom of your cell phone bill about 1/3 of the bill is taxes and yes you pay for welfare phones.

A story on Nightly Business Report the other night. A tomato farmer in Texas can only pick about half his crop picked due to a labor shortage. He pays $150 a day and he cannot get Americans to do this hard work. Where to get the labor if Trump closes the boarder? CUT WELFARE ENOUGH SO THAT IT IS THEN MORE LUCRATIVE TO WORK THEN TO SIT HOME ON THE DOLE.

To compare Trump with anyone in history relative to telling the truth, or just being honest is a fools errand.

There may be in history, a worse DOCUMENTED liar but I am surely not aware of who that might be.

Your obsession with Obama is wasted. You should focus on today. If bringing up Obama allows you to forget the NOW be it.

But tell me one person who can come close to the lying and/or conspiracy theories. In his hey day of partying, and divorcing, etc. he was infamous for that
Old 02-22-2017, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by DontheRacist
I'm the reason that half the black population lives in poverty?

I'm the reason blacks are 10X more violent?

I'm the reason blacks are less intelligent?

I'm the reason blacks need quotas?

I'm the reason there is not one successful black majority...anything...besides sports? And even there...white men OWN the teams.

No...I think it's them with a "problem". My "problem" is them
I typically ignore your putrid, racist rants...because you're not worth the effort.

However, I'll take a moment here...and break my own rule.

In answer to your ignorant questions, one word....YES!

The problem isn't one of skin is one of poverty.

Disgusting, sub-humans like yourself, are the reason people of color...have by & large been kept in poverty.

Even when Jim Crow laws were repealed, the racists of this country did (and still do) what they could on every continue a program of institutional racism.

And then you are so ignorant, you want to tout the statistics of what poverty does...and try to blame it on skin color?

So tell us exactly how you explain that poor whites, share the exact same statistics on crime/drugs/ poor blacks?

Where's that supposed skin color 'superiority' dumb, ignorant $hithead.

It all boils down to the fact that you truly are one sick, despicable...racist fvck.

The part that cracks me up the most, is when you rail about your supposed superiority and yet you didn't do a thing to earn simply got LUCKY being born white in this country.

If you had been born black, you would be among the most virulent and violent of blacks.

I'm just bummed that I don't have magic powers and can't turn you into the black woman...that you are so desperately afraid of.

The fact that you are too ignorant, disgusting and dishonest to admit the the reason you are beneath me constantly spending more effort eviscerating you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 02-22-2017, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I typically ignore your putrid, racist rants...because you're not worth the effort.

However, I'll take a moment here...and break my own rule.

In answer to your ignorant questions, one word....YES!

The problem isn't one of skin is one of poverty.

Disgusting, sub-humans like yourself, are the reason people of color...have by & large been kept in poverty.

Even when Jim Crow laws were repealed, the racists of this country did (and still do) what they could on every continue a program of institutional racism.

And then you are so ignorant, you want to tout the statistics of what poverty does...and try to blame it on skin color?

So tell us exactly how you explain that poor whites, share the exact same statistics on crime/drugs/ poor blacks?

Where's that supposed skin color 'superiority' dumb, ignorant $hithead.

It all boils down to the fact that you truly are one sick, despicable...racist fvck.

The part that cracks me up the most, is when you rail about your supposed superiority and yet you didn't do a thing to earn simply got LUCKY being born white in this country.

If you had been born black, you would be among the most virulent and violent of blacks.

I'm just bummed that I don't have magic powers and can't turn you into the black woman...that you are so desperately afraid of.

The fact that you are too ignorant, disgusting and dishonest to admit the the reason you are beneath me constantly spending more effort eviscerating you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes: remain silent because you have NOTHING to back up your liberal propaganda of equality.

Shall we begin?

The problem of poverty come from THEIR violence. THEIR lack of self control. THEIR lack of intelligence. NOBODY wants them around because of how they ACT. Poverty will NOT automatically make you violent...but VIOLENCE...WILL make you poor as NOBODY wants you around. There are LOTS of poor people in this world, Asians, Pacific islanders, whites... But NONE are as violent as the blacks. Blacks act like animals...because they ARE...that's what you refuse to accept...they were captured as wild animals living in the bush. Literally cave men, no writing, no wheel, no domestication or agriculture...they are 50,000 years behind us. They also LACK the Neanderthal DNA that EVERY other race possesses. Blacks are NOT us.

I haven't KEPT anyone anywhere. They've had quotas and affirmative action for 60 years. They haven't done a thing with it, they're WORSE off now. Why has EVERYONE else brought here literally as slaves themselves...risen above that status and become successful and accepted? Why is it that blacks are STILL enslaving each other in Africa? WHY are blacks ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE the bottom socially and economically? Because they're NOT us...they're another species.

People don't want blacks around...The Villages is a prime example...a gated community priced too high for them. YES...we DO whatever it takes to keep the vermin keep them out. We don't WANT Wildwood or Leesburg with it's "diversity". WHITE people make the best communities...everywhere. Blacks make sh!tholes...everywhere.

I NEVER blamed it on skin is just the covering of the "Negro" package inside. A stupid violent package. It IS their actions that they are judged by. Their poverty is the RESULT of THEIR actions...not mine. The NBA, the NFL are mostly black...because blacks are GOOD at those sports. They also have QUOTAS in areas they're NOT good at. Should we demand quotas for whites in the NFL or NBA? No, because it would be foolish and degrade the "quality" of the game. Well what do you think happens when a black filled quota occurs at a school or a business? The QUALITY goes down.

No...they don't...HISPANICS get counted as white whenever the numbers are equal. When you take the Hispanics out of "whites"...whites, still the majority (?) of the population, are 17% while blacks are closer to 50% and are less than 15% of the population.

Chicago isn't a bunch of poor white people killing each's BLACK people killing each other. Detroit, Oakland, St Louis, Memphis, ALL the MOST violent places are full of blacks...WHY?

It boils down to...I'm right...they are a cancer to our society and a drain to our resources. We'd be MUCH better off without them. I'm still waiting for you to show me all the black paradises like the villages.

Yes, I did get lucky. You got lucky too...we all did. Rats got unlucky, cockroaches got "people" got unlucky too.

I probably would have...but it doesn't change the facts that genetically, physically, physiologically, psychologically...they are NOT us.

Afraid of a black woman? Only when she's mad and violent...many are as big and strong as a gorilla. I'm afraid of mad dogs too. You should be afraid of an unpredictable animal. Mostly, I fear the government who makes me have contact with them through affirmative action and quotas.

I'm STILL waiting for ANY real facts from YOU. Where IS all this equality you tout? Where IS the black villages? The black TOP school. The place diversity/quotas made better.

You live in a world of delusion if you think women and minorities are equal to white men. White men built EVERYTHING around you. They invented the civilization you live in, the electricity you enjoy. White men gave you planes, trains, and automobiles. Gave you oil and gasoline to replace the work of a million slaves...oh, you didn't know? mechanization ended slavery in the west, not some notion of equality.

You owe EVERYTHING to white men...including your freedom to ignorantly disagree with me.

VIOLENCE makes them poor. Shunning them is a REACTION to THEIR actions. EVERY other group brought to America succeeded...except blacks. Blacks NEVER succeed ANYWHERE. There is not ONE successful black place anywhere.

Don't just SAY I'm wrong...prove it with numbers not theories. Don't **** on my leg and tell me it's raining. Don't TELL me they're equal...prove it. SHOW me where blacks are the apex of mankind.

I don't usually waste my time with you either...guess we're both feeling generous today.

time, work, rally, trump

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