the Trump-Russia Story Starts To Make Sense

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Old 05-28-2017, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by NUTTY
And that you constantly try, and fail, to emulate your friend Graceless-the-twit. I couldn't walk in her shadow even though I strive to be as helpful to people as she and her family were and are to me and my family. She is a fine supportive person. I have a whole lot of respect for a person who can be opinionated yet be considerate enough to not speak down to people as if they are better than anyone. Maybe you should give it a try yourself. The more you try to bury others the more you bury yourself or leave yourself on an Island with your last friend in the world named WILSON! Clown Ass.

What is that old saying? Never Wrestle With A Pig – You Both Get Dirty, And The Pig Likes It” This is the same as trying to converse with you.

I'm proud of my friends I have many. Maybe with a couple of dollars you could buy some friends for yourself.
Originally Posted by MOCPD
Sooo funny! You have once again proven everyone's point. I bet you feel like you are the recipient of a surprise party, only no one attended.
Ya gotta love it!

Although I agree with what you just said about Nutty...I'm surprised you're attacking him.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 05-29-2017, 10:29 AM
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This entire thread is based on such one sided view of the news it is embarassing that another American could get sucked into this.

This is the kind of rhetoric that is daily on the Russian websites and well read obviously by our American cohorts here in The Villages.

I have no idea if our President "colluded" with Russia, but I do know he goes to EXTREME MEASURES to keep it from being looked into. An American President trying to stop AND LETS BE CLEAR.....HE TRIED TO STOP THE INVESTIGATION WHEN IT WAS JUST ABOUT RUSSIA TRYING TO INTERFERE WITH OUR ELECTION. into an foreign power trying to interfere with the election.

And he continues to protest and I am not sure what he is protesting frankly...

"TRUMP, on his Oval Office meeting May 10 with Russia's foreign minister and ambassador: "Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name 'Israel,' never mentioned it in that conversation. And they're all saying I did. So you have another story wrong." — remarks at a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday.

THE FACTS: Trump is denying saying something that he wasn't alleged to have said in the first place. His comment steers around the issue that emanated from that meeting — that he divulged classified information about an Islamic State threat in his conversation with the Russians, perhaps in a compromising way that would enable Russia to trace the source of the intelligence.

Trump is not alleged to have told the Russians specifically that the information came from the Israelis. Israel's link was established separately, in news reports.

AP FACT CHECK: A rash of Trump statements under scrutiny - ABC News

BUT he will lie to you folks because you are so oblivious to what is going on your just stare into space.

Check how his business are going...check how his daughter and son in law are doing......"First Daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, a real estate developer turned adviser to the President, have failed to disclose their lavish artwork collection reportedly worth millions, according to a report."
Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner fail to disclose art worth millions - NY Daily News
Old 05-29-2017, 10:37 AM
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Knowing that the idiot(s) will use the term they found in one of those Russian website oft visited and say whomever is for TRUTH and not having a LYING PRESIDENT is suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome", and I am very close to having good accurate links to tie this particular term to one of those mentioned websites that you folks like to visit.

But found this good retort to use of this term, and when you think of it, using that term is just plain ignorant......He had done NOTHING thus far but negative and lie, etc. No legislation, none on the horizon, a budget that is dead on arrival in Congress, a promise to unite americans flowing away quickly without even a try.

""So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"
Old 05-29-2017, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Just put anyone who upsets you on your Ignore List and you can see what they post with the View Post feature if you are so inclined. But it will hide it again after you leave that thread.

I do not need more idiots in my life. I like it that the Moderator is starting to do his or her or their job on the Regular Boards and holding people accountable for personal slurs. They abound on here but the Ignore List does work well.
Tal, I agree with your suggestion its basic philosophy..."if a tree falls in the forest and your not there did it make a sound"? the ability to place another poster on your ignore list is like that

Tal ,you take a lot of ribbing and I want you to know that I admire your style in its handling because a weaker man would have buckled. My compliments, and again my admiration.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 05-29-2017, 11:42 AM
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WILSON! Clown Ass.

What is that old saying? Never Wrestle With A Pig – You Both Get Dirty, And The Pig Likes It” This is the same as trying to converse with you.

I'm proud of my friends I have many. YOUR friend is YOUR keyboard & WILSON!!!!
Old 05-29-2017, 01:59 PM
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Our President will not even acknowledge this. THIS IS HOW A LEADER RESPONDS...HE STANDS UP FOR HIS COUNTRY.

"French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday leveled a remarkable criticism of two Russian media outlets — with Russian President Vladimir Putin standing by his side.

Macron, at a joint news conference with Putin in Paris, was asked by a reporter about his refusal to allow access at his campaign headquarters to some Russian outlets.

Macron, whose campaign was the target of a massive cyberattack just before his election victory last month that cybersecurity firms have traced to Russian operatives, accused Russia Today and Sputnik of spreading misinformation.

"Russia Today and Sputnik have been influential outlets which at several times have spoken mistruths about me and my campaign," Macron said, according to an English translation. "And that's why they were not invited to my headquarters. All media outlets, including Russian ones, have had access to my campaign. Relationships are always the same."

"So it was serious that foreign media outlets interfered by saying serious mistruths during a Democratic campaign. And I will not give into that in any way," he added. "But Russia Today and Sputnik have not behaved as media outlets and journalists, but behaved as organs of influence, propaganda, and false propaganda."

Macron, in Putin joint news conference, slams RT, Sputnik as 'propaganda' - Business Insider
Old 05-29-2017, 02:23 PM
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This guy, the new French President should be watched. He understands what REAL leadership requires.

"Donald Trump, the Turkish president or the Russian president see relationships in terms of a balance of power, Macron said. “That doesn’t bother me. I don’t believe in diplomacy by public abuse, but in my bilateral dialogues I won’t let anything pass.”

Emmanuel Macron: my handshake with Trump was 'a moment of truth' | World news | The Guardian
Old 05-29-2017, 02:39 PM
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Shake this Frenchy....Just pay your NATO tab on time and don't deflect.
Old 05-29-2017, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Shake this Frenchy....Just pay your NATO tab on time and don't deflect.
Your stupidity and total ignorance of this subject is only overshadowed by your lack of common sense which allows you to manifest how dumb you really are.

Please explain your term "NATO tab"
Old 05-29-2017, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your stupidity and total ignorance of this subject is only overshadowed by your lack of common sense which allows you to manifest how dumb you really are.

Please explain your term "NATO tab"
These idiots, including Chump, actually thinks NATO sends out monthly bills like a country club and think that some...are 'behind on their tab.'
Old 05-30-2017, 07:37 AM
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Default Fox report that relies on an anonymous source suggests that anonymous sources are unr

Fox & Friends attacks “mainstream media” for reporting on Kushner's communications with the Russians

Old 05-30-2017, 12:20 PM
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he speaks to his followers who love him on here and elsewhere......he lies and they swear to it....he hates and they hate right along with him.......

"President Trump on Tuesday retweeted a Fox News report citing an anonymous source that pushes back on another report that White House aide Jared Kushner tried to establish backchannel communications with Moscow.

Trump's retweet comes just days after the president blasted the use of anonymous sources in news reports.

The Fox News report Trump shared is titled "Jared Kushner didn't suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says." It pushes back on a Washington Post story last week that said Kushner, who is also Trump's son-in-law, in December sought to establish a backchannel line of communication between the Trump transition team and Moscow during a meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
The Fox News item says Kushner spoke with Kislyak about Syria during the December meeting. It added that during that meeting, the Russians "broached the idea of using a secure line between the Trump administration and Russia, not Kushner."

It cites a source familiar with the matter and says the idea of a permanent back channel was not talked about.

Trump on Sunday, though, went after leaking of information and warned people not to trust stories that include the words "sources say."

Trump retweets report based on anonymous source after blasting anonymous sources | TheHill

"Trump and his aides often rail on the media and the use of anonymous sources, calling news outlets and negative stories "fake news."
Old 05-30-2017, 12:25 PM
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Has the President of the United States ever cheered on congress on this investigation ? Has he ever said, even close.....our country was attacked, cyberly, and we need to get to the bottom of it no matter as long as we get the truth or even close to what a President should be saying.

REMEMBER....this was a congressional probe into Russia meddling, and from that grew into an investigation of Trump campaign. This is not and never was a witch hunt no matter what he tells you lovers and followers. This investigation was allowing them to go where the evidence takes them

"One of President Donald Trump’s closest confidants, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, has now become a focus of the expanding congressional investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 campaign.

Cohen confirmed to ABC News that House and Senate investigators have asked him “to provide information and testimony” about any contacts he had with people connected to the Russian government, but he said he has turned down the invitation.

“I declined the invitation to participate, as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not capable of being answered,” he told ABC News in an email Tuesday.

After Cohen rejected the congressional requests for cooperation, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to grant its chairman, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, and ranking Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, blanket authority to issue subpoenas as they deem necessary."

Congress expands Russia investigation to include Trump's personal attorney - ABC News
Old 05-30-2017, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
CNN is such a bunch of ****ies. More scorned women that need to get vindictive with Trump. Where's all of the coverage on Obama's relationship with Russia or Hillary's? After all, a lot of pay for play exchanged hands. Actual laws broken in the last administration, but lots of nothing but accusations in this one.

CNN should of had they're FCC license pulled for giving the DNC debate questions IMO. PROVEN cheaters and democrat propaganda machine IMO.

e-mail, make, sense, starts, trump-russia

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