Trump Snubs The Villages

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Old 06-16-2016, 09:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Getting back to the subject of the thread.

Trump does not need to campaign in The Villages. He knows that the majority will already be voting for him. It is better if he concentrates on areas where he can convince the Independents and disgruntled Democrats to vote for him. Independents already lean toward him, and Hillary's approval rate is lower than Trumps.
Old 06-16-2016, 03:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Getting back to the subject of the thread.

Trump does not need to campaign in The Villages. He knows that the majority will already be voting for him. It is better if he concentrates on areas where he can convince the Independents and disgruntled Democrats to vote for him. Independents already lean toward him, and Hillary's approval rate is lower than Trumps.

You're joking right? Donald Trump's approval rating in the latest polls is 30%, which means that 70% DISAPPROVE.

That's an easy number to remember. He turned 70 yesterday and his disapproval is 70%. Seven voters out of every ten disapprove. It's difficult to win an election with those numbers.
Old 06-16-2016, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You're joking right? Donald Trump's approval rating in the latest polls is 30%, which means that 70% DISAPPROVE.

That's an easy number to remember. He turned 70 yesterday and his disapproval is 70%. Seven voters out of every ten disapprove. It's difficult to win an election with those numbers.
AH, but you are only picking the poll that works for you. All the polls as to which one can handle the terrorist situation, goes to Trump. The polls that ask who can handle the economy, Trump again.

Obama has great poll numbers too, and he is the worst president we have had in history, and the one that has failed the most. So, just because liberals are blind and stupid, how can you suggest that polls have any validity at all?
Old 06-16-2016, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
AH, but you are only picking the poll that works for you. All the polls as to which one can handle the terrorist situation, goes to Trump. The polls that ask who can handle the economy, Trump again.

Obama has great poll numbers too, and he is the worst president we have had in history, and the one that has failed the most. So, just because liberals are blind and stupid, how can you suggest that polls have any validity at all?

How can Obama show his face when the US is losing 750,000 jobs per month, when the Dow is hovering around 6000, when the car industry is bankrupt, when almost 3000 Americans died on his watch on 9/11/2001, when he declared war on the wrong country and a hundred thousand innocent people died, when he missed the memo that said "Bin Laden determined to attack the US"?

Oh wait, must have been a terrible nightmare.
Old 06-16-2016, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
AH, but you are only picking the poll that works for you. All the polls as to which one can handle the terrorist situation, goes to Trump. The polls that ask who can handle the economy, Trump again.

Obama has great poll numbers too, and he is the worst president we have had in history, and the one that has failed the most. So, just because liberals are blind and stupid, how can you suggest that polls have any validity at all?

Pick a poll, any poll. In order to fight the terrorist situation, you have to first get elected. Please tell us what voting block that Donald Trump leads in?
Old 06-16-2016, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Pick a poll, any poll. In order to fight the terrorist situation, you have to first get elected. Please tell us what voting block that Donald Trump leads in?
angry, white, retired, has-beens
Old 06-16-2016, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
angry, white, retired, has-beens
Let's see how do we keep this polite?

There is no bite me emoticon.

So just go !!
Old 06-16-2016, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Let's see how do we keep this polite?

There is no bite me emoticon.

So just go !!
...and the angry, old, white retiree found the emoticon. Ain't that cute?

Anyhow, old white man, the people who NOW count for something in Florida are the women, college educated men under 50, Hispanic, minority, LBGT, and young people. The old white male has been swept to the side of the road like the dog poop at a mailbox.

The electoral votes of Florida go to HILLARY!!
Old 06-17-2016, 03:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
...and the angry, old, white retiree found the emoticon. Ain't that cute?

Anyhow, old white man, the people who NOW count for something in Florida are the women, college educated men under 50, Hispanic, minority, LBGT, and young people. The old white male has been swept to the side of the road like the dog poop at a mailbox.

The electoral votes of Florida go to HILLARY!!
Would you like to take a poll as to how many "angry old white men" in The Villages are college educated? And would you like to take a poll as to how many "angry old white men" have a high school diploma where the education they have is equivalent or surpasses your college degree majoring in basket weaving, diversion studies, or other stupid majors offered today?
My father had no degree and yet, invented the mail sorting machine for the postal system and over 50 other inventions for the government. He made parts for rocket ships, electron microscopes and other inventions for doctors at NIH. These are the "angry old white men" that have built this country, just to GIVE it to you takers. How about earning your own way and contributing to this great country? My father also served in WWII, in SE Asia. He served! How many of the so-called elite on the left serve their country?

So, go crawl back under your rock and let the "angry old white guys" take care of you.
Old 06-17-2016, 05:30 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
...and the angry, old, white retiree found the emoticon. Ain't that cute?

Anyhow, old white man, the people who NOW count for something in Florida are the women, college educated men under 50, Hispanic, minority, LBGT, and young people. The old white male has been swept to the side of the road like the dog poop at a mailbox.

The electoral votes of Florida go to HILLARY!!
You're driving the country into the 30 years tops, it will be no more...because those who "do everything" are gone. Enjoy.
Old 06-17-2016, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Would you like to take a poll as to how many "angry old white men" in The Villages are college educated? And would you like to take a poll as to how many "angry old white men" have a high school diploma where the education they have is equivalent or surpasses your college degree majoring in basket weaving, diversion studies, or other stupid majors offered today?
My father had no degree and yet, invented the mail sorting machine for the postal system and over 50 other inventions for the government. He made parts for rocket ships, electron microscopes and other inventions for doctors at NIH. These are the "angry old white men" that have built this country, just to GIVE it to you takers. How about earning your own way and contributing to this great country? My father also served in WWII, in SE Asia. He served! How many of the so-called elite on the left serve their country?

So, go crawl back under your rock and let the "angry old white guys" take care of you.
Glad your FATHER was a success. However, the future does not belong to his generation or your generation but to the current. Stop living in the past. Live in the present.

The past generation does not rule the electoral college.

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
Old 06-17-2016, 08:17 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Glad your FATHER was a success. However, the future does not belong to his generation or your generation but to the current. Stop living in the past. Live in the present.

The past generation does not rule the electoral college.

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
How so? Please explain.
Old 06-17-2016, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Glad your FATHER was a success. However, the future does not belong to his generation or your generation but to the current. Stop living in the past. Live in the present.

The past generation does not rule the electoral college.

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
Au contraire...old white men DO rule the electoral college. On the R side. The D side may have more women.

The EC vote is the ONLY vote that elects the president. Your vote and my vote, elects the elector. The elector is pledged but can vote any way they wish. If the R party really doesn't want Trump to win, he won't.

In 30 years you'll have YOUR electors as the electors are chosen by the party leaders usually as a reward for service. The electors are true party followers. Those who are already running government are the ones who choose the electors.

In 30 years the country will look like Mexico. Unless we actively work to stop it. Minorities are already the MAJORITY under 6 years old. You should be frightened that the country is becoming "Mexican".
Old 06-17-2016, 08:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Glad your FATHER was a success. However, the future does not belong to his generation or your generation but to the current. Stop living in the past. Live in the present.

The past generation does not rule the electoral college.

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
How about a few lines explaining how the USA wins with a Clinton presidency.

The usual party line, no choices, cheerleading doesn't cut it with people able to determine right from wrong.

Have you noticed how the chameleon Clinton has changed her personna.....AGAIN?

No more stadium yelling, screeching banshee since declaring being the presumptive nominee.

Now it is the soft spoken, thoughtful, caring bwitch, felony, liar phony establishment, politics as usual and still crony old hag.
Old 06-17-2016, 01:28 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How about a few lines explaining how the USA wins with a Clinton presidency.

The usual party line, no choices, cheerleading doesn't cut it with people able to determine right from wrong.

Have you noticed how the chameleon Clinton has changed her personna.....AGAIN?

No more stadium yelling, screeching banshee since declaring being the presumptive nominee.

Now it is the soft spoken, thoughtful, caring bwitch, felony, liar phony establishment, politics as usual and still crony old hag.

villages, snubs, trump

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