Trump supporters - what will it take

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Old 07-29-2017, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Try reading the Constitution.....Section 1 of the 14th Amendment....duh
Really boyer? WHERE does it say that someone TRESSPASSING...someone who SNUCK IN...and drops a baby...that baby is a citizen?

It says "under the jurisdiction"...are trespassers "under jurisdiction"? If I break into your house and hide in the I under your "jurisdiction"? Diplomats kids aren't citizens. ONLY people here legally are under our "jurisdiction". It wasn't seriously questioned for all these years...and's TOO LATE. There are 100+ million Hispanics and it's growing. They WILL be the majority within 30 years. Do you realize what that means?

"They"...the ones who really run things...they wanted this to happen. This isn't an accident.
Old 07-30-2017, 05:27 AM
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Trump supporters - what will it take . Hmm

The entire Democratic congress refuses to participate, haven't offered a single creative idea and sit idly while sucking on their pacifiers. ..and we continue to pay these rascals

In the mean time Hillary's malfeasance goes unanswered, Lynch's breach speaking Bill Clinton on a tarmac goes unanswered, Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT guy tries to leave the country before answering some very pertinent questions. Rich Seth is murdered shortly after telling some Democratic IT guys that he is going to the FBI to tell them????? and no one bothers to find out why and what ..and people have the audacity to ask Trump supporters "what would it take" Hypocrisy abound with progressives

methinks a special counsel is required to investigate the aforementioned Democratic malfeasance and its need is urgent before they all flee the country.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-30-2017, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump supporters - what will it take . Hmm

The entire Democratic congress refuses to participate, haven't offered a single creative idea and sit idly while sucking on their pacifiers. ..and we continue to pay these rascals

In the mean time Hillary's malfeasance goes unanswered, Lynch's breach speaking Bill Clinton on a tarmac goes unanswered, Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT guy tries to leave the country before answering some very pertinent questions. Rich Seth is murdered shortly after telling some Democratic IT guys that he is going to the FBI to tell them????? and no one bothers to find out why and what ..and people have the audacity to ask Trump supporters "what would it take" Hypocrisy abound with progressives

methinks a special counsel is required to investigate the aforementioned Democratic malfeasance and its need is urgent before they all flee the country.

Personal Best Regards:
You are forgetting that the majority of people in the US voted for Hillary Clinton and against the policies of Donald John Trump such as they were during his campaign. These were racist, anti-immigrant, isolationist stances beloved by the KKK. Anti-abortion often women hating positions as well. Big military with huge military spending. Anti global warming prevention measures. Pro big brother and tipping towards a police state with not much regard for the rights of defendants to dignity.

How many Democrats are going to get aboard the Trump train with such ideas?
Old 07-30-2017, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
You are forgetting that the majority of people in the US voted for Hillary Clinton and against the policies of Donald John Trump such as they were during his campaign. These were racist, anti-immigrant, isolationist stances beloved by the KKK. Anti-abortion often women hating positions as well. Big military with huge military spending. Anti global warming prevention measures. Pro big brother and tipping towards a police state with not much regard for the rights of defendants to dignity.

How many Democrats are going to get aboard the Trump train with such ideas?
They will board the train one by one as they and their familes become the victims of crimes at the hands of illegal aliens in sanctuary cities and states.
Old 07-30-2017, 08:02 AM
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"(ICE) lodged an immigration detainer against Martinez, asking authorities to notify them before releasing Martinez to allow ICE to take him into custody. The Department of Homeland Security said a detainer was requested for Martinez in December 2016, but he was released into the community and authorities did not notify ICE."

Sex assault suspect tied up woman, threatened to kill her, court docs say |

Illegal alien deported 20 times rapes 65-year-old woman – Pacific Pundit
Old 07-30-2017, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
You are forgetting that the majority of people in the US voted for Hillary Clinton and against the policies of Donald John Trump such as they were during his campaign. These were racist, anti-immigrant, isolationist stances beloved by the KKK. Anti-abortion often women hating positions as well. Big military with huge military spending. Anti global warming prevention measures. Pro big brother and tipping towards a police state with not much regard for the rights of defendants to dignity.

How many Democrats are going to get aboard the Trump train with such ideas?
Are you forgetting criminals, welfare leaches, lobbyists, politicians, illegal aliens voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. You are in appropriate company.
Old 07-30-2017, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are forgetting that the majority of people in the US voted for Hillary Clinton and against the policies of Donald John Trump such as they were during his campaign. These were racist, anti-immigrant, isolationist stances beloved by the KKK. Anti-abortion often women hating positions as well. Big military with huge military spending. Anti global warming prevention measures. Pro big brother and tipping towards a police state with not much regard for the rights of defendants to dignity.

How many Democrats are going to get aboard the Trump train with such ideas?
YOU are forgetting the VAST majority of STATES populations voted for Trump. ONLY the very large, urban populations voted for Hillary. She may have had the "most total" votes...but they were mostly in the large population states like CA and NY. In the smaller states...Trump beat her handily.

We all should be racist...we are NOT all the same...we are NOT all equal in our abilities. If we are...WHY is the NBA and NFL dominated by blacks? The KKK has been trying to PROTECT you from what is happening right now...a minority majority. You gave them our will never be the same.

Abortion and birth control began the demise of white people...we STOPPED replacing ourselves having none or only one child. While the minorities reproduced with abandon...being PAID extra for each child. Nobody HATES women...we hate women who insist they are men. You are NOT and you never will be. I understand your frustration I understand blacks frustration...but you were born what you were born...and no amount of wishful amount of amount lowered standards or quotas will change it. We should do what nature made us good at.

We agree here...maybe there IS hope for you. There's a "welfare industrial complex" gets well over a $ trillion a year.

You lost it again...the earth IS warming...who knows for how's been "warming" since the last ice age ended 10,000 years ago...the basis for the "great flood" story in the Bible. CO2 is NOT causing global warming, it contributes half of a percent towards warming. Water vapor...from oceans, lakes, rivers, evaporation...contributes 95%. You want to stop global warming? Cover the oceans to stop evaporation. But say goodbye to rain too.

Funny hearing that from a "liberal" who wants MORE and MORE laws and regulations to control everyone's behavior. Laws telling me who I can hire, who I associate with, live next to, go to school with...etc...etc.

Originally Posted by Guest
Are you forgetting criminals, welfare leaches, lobbyists, politicians, illegal aliens voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. You are in appropriate company.
Women and minorities voted for Clinton...


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