Trump Sure wish for other option

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Old 06-08-2016, 08:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We were made that way. Segregation is the only workable answer, we're too different.
A vote for Trump or any Republican equals a vote for going back to segregation.

Sounds like The Villages Tea Party - Ku Klux Klan is going this way.
Old 06-08-2016, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
A vote for hiliary says you ok with cheating sleazy husbands and will put up with it for the name, money, and power. Not mention all the shady things she hiding? I say neither fit to be president.
Speaking of sleazy husbands, there's a difference between having one, and actually being one. Does Marla Maples jog your memory?
Old 06-08-2016, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what happened? The Irish PROVED their's been 150 years and we're STILL waiting for them to prove their worth.

They're had affirmative action and quotas for the last 50 years and we're STILL waiting for them to prove their worth.

Any other group you want to cite that was treated like a slave but in the end prospered? Chinese? Poles? They are the ONLY race to be consistently at the bottom, no matter where in the world. They're ALWAYS dead last.

You tell me why if it isn't genetic...

Even though there is the 1st Amendment, isn't there any rule on decency to get his racist off the forum?

You know this forum is being read by those who are considering moving here and some might think this racist talk is the norm in The Villages when, in actuality, it expresses the sick thoughts of only a couple of outdated racists.

I am sure the Morse/Parr family would like to see this kind of forum go away. If no there is no way to shut down this one person, I would be in favor of shutting down the Political Forum OR make the names of posters to be shown as in other forums.

Thank you.
Old 06-08-2016, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
tax cheat? Well if Donnie Little Fingers ever releases his we will get to know just how American he really is.
Are you really that ignorant? Really? The Donald has submitted his tax paperwork to the IRS, every year. Do you think that you are better at investigating his taxes than they are? It's none of your business how much money he makes or what kind of deductions he takes. There is NO requirement for anyone to release their tax returns to the public, NONE. So, go crawl back into your little wealth envy hole and wait for your next welfare check.

On the other hand, the Clintons are being investigated for Tax Fraud. And it's kind of hard to put the blame on the GOP when it is the Liberal run IRS that is doing the investigation. That is pretty sad, isn't it?
Old 06-08-2016, 09:42 AM
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Six Ways America Is Like a Third-World Country | Rolling Stone
Old 06-08-2016, 09:43 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Even though there is the 1st Amendment, isn't there any rule on decency to get his racist off the forum?

You know this forum is being read by those who are considering moving here and some might think this racist talk is the norm in The Villages when, in actuality, it expresses the sick thoughts of only a couple of outdated racists.

I am sure the Morse/Parr family would like to see this kind of forum go away. If no there is no way to shut down this one person, I would be in favor of shutting down the Political Forum OR make the names of posters to be shown as in other forums.

Thank you.
I don't think they want this place filling up with minorities any more than I do.

Don't agree...censor! Stop them stop them!

The truth CAN'T be known!

Why do words and ideas scare you so? You REALLY think I'm a minority here? I bet over 90% agree with me.

That's WHY many of us are here, we got tired of the problems "diversity" brings...always brings.

Why are YOU here if you like diversity so much? You're the one out of place. Go live with them and let us live without them.
Old 06-08-2016, 09:47 AM
Posts: n/a

Every one of those "problems" are directly related to minorities. Take them out of the picture and those 3rd world attributes go away.

Yes, it really IS them.
Old 06-08-2016, 09:49 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Even though there is the 1st Amendment, isn't there any rule on decency to get his racist off the forum?

You know this forum is being read by those who are considering moving here and some might think this racist talk is the norm in The Villages when, in actuality, it expresses the sick thoughts of only a couple of outdated racists.

I am sure the Morse/Parr family would like to see this kind of forum go away. If no there is no way to shut down this one person, I would be in favor of shutting down the Political Forum OR make the names of posters to be shown as in other forums.

Thank you.
I agree. I truly think these people are mentally ill. In any event, they do not represent the majority of Villagers. This free for all type of forum has brought out the worst in people with the racism and name calling. If the moderators were smart they would just delete some of the really bad posts.
Old 06-08-2016, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree. I truly think these people are mentally ill. In any event, they do not represent the majority of Villagers. This free for all type of forum has brought out the worst in people with the racism and name calling. If the moderators were smart they would just delete some of the really bad posts.
Determined by whom to be "bad"?

One man's racist is another man's freedom fighter.

You REALLY think things will be better when the reigns are handed to them?
Old 06-08-2016, 10:44 AM
Posts: n/a

I ask myself if a racist can also be a good person. My answer is no but what can I do? I moved here because of the golf and the climate. If I meet someone who thinks like me it's like finding a Pro V I or a martini tee. I try to steer away from Religion and Politics. This is a safer place to speak up.
Old 06-08-2016, 11:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree. I truly think these people are mentally ill. In any event, they do not represent the majority of Villagers. This free for all type of forum has brought out the worst in people with the racism and name calling. If the moderators were smart they would just delete some of the really bad posts.
Why are you attempting to shut down the forum? I don't agree with the continued racist rant from the one poster, but I don't feel that the PC police should interfere. If you ignore him, he will eventually get the hint. Quit being so prissy and grow up. I hear stuff on here from the liberal troll every day and I just either laugh at him or verbally spar with him a bit, so he won't feel so lonely that he feels he has to reply to his own comments.

I don't agree with most of what liberals say, but I don't wish them thrown off of here. I haven't learned anything new from them, because their haven't changed their talking points since 2008, but by allowing them to continue their rant, they have to eventually read some of the posts in order to reply to them. THEY might learn something.

Don't you get it? PC is for cowards. Good manners or empathy will trump PC any day.

Running to the administrator is tantamount to running to your momma when someone uses a dirty word.

Liberals either want to control the discussion on here or they want it shut down. Why is that?
Old 06-08-2016, 02:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what happened? The Irish PROVED their's been 150 years and we're STILL waiting for them to prove their worth.

They're had affirmative action and quotas for the last 50 years and we're STILL waiting for them to prove their worth.

Any other group you want to cite that was treated like a slave but in the end prospered? Chinese? Poles? They are the ONLY race to be consistently at the bottom, no matter where in the world. They're ALWAYS dead last.

You tell me why if it isn't genetic...
your ability to show your ignorance is incredible, you mention things here that you would never say aloud in public. You sir are a white washer of problems. I can think of a while litany of issues as to why THEM have not become prolific members of your society.
Old 06-08-2016, 02:18 PM
Posts: n/a

[QUOTE=Guest;1238096]Why are you attempting to shut down the forum? I don't agree with the continued racist rant from the one poster, but I don't feel that the PC police should interfere. If you ignore him, he will eventually get the hint. Quit being so prissy and grow up.

I don't agree with most of what liberals say, but I don't wish them thrown off of here.

Don't you get it? PC is for cowards. Good manners or empathy will trump PC any day.

Running to the administrator is tantamount to running to your momma when someone uses a dirty word.

Liberals either want to control the discussion on here or they want it shut down. QUOTE]

Alright, a counter-proposal is that you would use your real name for the Political Forum. See if you actually have the courage to post racist things like black people are metally inferior to whites and attach your name to it.

Basically, PUT UP OR SHUT UP. If this cannot be done, shut down the Political Forum. This is not about controlling the discussion but about decency to other people. Bigotry is not decency!

Moderator: Please read and give us your thoughts. Thank you.
Old 06-08-2016, 02:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what happened? The Irish PROVED their's been 150 years and we're STILL waiting for them to prove their worth.

They're had affirmative action and quotas for the last 50 years and we're STILL waiting for them to prove their worth.

Any other group you want to cite that was treated like a slave but in the end prospered? Chinese? Poles? They are the ONLY race to be consistently at the bottom, no matter where in the world. They're ALWAYS dead last.

You tell me why if it isn't genetic...
Would you say this to a group of black people face-to-face or just continue to COWER in back of your keyboard? Personally, I think you are a COWARD.
Old 06-08-2016, 02:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Maybe have 2 political talk sites, one racist and one not.

That will not please the racists and bigots. Part of the thrill is trying to shock others. Think about it. Why are they spouting off if no one changes their mind? We're too old to be impressionable.

They need the reaction and attention or it's no fun.

Otherwise it's like being a flasher in a nudist colony. What's the point?

trump, gop, nominee, ready, democrat

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