Trump Takes on the NRA

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Old 06-16-2016, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The title of the thread is misleading. It says Trump takes on the NRA, when the point is that he went to the NRA to discuss ideas, not "take on."
Whatever Everytown and their friends might imply, we are not talking here about selling guns to people who have been convicted in a court of law; that is already illegal. Rather, we are talking about selling guns to people who, as far as the state is concerned, have done nothing wrong and who must not therefore have their liberties abridged. It is an ugly testament to the illiberalism of many modern-day progressives that they are happily lining up on the authoritarian side against not just one, but two of America’s premier civil rights organizations.

Read more at: The NRA is Right -- The Terror Watch List Is a Disaster
Old 06-16-2016, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Too bad we can't hire these radical Islamists to go into the Chicago ghetto and clean it out. OH, that's right they have guns up there and will fight back. Well, when they eventually DO take our guns away, at least the ghettos will be safe. Kind of ironic, isn't it?
I'd PAY people to go in and "clean out" the ghettos.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
There is no way there will ever exist a situation whe guns in this country will be "taken away".

Even if they were declared illegal to have all we would have to do is nothing and keep our guns just like the criminal elements and illegals do today.

I naturally assume lack of enforcement of the laws would be in continuence......even for white, armed, honest, tax paying Americans.
If it's registered and you have a PERMANENT address, they'll know where to find you. Unlike the minorities living in the ghetto. They'll have their guns longer than we do.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
That would create how many felons? How many million lawbreakers would suddenly exist? Guess I would be one of them because not all of mine are registered, so there is no record of them.
The average American already commits an average of 3 felonies a day. There are THAT many ridiculous laws.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Of course, most people break laws everyday. Tell me you never went over 30 in TV. I don't think anybody is going to take guns away. May be some law about assault rifles. Then you can choose to obey it or not. If somebody shoots me, I am not going to care if the gun was registered.
We average 3 felonies a day.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If I understand it correctly the way it stands, you can be put on the no fly list without due cause,
and if you were put on it, you might find
it near impossible to get off it!
I'm SURE it partly a political list.

How many people have the SAME name? They don't have/use a SS number, so HOW do they KNOW who is who? I think it's a bunch of BS, the whole "list".

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
First it is the no fly list. Then it will be look a like wannabe assault rifles. Then it will be any semi-automatic rifle. Then it will be any semi-automatic pistol. Or maybe all magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds. Then it will be banning of all concealed carry. Some states banned all concealed carry of knives. Some states have banned carrying any knife over three inches in length. Good luck when you say that not allowing someone on the no fly list to purchase a fire arm, is no big deal. When has someone on the no-fly list ever committed these mass shootings? This guy was taken off the no-fly list. SO, unless I am mistaken, NONE. Liberals love to get one little inch in there so that the mile they are looking for will be easier to obtain. You liberals want to take cars away to prevent drunk driving.
First they came for the Jews and I did nothing, I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the intellectual radicals looking for change and I did nothing for I wasn't a radical. Then they came for... We all know the story. Eventually they come for everyone.
Old 06-16-2016, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
First they came for the Jews and I did nothing, I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the intellectual radicals looking for change and I did nothing for I wasn't a radical. Then they came for... We all know the story. Eventually they come for everyone.
I always skip to the end. Let me know when they're coming for the intellectuals. I'll save you a seat in case you're running late.
Old 06-16-2016, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I always skip to the end. Let me know when they're coming for the intellectuals. I'll save you a seat in case you're running late.
You miss so much skipping to the end.

You won't be there, how can you save me a seat?

Old 06-16-2016, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You miss so much skipping to the end.

You won't be there, how can you save me a seat?

I can phone it in.
Old 06-16-2016, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a

"They'll never take our guns away." Doesn't that sound a bit like the three most prevalent promises?

Got news for you. It's already starting. Limit the type of gun you can have. Limit the number of rounds such gun can hold in it's magazine. And now, a court just decided that the Constitution does not protect concealed carry.

Jun 10, 2016
"(CNN)A federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that there is no Second Amendment protection for concealed weapons -- allowing states to prohibit or restrict the public from carrying concealed firearms."

Just one of many reasons we need to keep a liberal out of the White House this election.
Old 06-18-2016, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Too bad we can't hire these radical Islamists to go into the Chicago ghetto and clean it out. OH, that's right they have guns up there and will fight back. Well, when they eventually DO take our guns away, at least the ghettos will be safe. Kind of ironic, isn't it?
Stop being so dramatic. No one is talking about prying your deal cold hands off your weapon of choice. When will you gun nuts stop beliving that nonsense. Hell you dont need the NRA making up those rumours, you can buy as many as you want without their scare tactics.

Cuz the NRA says so.

Old 06-18-2016, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"They'll never take our guns away." Doesn't that sound a bit like the three most prevalent promises?

Got news for you. It's already starting. Limit the type of gun you can have. Limit the number of rounds such gun can hold in it's magazine. And now, a court just decided that the Constitution does not protect concealed carry.

Jun 10, 2016
"(CNN)A federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that there is no Second Amendment protection for concealed weapons -- allowing states to prohibit or restrict the public from carrying concealed firearms."

Just one of many reasons we need to keep a liberal out of the White House this election.
Yes damn that government for stopping my recent purchase of a Sherman Tank. just Cuz.

Old 06-18-2016, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
just Cuz.

What does "just Cuz" and "LZ" mean?
Old 06-18-2016, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"They'll never take our guns away." Doesn't that sound a bit like the three most prevalent promises?

Got news for you. It's already starting. Limit the type of gun you can have. Limit the number of rounds such gun can hold in it's magazine. And now, a court just decided that the Constitution does not protect concealed carry.
Good! There is no need for an AR-15 style rifle for civilians. You should have a limited magazine of 5 or 7 rounds. Bolt action only for civilian use. Pistols only for police officers.

I thought you right wing nuts always want to give power to State government. Now, a decision that says a state can determine concealed carry and you come crying to the Federal government.
Old 06-18-2016, 09:31 PM
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The thread is about Trump said he is going to meet with the NRA to tell them he is for not allowing gun sales to people on the no fly list.

The meeting has not happened yet.

Will he do it? Probably not. Trump panders to the right wing nut groups. They are the only ones who support Adolph Trump.
Old 06-18-2016, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Good! There is no need for an AR-15 style rifle for civilians. You should have a limited magazine of 5 or 7 rounds. Bolt action only for civilian use. Pistols only for police officers.

I thought you right wing nuts always want to give power to State government. Now, a decision that says a state can determine concealed carry and you come crying to the Federal government.
Keep Dreaming. Never going to happen, at least not in your lifetime.
Old 06-19-2016, 04:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The thread is about Trump said he is going to meet with the NRA to tell them he is for not allowing gun sales to people on the no fly list.

The meeting has not happened yet.

Will he do it? Probably not. Trump panders to the right wing nut groups. They are the only ones who support Adolph Trump.
No, Trump was not going to meet with the NRA to demand anything. That is left wing rhetoric, not truth. He was to meet with them to discuss the issue for his campaign. He knows he has no authority to demand. The liberal media made it look as if he was going there to make demands.
Old 06-19-2016, 08:10 AM
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.
9:50 AM - 15 Jun 2016
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How did the NRA get that powerful? Doesn't Trump want to meet with anyone in congress?
Old 06-19-2016, 08:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

I thought you right wing nuts always want to give power to State government. Now, a decision that says a state can determine concealed carry and you come crying to the Federal government.
Well, which is it, right wing nuts? Is it that the authority is up to Federal or State governments?

today, nra, takes, trump

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