The Trump Travel Ban-Journal's Analysis

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Old 03-26-2017, 02:33 PM
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Default The Trump Travel Ban-Journal's Analysis

"The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once wished out loud that all federal judges be issued a stamp that said "Stupid but Constitutional"........

If the new order had been issued by any other president, few judges would dream of interfering so willfully in foreign affairs or ignoring long standing Supreme Court precedents. But because the President is Donald Trump, the judges are creating an exception to make fashionable political statements.................... The six banned countries make up less than 9% of the population of the Muslim-majority countries and the text of the order mentions Islam only in the context of persecuted religious minorities...............

Judge Watson ruled the ban violates the First Amendment Establishment Clause even though he concedes that it is "undisputed " that the order does not facially discriminate for or against any particular religion.................

What happened to analyzing the actual law and the Supreme Court precedents? The High Court's 2005 Mc Creary case instructs judges not to inquire into the veiled psyche and secret motives of government officials with good reason..............

Judges are not put on the bench to deduce executive intent....

These cases are so poorly reasoned and disrespectful of the Court's rulings don't be surprised if he prevails 8-0"
WSJ ( Editors Opinion)

Personal Best Regards:

court, order, supreme, analysis, ban-journals

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