Trump's First 100 Days

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Old 11-11-2016, 04:54 AM
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Default Trump's First 100 Days

My wish list for Trump's first 100 days

Repeal Obamacare

Repeal laws prohibiting health insurance policies from being sold across state lines

Remove legal and tax barriers/incentives allowing a free market to develop in the healthcare industry.

Audit the Federal Reserve and begin repeal of federal Reserve Act & the 16th amendment

Repeal Dodd-Frank

Eliminate the EPA, Depts of Energy & Education, HUD, Commerce Interior

Repeal executive and regulatory agency orders that restrain a free market

Begin process of reducing income taxes and corporate taxes, and eliminate the capital gain taxes

End the estate tax

Review and revise all trade agreements to ascertain their affect on American businesses and labor.

Review and revise all foreign aid as to its viability

Tighten existing immigration laws

Protect our borders

End all forms of corporate welfare

End all forms of welfare to illegal aliens

Review and revise outdated food quotas and farm bills

Repeal law, regulations and taxes on personal investment, IRA's and pensions as a means of savings and thus possible elimination of social security

Defund Planned Parenthood

Pass a national concealed carry reciprocity law.

Repeal all laws and acts that serve and have served to militarize and federalize local police.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-11-2016, 05:43 AM
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You forgot the MOST important...send ALL the illegals and their "illegal" anchor babies...about 100 million...back to where they came from.

Without that, the country is lost within 30 years. Nothing else will matter.
Old 11-11-2016, 06:52 AM
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He'll be spending the first 100 days trying to shake off the realization that he is an intellectual lightweight...and way in over his head.
Old 11-11-2016, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He'll be spending the first 100 days trying to shake off the realization that he is an intellectual lightweight...and way in over his head.

And, with luck using the National Guard to dispatch violent protesters with M16s while rounding up the illegals.

What is funny, you seem to make the inference that Obama was anything more than a mulatto puppet.
Old 11-11-2016, 06:59 AM
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When does Trumpanzee bring the manufacturing of his own clothing line back into the USA from Mexico' Vietnam, and China?

Macy's still refuses to sell the Trumpanzee clothing line. Shop at Macy's!!
Old 11-11-2016, 07:16 AM
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Mr. PBR wants to do away with the legality of a Federal Income Tax. He also wants to end Social Security.

Without Social Security being taken from paychecks, the vast majority of Americans would spend everything and not have any retirement cushion. Mr. PBR knows SS was not intended to be your sole retirement but a supplement. Far too many Americans have it as their sole retirement income. Without that, does Mr. PBR believe we would just kick the penniless to the side of the road and let them sleep in boxes and fend off of garbage?

Mr. PBR should also go to the Social Security website to see what other things SS does for Americans besides give retirement assistance.

Before repealling a law, have a viable one ready to set into motion as soon as the one is taken away. Not just bluster that would be divisive for 4 more years.
Old 11-11-2016, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He'll be spending the first 100 days trying to shake off the realization that he is an intellectual lightweight...and way in over his head.
And yet, he was "intellectual" or smart enough to beat EVERYONE else that competed with him. He is NO lightweight. Live with it like we had to endure eight insufferable years of Obie. Now, maybe something positive will get done to rebuild America. Even Hillary goofed in one of her later speeches where she said "we will make America what is was again." She may have been speaking of pre-2008 but she KNEW that Trump was right when he said he wanted America to be great again.

We had to live with Obama, and now you liberals can quit crying a river and live with a better and more positive America again. No more coddling of minority groups of those that feel entitled. Everyone can either pull their own weight or be left behind. It's their choice. It is no longer going to be our responsibility to carry them.

Some folks have more going for them. Live with it. Some folks are smarter, richer, more athletic, better looking, or just lucky, so live with it. It is not their responsibility to feel guilty about being in a better position than others. It is entirely up to them as to how they handle their success or luck and not the gov's to dictate what they do with their advantage. America is a free country and everyone has the same right to success according to their ability. The only people that are really and truly equal are the dead.
Old 11-11-2016, 07:54 AM
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Anyone that thinks Trump is a mental lightweight after what he just accomplished doesn't have a clue and might want to look in the mirror. His instinct and unending energy will work together to really "make America great" again.
Old 11-11-2016, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Sandtrap328 View Post
When does Trumpanzee bring the manufacturing of his own clothing line back into the USA from Mexico' Vietnam, and China?

Macy's still refuses to sell the Trumpanzee clothing line. Shop at Macy's!!
Comical, take business 101.
Old 11-11-2016, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You forgot the MOST important...send ALL the illegals and their "illegal" anchor babies...about 100 million...back to where they came from.

Without that, the country is lost within 30 years. Nothing else will matter.
Unfortunately, under the current misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, those anchor babies are not illegal. We cannot create and ex post facto law making them illegal. They are citizens like it or not.

I wonder how many items in the OP need the consent of 60% of each house?
Old 11-11-2016, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Unfortunately, under the current misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, those anchor babies are not illegal. We cannot create and ex post facto law making them illegal. They are citizens like it or not.

I wonder how many items in the OP need the consent of 60% of each house?
Depends on who is interpreting the law. That law was not written for today's children of illegals. Read it again. It has been interpreted for a long time as giving citizenship to anyone born in our country, but in reality it does not suggest anything like that.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." This has been argued for decades, but the court has always ruled toward birthright citizenship. But, they also say that diplomats and business persons from foreign countries do not get birthright citizenship if their spouses give birth in America. The question has always been, are these illegals under the jurisdiction of the United States if they are citizens of a foreign country and here illegally.

Birthright citizenship does make the United States (along with Canada) unique in the developed world. No European nation recognizes the principle.

I am not saying that the gov does not recognize children of illegals as being citizens. I am saying that it is easily interpreted either way according to the view of the courts. And so far the courts have deemed anyone born in our country as citizens other than diplomats, etc. If you can deny diplomats' children citizen, why not illegals? Just my thoughts on it.
Old 11-11-2016, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And, with luck using the National Guard to dispatch violent protesters with M16s while rounding up the illegals.

What is funny, you seem to make the inference that Obama was anything more than a mulatto puppet.
Trump will be too...the "combover puppet".

Originally Posted by Guest
Mr. PBR wants to do away with the legality of a Federal Income Tax. He also wants to end Social Security.

Without Social Security being taken from paychecks, the vast majority of Americans would spend everything and not have any retirement cushion. Mr. PBR knows SS was not intended to be your sole retirement but a supplement. Far too many Americans have it as their sole retirement income. Without that, does Mr. PBR believe we would just kick the penniless to the side of the road and let them sleep in boxes and fend off of garbage?

Mr. PBR should also go to the Social Security website to see what other things SS does for Americans besides give retirement assistance.

Before repealling a law, have a viable one ready to set into motion as soon as the one is taken away. Not just bluster that would be divisive for 4 more years.
So? They SHOULD have planned for the future. Not my problem, their family or charity can help them.

Institutional housing, a big room with lots of beds. MANDATORY work too.

It's funny how corrupted SS became...all that money HAD to go somewhere! It's for the CHILDREN...the DISABLED!

Originally Posted by Guest
And yet, he was "intellectual" or smart enough to beat EVERYONE else that competed with him. He is NO lightweight. Live with it like we had to endure eight insufferable years of Obie. Now, maybe something positive will get done to rebuild America. Even Hillary goofed in one of her later speeches where she said "we will make America what is was again." She may have been speaking of pre-2008 but she KNEW that Trump was right when he said he wanted America to be great again.

We had to live with Obama, and now you liberals can quit crying a river and live with a better and more positive America again. No more coddling of minority groups of those that feel entitled. Everyone can either pull their own weight or be left behind. It's their choice. It is no longer going to be our responsibility to carry them.

Some folks have more going for them. Live with it. Some folks are smarter, richer, more athletic, better looking, or just lucky, so live with it. It is not their responsibility to feel guilty about being in a better position than others. It is entirely up to them as to how they handle their success or luck and not the gov's to dictate what they do with their advantage. America is a free country and everyone has the same right to success according to their ability. The only people that are really and truly equal are the dead.
Ha...good luck with that. What are you going to do with all those women and minorities who get booted the first day quotas are eliminated? Ain't gonna be white men getting fired.

But white men ARE being descriminated against, institutional discrimination.

No, they don't, some get preferential treatment, they get quotas...and then they BRAG about how great they are. You women and minorities are a joke.

Originally Posted by Guest
Unfortunately, under the current misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, those anchor babies are not illegal. We cannot create and ex post facto law making them illegal. They are citizens like it or not.

I wonder how many items in the OP need the consent of 60% of each house?
We could interpret it the way stated below...

Originally Posted by Guest
Depends on who is interpreting the law. That law was not written for today's children of illegals. Read it again. It has been interpreted for a long time as giving citizenship to anyone born in our country, but in reality it does not suggest anything like that.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." This has been argued for decades, but the court has always ruled toward birthright citizenship. But, they also say that diplomats and business persons from foreign countries do not get birthright citizenship if their spouses give birth in America. The question has always been, are these illegals under the jurisdiction of the United States if they are citizens of a foreign country and here illegally.

Birthright citizenship does make the United States (along with Canada) unique in the developed world. No European nation recognizes the principle.

I am not saying that the gov does not recognize children of illegals as being citizens. I am saying that it is easily interpreted either way according to the view of the courts. And so far the courts have deemed anyone born in our country as citizens other than diplomats, etc. If you can deny diplomats' children citizen, why not illegals? Just my thoughts on it.
When you trespass, you're not under are a criminal there illegally. No different than ANY "illegally smuggled contraband" should be seized and eliminated.

They're great thoughts and the correct thoughts, that's why I wonder WHY they're letting this happen. WHY are they letting the minorities become the majority?
Old 11-11-2016, 08:59 PM
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...the Villages racist (Don Baldwin) just keeps talking with himself and MDLNB.

They should go into a partnership called "Nuts & Butts".

Old 11-11-2016, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My wish list for Trump's first 100 days

Repeal Obamacare

Repeal laws prohibiting health insurance policies from being sold across state lines

Remove legal and tax barriers/incentives allowing a free market to develop in the healthcare industry.

Audit the Federal Reserve and begin repeal of federal Reserve Act & the 16th amendment

Repeal Dodd-Frank

Eliminate the EPA, Depts of Energy & Education, HUD, Commerce Interior

Repeal executive and regulatory agency orders that restrain a free market

Begin process of reducing income taxes and corporate taxes, and eliminate the capital gain taxes

End the estate tax

Review and revise all trade agreements to ascertain their affect on American businesses and labor.

Review and revise all foreign aid as to its viability

Tighten existing immigration laws

Protect our borders

End all forms of corporate welfare

End all forms of welfare to illegal aliens

Review and revise outdated food quotas and farm bills

Repeal law, regulations and taxes on personal investment, IRA's and pensions as a means of savings and thus possible elimination of social security

Defund Planned Parenthood

Pass a national concealed carry reciprocity law.

Repeal all laws and acts that serve and have served to militarize and federalize local police.

Personal Best Regards:
Trump is now softening his stance on ObamaCare. He doe not want to repeal it but merely amend parts of it. Trump snookered you!

Trump now says he is not going to build a huge wall and make Mexico pay for it. Trump snookered you!

Trump is not going to extreme vet Muslims. He is going to allow 55,000 Syrian Muslims in by Spring. Trump snookered you!

Trump's speeches were just lies to get your votes. YOU GOT SNOOKERED!!!

#He's Not My President.
Old 11-11-2016, 09:47 PM
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Can we all say PT Barnum [emoji23]

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end, taxes, days, trumps

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