Two party system totally corrupt

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Old 09-08-2016, 08:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hopefully, you will be long gone before that happens, and won't have to worry about it. I'm not going to worry about it now. I'll leave that up to paranoids like you.
Bravado like this comes from not being invested, involved or affected by the issue.

A typical NIMBY response (not in my back yard).
Old 09-08-2016, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Bravado like this comes from not being invested, involved or affected by the issue.

A typical NIMBY response (not in my back yard).
NO, my response may come from the fact that I have lived in other countries as much as I have lived in the States, and I have enjoyed the company of many different ethnic groups and their cultures. I do not make white supremacist comments off the cuff, because even though I am grateful for my life, I also do not take it for granted. I am proud to be an American and I do not wish for any other economic or political system here. But I do not disparage in general, ethnic groups that include many of my friends. It is your right as a FREE American to be a bigoted racist and I respect that right, even if I do not agree with you. You are of the extreme, not the norm or average. Even if you are conservative, you are not of the normal or average conservative. People like you are normally avoided, due to the harm your rhetoric does instead of helping. I believe that I probably have more in common with the "despised" left than with you. I may disagree vehemently with those on the left, but I usually still get along with them. I doubt that many can get along with one such as you, with you having that giant chip on your shoulder. Normally, only someone that has been wronged in the past has so much bile and poison in them regarding someone of another color. But, I wish you no ill will. I hope that some day you will achieve that peace you undoubtedly yearn for. I also doubt you obtain that peace via your words.
Old 09-08-2016, 12:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hopefully, you will be long gone before that happens, and won't have to worry about it. I'm not going to worry about it now. I'll leave that up to paranoids like you.
You care THAT little for your progeny? Might as well set them adrift.

I told you, I'm living the good life here in whiteville. I don't "worry about it", I know it's coming and I'd like to stop it. I retreated into the bubble like many others.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
NO, my response may come from the fact that I have lived in other countries as much as I have lived in the States, and I have enjoyed the company of many different ethnic groups and their cultures. I do not make white supremacist comments off the cuff, because even though I am grateful for my life, I also do not take it for granted. I am proud to be an American and I do not wish for any other economic or political system here. But I do not disparage in general, ethnic groups that include many of my friends. It is your right as a FREE American to be a bigoted racist and I respect that right, even if I do not agree with you. You are of the extreme, not the norm or average. Even if you are conservative, you are not of the normal or average conservative. People like you are normally avoided, due to the harm your rhetoric does instead of helping. I believe that I probably have more in common with the "despised" left than with you. I may disagree vehemently with those on the left, but I usually still get along with them. I doubt that many can get along with one such as you, with you having that giant chip on your shoulder. Normally, only someone that has been wronged in the past has so much bile and poison in them regarding someone of another color. But, I wish you no ill will. I hope that some day you will achieve that peace you undoubtedly yearn for. I also doubt you obtain that peace via your words.
I've lived in foreign places too, I don't want THAT here, I want here to stay here. And to tell you the truth, the BEST countries were white european countries. I didn't care for central america, didn't care for asia, didn't care for the middle east, and CERTAINLY didn't care for ANY place that was "all black". Jamaica sucked, Haiti sucked. The all Hispanic places are just a small step above the black places. I want NONE of that here.

You're GETTING other economic and political systems. You're being invaded by foreigners who want to change here to there. Soon, Hispanics WILL be the majority and they WILL dominate everything. Spanish WILL eventually become an official language.

I'm ONLY in the extreme as in I'm willing and have the knowledge to fight the fight. I'm willing to throw it out there...I've yet had anyone accept the challenge. You disagree...challenge me with facts. You have nothing but "it's not fair", "they should be treated equally". Do we treat zoo animals equally? They are NOT us, and that is what we need to accept.

I'm trying to SAVE the white race from itself, we're literally killing ourselves by being kind.

I am in in veins aren't popping, I'm calm and relaxed...just trying to spread the TRUTH about them. Just trying to stop or at least slow the inevitable hispanic majority that will be the destruction of a once great nation and people.
Old 09-08-2016, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You care THAT little for your progeny? Might as well set them adrift.

I told you, I'm living the good life here in whiteville. I don't "worry about it", I know it's coming and I'd like to stop it. I retreated into the bubble like many others.

I've lived in foreign places too, I don't want THAT here, I want here to stay here. And to tell you the truth, the BEST countries were white european countries. I didn't care for central america, didn't care for asia, didn't care for the middle east, and CERTAINLY didn't care for ANY place that was "all black". Jamaica sucked, Haiti sucked. The all Hispanic places are just a small step above the black places. I want NONE of that here.

You're GETTING other economic and political systems. You're being invaded by foreigners who want to change here to there. Soon, Hispanics WILL be the majority and they WILL dominate everything. Spanish WILL eventually become an official language.

I'm ONLY in the extreme as in I'm willing and have the knowledge to fight the fight. I'm willing to throw it out there...I've yet had anyone accept the challenge. You disagree...challenge me with facts. You have nothing but "it's not fair", "they should be treated equally". Do we treat zoo animals equally? They are NOT us, and that is what we need to accept.

I'm trying to SAVE the white race from itself, we're literally killing ourselves by being kind.

I am in in veins aren't popping, I'm calm and relaxed...just trying to spread the TRUTH about them. Just trying to stop or at least slow the inevitable hispanic majority that will be the destruction of a once great nation and people.
NO, the real problem is liberal socialists. American socialists that have no clue as to what they are asking for. It has nothing to do with immigrants.
Old 09-09-2016, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
NO, the real problem is liberal socialists. American socialists that have no clue as to what they are asking for. It has nothing to do with immigrants.
SURE it does...there are over 100 MILLION immigrants and anchor babies in this country. Hispanics are the MAJORITY below age 6 and it's growing.

The REAL problem is uncontrolled immigration and anchor babies. We've been invaded and they never told you.
Old 09-09-2016, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
NO, my response may come from the fact that I have lived in other countries as much as I have lived in the States, and I have enjoyed the company of many different ethnic groups and their cultures. I do not make white supremacist comments off the cuff, because even though I am grateful for my life, I also do not take it for granted. I am proud to be an American and I do not wish for any other economic or political system here. But I do not disparage in general, ethnic groups that include many of my friends. It is your right as a FREE American to be a bigoted racist and I respect that right, even if I do not agree with you. You are of the extreme, not the norm or average. Even if you are conservative, you are not of the normal or average conservative. People like you are normally avoided, due to the harm your rhetoric does instead of helping. I believe that I probably have more in common with the "despised" left than with you. I may disagree vehemently with those on the left, but I usually still get along with them. I doubt that many can get along with one such as you, with you having that giant chip on your shoulder. Normally, only someone that has been wronged in the past has so much bile and poison in them regarding someone of another color. But, I wish you no ill will. I hope that some day you will achieve that peace you undoubtedly yearn for. I also doubt you obtain that peace via your words.
Many or even most of us have lived and or worked in other countries of the world.

Many or most of us have not lived in Juarez, Mexico......have you?

Far too many of the homes there have walls around them with broken glass covering the top. The windows and doors all have bars on them.

Just what do some of you expect will happen by continuing to allow the poor and destitute and the criminals and the foreign terrorists to freely flow into the USA.

When the free hand out programs get over run with those taking advantage of them......and they outnumber those who contribute to the funding......and we have become the New-New Mexico......there will be hordes of the have nots that will be after those who have......welcome to Juarz, Mexico.

Please don't expect that citing living in other countries validates anything going on in Mexico as it does not.
Old 09-09-2016, 11:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Many or even most of us have lived and or worked in other countries of the world.

Many or most of us have not lived in Juarez, Mexico......have you?

Far too many of the homes there have walls around them with broken glass covering the top. The windows and doors all have bars on them.

Just what do some of you expect will happen by continuing to allow the poor and destitute and the criminals and the foreign terrorists to freely flow into the USA.

When the free hand out programs get over run with those taking advantage of them......and they outnumber those who contribute to the funding......and we have become the New-New Mexico......there will be hordes of the have nots that will be after those who have......welcome to Juarz, Mexico.

Please don't expect that citing living in other countries validates anything going on in Mexico as it does not.
SO, the idiot speaks again and tries to make a comparison to the subject, unsuccessfully of course.
What I said has nothing to do with what your rant is all about. And by the way, stepping over the border does not constitute living overseas, D.A. You consider living in a big city to be foreign.
Get a life.
Old 09-09-2016, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
SO, the idiot speaks again and tries to make a comparison to the subject, unsuccessfully of course.
What I said has nothing to do with what your rant is all about. And by the way, stepping over the border does not constitute living overseas, D.A. You consider living in a big city to be foreign.
Get a life.
He's right about a lot of it.

The INNER cities sure are "foreign" none of "my people" live there. What they DO there is foreign to me. How they act there is foreign to me. How they speak there is foreign to me. How they dress is foreign to me. What they "value" is foreign to me.

I can't think of ANYTHING we have in common.

Yes...foreigners DO inhabit our inner cities.
Old 09-09-2016, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
He's right about a lot of it.

The INNER cities sure are "foreign" none of "my people" live there. What they DO there is foreign to me. How they act there is foreign to me. How they speak there is foreign to me. How they dress is foreign to me. What they "value" is foreign to me.

I can't think of ANYTHING we have in common.

Yes...foreigners DO inhabit our inner cities.

Unless your family is indigenous to America (American Indian) then you don't belong here either.
Old 09-09-2016, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Unless your family is indigenous to America (American Indian) then you don't belong here either.
And your house doesn't belong to you, get out...let an Indian move in.

Really? That's your rebuttal to "The country will have a minority majority withing 30 years that will change the face of the nation forever"?

The Hispanics ARE the natives, "reclaiming" their lands. Most of the illegals are by blood, mostly indigenous Indians from Mexico and other Latin American countries. The stone age people are beating the modern era humans by breeding us out...via insane "equality" initiatives.
Old 09-09-2016, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And your house doesn't belong to you, get out...let an Indian move in.

Really? That's your rebuttal to "The country will have a minority majority withing 30 years that will change the face of the nation forever"?

The Hispanics ARE the natives, "reclaiming" their lands. Most of the illegals are by blood, mostly indigenous Indians from Mexico and other Latin American countries. The stone age people are beating the modern era humans by breeding us out...via insane "equality" initiatives.
So? I know, I know, vote for anyone but a D or R and everything will be OK. What a nutcase!
You are so paranoid and really need to take a pill. If you are so afraid of a non-white majority, then I'm afraid you are not going to have to worry about it. You won't be around to see it. But, just in case you are, why not take some courses in Spanish and ebonics so that you will be ready to welcome them to your community?
Old 09-10-2016, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So? I know, I know, vote for anyone but a D or R and everything will be OK. What a nutcase!
You are so paranoid and really need to take a pill. If you are so afraid of a non-white majority, then I'm afraid you are not going to have to worry about it. You won't be around to see it. But, just in case you are, why not take some courses in Spanish and ebonics so that you will be ready to welcome them to your community?
What is wrong with people?

You laugh at your countries destruction? Screw your progeny? Give up and live like an animal in "their world"?

It IS happening, they ARE already the MAJORITY from age 6 down and their numbers are GROWING.

You may not be a nutcase for ignoring it, you're certainly ignorant of the future results.
Old 09-10-2016, 07:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What is wrong with people?

You laugh at your countries destruction? Screw your progeny? Give up and live like an animal in "their world"?

It IS happening, they ARE already the MAJORITY from age 6 down and their numbers are GROWING.

You may not be a nutcase for ignoring it, you're certainly ignorant of the future results.
Sorry but I lost my third reich arm band in the laundry. I'll have to pass on the "cleansing." I think that I will just adjust to accommodate others that may not look the same as me.

Sig Heil !!
Old 09-10-2016, 08:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sorry but I lost my third reich arm band in the laundry. I'll have to pass on the "cleansing." I think that I will just adjust to accommodate others that may not look the same as me.

Sig Heil !!
Sure...go to the extreme! Wanting to save my country from a black/hispanic majority is the same as Hitler and the 3rd reich? OK...

I guess ANY time you stand up for yourself you're being a Nazi? Better a Nazi than a weak little girl afraid to speak up when you're being overwhelmed.

SPEAK UP. We don't what the whole country to be like Chicago, Detroit, Newark, Elizabeth, St Louis, Oakland, Watts, E LA, or all the rest of the inner city slums. The list of sh!tty areas grows...every year the list gets longer...STOP them. Stop encouraging them. It'll lead to self ALWAYS does. SHOW ME anywhere that got better with diversity...just ONE place.

OK...I've been here WAY too long...gotta where's my sheet? Argue with you later.
Old 09-10-2016, 09:07 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
SO, the idiot speaks again and tries to make a comparison to the subject, unsuccessfully of course.
What I said has nothing to do with what your rant is all about. And by the way, stepping over the border does not constitute living overseas, D.A. You consider living in a big city to be foreign.
Get a life.
Pretty brave calling someone an idiot from behind the keyboard.

It is good that you use such inconsideration and cowardly trash talk in your opening sentence. It alerts us to the usless crap to follow.

Typical contrarian taking someone elses words and manipulating them into something that suits or support the trashy BS being presented.

Get a life? You should hope to ever have it as good.

Complete disrespectfull cowardly fool calling someone an idiot from the safety of your hiding place.

hope, wrong, corrupt, totally, system

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