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Old 04-23-2017, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The question of whether Neanderthals are human is still up in the air - at least scientifically. So you may NOT be whiter than most whites.

NOVA - Official Website | Are Neanderthals Human?

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Neanderthal DNA IS what MAKES us WHITE. Asians have some too but more of another that escapes me now.

Blacks come from a different ancestral line.

From your own link:

"Europeans and Asians carry with them a small portion of DNA inherited from Neanderthals—while Africans do not."

"With the advent of gene sequencing, scientists have found that many animal species regularly interbreed. It's easy for any safari tourist to tell the difference between olive baboons and yellow baboons that live in Kenya, for example. And yet the two species regularly produce hybrids in the places where their species overlap, and they've been doing it for a long time."

"Within a single so-called race, people varied in color, height, and facial features"

But ONLY within the WHITE race is there this variation. ONLY whites have different colored hair...ALL the others have dark hair, dark brown or black. ONLY whites have different colored eyes...ALL the others have brown. Why? Why are the other races so homogeneous in looks and whites are so varied.
Old 04-23-2017, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
Neanderthal DNA IS what MAKES us WHITE. Asians have some too but more of another that escapes me now.

Blacks come from a different ancestral line.

From your own link:

"Europeans and Asians carry with them a small portion of DNA inherited from Neanderthals—while Africans do not."

"With the advent of gene sequencing, scientists have found that many animal species regularly interbreed. It's easy for any safari tourist to tell the difference between olive baboons and yellow baboons that live in Kenya, for example. And yet the two species regularly produce hybrids in the places where their species overlap, and they've been doing it for a long time."

"Within a single so-called race, people varied in color, height, and facial features"

But ONLY within the WHITE race is there this variation. ONLY whites have different colored hair...ALL the others have dark hair, dark brown or black. ONLY whites have different colored eyes...ALL the others have brown. Why? Why are the other races so homogeneous in looks and whites are so varied.

Mien Fuhrer - I am so pleased to learn you survived the double shot in the bunker (a frequent golfing occurrence in The Villages). Are you still living with Eva Peron? (I just love that musical, don't you?)

Don' screw with me when it comes to science, Einstein. Based on what I know about genetics I'd say your family background involves many very close generations of familial bonding. You are no more superior to 97% of whites than Ivan the ape from the Atlanta zoo - and he is dead.

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Old 04-23-2017, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Mien Fuhrer - I am so pleased to learn you survived the double shot in the bunker (a frequent golfing occurrence in The Villages). Are you still living with Eva Peron? (I just love that musical, don't you?)

Don' screw with me when it comes to science, Einstein. Based on what I know about genetics I'd say your family background involves many very close generations of familial bonding. You are no more superior to 97% of whites than Ivan the ape from the Atlanta zoo - and he is dead.

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I'm ready to rumble db...lets do it. You tell me what I have incorrect and I'll show you how I'm right. We'll start with an easy one...you should be able to find ONE 99% black place that equals the villages. Ready....GO! Go find me just one black place equal to the villages. 100,000+, 95+% black, just like here. clean, safe, a place you'd like to live.

But I AM superior to 97% of blacks and women. How about you? Which are you?

Ivan IS closer to blacks than to me...we come from different ancestral stock...you should know that as an expert in genetics. Blacks are genetically at least 1/20th different genetically. If an average white person can have 5% Neanderthal DNA and blacks have none...there's 5% or 1/20th of a difference right there...in JUST that one area.

Old 04-23-2017, 10:15 PM
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Default UnIncorporated Twilight Zone photo

Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
I'm ready to rumble db...lets do it. You tell me what I have incorrect and I'll show you how I'm right. We'll start with an easy one...you should be able to find ONE 99% black place that equals the villages. Ready....GO! Go find me just one black place equal to the villages. 100,000+, 95+% black, just like here. clean, safe, a place you'd like to live.

But I AM superior to 97% of blacks and women. How about you? Which are you?

Ivan IS closer to blacks than to me...we come from different ancestral stock...you should know that as an expert in genetics. Blacks are genetically about 1/20th different genetically. If an average white person can have 5% Neanderthal DNA and blacks have none...there's 5% or 1/20th of a difference right there...in JUST that one area.


So mien Fuhrer, I'm guessing you might be Don Black at Stormfront.org. If not, at least a very serious follower since that website is where you seem to be getting much of your white supremacist bologna.

What I do know is that I have taken at least 3 genetic courses more than the single gene that has created your makeup. You might as well be a single cell amoeba. Your logic is a pathetic excuse in a failed effort to mask your racism. There is no science behind it.

Why don't you just admit you are a white supremacist and give it up.

Say "hi" to Eva for me. Bye bye.

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Old 04-24-2017, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and the Motor City Madman Ted Nugent at the White House posing with a portrait of Hillary Clinton. Actually, this should be of no surprise because all three are from an alternate universe.

4 Hours at the White House With Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin and Kid Rock - NYTimes.comThe Villages Florida

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I interpret the reasoning behind this photo shot is to say guess what Hillary we are in the White House and you are not.

I like Ted Nugent, Kid rock and Sarah Palin. I DO NOT like what they did here.

We need more national leaders, celebs, etc that will send the message that we all need to get along.

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Old 04-24-2017, 03:50 AM
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I see another thread degraded into a racial slugfest.

Humility in a person is a gift from God.

One of superiority a gift from the devil because it only generates hate and condescension. In its worse form it has resulted in genocides.

Law and order actively seeks out to societal misbehavior's not people

Whether you are religious or not the idea that we are all made in the image of God is a healthy outlook

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-24-2017, 06:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I see another thread degraded into a racial slugfest.

Humility in a person is a gift from God.

One of superiority a gift from the devil because it only generates hate and condescension. In its worse form it has resulted in genocides.

Law and order actively seeks out to societal misbehavior's not people

Whether you are religious or not the idea that we are all made in the image of God is a healthy outlook

Personal Best Regards:
Believing in a fantasy..."God"...is a "healthy outlook"? I call it delusion.
Old 04-24-2017, 06:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Believing in a fantasy..."God"...is a "healthy outlook"? I call it delusion.
That's very sad actually. Cannot see all the beauty around you.

The God Delusion - Wikipedia
Old 04-24-2017, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's very sad actually. Cannot see all the beauty around you.

The God Delusion - Wikipedia
I read it...did you? I read the Bible...did you?

Would you like to discuss "God"? Religion? I'm game... I'll bet I know a lot more than you do...about your own God/religion...and many other religions too. WHY did I study them? I wondered why everyone else believed and I didn't...I was trying to find out what I was missing. Each religion is very different, each believe that THEY have it all figured out, each is VERY wrong. Religion has more to do with region of the world than anything else. If we were living in the Middle East, we'd ALL be Muslim...not Christians.

We'll start with an easy one...if there was nothing before "God"...where did "God" come from? ALL knowing, ALL powerful...just pops into existence from nothing...or was always there? Really? The creator of the universe, of life, of us...wasn't there and then was suddenly there? Or has ALWAYS been there? I don't think so Tim...

There's lots of beauty around...did "God" do that? How about the UGLY...did "God" do that too? Why?

I don't need to be delusional about WHERE something came from to enjoy it...do you?

"when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
Old 04-24-2017, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I read it...did you? I read the Bible...did you?

Would you like to discuss "God"? Religion? I'm game... I'll bet I know a lot more than you do...about your own God/religion...and many other religions too. WHY did I study them? I wondered why everyone else believed and I didn't...I was trying to find out what I was missing. Each religion is very different, each believe that THEY have it all figured out, each is VERY wrong. Religion has more to do with region of the world than anything else. If we were living in the Middle East, we'd ALL be Muslim...not Christians.

We'll start with an easy one...if there was nothing before "God"...where did "God" come from? ALL knowing, ALL powerful...just pops into existence from nothing...or was always there? Really? The creator of the universe, of life, of us...wasn't there and then was suddenly there? Or has ALWAYS been there? I don't think so Tim...

There's lots of beauty around...did "God" do that? How about the UGLY...did "God" do that too? Why?

I don't need to be delusional about WHERE something came from to enjoy it...do you?

"when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
I minored in Religious Studies so did read quite a lot of The Bible and earned dual BAs in Philosophy and History. Religion plays a very important role in history especially that of the US.

No I have not read that book called The God Delusion but have read others of that author.
Old 04-24-2017, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I minored in Religious Studies so did read quite a lot of The Bible and earned dual BAs in Philosophy and History. Religion plays a very important role in history especially that of the US.

No I have not read that book called The God Delusion but have read others of that author.
Then WHY did you link to it??? You made a link to a wiki about a book you didn't even read? WHY? Seriously Tal...why link to a book you didn't read? Why not one you DID read?

See...that's the problem...people have opinions about things they know nothing about. They get their OPINION from OTHERS opinions...NOT from the facts themselves.

What kind of lies did they teach you? What opinions did they give you? You admit you read quite a LOT of the Bible...but not the whole thing. How can you have an opinion...how can you believe a religion...when you haven't even finished the book?

A curious mind wants to know...
Old 04-24-2017, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I read it...did you? I read the Bible...did you?

Would you like to discuss "God"? Religion? I'm game... I'll bet I know a lot more than you do...about your own God/religion...and many other religions too. WHY did I study them? I wondered why everyone else believed and I didn't...I was trying to find out what I was missing. Each religion is very different, each believe that THEY have it all figured out, each is VERY wrong. Religion has more to do with region of the world than anything else. If we were living in the Middle East, we'd ALL be Muslim...not Christians.

We'll start with an easy one...if there was nothing before "God"...where did "God" come from? ALL knowing, ALL powerful...just pops into existence from nothing...or was always there? Really? The creator of the universe, of life, of us...wasn't there and then was suddenly there? Or has ALWAYS been there? I don't think so Tim...

There's lots of beauty around...did "God" do that? How about the UGLY...did "God" do that too? Why?

I don't need to be delusional about WHERE something came from to enjoy it...do you?

"when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
And when people suffer from an obsession, it is called "unhealthy". Sometimes OCD may be caused by a drop in Serotonin. Sometimes due to age, this drop in naturally occurring Serotonin may cause anxiety in many forms. It is easily remedied with Prescription drugs that cause no other symptoms, do not depress anything, and flush out when not needed by the brain.

We all have our intensities, all of us in some way feel they understand the reason that the universe is off and think we can shed light on it. Some of us have higher intelligence than others, but that doesn't make us better in itself. The understanding of signs, symbols, and quantities and chemical interactions, the understandings of cell functions and how cells age and how cells carry messages that pass on to the next generation, the understanding of matter and energy and interpersonal human relations are complex and only housed in the human mind. Who gets to judge which human mind is worthy of acceptance?

The smartest thing anyone can do is understand the universe the way it is and proceed with the reality of it. You have defined the problem as some humans or vertebrates are superior to others. Now what? Kill off the inferior ones? We don't need them to eat. Or should we enslave the weaker? Who will be king of this new civilization?

Sometimes I think you are missing human feelings and the innate sense of responsibility that exists in most of us to keep the others of our species alive. The part that feels warm to pets and to children and to old people and to gasp, women.

You could be right, partially right or you could be just.......unkind.
Old 04-24-2017, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And when people suffer from an obsession, it is called "unhealthy". Sometimes OCD may be caused by a drop in Serotonin. Sometimes due to age, this drop in naturally occurring Serotonin may cause anxiety in many forms. It is easily remedied with Prescription drugs that cause no other symptoms, do not depress anything, and flush out when not needed by the brain.

We all have our intensities, all of us in some way feel they understand the reason that the universe is off and think we can shed light on it. Some of us have higher intelligence than others, but that doesn't make us better in itself. The understanding of signs, symbols, and quantities and chemical interactions, the understandings of cell functions and how cells age and how cells carry messages that pass on to the next generation, the understanding of matter and energy and interpersonal human relations are complex and only housed in the human mind. Who gets to judge which human mind is worthy of acceptance?

The smartest thing anyone can do is understand the universe the way it is and proceed with the reality of it. You have defined the problem as some humans or vertebrates are superior to others. Now what? Kill off the inferior ones? We don't need them to eat. Or should we enslave the weaker? Who will be king of this new civilization?

Sometimes I think you are missing human feelings and the innate sense of responsibility that exists in most of us to keep the others of our species alive. The part that feels warm to pets and to children and to old people and to gasp, women.

You could be right, partially right or you could be just.......unkind.
Right..and I have a bridge for sale too! Psychotropic drugs have NO side effects? Oh to be ignorant again...the bliss.

You think the "universe is off"? Maybe it's YOU who are "off"? The universe is just fine...it's the people who occupy it who are "off".

Sure it does. Would you rather be surrounded by peers or mongoloids?

I'm willing to bet Gracie that as a woman you know LESS about..."understanding of signs, symbols, and quantities and chemical interactions, the understandings of cell functions and how cells age and how cells carry messages that pass on to the next generation, the understanding of matter and energy" then most of the men here. Am I right? You may talk the talk...but I KNOW you can't walk the walk. Lets discuss cell biology, matter and energy...I bet you don't know what entropy is. Men and women ARE different Gracie...pretending doesn't get you anything but loathing.

WE decide who is worthy of acceptance...there are all kinds of things we don't accept...I'd like to add a few more...not take more away.

The REALITY is they're NOT us...they're NOT our equal and pretending they are IS destroying us.

Kill them off? Nah...just let them die off by refusing to support them from cradle to grave...as the equivalent of up to $60,000 a year. We certainly shouldn't be putting them in charge! Would you have a mongoloid run your household? Your neighborhood? Your town? Country? Then WHY put a subhuman in charge? Where have they EVER run a successful civilization? Country? City? Town? Neighborhood? School?

They are NOT our species. I am good to animals until they think they're the boss. Same with women. If you want to be in charge...find someone else...I'm the boss.

I am right...and is "tough love" unkind? I'm trying to SAVE white people's culture and future in America...YOU are letting it all slip away.
Old 04-24-2017, 09:39 AM
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Actually our son in law is a working aeronautical engineer and he was taking some classes lately .. where the rules of Thermo Dynamics came up. I think I remember from my Physics Class long ago it has to do with heat transfer. And instability. Maybe engines?
Old 04-24-2017, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Actually our son in law is a working aeronautical engineer (for the government) and he was taking some classes lately to get his PHD.. where the rules of Thermal Dynamics came up. I think I remember from my Physics Class long ago it has to do with heat transfer. And instability. Maybe engines?
"Thermodynamics is the study of relationship between energy and entropy, which deals with heat and work. It is a set of theories that correlate macroscopic properties that we can measure (such as temperature, volume, and pressure) to energy and its capability to deliver work."

Close...good effort. Pretty much reinforced my original point about men and women. More men here know about physics than women...because women don't care HOW it works...as long as some man can use it for their benefit.

Men want to know how things work, things that can be predicted...women want to know about people.

It's why men read popular science, popular mechanics...while women read People and watch the view.

Google is your friend. You can learn a lot if you look.

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