University of OK Expels Students For Racist Chant

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Old 03-14-2015, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Is not dead, it is alive and well on this forum and within the villages. I've witnessed it many times and even heard a tea party organizer on the square say we have too many of "those kind of people"in Washington. They were very specific with the innuendo. I don't know if they are trying to rehash the civil war or create their own little Jonesboro type utopia. Either way it just stinks.
Actually your baseless accusations and manner of groupthink is what has an odor. You need to come up with a better argument than the tired old standby of calling your ideological opponents racist yadda yadda
Old 03-14-2015, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
...I've witnessed it many times and even heard a tea party organizer on the square say we have too many of "those kind of people"in Washington. They were very specific with the innuendo. I don't know if they are trying to rehash the civil war or create their own little Jonesboro type utopia. Either way it just stinks.
This is so pricelessly funny! The old "specific" innuendo!

innuendo |ˌinyo͞oˈendō|
noun (pl. innuendoes or innuendos)
an allusive or oblique remark or hint
Old 03-14-2015, 11:52 AM
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What was chanted in OK, was wrong.

I remind you however of the chants in black lodges, the chants of black "ministers", and add that if this chant was done by a black rapper, talking of whites, it rockets to #1 on the charts.

This is very unfortunate, but actually is "lite" for the normal, accepted everyday lyrics in popular rap songs, as well as said in so called "preaching" on the streets, YET that appears to be tolerable. Some like to incite and ignore
Old 03-14-2015, 01:25 PM
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There are many sides to this rubic's cube. First, the type of idealism that moves kids to march in protests for any/all causes also appears in songs and chants on buses. the passionate young.

Political correctness has gotten so out of hand that the slightest perception or misconception of a word or a party costume etc sets college students to over react. ie can you believe the guy showed up dressed like an priest call the political correct police no religion in this school

These same college/university students/professors who are highly offended and angered at what they perceive as racist, sexist, etc are the same sort of college/university students/professors that are showing themselves to be anti-semitics.

The students in question are protected under the First Amendment, unless of course your a white male, christian and patriotic then you only qualify as an offender and never the one being offended. Yes the students should be censured/disciplined for their faux pas but for God sake the liberals figuratively want to beat them to death. Liberals have in this instance and others recently literally tried to totally destroy people's lives over silliness like this. What happened to "stick and stones will break my bones but names will never matter"?

The fraternity and the University showed no political courage and allowed the politically correct/ thought police to run them out of town.

I am getting so tired of elitist educators turning their noses up at the rest of us. Its enough to make you want to

Obama/Holder/de Blasio/Sharpton ,etc have done more recently to opened up a wound that was healing quite well.

Welcome to back to the future
Old 03-14-2015, 06:31 PM
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The one student in the video who seems to be doing most of the singing was really stupid. He obviously knew he was being videoed and that it very well could appear on YouTube. Once on there, it stays basically forever.

Just think what this could mean in a job interview in the future. He ain't gonna get the job. This can follow him for life.

Tell your grandkids to be very careful of what they say in a public setting as it could come back to haunt them in the future.
Old 03-14-2015, 11:11 PM
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I fully agree they should have been expelled and that the frat should be disbanded. Freedom of speech should not be squelched, but people should expect consequences for those actions.

However, it is disturbing, when saying the n-word is automatically interpreted as a definite, imminent threat to do mortal harm to someone, when in reality, the person saying it probably would NOT harm a black person physically OR emotionally NOR in an employer-employee or educational opportunity situation.

What if they sang outside the campus church on an obese woman's wedding day (as kids used to chant…):

"Here comes the bride
All fat 'n fried….."

Would THAT be interpreted as "hate speech" meriting expulsion from the school, because of an interpreted threat of "frying the bride in oil"??

I think some of the things said/chanted are being interpreted into something much worse, like physical/educational/employment harm, when really it was some drunken idiots singing drunken songs!

To me it's pretty scary that they are being treated like would-be MURDERERS!
Old 03-22-2015, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe the fraternity was auditioning for internships at Fox News?
I LOVE Fox News!!
Old 03-22-2015, 11:00 AM
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These fraternity kids from OK exactly how many stores did they rob? How many autos did they set on fire? How many rocks, cans sticks, etc did they throw at cops? How many innocent people did they accost?
Old 03-22-2015, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
These fraternity kids from OK exactly how many stores did they rob? How many autos did they set on fire? How many rocks, cans sticks, etc did they throw at cops? How many innocent people did they accost?
Are runner up for the white sheet award this week!
Old 03-22-2015, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are runner up for the white sheet award this week!
Our neighborhood racist is back with his Klan talk.
Old 03-22-2015, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Our neighborhood racist is back with his Klan talk.

I would say anti-racist. The racist was the one who asked how many cars the students set on fire or looted stores. The racist was comparing the expulsion of fraternity brothers who were dumb enough to chant racist songs on YouTube to black marchers who turned violent.

Neither should be condoned.

As far as KKK talk, stop it.
Old 03-22-2015, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
There are many sides to this rubic's cube. First, the type of idealism that moves kids to march in protests for any/all causes also appears in songs and chants on buses. the passionate young.

Political correctness has gotten so out of hand that the slightest perception or misconception of a word or a party costume etc sets college students to over react. ie can you believe the guy showed up dressed like an priest call the political correct police no religion in this school

These same college/university students/professors who are highly offended and angered at what they perceive as racist, sexist, etc are the same sort of college/university students/professors that are showing themselves to be anti-semitics.

The students in question are protected under the First Amendment, unless of course your a white male, christian and patriotic then you only qualify as an offender and never the one being offended. Yes the students should be censured/disciplined for their faux pas but for God sake the liberals figuratively want to beat them to death. Liberals have in this instance and others recently literally tried to totally destroy people's lives over silliness like this. What happened to "stick and stones will break my bones but names will never matter"?

The fraternity and the University showed no political courage and allowed the politically correct/ thought police to run them out of town.

I am getting so tired of elitist educators turning their noses up at the rest of us. Its enough to make you want to

Obama/Holder/de Blasio/Sharpton ,etc have done more recently to opened up a wound that was healing quite well.

Welcome to back to the future
With so much nonsense posted on this forum (racist this, racist that), the above post was worth repeating as an excellent, well written, and well thought out post on this subject matter. My thoughts on this matter are very similar. Unfortunately, I feel that the university missed out on a real opportunity to educate these students (pun intended). Yes, consequences need to be paid, but I do not believe that expulsion was the most intelligent first choice. I would rather they had been made to do some type of community service or other activity to hopefully educate them as to their ignorance. Give people a chance to right their wrongs, especially at this young and impressionable age - give them an opportunity to see things from a different perspective and hopefully change their thinking and attitudes. Then, if these students continue to cause similar problems on campus, go ahead and expel them. I just think it was a missed opportunity by the university to perhaps make a difference - too bad.
Old 03-22-2015, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
With so much nonsense posted on this forum (racist this, racist that), the above post was worth repeating as an excellent, well written, and well thought out post on this subject matter. My thoughts on this matter are very similar. Unfortunately, I feel that the university missed out on a real opportunity to educate these students (pun intended). Yes, consequences need to be paid, but I do not believe that expulsion was the most intelligent first choice. I would rather they had been made to do some type of community service or other activity to hopefully educate them as to their ignorance. Give people a chance to right their wrongs, especially at this young and impressionable age - give them an opportunity to see things from a different perspective and hopefully change their thinking and attitudes. Then, if these students continue to cause similar problems on campus, go ahead and expel them. I just think it was a missed opportunity by the university to perhaps make a difference - too bad.
Excellent post(s) .. thanks 😊
Old 03-22-2015, 03:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
These fraternity kids from OK exactly how many stores did they rob? How many autos did they set on fire? How many rocks, cans sticks, etc did they throw at cops? How many innocent people did they accost?
Even though you make some excellent points, they are politically incorrect and thus not allowed by some people (eg the Klan name caller) because their heads will involuntarily erupt
Old 03-22-2015, 03:36 PM
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Default Ok

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Excellent post(s) .. thanks 😊
You hands down definitely win the white sheet award. I'll even through in the lighter fluid. You have no decency at all!

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