Vote republican??????

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Old 08-31-2016, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
and trump hand in hand with david duke
Really? Prove it or shut up.
Old 08-31-2016, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Congrats----you win the most ignorant post of the day award
Old 08-31-2016, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Amazing that 65% of the country believe we are headed in the wrong direction, and yet they will vote democratic anyway. I wonder what the elections would look like if voting was restricted to NET TAXPAYERS, those with skin in the game---kind of a version of "pay to play", which the democrats should be quite familiar with. Yet in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore inner city minorities who live in poverty afraid of getting shot will vote over 90% for democrats.
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Old 08-31-2016, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Vote Hillary Clinton in 2016!
...........if you are stupid.
Old 08-31-2016, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Really? Prove it or shut up.
duke said trumps policies are like his, do you need more little man?
Old 08-31-2016, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
duke said trumps policies are like his, do you need more little man?
Which policies??? I can imagine that the average KKK member believes in a strong America, law and order, and legal immigration. They then go beyond that with all their racist crap. So which policy is it that they agree with? I don't remember Trump advocating racist policies, so it must be the other. It is the democrats that want a weak military, lawlessness and open borders---do you agree with THAT policy?????
Old 08-31-2016, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Old 08-31-2016, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
duke said trumps policies are like his, do you need more little man?
You replied to me and then commented on your peni$. Are you OK?

What policies are you speaking of? Trump has no political policies yet. He has not been elected. However, if you are speaking of his views on issues, many of us have the same way of viewing issues. I am sure that Duke as similar views to Hillary also. So, rather than just spontaneously regurgitating liberal talking points to your "little man" why don't you quit playing with yourself long enough to do a bit of research before making a fool of yourself in public. Try to get it accomplished before you go blind.
Old 08-31-2016, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Which policies??? I can imagine that the average KKK member believes in a strong America, law and order, and legal immigration. They then go beyond that with all their racist crap. So which policy is it that they agree with? I don't remember Trump advocating racist policies, so it must be the other. It is the democrats that want a weak military, lawlessness and open borders---do you agree with THAT policy?????
Good post....
Old 08-31-2016, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Amazing that 65% of the country believe we are headed in the wrong direction, and yet they will vote democratic anyway. I wonder what the elections would look like if voting was restricted to NET TAXPAYERS, those with skin in the game---kind of a version of "pay to play", which the democrats should be quite familiar with. Yet in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore inner city minorities who live in poverty afraid of getting shot will vote over 90% for democrats.
Things would be a WHOLE lot different. you wouldn't have a majority majority baby boom. You wouldn't have OVER 100 million who are either immigrants themselves or the child (anchor baby) of an immigrant.

That's why they're there. We're "raising voters" like cattle. That's ALL we get from them, votes. Useful to politicians, costly to us.

We're doomed.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
duke said trumps policies are like his, do you need more little man?
Say what bit@h? I don't know if bitch will make it past the censors. Gotta love America and free speech!

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Which policies??? I can imagine that the average KKK member believes in a strong America, law and order, and legal immigration.

They then go beyond that with all their racist crap. So which policy is it that they agree with? I don't remember Trump advocating racist policies, so it must be the other. It is the democrats that want a weak military, lawlessness and open borders---do you agree with THAT policy?????
Yup...except for the immigration, we're full now, we have enough living here. Too many actually. A whole bunch need to go back. About 100 million Hispanics who have invaded the country.

Crap? You mean racial truths... If you have a problem with anything said, let's hear IT and not "shoot the messenger".

Don't give your country away. Don't give your culture away. Don't dilute yourselves through diversity. Don't let America become Mexico II.

If you HONESTLY looked at the racial differences, you'd be a "racist" too. Show me their great civilization, show me the present day black paradise, show me where their increased numbers bettered anything.

We're NOT "equal" we never were. We're Gods compared to the C and S Africans. We've completely dominated them since we discovered them during expeditions.

EVERYONE has enslaved them. Why? Why are they so easily dominated? Because they're "almost humans", but not quite there. Like Peter Pan, they're children who never grow up.

It's not my fault "God made them like this". But that's how it came out. I'm just the messenger reminding you to do your OWN thinking and not to be so quick to believe the official propaganda. Ask yourself...HOW are they equal if they NEED preferential treatment and quotas? How equal are they when half their race is on welfare. When their own continent is on welfare. Why does everything they touch, everywhere they live, turn to sh!t?
Old 08-31-2016, 10:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Things would be a WHOLE lot different. you wouldn't have a majority majority baby boom. You wouldn't have OVER 100 million who are either immigrants themselves or the child (anchor baby) of an immigrant.

That's why they're there. We're "raising voters" like cattle. That's ALL we get from them, votes. Useful to politicians, costly to us.

We're doomed.

Say what bit@h? I don't know if bitch will make it past the censors. Gotta love America and free speech!

Yup...except for the immigration, we're full now, we have enough living here. Too many actually. A whole bunch need to go back. About 100 million Hispanics who have invaded the country.

Crap? You mean racial truths... If you have a problem with anything said, let's hear IT and not "shoot the messenger".

Don't give your country away. Don't give your culture away. Don't dilute yourselves through diversity. Don't let America become Mexico II.

If you HONESTLY looked at the racial differences, you'd be a "racist" too. Show me their great civilization, show me the present day black paradise, show me where their increased numbers bettered anything.

We're NOT "equal" we never were. We're Gods compared to the C and S Africans. We've completely dominated them since we discovered them during expeditions.

EVERYONE has enslaved them. Why? Why are they so easily dominated? Because they're "almost humans", but not quite there. Like Peter Pan, they're children who never grow up.

It's not my fault "God made them like this". But that's how it came out. I'm just the messenger reminding you to do your OWN thinking and not to be so quick to believe the official propaganda. Ask yourself...HOW are they equal if they NEED preferential treatment and quotas? How equal are they when half their race is on welfare. When their own continent is on welfare. Why does everything they touch, everywhere they live, turn to sh!t?
Wow, I didn't realize the Grand Dragon was on TOTV. Please don't start out agreeing with me EVER again.
Old 08-31-2016, 10:45 AM
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Default Re: Economy in free fall

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You might want to check history before you make flat out statements that are just plain wrong.
Did The Democrats Ever Really Have 60 Votes In The Senate, And For How Long?

What the hell are you suppose to do when the economy is in a free fall? The Great Recession didn't bottom out until July, 2009. Don't you think that that problem had to be addressed?

Mitch McConnell is the king of the filibuster.
3 Charts Explain Why Democrats Went Nuclear on the Filibuster | Mother Jones

By all means, vote straight Republican, but don't use 2009, and 2010 as your reason.
Unfortunately, other than in sci-fi we do not get the chance to try out alternative paths BUT, we can look to history as to what has been done in the past AND THE RESULTS.

It, would take books to develop my view. Look at where we are-We have allowed QUANTITATIVE EASING. The term sounds impressive but in plain ENGLISH it is buying your own debt with printed money. The result is now and has been in the past that other countries do the same thing to devalue their currencies and the result is currencies being reduced to trash. We all are aware of German rampant inflation before WWII. Far fewer of us are aware that Spain and several other countries had exactly the same result. If, our fed manages to control this mess they have created-IT WILL BE THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY THAT IT ENDED WELL.

If, you make a mistake it damages little more than your family. When, government makes a mistake it damages all of us-our country AND TO A LESSER DEGREE THE WORLD.
Through economic actions never envisioned by our countries founders our government has left people-us retired people wil no choice but to put your life's savings into the ponzi scheme we call the stock market. For those of you with a pension. You are not free of the stock market, The money to pay your pension is in the stock market.

Our federal government has greatly expanded power. I find it interesting that our LIBERAL controlled press screamed bloody murder that Bush and Chaney expanded presidential power and there is not a peep that Obama has gone far further then Bush did. Obama had previously pardoned more convicted CRIMINALS then the six presidents before him combined. Obama has just pardoned another 200. Obama has stepped all over the constitution. It might be legal-IT IS NOT THE INTENT.
We separate, the branches of government Judicial, Executive, and Congress. By his acts Obama is being ALLOWED to act as a DICTATOR.

vote, republican

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