What about all the crap, garbage, lies and propaganda they're fed in PUBLIC school???

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Old 01-07-2018, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let's see the difference between cheated and cheating, evidently you approve of cheating due to your party affiliation. O! It's not cheating in your mine, it's just the way we get ahead, pass test, get degree, and hump up the chain. Democrats and neptunium is oxymoron.
perhaps you should have studied harder (looks like you cheated) in Chemistry class....Neptunium is a chemical element with symbol Np and atomic number 93. A radioactive actinide metal, neptunium is the first transuranic element, and as such, can never be an oxymoron.....
Old 01-08-2018, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Fox has a couple of agendas I've noticed. One is to slam education every chance they get. They constantly pair the word "liberal" with the word "education". They especially do not want their viewers to have college educations and to keep their children from attending college.

The second agenda is well noted among the legitimate press: Fox is ignoring the Russian investigation of Trump. In fact, they are doing all they can to discredit the FBI in general and Mueller in particular.

I am genuinely puzzled that Fox viewers don't realize how manipulated they are.
First off, how does your babbling about FOX relate to education? Second, everyone knows that today's education is liberal based, thanks to union politics. And the old saying that "those that can't do, teach.." is so blatantly true it's just pathetic.
And third, there is NO investigation into Trump. That is a stupid comment by someone that is ignorant of anything other than liberal talking points.
AND Fourth, not all FOX viewers watch commentaries. Some watch the NEWS programs, which provide news from AP and Reuters. FOX provides more in depth news from those sources than the other stations and that is why it is the number one cable news network in the country. Even liberals and Independents view it, which makes it number one. If you are ignorant and feel that it is biased toward a conservative lean, that is your problem. All the others are biased toward liberalism to the extreme. I browse all the other stations and end up coming back to FOX because the other stations hardly cover details of news. FOX has better coverage. I don't watch commentaries much because I can make up my own opinion. Unlike the left that relies on others to make up their minds and support them, I am Independent. I have even found a Democrat that I almost like, Joe Manchin of WV.

Sorry, I told myself not to get involved in this childish forum until they got rid of the babies, and I violated my own promise. I do have a tendency to browse it a bit to see if it had changed, when I am on TOTV to search for a service recommendation, but I try not to get involved in your baiting and spitball contests. I am glad that I was correct in assuming that this is not a representative of TV when I moved down here recently. Other than terrible driving, I have met a lot of genuinely nice folks. Your political forum, on the other hand is out of control with unruly adolescents.

Until next time.................

fed, public, school, propaganda, crap

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